单词 | 卡拉奇 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 卡拉奇noun—Karachin卡拉奇—Karachi (Pakistan)Examples:卡拉季奇—Radovan Karadžić (1945-), former Bosnian Serb leader and war criminal 卡拉奇那—Krajina (former Yugoslavia) See also:卡拉n—Karan 卡拉—Kara (Togo) 奇—wonderful weird unusually odd (number)
奈扎H·坎,1968年出生于巴基斯坦巴哈瓦尔布尔,生活和工作于巴基斯坦的卡拉奇。 shanghaibiennale.org | Born in Bahawalpur, Pakistan, in 1968, Naiza H. Khan lives and works in Karachi, Pakistan. shanghaibiennale.org |
马诺拉在历史上是一处面朝阿拉伯海的要塞,是一个小型群岛的一部分,刚好处在卡拉奇这个天然港口旁边。 shanghaibiennale.org | Manora was historically a defense fort [...] facing the ArabianSea and forms part of a small archipelago just off the natural harborof Karachi. shanghaibiennale.org |
Binyam Mohamed, 居住在英国的埃塞俄比亚国民,2002年4月10日 在巴基斯坦卡拉奇被捕。 daccess-ods.un.org | Binyam Mohamed, an Ethiopian national and British resident, was seized in Karachi, Pakistan, [...] on 10 April 2002. daccess-ods.un.org |
这座岛伫立如一个哨所;这项研究成为一个观察点,是我在检验卡拉奇这座港口城市、它的都市扩张、它的历史以及日渐衰落的殖民机器这个项目的有益补充。 shanghaibiennale.org | Like the island which stands as a sentry-post; this research has become an observation point [...] that informs my broader project examining [...] the port cityof Karachi, its urban sprawl, [...]its history and the decaying machinery of colonialism. shanghaibiennale.org |
Mirza 先生监督为 布托女士及其随行人员建造防弹车的工程,该防弹车用于计划从卡拉奇机场到巴 基斯坦国父穆罕默德·阿里·真纳陵墓的游行。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Mirza oversaw the construction of a [...] bulletprooftruck for Ms. Bhutto and her entourage to use in the planned procession from the Karachi airport to [...]the mausoleum of Pakistan’s founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah. daccess-ods.un.org |
人民党对警方的不信任也反映在卡拉奇袭击后,布托女士提出第二份初步案 情报告上。 daccess-ods.un.org | This distrust of the police by the PPP was reflected also in Ms. Bhutto’s efforts to lodge a [...] second FIR following theKarachi attack. daccess-ods.un.org |
在联合国儿童基金会的支持下,通过与卡拉奇联合足球基金会合作,该市刚刚举行了首次“反脊髓灰质炎联盟”足球锦标赛。 unicef.org | Working with the Karachi United Football [...] Foundation, and with UNICEF support, the city has just held its first ‘United Against Polio’ football tournament. unicef.org |
在卡拉奇,尽管警方与人民党关系紧张,几近公开对抗的地步,但卡拉 奇警方还是努力顾及人民党的关切,除其他外,应人民党的要求替换了最初的首 席调查员。 daccess-ods.un.org | There, although [...] relations between the Karachi police and the PPP were tense, bordering on antagonistic,the Karachi police made efforts [...]to accommodate [...]PPP concerns by, among others things, replacing the initial lead investigator at the PPP’s request. daccess-ods.un.org |
卡拉奇警方的行动虽然存在缺陷,却促使更好地保护了犯罪现场和 [...] 更好地收集证据,最终允许联邦调查局的调查人员找到人弹的击槌套。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Karachi policeactions, [...] while flawed, led to better preservation of the crime scene and better evidence collection, [...]ultimately permitting investigators from the Federal Investigation Agency to recover the suicide bomber’s striker sleeve. daccess-ods.un.org |
第十个案件涉及 Ahmed Dad Baloch 先生,据称他在 2010 年 10 月 3 [...] 日在 搭乘公共汽车从瓜达尔到卡拉奇的路上在 Uthal Zero 站被警察和巴基斯坦情报人 [...]员绑架。 daccess-ods.un.org | The tenth case concerned Mr. Ahmed Dad Baloch, allegedly abducted by police officers and [...] Pakistani intelligence agents at the Uthal Zero point while travelling in a bus [...] from Gwader to Karachi on3October 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
第三个案件涉及 Shams Ul Din Shams Baloch 先生,据称他于 2010 年 7 月 1 日在 [...] Mia Ghundia 边境部队检查站(从卡拉奇到奎达的入口)被身着制服和便衣 [...]的工作人员绑架。 daccess-ods.un.org | The third case concerned Mr. Shams Ul Din Shams Baloch, allegedly abducted on 1 July 2010, [...] by uniformed and plain-clothed officials at the Mia Ghundia Frontier Corps check [...] post (entrance to Quetta from Karachi). daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,2010 年 3 月在巴基斯坦卡拉奇缉获了创纪录的 16 吨醋酸 酐。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, in March 2010 a record 16 tons of acetic [...] anhydride were seizedin Karachi, Pakistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
在卡拉奇种族关系剑拔弩张之时,足球——这项“美丽的运动”——将所有人聚集到了一起。 unicef.org | Amid Karachi’ssimmering ethnic [...] tensions, football, also know as ‘the beautiful game’, is the one activity that brings everyone together. unicef.org |
10 月 23 日发生卡拉奇袭击事件后,人民党高级领导人、布托女士的律师 [...] Farook Naek 先生在其办公室收到了一封手写信函,来信人自称是“自杀炸弹手 的头领,基地组织的朋友”,并威胁说布托女士将死得很惨。 daccess-ods.un.org | After the Karachi attack, on 23 October, [...] senior PPP leader and Ms. Bhutto’s lawyer, Mr. Farooq Naek, received a handwritten [...]letter at his office from a person claiming to be the “head of suicide bombers and a friend of Al-Qaida” and threatening that Ms. Bhutto would be assassinated in a gruesome manner. daccess-ods.un.org |
她在卡拉奇机场和 Sharea-e-Faisal 公路沿途遇到大量欢迎民众,这些民众使她前往目的地巴基斯 [...] 坦国父穆罕默德·阿里·真纳陵墓的车队前进速度减缓,她本计划在那里发表一 个演讲。 daccess-ods.un.org | Enormous crowds met her at the [...] airport in Karachi and along [...]the Sharea-e-Faisal highway, slowing the progress of her cavalcade [...]to her destination at the mausoleum of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, where she had intended to deliver a speech. daccess-ods.un.org |
支持巴基斯坦 新闻工作者基金会举办培训班,帮助农村新闻工作者建设监测违反新闻自由情况的网络 (2002 年 9 月,卡拉奇)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In Pakistan, support was provided to the Pakistan Press Foundation for a training workshop for rural journalists on developing a network to monitor press freedom violation (Karachi, September 2002) and to produce a safety manual in Urdu on monitoring attacks on press freedom using ICTs. unesdoc.unesco.org |
鉴于她在 [...] 10 月 22 日发布指 令 3 天前在卡拉奇刚刚受到袭击,并且情报机构了解她受到具体、持续和可信的 [...]威胁,这更令人不安。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is all the more troubling as she had [...] been attackedin Karachi just three days [...]prior to the 22 October directive, and intelligence [...]agencies had specific, ongoing and credible threats to her. daccess-ods.un.org |
乘客收益於本年首六个月增加2.5%,而可载运量因增加往来东南亚的班次及 开办新航线往德里及卡拉奇而上升8.6%。 swirepacific.com | Passenger revenue grew by 2.5% during the first six months of the year, whilst capacity increased by 8.6% as a [...] result of additional frequencies, mainly within South East Asia, and the introduction [...] of new services to DelhiandKarachi. swirepacific.com |
巴基斯坦卡拉奇“反脊髓灰质炎联盟”足球竞标赛场上的当地足球队。 unicef.org | Local football teams play in the 'United Against Polio' [...] football tournamentin Karachi, Pakistan. unicef.org |
根据 Durrani 和 Mirza 先生的描述,卡拉奇警方的合作最初不冷不热,但随 [...] 着布托女士抵达日期的临近有所改善。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mirza and Durrani [...] describedthe Karachipolicecooperation [...]as initially lukewarm but it improved as Ms. Bhutto’s arrival date neared. daccess-ods.un.org |
总体而言,联合调查队为接触人 [...] 民党所做出的能力有限,与 10 月袭击后卡拉奇警方做出的努力相比,形成了鲜 明对照。 daccess-ods.un.org | In general, the limited efforts of the [...] JIT to reach out to the PPP are highlighted by a comparison to the [...] efforts oftheKarachi policeafter the [...]October attack. daccess-ods.un.org |
事实上,卡拉奇和拉瓦尔品第案件的调查人员都不了解三军情报机构掌握的针对布 托女士的恐怖小组的有关情报,也不了解三军情报局曾在 2007 年 10 月底拘 留了四名与卡拉奇袭击有关的人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | In fact, investigators on boththe Karachi and Rawalpindi cases were unaware of information the ISI possessed about terrorist cells targeting Ms. Bhutto and were unaware that the ISI had detained four persons in late October 2007 fortheKarachi attack. daccess-ods.un.org |
在2010年的洪水中,托迪(Todi)大堤决堤,她家也未能幸免,一家人被迫迁往卡拉奇暂避数周。 unicef.org | Her family home was destroyed when the Todi embankment broke in the 2010 floods, forcing them [...] to relocate to Karachi for several weeks. unicef.org |
视频:联合国儿童基金会通讯员安嘉.拜伦(Anja Baron)报道在巴基斯坦卡拉奇有史以来首次“反脊髓灰质炎联盟”足球锦标赛,旨在提高对脊髓灰质炎疫苗接种的重视和关注。 unicef.org | VIDEO: UNICEF [...] correspondent Anja Baron reports on the first-ever 'United Against Polio' football tournamentin Karachi, Pakistan, [...]which is raising awareness [...]about the importance of polio vaccination. unicef.org |
帐篷由巴基斯坦卡 拉奇的一家纺织品公司运出,收货人是设在的黎波里的一家利比亚公司。 daccess-ods.un.org | The tents had been shipped by a textile company domiciled inKarachi (Pakistan), and the receiver is a Libyan company domiciled in Tripoli. daccess-ods.un.org |
本组织在下列国家设立现场营地安装义肢:2007 年 4 月(90 个义肢/卡钳)和 2008 [...] 年 7 月(146 [...] 个义肢/卡钳)在黎巴嫩;2007 年 8 月(987 个义肢/卡钳)在巴基斯坦(伊 斯兰堡和卡拉奇);2010 年 3 月和 4 月(882 个义肢)在伊拉克;2010 年 [...]3 月和 4 月在斯里兰卡(1 210 个义肢);2010 [...]年 7 月(607 个义肢)在塞内加尔。 daccess-ods.un.org | The organization held on-the-spot camps to fit artificial limbs in Lebanon in April 2007 (90 limbs/calipers) and in July 2008 (146 [...] limbs/calipers); in Pakistan [...] (Islamabad and Karachi) inAugust 2007 (987 limbs/calipers); in Iraqin March [...]and April 2010 (882 limbs); [...]in Sri Lanka in March and April 2010 (1,210 limbs); and in Senegal in July 2010 (607 limbs). daccess-ods.un.org |
国 泰 航 空 副 主 席 兼 行 政 总 裁 唐 宝 麟 ( David Turnbull ) [...] 表 示 : 「 开 办 来往卡 拉 奇新航线 是 我 们 进 一 [...]步 加 强 香 港 与 亚 洲 各 地 联 系 的 工 作 之 一 。 swirepacific.com | Cathay Pacific's Deputy Chairman and Chief [...] Executive David Turnbull said: "The launch of our [...] new serviceto Karachi is part of our [...]commitment to further enhance the connections [...]between Hong Kong and rest of Asia. swirepacific.com |