

单词 卢武铉

See also:

(old) rice vessel
(Taiwan slang) troublesome
surname Lu


military n

surname Wu

stand for bronze tripod (archaeology)

External sources (not reviewed)

比如,中国认为由 于韩国总统李明博抛弃了其前 卢武铉 的 对 朝政策,从而“惹恼” 了朝鲜,阻碍了六方会谈的进展。
For example, in China’s eyes South Korean President Lee Myungbak’s repudiation of his predecessor Roo Muh-Hyun’s North Korea policy obstructed the progress in the Six-Party Talks because it “irritated” North Korea.
[...] Nsabimana 中校立即命 令所有下属部队返回镇上,因为他对专家组说,刚果 (金 ) 武 装 部 队内“ 卢 旺 达” 的情绪升级。
Nsabimana, based in Baraka, immediately ordered all of his units to
return to the town, owing to what he stated to the Group as an
[...] escalation of “anti-Rwandophone” sentiments within FARDC.
The five piece band combines tin-whistle, double-bass, various string instruments (banjo, mandolin and guitar) and drums/percussion and vocals include three-part harmonies.
此外,德国的援助组织GTZ 在金沙萨卢本巴希、布武、 基 桑加尼和姆布吉马伊等地都有治疗中心。
In addition, the German aid organization GTZ has treatment
[...] centres in Kinshasa, Lubumbashi, Bukavu, Kisangani and [...]
Mbuji Mayi.
秘书长 2011 年 2 月 10 日写信(S/2012/85)通知安全理事会,他已任命以下
[...] 人员为专家组成员:肯尼亚的纳尔逊 · 阿 卢 萨 拉 生 ( 武 器 );荷兰的鲁本·德·科 宁先生(自然资源);摩尔多瓦共和国的玛丽·普拉马代勒女士(海关与航空);比 [...] [...]
利时的史蒂文·斯皮塔埃尔先生(财务);美利坚合众国的史蒂文·黑格先生(武 装团体兼协调员)。
By his letter dated 10 February 2012 (S/2012/85), the Secretary-General informed the Security Council that he had appointed to the Group of
Experts the following individuals: Mr.
[...] Nelson Alusala of Kenya (arms); Mr. Ruben de Koning [...]
of the Netherlands (natural resources);
Ms. Marie Plamadiala of the Republic of Moldova (customs and aviation); Mr. Steven Spittaels of Belgium (finance); and Mr. Steven Hege of the United States of America (armed groups and Coordinator).
卢旺达没有武装团体,因此,不产武装团体在卢旺达 招募儿童兵的问题。
There were no armed groups in Rwanda therefore the issue of armed groups recruiting child soldiers in Rwanda does not arise.
在闭幕式上,会议主席、土耳其外交部长阿赫梅特 · 达 武 特 奥 卢 , 会 议秘 书长谢克·西迪·迪亚拉,尼泊尔副总理兼外交部长乌彭德拉·亚达夫,阿根廷 (代表 77 国集团加中国),以及会议报告员让-弗朗西斯·雷吉斯·津苏(贝宁)作 了发言。
At the closing ceremony statements were made by the President of the Conference, Ahmet Davutoğlu, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Turkey; Cheick Sidi Diarra, Secretary-General of the Conference; Upendra Yadav, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Nepal; Argentina (on behalf of the Group of 77 and China); and Jean-Francis Régis Zinsou (Benin), Rapporteur of the Conference.
好 几位解放卢旺达民主力量前高级军官称 卢 旺 达 武 装 团体的所有前战斗人员在完 成卢旺达复员和重返社会委员会的方案后,自动编入卢旺达国防军后备力量(由 [...]
Fred Ibingira将军指挥)。
According to several former senior FDLR officers, all former
[...] combatants of Rwandan armed groups, upon completion [...]
of the Rwandan Demobilization and
Reintegration Commission’s programme, are automatically enrolled in the RDF Reserve Force, commanded by General Fred Ibingira.
并借此机会感谢这一项目下的 决议草案(A/64/L.16)的协调人、南非驻日内瓦常驻副 代卢武右·恩 第曼尼先生的辛勤努力。
My Government would also like to take this opportunity to thank the facilitator on the draft resolution (A/64/L.16) under this item, Mr. Luvuyo Ndimeni, Deputy Permanent Representative of South Africa in Geneva, for his hard work.
为进一步扩大所通 过的大湖区建立信任措施,他呼吁国际社会协助该区域建立一支由布隆迪 卢旺 达和刚武装单位组成武装部队,负责这些国家共同边界的巡逻。
To further build on confidence-building measures adopted in the Great Lakes region, he called on the international community to assist the region
in developing a force
[...] composed of Burundian, Rwandan and Congolese armed units tasked with patrolling [...]
the common borders of those countries.
第 1896(2009)号决议特别针对外武装团 体, 卢 民 主 力量-阿巴昆古齐部 队,在这方面,专家组认为,只要刚果民主共和国矿产的进口商、加工行业和消 [...]
费者通过尽职调查努力了解到矿产来自这些武装团体控制的矿场,或后来被其征 税,他们就应采取措施,立即停止收购、加工或消费这些矿产。
Resolution 1896 (2009) particularly
[...] targets foreign armed groups such as FDLR-FOCA and, [...]
in this regard, it is the Group’s
view that where importers, processing industries and consumers of minerals from the Democratic Republic of the Congo learn through their due diligence efforts that minerals have come from sites controlled by these groups, or have subsequently been taxed by such groups, they should take steps immediately to cease purchasing, processing or consuming those minerals.
前全国保卫人民大会军官说,他们继续把刚果 (金 ) 武 装 部 队供应武器用于袭卢民主 力量的行动,继续从刚果黑市和区域贩运网络购买武器。
Ex-CNDP officers stated that they had continued
[...] diverting arms supplied by FARDC for the purpose of the operations against FDLR and purchasing [...]
weapons from the
Congolese black market and regional trafficking networks.
但刚果(金)武装部队与卢民主 力量之间以及“玛伊-玛伊”民兵 Raiya Mutomboki 派与卢民主力量之间的冲突导致民众,特别是卡巴雷、沙本达和瓦伦 古等县的民众大量流离失所。
However, clashes between FARDC and FDLR, and between Mayi-Mayi Raiya Mutomboki and FDLR, led to significant displacements, particularly in Kabare, Shabunda and Walungu territories.
有关该行动的初步报告是积极的,第一天在平加 就有 27 名卢民主力量干部携带 12 支自动步枪和弹药 投降,第二天又在 Luvingi 抓获 3 名携武器的卢民 主力量干部。
The initial reports of the operation are positive, with 27 FDLR cadres with 12 automatic rifles and ammunition surrendering at Pinga on the first day, and three FDLR cadres, with firearms, being apprehended on the second day in Luvingi.
所有 15 个安理会成员、包括土耳其外交部长阿赫梅特 · 达 武 特 奥 卢 都 发 了 言,谴责袭击加沙船队的行为,要求紧急调查这一事件。
All 15 Council members spoke, including the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Turkey, Ahmet Davutoğlu, who condemned the attack against the Gaza flotilla and demanded an urgent inquiry into the incident.
安全理事会介入卢旺达局势,以应 卢 旺 达政 府 武 装 部队 和 卢 旺 达 爱国阵线(卢爱阵)在卢旺达和乌干达边境发生的战斗。
The Security Council became involved in
the situation in Rwanda in
[...] response to fighting between the Armed Forces of Government of Rwanda [...]
and the Rwandese Patriotic
Front (RPF) that had broken out across the border between Rwanda and Uganda.
安全理事会采取对策,卢旺达实行 武 器 禁 运,呼吁采取紧急国际行动,并授权采取以法国为首的多国人道主义“绿松石行动。
In response, the Security
[...] Council imposed an arms embargo against Rwanda, called for [...]
urgent international action and authorized
a French-led multi-national humanitarian "Operation Turquoise.
k2009年1 月,刚果民主共和国卢旺达对在北 武 省 的 卢旺 达 民主解放力量的卢旺达胡图叛乱分子开展了联合军事行动。
However, the fighting was mainly concentrated in the North Kivu and South Kivu provinces, and the Ituru district in the Orientale province; all in the east of the country.k In January 2009, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda launched a joint military operation against the Rwanda Hutu rebels of the Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Rwanda (FDLR) in North Kivu.
会议获悉,在主席缺席时,其职责将由土耳其外交部长阿赫梅特 · 达 武 特奥 卢承担
The Conference was informed that, during the absence of the President, his responsibilities would be assumed by Ahmet Davutoğlu, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Turkey.
在 1994 年国防部法律事务司司长 Ephrem Setako 中校卢旺达武装部队前 军事首领 Emmanuel Rukondo;内务部前办公室主任 Callixte Kalimanzila;以及卢 旺达茶叶管制署署长 Michael Baragaza 等案件中,法院做出了大量有罪判决。
The court has issued a number of convictions in the cases of Lieutenant Colonel Ephrem Setako who was head of the division of legal affairs in the Ministry of Defence in 1994; Emmanuel Rukondo, former Military Captain in the Rwandan Armed Forces; Callixte Kalimanzila, former Directeur de Cabinet of the Ministry of the Interior; and Michael Baragaza, former Director General of the office controlling the Rwandan tea industry.
肇事者包括刚果(金)武装力量、卢民 主 力量、刚果爱国抵抗联盟、 马伊-马伊、上帝军、抵抗阵线/正义阵线、全国保卫人民大会、刚果国家警察、 民主力量同盟/解放乌干达民族军以及身份不明的武装分子。
Perpetrators include FARDC, FDLR, PARECO, Mai-Mai, LRA, FRPI/FPJC, CNDP, Police nationale congolaise, ADF/NALU and unidentified armed elements.
卢旺达向武装团体提供上述支持导致危机加剧;刚果民主共和国政府和卢旺 达政府自 2012 年 4 月初起举行一系列双边高层会议,以化解危机。
In an attempt to solve the crisis
[...] which this Rwandan support to armed groups had exacerbated, [...]
the Governments of the Democratic
Republic of the Congo and Rwanda have held a series of high-level bilateral meetings since early in April 2012.
2009 年 2
[...] 月,继卢旺达和刚果民主共和国达成政治和解后,刚果民主共和武装力量和卢旺达 国防军开展了一项为期三周针对卢民主力量的联合军事行动。
In February 2009, following the political rapprochement between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic
of the Congo, a three-week joint military
[...] operation was led by FARDC and the Rwandan Defence Forces [...]
(RDF) against FDLR.
2010 年 1 月至 3 月期间,我不断努力动员各方支持塞浦路斯谈判,包括与希
[...] 腊总理乔治·帕潘德里欧、土耳其总理雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安、土耳其外交 部长阿赫梅特·达武特奥卢、希 腊副外交部长迪米瑞斯·德鲁萨斯和欧洲联盟委 [...]
Between January and March 2010, as part of my ongoing efforts to build support for the Cyprus negotiations, I also held several constructive meetings with key leaders and
senior officials such as Prime Minister
[...] George Papandreou of Greece, Prime Minister [...]
Recept Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, Turkish
Minister for Foreign Affairs Ahmet Davutoglu, Greek Alternate Minister for Foreign Affairs Dimitris Droutsas, and President Barroso of the European Commission.
此外,恩森吉亚马纳还说:“卢旺达已经得到关于刚果民主共和武装部队与卢民主 力量部队之间勾结并向后者提供支持的详细信息”(见附件 11)。
Furthermore, Nsengimana
[...] added that “Rwanda has been receiving detailed information on collusion between and support from FARDC units to FDLR [...]
forces” (see annex 11).
在本报告所述期间内,联合保护小组提出的建议导致设立了联刚特派团保护 的走廊,有 5 000 多名平民从 Kashebere 预防性地撤离,因为刚果(金)武装力卢旺达国防军联军将要对卢民主力量实施攻击,此外这些建议也导致在联刚特 派团协助下,把刚果(金)武装力量部署到了 Pinga,以便提供保护。
During the reporting period, recommendations by joint protection teams led to the creation of MONUC-protected corridors, where over 5,000 civilians from the area of Kashebere were evacuated pre-emptively in anticipation of an attack against FDLR by the FARDC-RDF coalition forces, as well as to the MONUC-facilitated deployment of FARDC to Pinga for protection purposes.
21 根据刚果情报来源和 被拘留的政治领导人,基里班亚自 2003 年逃离布武后已生活卢旺达政府的 保护下。
The head of the UCDD, Xavier Chiribanya, is the former governor of South Kivu
during RPF control over the Kivus and a longstanding secessionist.21 According to Congolese intelligence sources and detained political leaders, Chiribanya has been living under
[...] the protection of the Rwandan Government since he [...]
fled from Bukavu in 2003.
库尔德地区政府主席马苏德·巴尔扎尼在 6 月 2 日至 6 日到安卡拉进行为期 五天的访问,在当地会晤了总统阿卜杜拉·居尔、总理雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多 安和外交部长阿赫梅特·达武特奥卢 , 讨 论共同关切的问题,特别是安全、经济 和能源。
Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) President Massoud Barzani paid a five-day visit to Ankara from 2 to 6 June, where he met with President Abdullah Gül, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu to discuss issues of mutual concern, in particular security, the economy and energy.
在这方面,我们将继续努力支持在秘书 长报告中提到的、5 月 10 日由土耳其外交部长阿赫梅 特·达武特奥卢阁下 在伊斯坦布尔主持的区域国家 会议上讨论的区域层面。
In this regard, we will continue to pursue efforts in support of the regional dimension discussed at the regional countries’ meeting, hosted by His Excellency Ahmet Davutoğlu, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Turkey, in Istanbul on 10 May, which is referenced in the Secretary-General’s report.
本着这一精神,我国外长武特 奥卢先生 在选举后两次访问波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那, 在其最近一次访问中,他在萨拉热窝会晤了波什尼亚 [...]
克族领导人,在巴尼亚卢卡区会晤了多迪克先生,并 在莫斯塔尔会晤了克罗地亚族领导人。
In this vein, our Minister for
[...] Foreign Affairs, Mr. Davutoğlu, visited Bosnia [...]
and Herzegovina twice after the elections,
and during his most recent visit he met with Bosniak leaders in Sarajevo, Mr. Dodik in Banja Luka and Croat leaders in Mostar.




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