

单词 卡西莫夫

See also:


Kraft, US food company


Franz Kafka (1883-1924), Czech Jewish writer

External sources (not reviewed)

在同一次 会议上,以下小组成员作了发言:奥利维耶·弗鲁维尔、鲁·罗洛、亚 斯明··格鲁姆。
At the same meeting, the following panellists made statements: Olivier de Frouville, Rodolfo Mattarollo, Yasmin Sooka and Dermot Groome.
执行支助古政治事务协理干事努蓬慧女士、秦凯 文先生·士为秘书处人员。
Ms. Ngoc Phuong Huynh, Associate
Political Affairs Officer, Implementation Support Unit, Mr.
[...] Kevin Ching and Ms. Monica Loveley served in the [...]
阿富汗伊斯兰共和国总统哈米·伊、巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国总统西夫· ·扎尔达里、俄罗斯联邦总统德米特里·梅德韦杰夫和塔吉克斯坦共 和国总统·拉赫蒙于 2010 年 8 月 18 日在索契举行第二届四方会议,就 区域合作的状况和发展前景进行了深入的讨论。
The President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, HamidKarzai;the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari; the President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev; and the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, having gathered in Sochi on 18 August 2010 for their second quadrilateral meeting, discussed in detail the current situation of, and outlook for, the development of regional cooperation.
(b) 2007 年 9 月,在政府与苏丹解放军/阿布埃· 卡西之间发生冲突 之后,西达尔富的一所男子中学据说被中央后备警察占领。
(b) In September
[...] 2007, a boys’ secondary school inMornei, Western Darfur, was reportedly occupied by the Central [...]
Reserve Police
following clashes between the Government and SLA/Abu Gasim.
拉斯穆森先生和潘基文首先发言,接着发言的还有:中 国国务院总理温家宝先生;巴西总统路易斯·卢拉·达席尔瓦先生;美利坚合众 国总统巴拉克·奥巴马先生;莱索托总理··莫西西生;哥伦比亚总统阿尔瓦罗·乌里韦先生;印度总理曼莫汉·辛格先生;俄罗斯 联邦总统德米特里·梅德韦韩民国总统李明博先生;埃塞俄比亚总理梅 莱斯·泽纳维先生;南非总统雅各布·祖马先生;日本总理鸠山由纪夫先生;格 林纳达总理蒂尔曼·托马斯先生;瑞典总理弗雷德里克·赖因费尔特先生;苏丹 总统助理纳菲耶·阿里·纳菲耶先生;欧洲委员会主席若斯·曼努埃尔·巴罗佐 先生;多民族玻利维亚国总统胡安·埃沃·莫拉莱斯·艾玛先生;委内瑞拉玻利 瓦尔共和国总统乌戈·拉斐尔·查韦斯·弗里亚斯先生。
Statements were made by Mr. Rasmussen and Mr. BAN followed by: Mr. Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council, China; Mr. Luiz I. Lula da Silva, President, Brazil; Mr. Barack Obama, President, United States of America; Mr. Pakalitha Bethuel Mosisili, Prime Minister, Lesotho; Mr. Alvaro Uribe Velez, President, Colombia; Mr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister, India; Mr. Dmitry A. Medvedev, President, Russian Federation; Mr. Myung-Bak Lee, President, Republic of Korea; Mr. Meles Zenawi, Prime Minister, Ethiopia; Mr. Jacob Zuma, President, South Africa; Mr. Yukio Hatoyama, Prime Minister, Japan; Mr. Tillman Thomas, Prime Minister, Grenada; Mr. Fredrik Reinfeldt, Prime Minister, Sweden; Mr. Nafie Ali Nafie, Assistant President, Sudan; Mr. José Manuel Barroso, President, European Commission; Mr. Juan Evo Morales Ayma, President, Bolivia (Plurinational State of); and Mr. Hugo Chávez Frías, President, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of).
采用了以下数据采集方法:A) 作为观察员出席 2001
年在温得和克召开的地区研讨会(下文简称为“温得和克+10 会议”);B) 在教科文组织总
[...] 部采访一些主要的信息提供人;C) 访问 3 个国家的总部外办事处 克、印度西南斯共和国),评估员采访了教科文组织的地区与总部外办事处工作人员,以 [...]
进行了文件分析;E) 向国际、地 区和国家的媒体非政府组织,包括“温得和克+10 会议”的与会者发放两份调查问卷,以便 了解他们对教科文组织战略的看法。
The following data collection approaches were employed: (a) Observation of a regional seminar held in Windhoek in 2001 (hereafter referred to as Windhoek +10 Conference); (b) Interviews of key informants at UNESCO Headquarters; (c)
Field visits to three
[...] countries (Mozambique, Indonesia, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) where the [...]
evaluators interviewed
UNESCO regional and field office staff, as well as NGOs who were beneficiaries of UNESCO’s assistance; (d) Document analysis; (e) Two questionnaires were distributed to international, regional, and national media NGOs, including participants of the Windhoek +10 Conference, in order to receive their perspectives on UNESCO’s strategies.
在伊斯拉·莫夫的倡议下,2011 年被宣布为乌兹别克斯坦小企业 和私营企业年。
On the initiative of President Islam Karimov, 2011 has been declared the year of small businesses and private enterprise in Uzbekistan.
阿尔巴尼亚、阿尔及利亚、安道尔、比利时、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、布基 纳法索、哥伦比亚、古巴、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、希腊、危地马拉、冰岛、印度西以色列、意大利、日本、约旦、肯尼亚、吉尔吉斯斯坦、马尔兰、 尼加拉瓜、尼日尔、波兰、大韩民国、摩尔多瓦共和国、塞内加尔、南 非、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、泰国、突尼斯、美利坚合众国和委内瑞拉玻利 瓦尔共和国随后加入为提案国。
Subsequently, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Cuba, Denmark, Estonia, Greece,
Guatemala, Iceland,
[...] Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan,Maldives,the Netherlands, Nicaragua, the Niger, Poland,Qatar,the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Moldova, Senegal, South [...]
Africa, the former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Thailand, Tunisia, the United States of America and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) joined the co-sponsors.
Dermalogica products are currently sold in over 80 countries at select skin treatment centers on the recommendation of a qualified professional skin therapist in addition
to the brand's concept
[...] spaces in SantaMonica,CA; NewYork, NY; London, England; Berlin, Germany; Auckland, New Zealand; Dubai, United [...]
Arab Emirates; and Mumbai,
India and online at Dermalogica.com.
在同次会议上,挪威 克(代表非洲集团)、芬兰、喀麦隆、洪都拉斯、 布基纳法索、危地马拉、阿富汗、巴巴多斯、瑙鲁(代表太平洋小岛屿发展中国 家)、东帝汶、波兰、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、葡萄牙、安哥拉、哈萨克斯坦、马 尔西哥斯达黎加和苏丹的观察员也发了言。
At the same meeting, statements
were also made by the
[...] observers for Norway,Mozambique (on behalf of the African Group), Finland, Cameroon, Honduras, Burkina Faso, Guatemala, Afghanistan, Barbados, Nauru (on behalf of the Pacific Small Island Developing States), Timor-Leste, Poland, the United Republic of Tanzania, Portugal, Angola, Kazakhstan,Maldives,New Zealand, Costa Rica and the Sudan.
我们以在随信所附发起国名单上联合署名的下列人权理事会成员国和观察员 国的名义提出上述请求:澳大利亚、奥地利、巴林、比利时、保加利亚、加拿
[...] 兰、法国、德国、希腊、危地马拉、洪都拉斯、匈牙利、爱尔兰、意大利、日 本、科威特、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马尔耳他、西摩纳 哥、荷兰、西挪威、秘鲁、波兰、葡萄牙、摩尔多瓦共和国、大 韩民国、罗马尼亚、沙特阿拉伯、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典、瑞 士、突尼斯、土耳其、阿拉伯联合酋长国、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利 [...]
We make the present request on behalf of the States Members and observers of the Human Rights Council that co-signed the attached list of co-sponsors: Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan,
Kuwait, Latvia,
[...] Lithuania, Luxembourg, Maldives, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal,Qatar,the Republic of [...]
Moldova, the Republic
of Korea, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America and Uruguay.
诺华(瑞士)是2009年申请量排名第一的申请人,有136件国际商标申请,接下来是利得(德国)、汉高(德国)、浙江医药公司(中国)、禧玛诺(日本)、KRKA(斯洛文尼亚)、吉瑞大药厂(匈牙利)、欧莱雅(法国)、博世和西门子(德国)、Egis制药(匈牙利)、辉瑞(瑞士)、杨森制药(比利时)、拜尔(德国)、葛兰素集团(联合王国)、勃林格殷格翰(德国)、雀巢(瑞士)、赛诺菲–安万特(法国) 威高(美国)西(德国)。
With 136 international trademark applications, Novartis (Switzerland) was the largest filer in 2009 followed by Lidl (Germany), Henkel (Germany), Zhejiang Medicine Company (China), Shimano (Japan), KRKA (Slovenia), Richter Gedeon (Hungary), L’Oréal (France), BSH Bosch und Siemens (Germany), Egis Gyógyszergyár (Hungary), Pfizer (Switzerland), Janssen Pharmaceutica (Belgium), Bayer (Germany), Glaxo Group (UK),
Boehringer Ingelheim (Germany), Nestlé (Switzerland),
[...] Sanofi Aventis (France), Callaway GolfCompany (USA) and Siemens (Germany).
此外,任 何具有科幻小说意味的东西似乎更适于出现在西莫夫说或《终结者》电影 中,而不是在人权报告中。
In addition, anything that smacks of science fiction seems more at home in an Asimov novel or Terminator film rather than in a human rights report.
埃斯· 尔先生(葡萄牙)(以英语发 言):我感谢前南斯和卢旺达问题国际刑事 法庭的庭长和检察官提交十分有益的报告(见 S/2011/316 和 S/2011/317)和他们今天在此所作的通 报。
(Portugal): I thank the Presidents and Prosecutors of the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda for their very useful reports (see S/2011/316 and S/2011/317) and for their briefings here today.
11月11-12日,江诗丹顿邀请到200多名VIP贵宾、客户、媒体记者、合作伙伴莅临位时尚的都史 卡夫道(Stoleshnikov Lane)的江诗丹顿精品店。
On November 11 and 12, Vacheron Constantin was pleased to
welcome over 200 VIP guests, clients, journalists and
[...] partners to its boutique onMoscow’s fashionable Stoleshnikov Lane.
哈马、巴林、孟加拉国、巴巴多斯、白俄罗斯、 文莱达鲁萨兰国、布基纳法索、乍得、中国、
[...] 国、吉布提、多米尼克、埃及、加蓬、冈比亚、 印度尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、伊拉克、约 旦、科威特、黎巴嫩、利比里亚、阿拉伯利比 亚民众国、马西马尔里、毛里 塔尼亚、摩洛哥、尼加拉瓜、尼日尔、尼日利 亚、阿曼、巴基斯坦、沙特阿拉伯、 塞内加尔、塞拉利昂、新加坡、所罗门群岛、 南非、苏丹、斯威士兰、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、 塔吉克斯坦、泰国、突尼斯、土耳其、乌干达、 [...]
Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Chad, China, Comoros, Congo, Cuba, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Djibouti, Dominica, Egypt, Gabon, Gambia, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan,
Kuwait, Lebanon,
[...] Liberia, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan,Qatar,Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, [...]
Solomon Islands,
South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
针对这些袭击,2010 年 7 月 6 日和 7
[...] 日,联合特别代表会晤了喀土穆的政府 官员,包括副总统阿里·奥斯曼·塔哈、新的外交部长阿·和人道主义 事务国务部长穆特·西,重申了以前对政府提出的要求,即及时、彻底 地调查对达尔富尔混合行动维和人员的攻击和犯罪行为,并起诉和惩处此类袭击 [...]
In response to those attacks, on 6 and 7 July 2010 the Joint Special Representative met with Government officials in Khartoum, including Vice-President Ali Osman Taha, the
new Minister for
[...] Foreign Affairs, Ali Karti, and thenew State Minister for Humanitarian Affairs,Mutrif Siddiq, [...]
to reiterate earlier demands
that the Government conduct thorough and timely investigations into the attacks and criminal acts committed against UNAMID peacekeepers and prosecute and punish the perpetrators of the attacks.
以下亚太经社会成员和准成员派代表出席了本届会议:亚美尼 亚、孟加拉国、不丹、柬埔寨、中国、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、斐 济、格鲁吉亚、印度、印度尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、日本、哈萨 克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、老挝人民民主共和国、马西 马尔克罗西邦、蒙古、缅甸、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、巴布亚新 几内亚、菲律宾、大韩民国、俄罗斯联邦、斯里吉克斯坦、 泰国、土耳其、美利坚合众国、乌兹别克斯坦和越南。
The session was attended by representatives of the following members and associate members of ESCAP: Armenia; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Cambodia; China; Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea; Fiji; Georgia; India; Indonesia; Iran (Islamic Republic of); Japan; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Lao People’s Democratic Republic; Malaysia; Maldives; Micronesia (Federated States of); Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Philippines; Republic of Korea; Russian Federation; Sri Lanka; Tajikistan; Thailand; Turkey; United States of America; Uzbekistan; and Viet Nam.
根据其〈议事规则〉第 16 条第 3 段的规定,执行局选出了V.(俄罗斯 联邦)担任财务与行政委员会主席,代替E.西(俄罗斯联邦)任满其任期。
In accordance with Rule 16, paragraph 3, of its Rules of Procedure, the Executive Board elected Mr Vladimir Kalamanov (Russian Federation) Chairperson of the Finance and Administrative Commission to replace Mr Evgueny Sidorov (Russian Federation) for the remainder of his term of office.
以下亚太经社会成员的代表出席了会议:阿富汗、亚美尼亚、澳 大利亚、阿塞拜疆、孟加拉国、不丹、文莱达鲁萨兰国、中国、法国、印 度尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、日本、哈萨克斯坦、基里巴斯、吉尔吉斯 斯坦、老挝人民民主共和国、马西 马尔古、缅甸、尼泊尔、西巴基斯坦、帕劳、菲律宾、萨摩亚、新加坡、所罗门群岛、斯里国、东帝汶、汤加、图瓦卢、美利坚合众国、瓦努阿图和越南。
55. The meeting was attended by representatives of the following members of ESCAP: Afghanistan; Armenia; Australia; Azerbaijan; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Brunei Darussalam; China; France; Indonesia; Iran (Islamic Republic of); Japan; Kazakhstan; Kiribati;
Kyrgyzstan; Lao
[...] People’s Democratic Republic; Malaysia; Maldives; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal;NewZealand;Pakistan; Palau; Philippines; Samoa; Singapore; Solomon Islands; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Timor-Leste; Tonga; [...]
Tuvalu; United States
of America; Vanuatu; and Viet Nam.
在青年事务讨论会上(左起):哥斯达黎加博鲁卡族居民代表阿 伊.斯、哥伦比亚安比拉.查密族代表玛塞拉.托邦.亚格里、一名翻译人员、西瑞 - 凯欧瓦族代表印第安纳拉.拉米雷斯.马沙杜、北美纳瓦霍部落代表克里丝塔.李和澳大利亚沃加沃加原族代表阿马拉.格若姆。
At the indigenous youth panel (from left):
[...] Alancay Morales, representing the Brunka people of Costa Rica; Marcela Tobón Yagarí of the Embera Chamí in Colombia; a translator; Indianara Ramires Machado of the Guanarí-Kaiowá inBrazil;Crystal Lee of [...]
the Navajo in North America;
and Amala Groom of the Wiradjuri in Australia.
谨向你转递乌兹别克斯坦共和国总统伊斯拉· 莫夫 以纳沃伊机场 为基础设立自由工业经济区(朝着建立跨洲过境和创新枢纽的重要一步)的倡议 以及乌兹别克斯坦 2009 年至 2014 年经济发展前景的有关资料(见附件)。
I have the honour to convey to you the information on the initiative of Islam Karimov, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on establishment of the free industrial economic zone on the basis of Navoi Airport — the important step towards creation of the transcontinental transit and innovative hub — and on perspectives of Uzbekistan’s economic development in 2009-2014 (see annex).
这是一份Tatuaggi商品系列经常参展的国际知名博览会名单,由此可看出公司在国际上的知名度:意大利米兰国际鞋展(意大利米兰)、意大利加达国际鞋展(意大利加达)、西班牙马德里国际鞋业及皮革制品展西马德里)、德国杜塞尔多夫春秋国际鞋展(德国杜塞尔国际鞋业与皮革制品博览会(俄罗斯莫斯科)、阿联酋迪拜国际鞋业及皮革制品展(迪拜)、日本(东京)鞋类及皮革制品展览会(日本东京)、香港时尚汇集展览会(中国香港) 、中国轻工工艺品进出口商会(中国东莞)、巴西圣保罗鞋类及皮革展(巴西圣保罗)、土耳其伊斯坦布尔国际鞋展(土耳其伊斯坦布尔)等等。
The international presence of Tatuaggi becomes rather evident when one goes through the list of international prestigious fairs where the company exposes its collections on a regular basis: MICAM (Milan, Italy), EXPO RIVA SCHUH (Garda, Italy), MODACALZADO (Madrid, Spain), GDS (Düsseldorf, Germany), OBUV MIR KOZHI (Moscow,Russia), MOTEXHA (Dubai), ROOMS (Tokyo, Japan), FASHION ACCESS (Hong Kong, China), CHINA SHOETEC (Dongguan, China), COURO MODA (São Paulo, Brazil), AYMOD (Istanbul, Turkey) among others.
小组委员会于 2008 年审查了阿尔巴尼亚、阿尔及利亚、厄瓜多尔、德国、 加纳、危地马拉、爱尔兰、肯尼亚、卢森堡、马西毛里求斯、蒙古、尼日 尔、巴拉圭、大韩民国、瑞典、泰国、乌干达和委内瑞拉(玻利瓦尔共和国)的认证资 格(即重新认证审查),审议了克罗地亚、马尔、俄罗斯联邦、瑞士、东 帝汶、乌克兰和英国等国机构新提出的申请,并对阿富汗和尼泊尔的机构进行了专 门审查。
In 2008, the Subcommittee reviewed the accreditation status (re-accreditation reviews) of human rights institutions from Albania, Algeria, Ecuador, Germany, Ghana,
Guatemala, Ireland, Kenya, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mongolia, the Niger, Paraguay, the Republic of Korea, Sweden,
[...] Thailand, Uganda and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of). It considered new applications from the institutions of Croatia, Maldives, Qatar, the Russian Federation, Switzerland, Timor-Leste, Ukraine and Great Britain, and conducted special reviews of the institutions [...]
of Afghanistan and Nepal.
伊萨克·奥乌苏·奥杜罗(加纳)(157 票)、劳伦斯·福拉吉米·阿西卡(利亚)(155 票)、埃斯特瓦奥·斯特凡·马含(克)(154 票)、西蒙·恩朱古纳(肯尼亚)(153 票)和埃马纽埃尔·卡尔恩吉(喀麦隆)(152 [...]
票) 获规定多数票而当选。
Having obtained the required majority of votes, Isaac Owusu Oduro (Ghana) (157 votes), Lawrence
Folajimi Awosika
[...] (Nigeria) (155 votes), Estevão Stefane Mahanjane(Mozambique) (154 votes), Simon Njuguna (Kenya) (153 votes) [...]
and Emmanuel Kalngui
(Cameroon) (152 votes) were elected.
他的大多数地图都以其他出版者的名义出版,如拉弗里制图学院的成员 - 威尼斯的乔瓦尼·弗朗西斯·卡莫西(Giovanni Francesco Camocio)、费兰多·柏特尔 (Ferrando Bertelli) 和博洛尼尼·扎尔蒂耶里 (Bolognini Zaltieri) 以及罗马的克劳迪奥·杜凯蒂 (Claudio Duchetti),其中许多印版直到十七世纪仍在使用。
Most of his maps appeared under the imprint of other publishers, including Giovanni Francesco Camocio, Ferrando Bertelli, and Bolognini Zaltieri in Venice and Claudio Duchetti in Rome―members of the Lafreri school of cartography, some of whose printing plates were still used well into the 17th century.
委员会决定由关于非政府组织在执行《公约》及其《任择议定书》方面的作 用的工作组(杜布夫卡·西维奇、普拉米拉·帕滕)根据委员会成员提出的 意见提交一份订正草案,供委员会第四十五届会议通过。
The Committee decided that the working group on the role of non-governmental organizations (Dubravka Šimonović,Pramila Patten) with respect to the Convention and its Optional Protocol should present a revised draft based on comments received from members of the Committee for discussion at its forty-fifth session.
准备好奴才的笑中最有趣的重磅炸弹击中的一年! 争夺“世界上最伟大的小人”,GRU(由史·配音) - 伴随着他的热闹船员调皮的爪牙 - 图拉本世纪最疯狂的犯罪的标题,盗取月亮! 但格吕征的帮助下,三个小女孩时,他们看到的西没有其他人从未见过的:完美的爸爸。
Vying for the title of “World’s Greatest Villain”, Gru (voiced by Steve Carell) along with his hilarious crew of mischievous minions – plots to pull off the craziest crime of the century: steal the moon!
现在已经确认参加的球员中有一届英国公开赛冠军约翰•达利,两届美国公开赛冠军雷森,四次欧巡赛冠军、两次亚巡赛冠军伊恩•保尔特,五次欧巡赛冠军、一次亚巡赛冠军保罗 卡西次PGA美巡赛冠军吉姆•福瑞克,09年PGA锦标赛的冠军梁容银以及2010年亚巡赛奖金王卢乘烈等。
The golfers who have confirmed their participation in the Lake Malaren Shanghai
Mastersare Former
[...] British Open champion John Daly, twice US Open champion Retief Goosen,Revered English golfersIan Poulter and Paul Casey, Holder of 8 PGA tour titles Jim Furyk, 2009 PGA tour [...]
champion Ye Yang and
the 2010 Asian Tour Order of Merit Winner Noh Seung-yul from South Korea.
[...] (鲁特·哈佩林-卡达里(主席)、尼科尔·阿梅利、韦奥莱特·阿沃里、英迪拉·杰 辛、普拉米拉·帕滕、西尔维娅·皮门特尔和杜布 夫卡·西维奇)应向委 员会第四十五届会议提交草案修订稿,供委员会第四十七届会议通过。
The Committee decided that the Working Group entrusted with the elaboration of a draft general recommendation on the economic consequences of marriage and its dissolution (Ruth Halperin Kaddari (Chair), Nicole Ameline,
Violet Awori, Indira Jaising,
[...] Pramila Patten, Silvia Pimentel and Dubravka Šimonović) should present [...]
a revised draft to the Committee
at its forty-fifth session for adoption at its fortyseventh session.




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