

单词 卤味

See also:


taste n
flavorAE n


classifier for mixture of prescribed Traditional Chinese Medicine

External sources (not reviewed)

所 测 试 的 190卤 味 样 本 中 , 发 现 其 中 2 个 样 本 (1.1%) 含 有 致 病 原 。
Of the 190 samples oflo-mei tested, 2 samples (1.1%) were found to contain unsatisfactory amountof pathogens.
根 据 《 公 众 卫 生 及 市 政 条 例 》 ( 第 132 章 ) 《 食 物 业 规 例 》 附 表 2 的 规 定 ,味 及 卤 味 属 限 制 出 售 的 食 物 。
Siu-mei and lo-mei areclassified as restricted food under Schedule 2 of the Food Business Regulationof the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, Cap. 132.
虽 然 现 时 没 有 文 献 记 述味 或 卤 味 的 物 理 特 性 , 但 根 据 我 们 对味 及 卤 味 配 制 步 骤 的 理 解 , 和 与 其 他 肉 类 和 家 禽 食 品 比 较 ,味 及 卤 味 所 含 的 盐 分 比 其 他 肉 类 和 家 禽 食 品 为 高 , 而 水 份 活 度 则 较 低 。
There is scarce documentationabout these properties of siu-mei or lo-mei in the literature. However, basingon the understanding of the food preparation steps of siu-mei and lo-mei,it is recognized that most of them have relatively high salinity level andlow water activity as compared with other meat and poultry products.
味 及 卤 味 的 物 理 特 性 ( 例 如 酸 碱 值 、 盐 度 值 、 水 分 活 度 、 营 养 值 ) 及 周 围 环 境 因 素 ( 例 如 相 对 湿 度 、 气 温 及 空 气 成 分 ) , 均 会 影 响味 及 卤 味 内 的 微 生 物 生 长 。
Physical properties, namely pH value, salinity value, water activity, nutrient value, and the ambient environment such as relative humidity, temperature and gaseous atmosphere, are factors influencing the microbial growth in siu-mei and lo-mei.
本 文 件 旨 在 评 估 进 食味 及 卤 味 对 人 体 造 成 的 微 生 物 危 害 、 审 视 二 零 零 零 年 的 本 地 食 物 监 察 结 果 、 鉴 别 出 制 造 程 序 中 的 控 制 重 点 、 以 及 向 业 界 建 议 改 善 措 施 。
This paper evaluates the microbiological hazards associated with consumption of siu-mei and lo-mei, examines the local food surveillance findings for the period of 2000, identifies the critical control points in the manufacturing practices and recommends improvement measures to the trade.
[...] LED、白炽灯、荧光灯、紧凑型荧光灯、高压气体放电灯 卤 素 灯 、微型白炽灯、霓虹灯和其它专用照明灯。
We offer a complete range of light sources including LEDs, incandescent lamps,
fluorescent, compact fluorescent, high
[...] intensity discharge, halogen, miniature incandescent, [...]
neon and other specialty lamps.
飞利浦 Xenon
[...] HID 氙气车灯转换套件使您可以从标准 卤 素 前照灯转换为明亮炫白的氙气车灯。
The Philips Xenon HID conversion kit is your chance to
[...] convert from standard halogen headlamps to the [...]
brightest and whitest Xenon bulbs.
不得使用 1,1,1- 三氯乙烷、二氯甲烷、其卤代烃 溶剂或含有这些溶剂的流体。
Do not use 1,1,1-trichloroethane, methylene
[...] chloride, other halogenated hydrocarbon solvents [...]
or fluids containing such solvents.
Do not use a paint or a
[...] solvent containing halogenated hydrocarbons.
[...] 饲料的养殖的鱼类;(iii)用于水产养殖孵化场和养成阶段饵料的许多物种的养殖 生物量(例如浮游动物卤虫和海洋蠕虫);(iv)用于继续养殖或野外投放的水 [...]
Global statistics are still lacking on: (i) non-food aquaculture production, including live bait for fishing, live ornamental species (animals and plants) and ornamental products (pearls and shells); (ii) fishes cultured as feed for certain carnivorous farmed species;
(iii) culture of biomass of many species
[...] (such as plankton, Artemia and marine worms) [...]
for use as feed in aquaculture hatcheries
and grow-out operations; (iv) aquaculture hatchery and nursery outputs for ongrowing in captivity or stocking to the wild; and (v) inputs in terms of captured wild fish ongrown in captivity.
[...] 驱逐的决定提出质疑的权利,有人指出,在这种情况下,不歧视必须被解释为在 外国人之间不受歧视,而不是味着 任何国民待遇原则。
Regarding the right of access to effective remedies to challenge the expulsion decision without discrimination, it was pointed out that, in that
context, nondiscrimination must be construed as being among aliens,
[...] and not as implying any principle [...]
of national treatment.
这并不味着涉及到保留,虽然有时候被“提出者”作为“具 有解释性”提出的“单方面声明”可能是一项真正的保留,在这种情况下,其 [...]
“允许性”应根据适用于保留的规则予以评估(准则 3.5.1)。
This does not mean that reservations [...]
are involved, although sometimes a unilateral declaration presented as interpretative
by its author might be a true reservation, in which case its permissibility must be assessed in the light of the rules applicable to reservations (guideline 3.5.1).
协调委员会还认为,“确保缔约国建立 的机制能够有效地运作”味着: 除其他外,任何新的格局都必须能够继续确保 连续性和地域代表性。
The Coordinating Committee also considered that “to ensure the effective functioning of the mechanisms established by the States Parties” meant that, in part, it was essential that any new configuration would continue to ensure continuity and geographic representation.
禁令涵蓋的食品如下: a) 所有水果和蔬菜; b) 所有奶類、奶類飲品及奶粉;以及 c) 所有冷凍或冷藏味、肉 類和家禽、禽蛋,以及活生、冷凍或冷藏水產品,除 非附有日本主管當局所簽發的證明書證明有關食物的輻射水平並沒有超出食 品法典委員會的標準。
Food items covered in the prohibition order included the a) all fruits and vegetables; b) all milk, milk beverages and dried milk; and c) all chilled or frozen game, meat and poultry, poultry eggs, and live, chilled or frozen aquatic products unless accompanied by a certificate issued by the competent authority of Japan certifying that the radiation levels do not exceed the standards laid down by the Codex.




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