

单词 卡车上

See also:


get on or into (a bus, train, car etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

每次在阿比让下降之后,飞机滑行到由军事人员包围的空军基地, 货物直接卸卡车上(见下图)。
After each landing in Abidjan, the aircraft taxied to the
military airbase where, surrounded by military personnel, its cargo was
[...] offloaded directly onto a truck (see image below).
这些官员正在进行例行检查时拦截一辆公路建 设公司卡车,发卡车上有 11 支单管霰弹枪、3 000 发霰弹枪子弹和两袋均重 15 公斤的大麻(见附件二)。
The officers were conducting routine
checks when they
[...] intercepted a truck belonging to a road construction company and discovered that the truck was carrying [...]
11 single-barrel shotguns,
3,000 rounds of shotgun ammunition, and two bags of marijuana weighing 15 kilograms each (see annex II).
在 Qatna
[...] 城,因为迫击炮弹落在一辆三星 卡车上 , 车 牌是 758955/Rif Dimashq,属于公民 [...]
Majid al-Hawsh,造成物质损失。
In the city of Qatna, a mortar bomb hit and damaged
[...] a Samsung pick-up truck, licence plate No. [...]
758955 (Rif Dimashq), belonging to the civilian Majid al-Hawsh.
自由军成员和其他人对一个涉嫌为政府安全部队工作的人施以私刑,并将其尸体 放在卡车上游街示众。
In late January 2012, in Karm Al-Zeitun, FSA members and others lynched
a man suspected of working with the State security forces, and paraded his
[...] body on a pick-up truck through the streets.
螺栓力连指手套,以帮助他回到好莱坞,螺栓后敲手套无意识的两 卡车上 开 始他们的旅程向西。
Bolt forces Mittens to help him get back to Hollywood, and after Bolt knocks Mittens unconscious the two
[...] start their journey westward on a truck.
某会员国在 2012 年 1 月 9 日的一份 普通照会中,介绍了 2011 年 2 月 15
[...] 日在与叙利亚接 壤的边境口岸对一卡车上的被 没收物资进行的检 查结果情况。
In a note verbale dated 9 January 2012, a Member State provided information on the
results of inspections carried out on material
[...] confiscated from a truck on 15 February [...]
2011 at a border gate with Syria.
[...] 功做法报告了一个针对偏远地区妇女的提高认识运动:鼓励受暴力伤害妇女讲出 来和寻求援助的传单被贴卡车上并 在 超级市场上进行视频广播;在食品包装上 [...]
印有运动的标示和免费电话的号码;妇女危机处理中心的有经验专业人员对边远 地区进行访问,以直接处理暴力问题。
An awareness-raising campaign targeting remote areas was reported by Lithuania as a successful practice: advertising messages encouraging women victims of
violence to speak up and seek
[...] assistance were posted on trucks and broadcasted as [...]
videos in supermarkets; the slogan and
logo of the campaign with the number of a free helpline were printed on food packages; and experienced professionals from women’s crisis centres visited remote places in person to deal directly with violence situations.
从理论上讲,货物在阿比让港从集装箱转 卡车上 的 时候 起就处于海关监督之下。
In theory, cargoes are under Customs surveillance from the moment they are trans-shipped from
[...] containers in the port of Abidjan into trucks.
14 时,在
[...] Tayanah 村,一个武装恐怖团伙偷走了属于 Sadcob 公司卡车, 上面装载了瓦斯罐。
At 1400 hours, in the village of Tayanah, an armed
[...] terrorist group stole a truck loaded with gas cylinders [...]
belonging to the Sadcob company.
据估计,50%的受害者在爆炸后几个小时内死亡,许多人没来得及得到医治,因需几小时在骆驼背上或在道路颠簸 卡车上。
Children are more likely to die from landmine injuries than adults … It is estimated that 50% of victims die within hours of the
blast, many of them never reaching medical care that may be hours away on the back of a camel or
[...] over bumpy roads in a truck.
除来料鉴别——例如快速测卡车上 的 线 圈——外,混合物筛选更是其典型应用。
Besides inspection of incoming goods — the quick testing
[...] of coils on the truck, for example — [...]
the mix-up test is the classic application.
[...] Little研究报告,并声称对我们 卡车上 “ 掉 落的”矿石进行过抽样分析的作者—— [...]
Dino Huang,他又是谁呢?
Who is Dino Huang, the author who prepared Alfred Little's research report and has purportedly
[...] sampled our ores "dropped" from a truck?
这一次级部门包括在冷藏室卡车上 装 配 或安装预 制制冷系统的企业,或者对从客车或公共汽车专业供应商处获得的安装空调系统进行安装 [...]
的企业;其安装工作在制冷设备制造商厂房之外进行,或者由分部、代理或独立承包人承 担;可能会进行个别非氟氯烃安装,基于成套制冷设备制造商所指定的制冷剂,或者基于 客户的选择;并且不存在制造中间产品所产生的消耗。
This sub-sector includes enterprises involved in the assembly or installation of prefabricated refrigeration systems
[...] in cold rooms or trucks, or the installation [...]
of air-conditioning
systems obtained from specialized suppliers for trucks or buses; where the installation is outside the premises of the refrigeration equipment manufacturer or may be undertaken by a branch, agency or independent contractor; the individual installation may be non-HCFC, based on the refrigerant specified by the manufacturer of the refrigeration unit or based on the choice of the customer; and there is no consumption for manufacturing as intermediate goods.
8 月 10 日,3 名武装人员袭击了从奥贝德到尼亚拉运送世界粮食计划署(粮食署)供应品的商卡车,将卡车上一名随行人员打死。
On 10 August, three armed men attacked a
[...] commercial truck carrying World Food Programme (WFP) provisions from El Obeid to Nyala, killing a truck attendant.
任务要求调查关于“以色列国防军部队以残忍、 不人道和有辱人格的条件监禁被拘留者,”,例如“让他们待在坑里,暴露在寒冷和恶劣天气条
[...] 件下,戴着手铐,眼睛被蒙上,没有食物,无法挣脱”,晚上,把他们赶 卡车上 , 戴 上手铐, 没有足够的毛毯。
The mandate required an investigation of allegations that “IDF forces held the detainees in cruel, inhumane and degrading conditions,” such “in pits, exposed to cold and bad weather conditions, handcuffed and with their eyes covered, without food or
ability to relieve themselves” and
[...] “during the night in trucks, while they are handcuffed, [...]
without having enough blankets.
例如,置卡车上的SoMat eDAQlite可以与固定在桥上的SoMat eDAQlite同步采集数据,或者置于高速列车的SoMat [...]
eDAQlite可以与安装在铁轨上的SoMat eDAQlite同步采集数据。
For example, a SoMat
[...] eDAQlite on a moving truck can be synchronously [...]
collecting data with the SoMat eDAQ on a fixed bridge,
or a high-speed train can be synchronously measured together with a rail-mounted system.
卡车往往 装满武器和弹药,乘客及其货物则被安置 上 面 掩 护货物。
The trucks are loaded with weapons and ammunition, and the passengers and their goods ride [...]
on top to conceal the cargo.
该机构认为,冷藏卡车的生产应该继续遵守为商业制冷规定的成本效益阈 值,文件应该仅限于卡车和大轿 车上 安 装 和维修空调设备的活动,并应该把冷藏排除 [...]
UNDP considered that the production of refrigerated trucks should remain under the cost effectiveness threshold for commercial refrigeration, that the paper should be restricted
to the installation and servicing
[...] of air-conditioning in trucks and buses and that cold [...]
storage should be deleted from the scope.
新技术系统,包括特别设计或修改的水箱和容器, 以及装备有增氧和氧气设施卡车和 其 他运输工具使鱼在运输或存放及展示期间 存活。
New technological systems include specially designed
or modified tanks and
[...] containers, as well as trucks and other transport vehicles equipped with [...]
aeration or oxygenation facilities
to keep fish alive during transportation or holding and display.
这些资源将用于支付基本集结区和临 时/流动集结区的短期土地租用费,以接收前战斗人员及其家属,还将用于特派 团管理各方案的文职人员办公场所和有关的水电费;租 卡车 把 仍 在戈马的前战 斗人员运送回各自的原籍国;前战斗人员及其家属每人 7 天的食品和水以及医疗 援助、服务和用品;以本国语文制作有关解除武装、复员和遣返问题的小册子/ 传单,以及短期雇佣本国口译员/宣传员 ( 同 上 ,第 136 段)。
The resources would provide for the short-term rental of land for basic and temporary/mobile assembly areas to
receive the
[...] ex-combatants and their dependants, as well as office space for the Mission’s civilian personnel administering the programmes and related utilities; the leasing of trucks for the transportation of the remaining ex-combatants in Goma to their countries of origin; food and water for seven days per person; medical assistance, services [...]
and supplies
for the ex-combatants and their dependants; the production of pamphlets/leaflets in relevant national languages on disarmament, demobilization and repatriation issues; and the short-term hiring of national interpreters/sensitizers (ibid., para. 136).
2004年,Pohl先生卡车收费 系统向新的道路收费方向调整的范围内更换了工作并作为执行董事在本公司负责采购。
In 2004 in conjunction with the
[...] realignment of the heavy truck toll collection [...]
system, Mr. Pohl moved to Toll Collect and
was responsible there for procurement as a managing director.
业务费用项下上述超支额的一部分因下列方面的所需费用减少而被抵销: (a) 由于更换一辆污水处卡车和一 辆托盘式装 卡车 的 实 际费用降低,购置车 辆的所需经费减少(231 000 美元)(同上,第 28 段);(b) 因为需要在当地医疗设 施接受治疗的军事人员人数减少,而且经谈判当地医疗设施的医疗服务费用降 [...]
低,医疗服务所需经费减少(80 400 美元);(c) 齐瓦尼营地的两个一级诊所合并
之后,医疗用品的所需经费减少(同上,第 29 段)。
The above overexpenditures under operational costs were offset, in part, by reduced
requirements for the
[...] acquisition of vehicles ($231,000), due to the lower actual cost for the replacement of a sewage truck and a palletized loading system truck (ibid., para. [...]
28); and for medical
services ($80,400), due to the lower number of personnel requiring treatment in local facilities, the lower negotiated costs of services in local medical facilities and the reduced requirement for medical supplies following the consolidation of two level I facilities in Camp Ziouani (ibid., para. 29).
即使在 21 世纪的今天,在世上的许 多城市,唯一固定或可靠的废物收集 服务(如果存在的话)是由靠一卡车 走 街 串巷的非法企业来提供的;青少年和他 们年幼的弟妹把垃圾场当作游乐场和捡拾物品换取零用钱的地方;冒着健康和安 全风险回收废物的非正规企业主未受赞扬和嘉奖,反遭迫害和刑事定罪;管理有 [...]
Even now, in the twenty-first century, there are many urban areas in the world where the only regular or
reliable waste
[...] collection services (if they exist at all) are provided by illegal one-truck businesses run from people’s homes; where adolescents and their [...]
small sisters and
brothers see the dump site as a playground and a source of materials to sell for pocket money; where informal entrepreneurs who risk their health and safety to recycle are persecuted instead of praised, criminalized instead of commended; where the safest way of managing hazardous industrial materials is for workers to burn them openly and breathe in the toxic fumes?
这样做是恰当的,因为: (a) 在装备冷藏室或冷卡车的企业,泡沫塑料作业基 上 与 生产泡沫塑料隔温板和应 用喷射泡沫塑料的生产相同,而后二者都已经确立为泡沫塑料次级行业;(b) [...]
泡沫塑料 部分的ODS消费量一般大大超过这类企业的制冷部分的消费量,其设备费用是项目经费
中的主要部分;(c) 可以按其他泡沫塑料项目采用的同样方式来确定这些项目的泡沫塑 料部分的消费量。
This is appropriate because (a) the foam
part of enterprises
[...] installing cold rooms or refrigerated trucks is basically the same as the production [...]
of foam insulation
panels or the application of spray foam – both of which are established foam sub-sectors, (b) the ODS consumption in the foam part is typically much larger than consumption in the refrigeration part of such enterprises and is the major part of the project in terms of cost of equipment, and (c) the consumption in the foam part of these projects can be established in the same manner as for other foam projects.
格里森引以自豪地向用户提供的600HTL TURBO型锥齿轮研齿机,在研齿加工方面,展示了全新的功能特点与加工能力,此台高速、适应能力极强的机床,在 轿 车 、 卡车 以 及 其他工业行业,将研齿的生产效率, 上 了 新 的水平。
Gleason is proud to offer the 600HTL TURBO LAPPER® Bevel Gear Lapping Machine, bringing a new dimension of features and process capability to the lapping process.
沃尔卡车(Vo lvo Trucks)于九月份在德国汉诺威举办的IAA国 车 展 上 推 出全新的FH系列,公司总裁Claes Nilsson(见图片)盛赞新款设计为“出色的长途运 卡车 , 拥 有远超竞争对手的领先技术。
Launching the new FH
[...] series at September’s IAA international Motor Show in Hannover, Germany, Volvo Trucks President Claes Nilsson (pictured) hailed the new design as “an outstanding long-haul truck, with technology way ahead of its competitors.
同样,《日内瓦进度报告》也回顾称,缔约国还 卡 塔 赫 纳首 脑会上强调 ,如果没有可持续的筹资方法,支助股只能大幅减少提供的服务, 这无疑将对执行进程产生不利影响。
As well, the Geneva Progress Report recalled that at the Cartagena Summit, the States Parties also highlighted that, without a sustainable means of financing, the ISU will have to drastically reduce its service offerings, which no doubt would adversely affect the implementation process.
信息和传播技术为穷人所用,其主要方式包括 1)将信息和传播中心与各种社区媒体连 接起来,包括印刷媒体、有线广播和电视;2)在现有资源和网络的基 上 , 建立穷人特别 是贫穷妇女的自助小组(SHGs),以及地方青年会;3)加强横向联系,比如在穷人和国立 大学之间,以及在更广泛的一般社区范围内;4)对信息和传播技术设施实行战略性配备, 比如在妇女之家、地方车站和 各类地方学校;并 5)调整和应用创新技术,如手持、手写 和触摸屏电脑。
Key strategies for ICT use by the poor include (1) linking ICT centres with various types of community media,
including print and both
[...] cable radio and television; (2) building on existing assets and networks of the poor, particularly women’s self-help groups (SHGs) and local youth clubs; (3) strengthening horizontal linkages, for instance between the poor and state universities and more broadly within the community-at-large; (4) strategically locating ICT facilities, in women’s homes, in local railway stations and [...]
various types of local
schools; and (5) innovating adaptations and new applications of technology, including hand-held, tablet and touchscreen computers.
20 世纪 90 年代在缅甸,一位优尼科官员承 认雇佣军队保护两条天然气管道,并向他们提供情报, 例如航空照片等;根据人权组织和媒体报道,优尼科的
[...] 法国合作伙伴道达尔雇佣了自己的缅甸军队,并向其供 应食物卡车。
In the 1990s in Myanmar, a Unocal official admitted to hiring troops to protect two natural gas pipelines and supplying them with intelligence, such as aerial photographs; according to human rights
groups and media reports, Unocal’s French partner, Total, hired and supplied its own Burmese
[...] troops with food and trucks.




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