

单词 危机后

See also:


danger n


endanger v

surname Wei

External sources (not reviewed)

工具包中将列入说明地方市场需求和概 述地方社区考虑因素的资源,以及关 危机后 旅 游 管理的指导。
The toolkit will include resources that clarify local
market requirements and outline local community considerations, as well as guidance
[...] for managing tourism after a crisis.
秘书长告知委员会,提出这一要求不是基于对方案的深入分析, 而是反映了全球金危机后严峻 时期的现实和他本人关于确保本组织以成本效益 高的方式执行任务的承诺。
The Secretary-General informed the Committee that this request had not been made on the basis of an in-depth analysis of programmes, but rather
reflected the reality of the
[...] austere times that followed the global financial crisis and also his commitment [...]
to ensure that the
Organization carries out its mandates in a cost-effective manner.
所需资源减少 5 045 000 美元,主要是因为裁撤了 1 个一般事务(其他职等)员 额,拟将 14 个员额(1 个 D-2、3 个 P-4、2 个 P-3、2 个 P-2 和 6
个一般事务(其他职等))和相 关非员额资源从方案支助调至行政领导和管理,以使贸发会议秘书长办公厅的职能与行政领导
[...] 和管理项下建议的职责更加一致,并在全球经 危机后 和 面 对经济危机给世界经济特别是 发展中国家带来的持续影响,加强对贸发会议次级方案的实质性领导和协调。
The decrease of $5,045,000 results mainly from abolition of one General Service (Other level) post and the proposed redeployment of 14 posts (1 D-2, 3 P-4, 2 P-3, 2 P-2 and 6 General Service (Other level)) and associated non-post resources from programme support to executive direction and management, to better align the functions of the Office of the Secretary-General of UNCTAD with the responsibilities recommended under Executive Direction and Management, as well as to enhance the substantive
direction and coordination of the UNCTAD
[...] subprogrammes in the aftermath of the global economic [...]
crisis and its continuing impact
on the world economy and on developing countries in particular.
目前正在许多国家开危机后重建教育系统的工作,包括在以下方面提供支 助:教育管理信息系统;课程改革;教师能力开发系统;工资单和其他财务管理 [...]
Efforts are being made in rebuilding
[...] education systems in post-crisis contexts in many countries, [...]
including support to education
management information systems; curriculum reform; systems for teacher capacity development; payroll and other financial management systems; and other contributions to policy reform and sector development.
2010 年世界教师日的主题为“复兴始于教师”,为此在巴黎展出了一系 列原创海报,展现世界各地的教师 危机后 局 势下开展工作,这些海报同时刊载 于教科文组织网站的在线图片库。
An original series of posters showing
[...] teachers at work in post-crisis situations around the [...]
world, in line with the topic of WTD
2010 – “Recovery Begins with Teachers” – was displayed in Paris, as well as on UNESCO's website in an online gallery.
此外, 为满危机后复苏 需要而重建发达国家和新兴经济体之间的全球平衡,将构成该 [...]
区域的重大宏观经济挑战,其表现形式为:出口价格、外部需求和实际货币平价 波动,以及存在出现更加专门化生产模式的危险,这种模式未必有利于经济高速 增长和更公平地分配惠益。
Moreover, rebuilding global balances
between the developed and emerging economies
[...] as needed for postcrisis recovery will [...]
pose substantial macroeconomic challenges
for the region, in the form of fluctuating export prices, external demand and real currency parities, along with the danger of even more specialized productive patterns that are not necessarily conducive to high economic growth and a more equitable distribution of the benefits.
[...] 调,该国逐步实现其全体人口不受歧视地享有经济、社会和文化权利的人权义务 即使在发展危机后重建 时期依然须履行。
The Special Rapporteur emphasizes that the country’s human rights obligations to progressively realize the economic, social and cultural
rights of all its population, without discrimination, apply even during times of
[...] development and post-crisis rebuilding.
(r) 鼓励受自然灾害和人为灾害及复杂紧急情况影响的儿童,特别是青少 年,参与分析他们在危机期间 危机后 阶 段 及过渡进程中的所处境况和未来前 景,并使他们具备这种能力,同时确保这种参与同他们的年龄、成熟程度和不 [...]
(r) To encourage and enable children affected by natural and man-made disasters and complex emergencies, in particular adolescents, to participate in
analysing their situations and future
[...] prospects in crisis, post-crisis and transition [...]
processes, while ensuring that such
participation is in accordance with their age, maturity and evolving capacities and is consistent with the best interests of the child and recognizing that appropriate care needs to be taken to protect children from exposure to situations that are likely to be traumatic or harmful
因 此 ,在 2008 年,人权高专办通过其快速反应能力得以对若干局势提供支助,包括 1 月格 鲁吉亚选举期间对联合国国家小组提供支助;3 月对缅甸特别报告员特派团给予支 助;2 月通过部署肯尼亚实况调查团对 2007 年 12 月选举后的暴力局势进行跟踪; 3 月在亚美尼亚选举后暴力局势中给予联合国国家小组支助;在贝特哈农支助理事 会 2006 年 11 月第
S-3/1 号决议授权 2008 年 6 月部署的实况调查团;在玻利维亚 于 5 月和 6
[...] 月对人权高专办国家办事处当地选举和全民投票的支助;再次在格鲁 吉亚和 俄罗斯 联 邦 于 8 月 和 9 月该区危机后对国家工作队 加强人权方面的建 议。
Thus, in 2008, through its rapid response capacity, OHCHR was able to provide support in a number of situations, including in the context of the elections in Georgia to support the United Nations country team, in January; in support of the mission of the Special Rapporteur to Myanmar, in March; through the deployment of a fact-finding mission to Kenya, following the post-electoral violence of December 2007, in February; in Armenia, in support to the United Nations country team, in the context of post-electoral violence, in March; to Beit Hanoun, in support of the High-Level FactFinding Mission mandated by the Council in its resolution S-3/1 in November 2006, deployed in June 2008; in Bolivia, in support of the OHCHR country office in the context of local elections and referendums, in May and June; and in Georgia again and the Russian Federation, to
strengthen human rights advice to the
[...] country team in the aftermath of the crisis in the region, in August [...]
and September.
面对全球经济和金危机后调动 金融资 源实现千年发展目标的重大挑战,获得“裁军红 利”将会向全球各地发出积极的信息。
In the light of the significant challenges to the mobilization of financial resources for achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in the wake of the global economic and financial crisis, the availability of a “disarmament dividend” would send a positive message across the globe.
本说明无意对此进行全面分析,而是为参 加这一问题讨论的专家提供一些来自不同国家的情况,力求框定公共部门为扶持
[...] 发展而采取的各种短期(克服危机)和中长期(实 危机后 可 持续和普惠性增长) 对策。
The purpose of the note is not to provide a full analysis in this regard, but rather to offer some elements for experts from diverse countries to use as a basis for a discussion on the matter in seeking to identify a variety of public sector responses to foster development both in
the short term (overcoming the crisis) and in the medium and long terms (achieving sustainable and
[...] inclusive growth in the post-crisis era).
第 174 EX/39
[...] 号决定授权总干事用“一个新的教科文组织迅速、高效应 危机后 形 势 的 计划”取代教科文组织的《共同行动计划》,在准备金及基金余额中将剩余的共同行动资金 [...]
(550,000 美元)转到特别账户。
Document 174 EX/ Decision 39 authorized the Director-General to replace the UNESCO Co-Action Programme with “a new
UNESCO programme for rapid and
[...] high-impact response to post-crisis situations,” through [...]
the transfer in the Reserve and Fund
Balances of remaining Co-Action funds (US $550,000) to a Special Account.
欧洲安全与合作组织(欧安组织)轮值主席从2004年起每年就其在预警、冲突预防、危机管理 危机后 恢 复 方面的活动向安全理事会进行一次情况通报。
Starting in 2004, the Chairman-in-Office of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) provided annual briefings to the
Security Council on its activities in early-warning,
[...] conflict prevention, crisis management and post-conflict rehabilitation.
人口基金还在机构间常设委员会、危机情况下的生殖健康问题机构间工作 组、联合国发展集团、人道主义事务执行委员会和其他机构内展开了密集和有效 的关于国际人口与发展会议问题的宣传,进而增强了对以下需要的认识和接受:
[...] 满足生殖健康和各种不同需要及消除的妇女和女孩在紧急情况、难民局势 危机 后过渡中的脆弱性。
UNFPA also carried out intensive and effective advocacy on International Conference on Population and Development issues within the Inter-Agency Standing Committee, Inter-agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crisis Situations, United Nations Development Group/Executive Committee on Humanitarian Assistance and other bodies, leading to an increased awareness and acceptance of the need to address reproductive health and
the differing needs and vulnerabilities of women and girls in emergencies,
[...] refugee situations and post-crisis transition.
作为应急准备跨机构教育网络的成员,联合国儿童基金会在人道和发展的框架内工作,以确保紧急情况下 危机后 重 建 阶段儿童受教育的权利。
As a member of the Interagency Network for Education in Emergencies, UNICEF works within
a humanitarian and development framework to ensure the right to education in
[...] emergencies and post-crisis reconstruction.
其次,开发署将处理学习和支持共享经验、交流解决办法和成功做法的网 络的问题,包括危机后国家 ,这些国家在各种关键政府职能方面往往面临严重 [...]
Second, UNDP will address learning and support to networks for sharing of lessons and
exchange of solutions and successful
[...] approach, including in post-crisis country settings [...]
that frequently face severely depleted
capacities across a wide range of critical government functions.
在工业化国家,继 2008 年和 2009 年金危机后,许 多汽车行业和其他运输 服务行业的工人失去工作和收入。
In industrialized countries, in the
[...] wake of the financial crisis of 2008-2009, many [...]
workers in the automotive industry and
other transport services have lost their jobs and income.
所反映的那样,与会者重申,贸发会议应该继续发挥重要作用,监测分危机后全球 经济的演变情况以及国际贸易体系的未来前景、各种不同的发展政策 [...]
Participants reaffirmed, as reflected in the President’s Summary (TD/B/57/8), that UNCTAD should continue to play an important
role in monitoring and analyzing the
[...] evolution of the post-crisis global economy and [...]
the future of the international trading
system, the different development policy options, and supporting developing countries in post-crisis growth strategies and proactive trade policy.
[...] 瓜多尔国内生产总值增长率比该地区的平均增长率高一倍,在 2009 年国际金危机后比拉 丁美洲和加勒比地区其他经济体有更好的表现。
Moreover, the GDP growth rate in Ecuador was twice the average for the
region, a better performance than the other Latin American and
[...] Caribbean economies after the 2009 international crisis.
(a) 2011 年世界经济形势和前景(
与经济和社会事务 部及联合国各区域委员会合作 ); (b) 2010
[...] 年关税概况( 与世界贸易组织和国际贸 易中心合作 );(c) 经危机后的国际贸易( 与日本对外贸易组织合作);(d) “南亚 纺织品和服装业潜在供应链的确定”( [...]
中心合作 );(e) “强化非洲共同市场的成就”( 与非洲联盟委员会合作)。
Analytical inputs were provided to the following joint outputs: (a) World Economic Situation and Prospects 2011 (with the Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the United Nations regional commissions); (b) Tariff Profiles 2010 (with the World Trade Organization and the
International Trade Centre); (c)
[...] International Trade after the Economic Crisis (with the Japan External [...]
Trade Organization); (d)
Identification of potential supply chains in textiles and clothing sector in South Asia (with the Commonwealth Secretariat and Centre for World Trade Organization Studies of India); and (e) Strengthening the achievement of the African common market (with the African Union Commission).
它还支持了在苏丹的全民投票以及科特迪 瓦在选后危机后安全 局势的稳定和立法选举。
It also supported the referendum in the Sudan and the
stabilization of the security situation
[...] following the post-electoral crisis and legislative elections [...]
in Côte d’Ivoire.
据前高管塔拉洛称,“自 20 世纪 70 年首次石危机后,所 有的国际石油公司都开始使 用回扣,以确保公司的石油来源”。
According to Elf’s Andre Tarallo, “All international oil companies have used kickbacks since the first oil shock of the 1970s to guarantee the companies’ access to oil”, Tarallo said.
[...] 项投资(荷兰,欧洲共同体予以补充)是紧急情况下 危机后 过 渡 时期的教育方 案,以期在 39 个国家和 [...]
7 个区域办事处扶助教育部门,抵御冲突和自然灾害对 儿童获取优质教育可能带来的冲击。
The largest single investment in the current MTSP (the Netherlands, complemented by the European
Community) has been the Education in
[...] Emergencies and Post-Crisis Transition (EEPCT) [...]
programme to bolster the education sector
in 39 counties and 7 regional offices against the shocks that conflict and natural disasters can inflict on children’s access to high-quality education.
最近 几年,亚太经社会危机后思路 制定、扩大 和推动了社会平等议程,以确保在维持复苏 [...]
的同时,政府通过社会政策和社会保护投资 于人民。
In recent
[...] years, in the postcrisis scenario, ESCAP [...]
has developed, expanded and promoted an agenda for social equity to ensure
that governments invest in their people through social policies and social protection while the recovery takes hold.
[...] 在危机期间表现出令人瞩目的耐心和冷静,目前正从 科特迪瓦人民的利益出发,夜以继日作出努力,以成 功应危机后挑战
We feel confident, as President Ouattara and his team, who showed remarkable patience and sangfroid during the
crisis, are working day and night to
[...] successfully meet the post-crisis challenges for the [...]
benefit of the Ivorian people.
根据以往的经验,发达国家的官方发展援助通常危 机后减少
Based on past experience, ODA from developed countries
[...] was usually reduced after a crisis.
为了加强联合 国与世界银行之间的协调,我国代表团支持在 2008
[...] 年伙伴关系框架协定基础上建立定期开展总部级磋 商机制的呼吁,以便探讨共同关心 危 机 和 危机后国 家等事宜。
To strengthen the coordination between the United Nations and the World Bank, my delegation supports the call for creating a mechanism for regular,
[...] consultations on crisis and postcrisis countries of [...]
common concern on the basis of the 2008 Partnership Framework Agreement.
其中包括对如下问题进行危机预防与恢复的领域:环境和气候变 化、人口变化和“青年人口暴增”、生计和创造就业机会以 危机后 治 理 和国家 建设。
These include areas that relate CPR to environment and climate change,
demographic shifts and the “youth bulge”, livelihoods and employment
[...] generation, and post-crisis governance and state-building.
[...] (联刚稳定团)这样的维持和平行动所起的作用,是 危机后 阶 段 一开始即采取行 动并开展稳定活动,为更加可持续的发展创造条件。
The role of a peacekeeping operation like the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the
Congo (MONUSCO) is to take action from
[...] the outset of the post-crisis phase and initiate [...]
stabilization activities that will create
conditions for more sustainable development.
全球金融和经危机后,改 革议程进展缓慢而且仍不完整。
The reform agenda in the wake of the global financial and economic crisis has advanced slowly [...]
and remains incomplete.




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