

单词 印子



seal of authority
official seal


high interest loan (in former times)

External sources (not reviewed)

Donna Karan为她的模特穿上了子印花的 羊毛怀旧毯子,搭配黑色的分体套装和裙装,出来的效果是大胆的,具有传统高地风情的。
Donna Karan draped her models in check wool, reminiscent of picnic blankets; the effect was bold paired with simple black separates, and evoked images of traditional Highland dress.
这些信息不仅应按照当前做法,指明经常性和非经常性出版物,还应区分拟印刷版、电子版或 两种皆有的方式印发的出版物的数量。
Information should indicate not only recurrent and non-recurrent publications, as is currently the practice, but should
also differentiate between the number of publications proposed
[...] to be issued in print version, electronic version or both.
为实 现有效报道和对其活动的经常性报告,与会者强调应增强和巩固 印 刷 媒 体和 子 媒 体 的合 作关系。
Increasing and strengthening
[...] partnerships with the print and electronic media for effective [...]
coverage and regular reporting
of activities was also emphasized.
d) 收集整理抵制散布极端主义活动印 尼社 区的子,了 解这些社区的决策过程和抗 议极端主义活动的手段,从而鼓励其它地 [...]
d) Compile examples of Indonesian communities that [...]
have rejected extremist preaching to understand how the protests developed
and how decisions were made with a view toward encouraging similar stands in other areas.
(m) 草案第 20 條 對《印花稅( 指明文書) 公告》( 第 117
[...] 章,附屬法例 B)附表作出相應修訂,以容許以子 印花形式繳付買家印花稅。
(m) Clause 20 amends the Schedule to the Stamp Duty (Specification of Instruments) Notice (Cap.117 sub. leg. B) to allow the payment
[...] of BSD through electronic stamping.
透 過研習與實驗標準,學生可學習到如何使用適當工具與技術,以及多樣性 印 刷 與 電子 資源,邏輯地表達意念,建構出比例模型與圖表以表達知識,並且溝通調查的步驟與結 果。
Through the investigation and experimentation standards, students learn how to use
appropriate tools and technology
[...] and a variety of print and electronic resources, communicate [...]
ideas logically, construct
scale models and diagrams to communicate knowledge, and communicate the steps and results of investigations.
重大活动如下:(a)目标 7,指标 1:培训了 286 名环境和冲突合作问题公务员; 通过政策对话,加强了南非、博茨瓦纳、赞比亚和纳米比亚的生产和可持续再生 能源技术;(b)目标 7,指标 2:推动欧洲联盟政策对话,以保护黑海;(c)目 标 7,指标
[...] 意识,建立了可持续的水生态系统;在印度,实现了更清洁的生产措施,开发了 金属表面精整工业废水分散管理概念;(d)目标 8,指标 4:制订了种种政策, 改善了印度非熟练劳动力的健康和生活条件;(e)目标 8,指标 5:改进了子 废品技术,以管印度的电子废品 和回收。
Major actions included the following: (a) Goal 7, target 1: trained 286 civil servants in environment and conflict cooperation issues; strengthened productive and sustainable renewable energy technologies in South Africa, Botswana, Zambia and Namibia through policy dialogues; (b) Goal 7 target 2: promoted European Union policy dialogue to protect the Black Sea; (c) Goal 7, target 3: achieved a sustainable water ecosystem through participatory scenario-building in Italy, France, Belgium, Estonia and Latvia; implemented cleaner production measures and developed a concept for decentralized wastewater treatment from metal finishing industries in India; (d) Goal 8, target 4; developed policies that improved the
health and living
[...] conditions of India’s unskilled labour force; (e) Goal 8, target 5: improved e-waste technologies to manage e-waste and recycling in India.
在某些情形中,亦以子文本和印刷 文 本同时分发 文件,尤其是那些为一般会议和大型会议编制的文件。
In some cases, documents are
[...] distributed both electronically and in hard copy, [...]
particularly in the case of documents for meetings and conferences.
在数据库方面,防卫与安全部队现在已拥有一台由区域中心提供的 子印 标机 ,以便更好地监测控制小武器和轻武器。
With regard to the database, the defence and security
[...] forces now have an electronic marking machine [...]
provided by the Regional Centre to enable
better monitoring and control of small arms and light weapons.
通过各种会议(大会、专家工作组会议、磋商会议)、培训讲习班和培训课程、咨询 活动、研究和发展项目、有关科技的出版物 印 刷 版和 电 子 版 ) 和信息传播,实施了以上战 略。
The above strategies were implemented through various meetings (conferences, expert working group meetings, consultations), training workshops and courses, advisory missions, research and development projects, and the publication (in paper and e-format) and dissemination of information on and in science and technology.
食典委还注意到,将继续向食典联络点发送以下出版物 印 刷 版 本(或 子媒 体):食典文本和数字标准光盘以及食典录像带和多媒体演示等宣传材料;程序手册; [...]
部分食典文本的 A5 格式手册;食典委的报告。
The Commission noted further that the
following publications would continue
[...] to be sent as hardcopies (or electronic media) to Codex [...]
Contact Points: Codex CD-ROMs of
text-based and numerical standards as well as advocacy material such as Codex video and multimedia presentation; the Procedural Manual; A5 format booklets of selected Codex texts; and the Reports of the Commission.
末底改和里格比找到四个小鸭子在清洁公园的喷泉, 子印 记 里 格比,认为他是自己的母亲。
Mordecai and Rigby find four
[...] ducklings while cleaning the park fountain, and the ducks imprint on Rigby, believing [...]
him to be their mother.
(k) 經 簽 署 文 件 亦 意 指
[...] 經 親 筆 簽 署 、 加 蓋 公印 鑑 或子 方 式 或 任 何 其 他 方 式 簽 [...]
署 之 文 件 ; 而 通 告 或 文 件 亦 意 指 記 錄 或 儲 存 於 任 何 數 碼、電
子、電 動、磁 力 或 其 他 可 追 溯 方 式 或 媒 體 之 通 告 或 文 件 , 以 及 可 觀 看 之 資 料 ( 不 論 其 是 否 具 體 存 在 )。
(k) references to a document being executed include
references to it being executed under hand
[...] or under seal or by electronic signature or by any [...]
other method and references
to a notice or document include a notice or document recorded or stored in any digital, electronic, electrical, magnetic or other retrievable form or medium and information in visible form whether having physical substance or not.
an Dam长期以来在子印刷设 计方面的经验确保这台可靠的高速印刷机,在设定不变的位置印刷图案.甚至可以利用双线输出的配置来提高产量。
Round or rectangular, flat or
[...] raised; any lid can be printed on the LM 608 T. [...]
Van Dam’s long experience in designing lid
printers has resulted in this reliable high speed machine, printing the images constantly on the set position.
娛樂和音樂呈現的分支:這裡有一個特別豐富多彩的 子 : 印 度 的“寶萊塢說唱”。
Entertaining and musically present the branches: Here's a particularly
[...] colorful example: India with the "Bollywood-rap".
i. 個別政府部門的電子服務相當出色,好像稅務局的「稅務易」及「物業子 印花」 服務透過一個網站,讓已登記用戶使用一系列的電子服務辦理薪俸稅 及印花稅的相關事宜,包括填寫報稅表、繳交稅款、查閱繳稅紀錄及所需 繳付的稅款、計算稅款等(參看 [...]
www.gov.hk/etax)。稅務局的例子可供改革 其他政府服務時參考。
They have provided registered users a
[...] wide range of electronic services and transactions in relation with their salaries tax and stamp duties account [...]
in one single portal,
including filling tax returns, payments, checking records of payments and tax returns, and the calculation of an estimated tax return (see www.gov.hk/etax). The examples from the Inland Revenue Department could serve as a model for the Government services.
我们先进的材料涂敷技术包括丝网印刷机,VectorGuard®钢网,精密丝网,灵活的治具以及批量成像工艺,使用于 子印 刷 装 配,半导体晶圆制造和替代能源组件生产等广泛的应用领域。
Our advanced materials deposition technologies include screen printers, VectorGuard® stencils, precision screens, flexible tooling and mass imaging
processes used across a wide range of
[...] applications in electronics pre-placement [...]
subassembly, semiconductor wafer manufacture
and alternative energy component production.
因此,比如说,该法规定不得根据格式――无论 子 、 印 刷 或 任何其他 形式――而区别对待媒体内容。
Thus, for example, the Act states that media content
cannot be treated differently on the basis of its format,
[...] whether it appears electronically, in print or in any other form.
我们有一个公司的授权经销商,理光,具有一个多功能彩色激光,可以在这些 子印 刷 服 务,访问我们的网站和SP模式C210sf快速搜索在网站上寻找。
We have a company that is authorized reseller Ricoh, have a
multifunction color laser that can serve
[...] well in these boxes printing, accessing our website [...]
and look for the SP model C210sf quick search on the site.
可雕刻材料:双色板、ABS板、有机玻璃、PVC板、金属材料(钢铁、合金、铜、铝等)、玻璃、石材、木材、密度板、防火板、硬纸板、复合材料(覆铜板、塑铝板、树脂板等)、软质材料(硬橡胶制品、软胶制品)、小名章料、有机玻璃章、牛角章、铜章、钢章、橡胶章、树脂板、蓄墨垫、 子印 章 等
May be carving material: two-color plate, ABS panels, plexiglass, PVC board, metal materials (steel, alloy, copper, aluminum, etc.), glass, stone, wood, MDF, fire board, cardboard, composite materials (CCL , plastic aluminum, resin plate, etc.), soft material (hard rubber products, soft products), Kona chapter
material, plexiglass chapter, horn chapter, bronze, steel chapter, Chapter rubber, resin board,
[...] build and ink pad atomic stamps.
信息的子印刷要 求具有高性能并专为此应用所设计的基底膜:自带粘性的标签和标牌“tags”需要很高的极端环境抗性,并且随着时间的流逝仍然保持可识别性。
Tags and self-adhesive labels must be highly resistant to aggressive environmental conditions, yet remain readable over time.
主要媒体渠道(电子、印刷、 音频等)的人口覆盖率和所有权分类
Population coverage and breakdown of ownership of major
[...] media channels (electronic, print, audio, etc.)
我再舉另一個子, 印度放棄了計劃經濟後,在 1995 年開始宣布,舊的電台管制法例違憲 [...]
─ 不錯,又宣布違憲 ─ 開放了大氣電波,印度的非政府電台每一年新增數 以百計,也說不出共有多少,總之每年也增加了數百個。
In India, after economic planning was [...]
abandoned, it was announced in 1995 that the law regulating radio stations at that
time was unconstitutional ― that is right, it was also declared unconstitutional ― and the airwaves were opened up.
本文对近年来发展起来的新型固相萃取技术如固相微萃取、搅拌棒吸附萃取、基质固相分散萃取、 子印 迹 固 相萃取、免疫亲和固相萃取、整体柱固相萃取、碳纳米管固相萃取等在食品痕量残留和污染分析中的应用进行了综述,对未来的发展前景作了展望。
This review introduces the application of some new techniques of solid-phase extraction (SPE) in recent years, such as solid-phase microextraction (SPME), stir-bar sorptive extraction
(SBSE), matrix solid-phase
[...] dispersion (MSPD), molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction [...]
(MISPE), immunoaffinity-based
solid-phase extraction (IASPE), monolithic solid-phase extraction, carbon nanotube solid-phase extraction, in the analysis of trace residues and contaminants in food.
首先利用共沉淀法合成了磁性材料Fe3O4,再以吡咯为单体,L-色氨酸为模板分子,采用化学聚合法使吡咯在Fe3O4表面发生原位聚合,同时通过分子间的作用力以及氢键作用将模板分子掺杂到Fe3O4表面的聚吡咯中,从而制备了 子印 迹 聚 吡咯/Fe3O4复合材料,并且利用该材料的磁性质实现固液分离。
Ferrosoferric oxide (Fe3O4) magnetic material was first synthesized, and then the in-situ chemical polymerization of pyrrole was carried out on the surface of Fe3O4 by using pyrrole and L-tryptophan (L-Trp) as the functional monomer and templates, respectively.
大会第六十六届会议强调指出继续对《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可 持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的后续行动和执行情况进行实质性审议的重 要性,并决定在其第六十七届会议上审议为第六十六届会 印 发 的 秘书长关于更 好地执行《小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展的行动纲领》和《关于进一步执行小岛 屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的具体建议的报告 (A/66/278)以及秘书长关于审查联合国系统对小岛屿发展中国家支持情况的报 告(A/66/218)(第 66/198 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly stressed the importance of the continued substantive consideration of the follow-up to and implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and decided to consider at its sixty-seventh session the reports of the Secretary-General on concrete recommendations to enhance the implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (A/66/278) and on the review of United Nations system support to small island developing States (A/66/218), issued for the sixty-sixth session (resolution 66/198).
[...] ㆟士或團體遞交的;(b)意見書是普通的信件或預 印 製 的 形式;(c)假如意見書支持老 年退休金計劃的話,究竟是有條件或無條件的支持;如屬前者,則是在甚麼條件㆘支 [...]
持;及(d)假如意見書是反對老年退休金計劃的話,則是否原則㆖反對或只是反對諮詢 文件內個別的建議。
Apart from considering the views expressed in each submission and whether in principle at least the author was for or against an OPS or did not indicate either way, we took careful note of such points as: (a) whether the submission was from an individual or
a group; (b) whether it was an
[...] ordinary letter or a pre-printed form; (c) if in support [...]
of the OPS, whether such support
was qualified or unqualified, and if the former, to what extent; and (d) if the submissions opposed the OPS, whether it did so in principle or in respect of individual recommendations in the paper.
MVE的平面设计团队参与了从项目立意到为开发项目完成视觉和营销品牌,包括编制和协调Enclave形象、小 子 、 印 刷 媒体、户外标识、网站、图例和设计营销中心体验。
MVE's graphic design team was involved from project conception to completion of a visual and marketing brand for the development, including the
creation and coordination of the
[...] Enclave identity, brochure, print media, outdoor signage, [...]
website, illustrations and design
of the marketing center experience.
在该背景下,有人建议,缔约国 和更广泛的执行群体应确保满足上述要求,不应局限于如何确保女孩、男孩、妇 女和子平等 获得为执行《公约》提供的资源的一般性讨论,而应询问为什么这 方面的进展一直如此缓慢。
In this context, it was suggested that both States Parties and the broader implementation community need to make sure that this actually happens, including moving beyond the general discussions of how to ensure that girls, boys, women and men have equal access to the resources generated through implementation of the Convention, and, by asking why progress has been so slow.




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