单词 | 印次 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 印次 —number of print run
但据顾客反映,他们所用的M&R设备已超过10,00 0, 0 0 0 印次 , 运 行状况至今仍十分良好。 mrprint.com | However, we have customers who say their M&R presses have [...] exceeded 10,000,000 prints and are still running strong. mrprint.com |
用户可以查看不同的墨盒设置, 如墨水存量、墨水类型、墨盒 ID、每个墨盒的喷印次数和 插入的墨盒。 wolke.com | The user can view the different cartridge settings like ink level, ink type, [...] cartridge ID, prints per cartridge [...]and cartridgeinserted. wolke.com |
一次循环便是一个完整的印刷流程,它从 首 次印 刷 的 起始点开始,到第二个流程的同一点结束。 mrprint.com | A cycle is one full print stroke, from the start of the first print stroke to [...] the same point at the start of the second stroke. mrprint.com |
这种情况最常见的例子是接收不同印刷尺寸的作业, 这样,RIP 可以为每次印刷定 位作业,设置叼口位置,然后输出作业。 glunz-jensen.com | The most common example of this is to accept jobs [...] for different press sizes, so the RIP can orient [...] the job for each press, set the grip [...]position and then output the job. glunz-jensen.com |
可以帮助你获得从印到印 刷的完整控制,并最大可能实现各次 印刷运行的最佳颜色匹配。 quadtechworld.com | This helps you gain complete [...] control from prepress to press and [...]consistently produce the best possible color match on every run. quadtechworld.com |
修建印度门是为了纪念在第一次世界大战中英勇牺牲的印度和英国士兵,以及在第 三 次印 阿 战 争中献身的印度军人。 shangri-la.com | The India Gate was built to [...] commemorate the Indian and British soldiers [...]who died in World War 1, and those who fell in the Third Afghan War. shangri-la.com |
再次印制了法语和英语版的非物质文化遗产资料袋,阿拉伯语和西班牙语版本也已出 版。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The kit on intangible cultural [...] heritage has been reprinted in English and French [...]and the Arabic and Spanish versions have been published. unesdoc.unesco.org |
印度在此次会议之前同最不发达国家、内陆发展中 [...] 国家和小岛屿发展中国家高级代表办事处合作,将于 2 月 18 日和 19 日主办一次 印度/最不发达国家部长级会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ahead of the Conference, India, in cooperation with the Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing [...] Countries and Small Island Developing [...] States, would host an India/least developed [...]country ministerial conference on 18 and 19 February. daccess-ods.un.org |
正在计划召开一次印度洋气候会议,以便制订印度洋气 候观测系统。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Planning is now under [...] way for an Indian Ocean climate conference to develop an Indian Ocean observing [...]system for climate. unesdoc.unesco.org |
事件再次印證, 政府在公眾期望的管理上完全 失效,而且對民心瞭解並未透徹。 legco.gov.hk | This incident has once again confirmed the [...] total ineffectiveness of the Government's management of public expectation, and [...]its shallow understanding of public sentiments. legco.gov.hk |
壁纸的环保高低取决于材质和用料档 次 、 印 刷 工 艺等方面,有条件现场可通过燃烧小样(环保等级高的壁纸 [...] 没有燃烧异味没有浓烟,灰烬是灰色粉末状)和闻( PVC 壁纸 有明显的塑胶味、档次低的壁纸有很浓的印刷油墨味)来鉴别,检测报告存有水分,并不能说明问题,新开卷且没有异味的纸浆壁纸环保等级是最高的,我们建议您儿童房不要用 PVC 壁纸。 1vic.com | Wallpaper of environmental high and low depends on material and [...] materials grade, and printing technology, aspects, [...]has conditions scene can through combustion [...]sample (environmental grade high of wallpaper no combustion smell no smoke, ashes is grey powder shaped) and smell (PVC wallpaper has obvious of plastic taste, and grade low of wallpaper has is concentrated of printing ink taste) to identification, detection report has water, and cannot description problem, new uncoiling and no smell of pulp wallpaper environmental grade is Supreme of, we recommendations you children room don't with PVC wallpaper. 1vic.com |
这本副本是该书的首次印刷版 ,为曲亭马琴本人所有,上面有他对原始印刷上错误的修改。 wdl.org | This copy is a first printing, owned by Bakin [...] himself, that shows his corrections of misspellings in the original printing. wdl.org |
壁紙的環保高低取決於材質和用料檔 次 、 印 刷 工 藝等方面,有條件現場可通過燃燒小樣(環保等級高的壁紙 [...] 沒有燃燒異味沒有濃煙,灰燼是灰色粉末狀)和聞( PVC 壁紙 有明顯的塑膠味、檔次低的壁紙有很濃的印刷油墨味)來鑒別,檢測報告存有水分,並不能說明問題,新開卷且沒有異味的紙漿壁紙環保等級是最高的,我們建議您兒童房不要用 PVC 壁紙。 1vic.com | Wallpaper of environmental high and low depends on material and [...] materials grade, and printing technology, aspects, [...]has conditions scene can through combustion [...]sample (environmental grade high of wallpaper no combustion smell no smoke, ashes is grey powder shaped) and smell (PVC wallpaper has obvious of plastic taste, and grade low of wallpaper has is concentrated of printing ink taste) to identification, detection report has water, and cannot description problem, new uncoiling and no smell of pulp wallpaper environmental grade is Supreme of, we recommendations you children room don't with PVC wallpaper. 1vic.com |
利用按需印制的技术,就能够以具有成本 效益的方式、在尽可能靠近客户的地点 一 次印 制 一 本图书,从而降低存储和运输 成本及等待时间。 daccess-ods.un.org | Print-on-demand technology allows books to be printed one copy at a time in a cost-effective way and in locations as near as possible to customers, thus reducing storage and shipping costs and wait time. daccess-ods.un.org |
每 一次印制、 每一印本和每一印页的成本与四个工作地点的私营印刷厂的成本相同。 daccess-ods.un.org | The cost of each job, [...] copy and page impression is in line [...]with what is offered by private printers at the four duty stations. daccess-ods.un.org |
一旦完成印刷机线性化并创建称为 “实际印刷” [...] 的校正之后,就可以添加目标印刷校正曲 线,从而可以使进行多次印刷的 印刷厂在整个作业中创建更加一致均衡的校正。 glunz-jensen.com | Once you have linearised your press and have created a calibration which we call the “Actual Press” calibration, we can then add an [...] intended press calibration curve, [...] thus enabling a print shop with multiple presses to [...]create a more consistent and even calibration across all its work. glunz-jensen.com |
年內,我們首次印製了 一本小冊子,詳列各項顧客權利和責任。 housingauthority.gov.hk | During the year, we published for the first time a pamphlet setting out comprehensively our various customers' rights and responsibilities. housingauthority.gov.hk |
每两星期一次印发并 向政府、合作伙伴和 捐助界分发人道主义情况报告 是 直至 2010 年 3 月一直每两星期印发一份 报告,反映人道主义情况得到改善。 daccess-ods.un.org | Government, partners and donor community Yes Fortnightly reports were issued until March 2010 reflecting the improved humanitarian situation. daccess-ods.un.org |
此卷收录了首次印刷出 版的《古兰经》,是 12 世纪英国学者凯顿的罗伯特 (Robert of [...] Ketton) 的拉丁文译本。 wdl.org | This volume [...] contains the first-ever printing of the Qur’an, presented [...]in the 12th-century Latin translation by the English scholar Robert of Ketton. wdl.org |
任何怀疑这个事实的人只需要看看我 —— 一个移民男仆的孙子,华裔美国人 —— 或者我们的总统 ——从而再次印证使美国社会蓬勃发展的开放性及自省和改变的能力。 embassyusa.cn | Anyone who doubts this fact need only look at me – the Chinese-American grandson of an immigrant houseboy – or at our President – to be reassured of the openness and ability for self-examination and change that enables American society to thrive. eng.embassyusa.cn |
联合国与非洲联盟和欧洲联盟之间的合作 再次 印证了区域合作的原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cooperation between the United Nations and the African Union and the European Union had reaffirmed the principle of regional cooperation. daccess-ods.un.org |
使我最為沉痛的,是這書的資料 再次印證政府和 抗 議的學 生及 眾 從開 [...] 始 至結局,都 一 直持有 一 些 十 分 重要的 共識,便是:大家 必須合 力 懲 治 貪 污 、 官 倒 , 是 急 不 容 緩 的 。 legco.gov.hk | What aggrieved me most is that the materials in the [...] book confirm once and again that from [...]the beginning till the end both the government [...]as well as the protesting students and public had shared a very crucial consensus: that people should stand united to fight corruption and official profiteering without delay. legco.gov.hk |
47 1993 年第六次印度全国教育调查显示 78%的部落人口和 56%的部落居民所 [...] 居住的地区内设有小学。 daccess-ods.un.org | Families will not be required to contribute [...] financially.47 The sixth all-India educational survey [...]of 1993 showed that 78 per cent of tribal [...]populations and 56 per cent of tribal habitations have primary schools within the habitation regions. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管机票定价与飞行能力仍然是消费者最看 重的考虑因素,调查结果再次印证了 这个观点: 航空业的成功归功于从广告延伸到社交媒体, 乃至预订和办理登记手续流畅的客户体验。 siegelgale.cn | While pricing and flight availability remain primary considerations, the results reinforce the idea that success in the industry is found in a streamlined customer experience that extends from messaging and social media to booking and check-in. siegelgale.com |
可以看到,周梁淑怡名單的票源,其實是從其他名單中均勻地吸納支持者, 再 次印 證 自由黨的跨區策略。 hkupop.hku.hk | Again, the LP's inter-district strategy was proved. hkupop.hku.hk |
这些优异的成绩,以及往年的IGCSE世界最高分、中国区最高分、高度成就奖、九门学科第一名等成绩, 再 次印 证 了为何耀中国际学校最近获得“剑桥卓越教育奖”。 ycis-bj.com | The scores achieved within these examinations only further highlights the reasons behind YCIS’ recent “Cambridge Award for Excellence in Education” and follows the achievements of previous years including “Cambridge Top in the World IGCSE Award”, “Top in China IGCSE Award”, “High Achievement in IGCSE Awards” and “Best Across Nine Subjects IGCSE Award”. ycis-bj.com |
由于本增 编是 2009 年 2 月份第一次印发, 因而载列了完整、最新的安全理事会处理中项 目清单。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the present addendum is the first to be issued in February 2009, it contains a full, updated list of items of which the Security Council is seized. daccess-ods.un.org |
无论是 50,000 本的首次印刷还是 500 本的补充订单,柯达的图书解决方案都可以智能地将胶印和数码技术集成在一起,以最大限度地提高收入和获利机遇。 graphics.kodak.com | Whether it is [...] a 50,000 copy first run or a replenishment [...]order or 500 books, Kodak’s book solutions can intelligently integrate [...]offset and digital technologies to maximize revenue and profit opportunities. graphics.kodak.com |
为了收集必要的信息用于编写会员国要求的拟在 2012 年首次印发的毒品和 犯罪问题办公室关于人口贩运问题新的两年期全球报告,建议委员会鼓励会员 国支持毒品和犯罪问题办公室的将与它们密切合作组织的专门的数据收集活动 并提供及时的答复。 daccess-ods.un.org | With a view to collecting the necessary information for the preparation of the new UNODC biennial global report on trafficking in persons requested by Member States, to be issued for the first time in 2012, it is recommended that the Commission encourage Member States to support and to provide timely responses to the dedicated data-gathering exercise that UNODC will organize in close cooperation with them. daccess-ods.un.org |