单词 | 印象派 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 印象派noun—impressionistn印象派—impressionismSee also:印象n—impressionspl picturen perceptionn 派n—groupn schooln factionn 派v—sendv appointv 派—assign clique the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926 (loanword) pie pi (Greek letter Ππ)
库尔贝(Courbet)和马奈(Manet)画作要求的布展背景与明亮、随意的印象派绘画所需背景是不一样的。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | A painting by Courbet or a canvas by Manet require different [...] backgroundsto Impressionist painting, both [...]lighter and more cursive. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
尤其是印象派作品与后印象派作品的参观路线更加清晰。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | The new route is based on a clearer separation between Impressionism and Post-Impressionism. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
POLA美术馆位于东京市郊的富士箱根国家公园内,馆内陈列着POLA公司前主席收集的大量艺术品,主要是印象派画作。 nikken.jp | This museum is constructed in National Park of Fuji Hakone, a suburb of Tokyo for [...] exhibiting the huge collections, mainly [...] paintingsof Impressionism, assembled [...]by the former chairman of POLA Corporation. nikken.jp |
这位印象派中的头号人物始终是最受欢迎的艺术家之一,也是年度十佳 排行榜上的常客。 imgpublic.artprice.com | The leading lightof Impressionism stillfeatures [...] in the hit parade of the most popular artists, and is a long-standing regular in the annual Top 10. imgpublic.artprice.com |
2012年,在伦敦举行的印象派与现代艺术品拍卖会共带来1,823亿的拍卖 收入,市场对超现实主义流派中最杰出的作品表现出了极其旺盛的需求。 imgpublic.artprice.com | As we remember, the June sales in 2012 brought in more than $182.3 million and testified to the keen demand for the best works in the Surrealist movement. imgpublic.artprice.com |
这项工程涉及原有的“圆柱大厅”的重新组合﹔印象派绘画厅、图形艺术室和佛朗索瓦兹•加辛展厅(Galerie [...] Françoise Cachin)的翻新,同时包括露天平台和象征派画厅。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | It involves reorganisation of the former salle des colonnes, [...] redesign ofthe Impressionist gallery and [...]the adjacent small rooms dedicated to the [...]graphic arts as well as renovation of the Galerie Françoise Cachin, including the terrace on the middle floor and the Symbolist gallery. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
从总体上讲,先进照明系统在表现印象派绘画的色彩效果上堪称绝妙。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | For Impressionismin general the effect is dazzling in the revelation of colours. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
当一幅学院派绘画或一幅印象派绘画悬挂在白色背景中时,环绕作品周围的白色不确定性光晕会阻碍绘画色差的显示。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | When an academic orImpressionist painting is placed against a white background, the radiance of the white and its halo of uncertainty around the work prevent the contrasts from being revealed. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
Expertissim 与38位知名的资深专家合作,覆盖超过19个艺术领域:古典油画,印象派及现代艺术,古董家具,珠宝首饰,银,手表,青铜,陶瓷,版画和雕刻,武器和铠甲,20世纪装饰艺术。 cn.expertissim.com | Expertissim works with 38 renown experts covering over 19 collecting fields of the art market : Old Master paintings, Impressionnist and modern paintings, antique furniture, jewelry, silver, watches, bronzes, ceramics, prints and engravings, arms and armour, 20th Decorative Arts. en.expertissim.com |
展览厅深暗色的隔墙以及加装的顶板为捕捉印象派绘画中难以察觉的细微色彩营造了极好的氛围。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | The introduction of deep, dark colours to the picture rails, as well as the installation of a floor, provide a setting in which people can now see the colourful subtleties of the Impressionist paintings. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
11月纽约拍卖行的精彩成绩(印象派艺术作品和现代艺术作品的拍卖综合超过4 亿)和赛格罗特在菲利普斯拍卖行的成功 [...] 削弱了艺术市场的参与者对竞标的兴趣 (12月减少7%),12个月内艺术品价格增长 22%让他们心灰意冷。 imgpublic.artprice.com | The spectacular results obtained in November in New York (more than [...] $400m fromtwoImpressionist & Modern sales) [...]and the success of the Philippe Ségalot [...]sale at Phillips de Pury & Co do however seem to have diminished the purchase intentions (-7% in December) as expressed by market players who felt that a 22% rise of the art price index in just 12 months was more than enough. imgpublic.artprice.com |
另外菲利普斯拍卖行拍卖 了他从未出现过的作品,并超过了之前700 [...] 万美元的成交价(2010年5月7日的一场印 象派艺术和纽约现代艺术拍卖会上)。 imgpublic.artprice.com | Moreover, thanks to Warhol, Phillips signed [...] its best-ever auction price, beating its former record by $7m (on 7 May 2001 [...] at a NewYork Impressionist& Modern sale). imgpublic.artprice.com |
2012年2月在伦敦举行的印象派与现代艺术品拍卖会延续了2011年(年成交金额达到115.7亿美元,比2010年高 [...] 出20亿美元)的出色表现,拍卖业绩尤为突出。 imgpublic.artprice.com | February 2012 proved a particularly [...] fine yearforImpressionist and Modern sales [...]in London, maintaining the exceptional [...]results registered during 2011 ($11.57 billion in total sales, i.e. $2 billion more than in 2010). imgpublic.artprice.com |
凭借此项拍价纪录,马克·罗斯科将美国抽象表现主义作品的身价提 高到与最优秀的欧洲印象派与现代艺术品相持平的超高价位。 imgpublic.artprice.com | With this peak, Rothko took American Abstract Expressionism to the same top price levels as the [...] best European ImpressionistandModern art. imgpublic.artprice.com |
诚然,11月举办的印象派与现代艺术品拍卖会并不是拍卖史上业绩最为出 色的一次,但它仍带来了可观的拍卖收入:举例来说,佳士得拍卖会的最终拍 卖业绩虽然低于预期结果(1.798亿美元,而预期成交总额为2.50亿美元),但与 2010年拍卖会(1.804亿美元)的结果基本持平,更令2009年的惨淡经历(5,680 万美元)就此成为一段不愉快的记忆。 imgpublic.artprice.com | Christie’s, for example, achieved a final result far below its expectations ($179.8 million compared with the $250 million it had hoped for), but this was respectable compared to the 2010 sale ($180.4 million) and made the fiasco of 2009 ($56.8 million) nothing more than a bad memory. imgpublic.artprice.com |
塞尚与印象派同属一个时代,但是,他的兴趣超出了个人的绘画技巧和光线如何落在物体上,而是要创作出 [...] (用他自己的话说)“更加坚实和持久的东西,如同博物馆的艺术品一样”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Cézanne was a [...] contemporary oftheimpressionists,buthe went [...]beyond their interests in the individual brushstroke and the [...]fall of light onto objects, to create, in his words, “something more solid and durable, like the art of the museums”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
米格尔·洛佩斯:印象派画家的艺术技巧和镘刀或刮刀,他纯为二十一世纪的当代艺术才华和激情,认为它作为一个色彩大师,印象派新的西班牙艺术家之一,色彩的天才与他的艺术创造的诗歌,肯定是一个浪漫的画家对艺术的热情。 miguellopezfineart.com | Marbella Artist Miguel López Fine Art – [...] Pure Talent, Impressionist Artist,with Palette knife art techniques, his pure talent and passion for the XXI century contemporary art, considered as a master of colour, one of the new Spanish artistsof Impressionism, the genius [...]of colour that creates [...]poetry with your art, certainly a romantic painter who expresses his passion for art. miguellopezfineart.com |
在现代艺术方面,Gladwell & [...] [...] Company的展位上一直人流不息,大家争相欣赏艺术大师莫内、雷诺瓦和毕加索的真迹;众多参观者驻足伦敦参展商Waterhouse & Dodd画廊内欣赏印象派绘画代表作和中国20世纪艺术作品,同样的场景也出现在来自伦敦的Robert [...]Bowman画廊内,观众尽情地欣赏罗丹、德加与沙金的大师级雕塑作品。 aaifair.com | In the Modern Art section, Gladwell & Company¡¦s booth was permanently crowded with people viewing the display of paintings by Monet, Renoir and [...] Picasso among others; while a combination [...] of important Impressionistand Chinese [...]20th century works at Waterhouse & Dodd, [...]London, proved a major draw for visitors to the fair; as did the masterpieces by Rodin, Degas and Zadkine at Robert Bowman Gallery, London. aaifair.com |
假 设 2012年仍旧是经济严峻的一年,艺术市场应继续前行,或 许,将出现同样的购买机 遇。2月在伦敦举行的印象派和现代艺术专场拍卖将 会成为这个观点的有力支撑。 imgpublic.artprice.com | It accounts for the highest auction results (with 774 auction results above $1 million recorded in 2011 compared with 426 in the USA and 377 in the UK), mostly generated at auctions in Beijing and Hong Kong. imgpublic.artprice.com |
市民事前大概只有模糊的印象,不一定能说出组织及其负责人的名字,只依稀知道民主派参与其事。 hkupop.hku.hk | Before the demonstration, citizens probably only had some vague ideas regarding such questions, such as the involvement of the democrats. hkupop.hku.hk |
此外,财务处将继续管理维和资金的投资及资金流动;每月给外地行动汇款;向 国际征聘工作人员支付工资(包括教育补助金);印发给派往执行外地行动的缴付 美国税的工作人员的偿还收入税款的支票;处理对银行账户签字人名单的修正; [...] 提供关于使用各种银行系统的技术支持和指导。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the Treasury will continue to manage the investments and liquidity of peacekeeping funds; execute monthly remittances to field operations; execute payroll payments (including [...] education grants) to internationally [...] recruited staff members; printand distribute cheques [...]for the reimbursement of income [...]tax to United States tax-paying staff members assigned to field operations; process the amendment to the bank account signatory panels; and provide technical support and guidance on the use of various banking systems. daccess-ods.un.org |
捐赠者之所以表现出这样的信心,部分原因是独立评估对该计划给予肯定,该评估承认“国 际传播发展计划中巨大、令人印象深刻的改变”以及“在推行工作方式改革中的显着努力”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This confidence can in part be explained by positive independent evaluation, which recognized “significant and impressive changes … within the IPDC” and “remarkable effort in implementing the reforms of the working methods”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
另一些委员认为,条款草案 F1 的措辞缺乏明确性:一方面是因为可能造成过境 [...] 国仅受适用于驱逐国的国际法规则约束的错误印象;另一方面则是因为这一条草 案没有具体说明设想的义务适用于驱逐国、过境国还是同时适用于二者。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other members considered that the wording of draft article F1 lacked clarity: on the one hand, by creating the false impression that the transit State [...] was bound by rules of international law that [...] were incumbent onlyuponthe expelling [...]State; on the other, by not specifying [...]whether the obligations it envisaged were imposed on the expelling State, the transit State, or both. daccess-ods.un.org |
各位部长突出强调,必须开展提高认识运动,在努力保护移徙者及其权利 的框架内改变公众对移徙的负面印象,在这方面,鼓励各国承认移徙者及移徙 对发展做出的重要社会、经济和文化贡献,以及移徙与发展之间复杂的相互关 系。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministers highlighted the importance of awareness campaigns to change the negative public perception towards migration in the framework of the efforts to protect migrants and their rights and in this regard encouraged States to acknowledge the important social, economic and cultural contribution provided by migrants and migration to development, as well as the complex interrelationship between migration and development. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然在帕特里克·卡马特特使访问之后, 向该国政府提出了全面调查印尼亚·巴拉蒂派据称招募和使用儿童的要求,但是 迄今的进展有限。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although a request for a full investigation into allegations of recruitment and use of children by Iniya Barrathi was lodged with the Government after the visit of Special Envoy Patrick Cammaert, limited progress has been made to date. daccess-ods.un.org |
整张手卷的风格,基本上是对中国古典绘画形式挪用的尝试;审美的情趣和画面经营上,受到了西方现代派,抽象派,西方平面设计,日本传统艺术,中国绘画的手卷的装裱分隔和传统中国画特别是元代绘画(如:钱选)和明代绘画(如:仇英)的影响。 shanghaibiennale.org | In style, the scroll is an adaptation of traditional Chinese [...] techniques. Its aesthetic and [...] compositiondraw on western modern art, abstractapproaches, [...]advertising design, and traditional [...]Japanese techniques, and the influence of traditional Chinese mounting and traditional painting are also clear, especially the styles of the Yuan Dynasty (e.g. Qian Xuan) and the Ming Dynasty (e.g. Qiu Ying). shanghaibiennale.org |