

单词 卧具

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

同时所提关于申诉人所得营养及没有床卧 具的证据不足。
Also the evidence regarding the food served him and the lack of bed and bed clothing is scanty.
欧盟/禁毒办的短期方案假定将会使用 Ukonga
监狱,并在此基础上设想翻 修和改造牢房,培训监狱工作人员,提供必要设备、包括医疗用品和文娱设施,
[...] 提供囚犯衣物材料,购置盘子、杯子、上饭菜的 具 、 卧具 、 毯 子和床垫,提供 监狱管理和将囚犯从监狱运往法院的车辆,并提供无线电通信设备以人道监禁用 具。
Based on the assumption that Ukonga Prison would be used, the short-term European Union/UNODC programme envisages refurbishment and rehabilitation of prison cells, training of prison staff, provision of essential equipment, including medical supplies and recreational resources, provision of material
for prisoner clothing, purchase of
[...] plates, cups, serving utensils, bedding, blankets [...]
and mattresses, provision of vehicles
for prison management and transport of inmates from prison to court and provision of radio communications equipment and humane restraints.
Bedroom furniture
装修颇具品味,拥有独立的客厅卧 室 、 餐 具 室 和 用餐区。
[...] furnished, these rooms feature a separate living space and bedroom with a pantry [...]
and dining space.
此外卧底職 務並非所 有紀律部隊人員都要執行的正常職務;有關人員都是經過挑選 具備 合適的特質和才能。
These duties are not part of the
[...] normal duties expected of disciplined services officers, and are performed by selected officers with suitable attributes and skills only.
就交通支助而言,如果由于腿部疾病,不能够独立地使用公共交通 具 ,但 不是一卧床不 起,这个人是严重残疾人。
As for the supports given for transport, the person is seriously disabled if, owing to his
locomotive illness, he is not able to use the means of mass
[...] transport independently but is not confined to bed constantly.
本机床是 NHX 系列 X 级卧式 加工中心最新和最大型号的机床。
This machine is the latest and largest model in the NHX Series, the X-class horizontal machining centers.
2003年10月,部分美国家具制造商对从中国进口的木 卧 房 家 具 提 起 反倾销诉讼,在经历了一年多的反倾销调查以后,美克获得了国内唯一的反倾销零税率,从而获得巨大的市场竞争优势,打开了一条出口贸易的绿色通道,成为全球最大家具市场——美国客户的采购首选。
In October, 2003, part of American furniture manufacturers filed an anti-dumping case with US Department of Commerce (DOC) against wooden bedroom furniture imported from China, and Markor is the exclusive manufacturing company gained zero anti-dumping rate after over one-year research.
Floorplanner强大的数据库中包含每一种房屋中的每一种 具 用 品 ,你可以 卧 室 挑选 家 具 , 也 可以为厨房和卫生间选择厨卫用具,当然你还可以选择花园中的农具和咖啡厅中的餐具等等。
Floorplanner's library of features includes every type of object for living-rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, gardens and offices.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
具 体的落实行动包括组织召具体培 训届会,旨在激励决策者和政策制定者授予在线普及利用 公共记录和政府持有的记录的权利,确定和促进公共领域中信息和知识的储存并使其可供全 [...]
Concrete follow-up initiatives have
[...] included the organization of specific training sessions with a [...]
view to stimulating decision-
and policy-makers to enact the right of universal online access to public and government-held records, to identify and promote repositories of information and knowledge in the public domain and to make them accessible to all, as well as to undertake the preservation and digitization of public domain information held by governments.
净减少额反映大多数支出用途项下的减少额,包括咨 询人项下的 242 800 美元,其主要原因是尽可能增加对内部专门知识的使用;专 家项下的 104 700 美元,主要原因是尽可能合并会议或减少专家数量和会议持续 时间的协同努力;工作人员差旅项下的 121 200 美元,其主要原因是增加对视频 会议的使用、尽可能合并差旅和(或)减少差旅时间;订约承办事务项下的 460 800 美元,其主要原因是更多使用电子手段传播出版物; 具 和 设 备项下的 111 000 美元,原因是通过延长具和设 备的使用时间减少对更换 具 和 办公设备的需 求;以及赠款和捐款项下的 781 600 美元,其主要原因是终止了与国际电子计算 中心的合同。
The net decrease reflects reductions under most objects of expenditure, including $242,800 under consultants, mainly as a consequence of the increased use of in-house expertise, where possible; $104,700 under experts, resulting mainly from concerted efforts to combine meetings or reduce the number of experts and the duration of meetings, whenever possible; $121,200 under travel of staff, mainly attributable to increased utilization of video conferencing, combining trips and/or reducing the duration of travel as much as possible; $460,800 under contractual services, primarily owing to increased utilization of electronic means of disseminating publications; $111,000 under furniture and equipment, reflecting reduced requirements for the replacement of furniture and office equipment resulting from extending the lifespan of furniture and equipment; and $781,600 under grants and contributions, mainly owing to the termination of the contract with the International Computing Centre.
一大具体的 建议已提交给对话的协调员,如建立大学的对话与网络;青年科学家的 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习记者和资深新闻工作者的 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书的比较研究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书 中阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的形象。
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
这不是基督应该由该monophysites否认天主教神学家谁最好攻击的理论,对已行使人类活动,将人类行为,人类的认知行为,显然是错误的确认为男子 卧 在 没 有区分人类或混合(theandric的)活动基督,而纯粹是神圣的活动,将知识,而儿子已在共同与父亲和圣灵,并其实神性。
It was not supposed by the best Catholic theologians who attacked the doctrine that the Monophysites denied Christ to have exercised human activities, human acts of the will, human acts of cognition; the error was clearly recognized as lying in the failure to distinguish between the human or the mixed (theandric) activity of Christ as Man, and the purely Divine activity, will, knowledge, which the Son has in common with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and which are in fact the Divine Nature.




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