

单词 印刷媒体的

See also:

印刷 v

print v

印刷 n

printing n


printed letters (as opposed handwriting)


media, esp. news media

刷的 pl

brushes pl

External sources (not reviewed)

这份刊物提供大众传播学系的学生在新闻写作上实践的机会,并且更能体 印刷媒体的 实 务 操作。
The newsletter provides Mass Communication students with the opportunity to practice journalistic writing and
[...] appreciate the existence of the print media.
通过推出CSS3 Regions与Exclusions,Adobe正力图将其 印刷媒体 上 的 经 验应用到CSS中。
Andrea talks about the challenges that developers are facing when working with JavaScript and CSS3.
当然目前也有观点认为互联网使得言论多元化自动成为现实,诸如Spiegel.de、bild.de和FAZ-Net这 印刷媒体的 网 络 版下载量非常高,除此之外还有大量漫无头绪的发布新闻和言论的网站。
In addition to the
[...] online versions of print publications with [...]
high visitor figures such as Spiegel.de, bild.de and FAZ.NET,
there is an unfathomable spectrum of news and opinion sites.
学生将有机会使用到最新的平面及多媒体软件:Adobe Creative
[...] Suites包括Indesign提供用户最尖端的册子,杂志及任 印刷媒体 上 的 设 计科技;Adobe Photoshop是首屈一指的照片编辑及修改软体;Adobe [...]
Studio Max可以创建3维图像及Macromedia Director是专为制作结合照片,文字,剪辑及音频简报呈现的软体。
Students will use the latest in graphic and multimedia software: Adobe Creative Suites consisting of Indesign which provides the latest cutting
edge technology in designing brochures,
[...] magazines and any print media; Adobe Photoshop [...]
which is the premier in photo editing;
Adobe Illustrator in drawing; Flash software to create animation characters with movement and sounds; 3D Studio Max software to create 3D drawings and Macromedia Director for impressive presentations using a combination of photos, text, montage and audio.
为实 现有效报道和对其活动的经常性报告,与会者强调应增强和巩固 印刷媒体 和 电子 媒 体的合 作关系。
Increasing and strengthening
[...] partnerships with the print and electronic media for effective [...]
coverage and regular reporting of activities was also emphasized.
那些已经以种族和 宗教偏见,操纵和谎言规定社会领域 印刷媒体 和 政 治姿 的 , 必 须立即停止。
Racial and religious bigotry, manipulation and lies that have now come to define
[...] the social sphere, the print media and political posturing [...]
must end immediately.
罗马尼亚官方统计中未涉及电媒体 以 及 印刷 和 音 频 媒体 等 最重 要 媒体的 人口覆盖率相关数据。
Data regarding access by the population to the most
important media,
[...] namely to the electronic media, as well as printed and audio media, are not covered in Romania’s [...]
official statistics.
委员会还赞赏地注意到,缔约国设立了报业申诉专员办事处和爱尔兰报业委 员会,印刷媒体提供了一个的独 立 的监管系统。
The Committee also notes with appreciation the establishment of the Office of the
Press Ombudsman and the Press Council of Ireland which
[...] provide a new system of independent regulation for the print media.
全体会议厅和某些其他会议将 印刷媒体 提 供有 限的 座位,须出示二级出入证。
There will be limited
[...] seating available for print media in the Plenary Hall [...]
and certain other meetings, for which secondary
access passes will be required.
印刷媒体宣传了残疾的正面 形象并倡导尊重残疾人权利,从而在提高社 会对残疾人能力的认识方面发挥了重要作用。
The print media have played an important role in [...]
raising social awareness of the capacities of persons with disabilities
by publicizing positive images of persons with disabilities and advocating respect for their rights.
和政府一样,互联网带来的新信息来源的多样性 使 印刷 和 广 播 媒体的 可持 续性受到挑战,而新的注重广告的商业模式和网上营销促进了新的全球商业的快 [...]
As well as governments, the diversity of new information sources enabled by
the Internet challenges the
[...] sustainability of the print and broadcast media, while new advertising-focused [...]
business models
and online marketing have facilitated the rapid growth of new global businesses.
以 开展培训和教育,通过电子 印刷媒体 , 循 环宣传表演以及持续开 的 交 谈 ,来 提高社会对人权的认识。
Training and education were undertaken to raise society’s
[...] perspective on human rights through electronic and print media, roadshows and ongoing talks.
发展中国家,特别是其科学家和研究人员通过因特网有很多机会获得以往由于资源限制而 不能使印刷媒体得到的资料 ,但他们担心,旨在防止普遍盗版行为的编密码技术(或称 “数字权利管理)会使他们通过因特网使用这些资料比现在通过印刷媒体还难。
But there is a concern that forms of encryption (or “digital rights management”), designed to counter widespread copying, will make material less accessible than is now the case with printed media.
他说,仇恨言论和煽动发表仇恨言 的 问 题 在互联网领域可像 印刷媒体上 一样通过法律解决,同时强调,在线和离线的法律没有理由不一样。
He stated that hate speech and incitement to promote hate speech should and could be
addressed by the same laws
[...] in the Internet domain as in the print media, emphasizing that there was no reason [...]
why rules should
be different online than offline.
印度的《保护妇女免受家庭暴力法》 (2005年)第11条指导中央政府和各邦政府采取措施, 确保 该法案条款通过公共传媒, 包括电视、广播印刷媒体得到的广泛宣传。
Article 11 of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (2005) of India directs the Central Government and every State Government to take measures to ensure
that the provisions
[...] of the Act are given wide publicity through public media, including television, radio and print media, at regular [...]
必须确保少数群体享有建立和维持其私营媒体和公 媒体的 自 由 ,包印 刷和电子媒体, 可不受限制地自由选择所用语文。
The freedom of minorities to establish and maintain their
[...] own private and public media, both printed and electronic, must be ensured [...]
without restriction on
the free choice of the language used therein.
[...] 家普遍认为,教科文组织应该同时支持和促进 “新”的和“传统的媒体(印刷文 字、广播、 电视),因为这些传统的媒体在加强言论自由和 [...]
多元化方面发挥着重要作用,也是进入信息社会 的起点。
There was therefore general agreement that UNESCO should continue to
support and promote both “new” and
[...] “traditional” media (print, radio and television), [...]
which played a fundamental role in the
consolidation of the freedom of expression and pluralism and constituted an entry point to the information society.
印刷 媒体,驻联合国新闻记者协会将向新闻部通知其代 的 情 况
In the case of print media, the United Nations Correspondents Association will notify the Department [...]
of Public Information of its representative.
[...] 助树立本组织在状况中、可接触和可及的形象。但与此同时,咨询委员会指出, 更传的宣传手段(例如广播 印刷媒体 ) 依 然 是确保有效宣传本组织信息,特别 是在发展中国家有效宣传本组织信息工作的重要组成部分。
At the same time, however, the Committee notes that
more traditional means of
[...] communication (i.e. radio and print media) remain an important part of [...]
efforts to ensure that the
message of the Organization is effectively promoted, particularly in developing countries.
信息和传播技术为穷人所用,其主要方式包括 1)将信息和传播中心与各种社区媒体连 接起来,包印刷媒体、有 线广播和电视;2)在现有资源和网 的 基 础 上,建立穷人特别 是贫穷妇女的自助小组(SHGs),以及地方青年会;3)加强横向联系,比如在穷人和国立 [...]
比如在妇女之家、地方火车站和各类地方学校;并 5)调整和应用创新技术,如手持、手写 和触摸屏电脑。
Key strategies for ICT use by the poor include
(1) linking ICT
[...] centres with various types of community media, including print and both cable radio and television; (2) [...]
building on existing
assets and networks of the poor, particularly women’s self-help groups (SHGs) and local youth clubs; (3) strengthening horizontal linkages, for instance between the poor and state universities and more broadly within the community-at-large; (4) strategically locating ICT facilities, in women’s homes, in local railway stations and various types of local schools; and (5) innovating adaptations and new applications of technology, including hand-held, tablet and touchscreen computers.
食典委还注意到,将继续向食典联络点发送以下出版 的印刷 版 本 (或电媒 体):食典文本和数字标准光盘以及食典录像带和多媒体演示等宣传材料;程序手册; [...]
部分食典文本的 A5 格式手册;食典委的报告。
The Commission noted further that the following publications would continue
[...] to be sent as hardcopies (or electronic media) to Codex Contact [...]
Points: Codex CD-ROMs
of text-based and numerical standards as well as advocacy material such as Codex video and multimedia presentation; the Procedural Manual; A5 format booklets of selected Codex texts; and the Reports of the Commission.
属于非穆斯林少数民族的土耳其公民拥有他们自 的 礼 拜场所、学校、基 金会、医院以印刷媒体。
Turkish citizens belonging to non-Muslim minorities have their
[...] own places of worship, schools, foundations, hospitals, as well as printed media.
此外,政府还同国际非政府组织、国际捐助者 和 许多友 好国的使馆合 作,通印 刷媒体、广播 、 电 视 、标语 、 图片, 促 进 人权、儿童权利、男女在家 庭和社会中的作用;同时解决家庭暴力和其他违法行为带来的问题。
In addition, the Government has cooperated with international NGOs, international donors, and many embassies of friend countries through promotion of human rights, child rights, and roles of man and woman in the family and the society via printing press, radio, television, slogans, pictures, and solved problems caused by domestic violence and other breach of laws.
根據藉上述公告 加入豁免公告的新訂第9A條,尋求就股份或債權證作出公開要 約的公司( 不論在香港或在香港以外地方成立) 如符合此新訂條 文指的條件,可在並非印刷本招股章程一起發 的 情況下,發出紙張形式的申請表格(並連同電子形式的招股章程)("混媒體要約")。
Under the new section 9A of the Exemption Notice, as added by the Notice, a company (whether incorporated in or outside Hong Kong) seeking to conduct a public offering of shares or debentures can issue a
paper application form
[...] (together with an electronic prospectus) without it being accompanied by a printed form prospectus (mixed media offer), if it complies with certain conditions stipulated in the new section.
[...] 召集了一个工作队,将为会议制定和实施全系统传播战略,包括重要的共同信息; 协调媒体活动和提高公众认的活动 ;并便利 印刷 、 在 线和 媒体 形 式 编制联 合或共享的信息产品。
To pursue an effective communications campaign on Rio+20, the Department, in consultation with Conference Secretary-General Sha Zukang, has convened a task force that will develop and implement a system-wide communications strategy for the conference, including common key messages; coordinate media events and public awareness-raising
activities; and facilitate the development of
[...] joint or shared information products, in print, online and multimedia formats.
危机组织通过电子邮件印刷版的形 式 广泛向外交人 员、研究人员和国际机构分发研究报告和简报,与此 同时,这些报告和简报也通过官方网站 www.crisisgroup.org提供给广泛大众。危机组织与决策 者、影响决的媒体等密切合作,发布对危机的分析 ,对政府政策制定提供支持。
Crisis Group’s reports and briefing papers are
[...] distributed widely by email and made available simultaneously on the website, www.crisisgroup.org. Crisis Group works closely with governments and those who influence them, including the media, to highlight its crisis analyses and to generate support for its policy prescriptions.
培训活动包括理论课程和在国家主要传媒结构中的实习,旨在将该地区传媒中的 国家和国际新闻覆盖面、法律和道德规章、管理和市场开拓以 印刷 传 媒的 设 计 和版面编排 结合起来。
The training included theoretical courses as well as internships in the leading national media structures, and aimed at combining national and
international news coverage in the
[...] regional media, legal and ethical regulations, management and marketing as well as design and layout of print media.
公司开展多种垂直一体的内部 业务:产品开发、产品测试、全球政府认证(例如FDA、CE等)、病人保护、制造、国内和国际销售、先 的 客 户 呼叫中心支持、电子商务、国内和国际全套物流功能以 媒体 和 印刷 广 告 支持。
The Company is vertically integrated with total internal capabilities including; product development, product testing, global government certifications (e.g., FDA, CE, etc.), patent protection, manufacturing, domestic and international distribution, state of the art customer-call center support, Ecommerce, and complete domestic and international logistics capabilities as well as media and print advertising support.
印刷媒体(包括“新”媒体)、三个 电台和两个电视台记者参加了总的 简 报 会、访问了新闻组织、参加了世界银行、 国际货币基金组织和在乔治亚州亚特兰大有线电视新闻网总部举行的会议。
Three print (including “new” media), three radio and two television journalists participated in briefings at Headquarters, [...]
visits to
media organizations, and meetings at the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and in the Atlanta, Georgia, Headquarters of CNN.




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