单词 | 卡尺 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 卡尺 noun —caliper n卡尺 —calipersExamples:游标卡尺—dial calipers See also:尺 n—a ruler n • ruler n 尺—a tape-measure • one-third of a meter • a Chinese foot • one of the three acupoints for measuring pulse in Chinese medicine
卡尺提供 了一个荧光素酶表达的癌症细胞株在小鼠模型的临床前研究的范围。 jove.com | Caliper provides a range of luciferase expressing cancer cell lines for pre-clinical research in mouse models. jove.com |
作者在这篇文章中精选仪器卡尺生命 科学的员工。 jove.com | The authors are employees of Caliper Life Sciences who make the instrument featured in this article. jove.com |
卡盘尺寸(6 英寸或 8 英寸)、第 3 刀塔的有 无、Y 轴功能的有无可供选择,总共有 [...] 10 种机型。 moriseiki.com | We have 10 variations ready which allow customers [...] to select the chuck size (6 inch or [...]8 inch), and whether they need Turret 3 or the Y-axis function or not. moriseiki.com |
卡片视图模仿了微软Outlook的联系人视图,并支持以下扩展功能:终端用 户 卡 片 尺 寸 调整 、 卡 片 宽度自动设定(auto-width)、折叠卡片、卡片插图、多卡片选择等等。 evget.com | Card Views allows you to mimic the capabilities found in Microsoft Outlook's Contacts View and supports the following extended features: end-user card resizing, card auto-width, collapsible cards, card caption images, multiple card selection, etc. evget.com |
默认情况下,“影像设 置”窗口包含以下选项卡:常规、尺 寸 、 调整 (彩色/灰阶和黑白)以及 增强。 graphics.kodak.com | The Image Settings window includes the [...] following tabs by default: General, Size, Adjustments [...](color/grayscale and black and white) and Enhancements. graphics.kodak.com |
影像设置”窗口包含 下列选项卡:常规、尺寸、 调整和增强。 graphics.kodak.com | The Image Settings window includes [...] the following tabs: General, Size Adjustments and [...]Enhancements. graphics.kodak.com |
要订购, 请在支撑成套件订购号中用 BL 取代卡套管尺寸代号。 swagelok.com.cn | To order, [...] replace the tube size designator in the [...]support kit ordering number with BL. swagelok.com.cn |
成套件仅包含上表所列卡套管尺寸的 工具。 swagelok.com.cn | Kits contain [...] tooling for the tubing sizes listed in the table [...]above only. swagelok.com.cn |
不建议在壁厚超出所附表格中对每种 尺 寸 所显示的范围之外的 卡套管上使用世伟洛克卡套管接头。 swagelok.com.cn | Swagelok tube fittings are not [...] recommended for tube wall thicknesses outside the ranges shown in the accompanying tables for each size. swagelok.com.cn |
边框 - 如果您在“尺寸”选项卡上选择文档:手动选择或影像:部分文档, 预览区域也会显示当前的边框选择。 graphics.kodak.com | Outline — if you select Document: Manually Select or Image: [...] Part of document on the Size tab, the preview area [...]will also show the current Outline selections. graphics.kodak.com |
这样、只要储备各种尺寸 和材料的联合弯头和联合三通接头 —— [...] 以及常用的世伟洛克转换接头即可、没有必 要再储备特殊的弯头和三通。 swagelok.com | So, stocking union elbows and union [...] tees in various sizes and materials—along [...]with commonly used Swagelok adapters—eliminates [...]the need for stocking special elbows and tees. swagelok.com |
选择正确的 B 组份限流器尺寸并使 A/B 压力保持平衡 将使系统保持在正确的压力范围之内,从而确保稳定的 [...] 混合比率。 gww.graco.com | Selecting the correct [...] component B restrictor size and balancing [...]the A/B pressures will keep the system in the proper pressure [...]range, resulting in a consistent mix ratio. gww.graco.com |
為了提供適當程度的安全保障,應選用 合適種類、厚度及尺寸的 玻璃,當中須考慮玻璃的預期用途, [...] 以及破碎時可能發生的嚴重後果。 bd.gov.hk | Glass of suitable type, [...] thickness and size should be selected [...]to provide an appropriate degree of safety, taking into account [...]the intended use and the possibility of catastrophic consequences in the event of breakage. bd.gov.hk |
除了Los [...] Toldos矿区外,Americas Petrogas在内乌肯盆地西部页岩地带还有另外5个矿区,包括位于Los Toldos矿区南部、最近已经开始钻孔、下套管和固井的Huacalera矿区,它贯穿17 42 英 尺 的 巴 卡 穆 埃 尔塔页岩。 tipschina.gov.cn | In addition to the Los Toldos blocks, Americas Petrogas has five other blocks within the Neuquen Basin's western shale corridor, including the Huacalera block which is located south [...] of the Los Toldos [...] blocks and which was recently drilled, cased and cemented, having intersected 1,742 feet of Vaca Muerta shale. tipschina.gov.cn |
随后,安道尔、澳大 利亚、奥地利、比利时、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、布基纳法索、加拿大、中国、 克罗地亚、丹麦、法国、加纳、希腊、危地马拉、匈牙利、印度、印度尼西亚、 爱尔兰、日本、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、墨西哥、摩 纳哥、黑山、荷兰、尼加拉瓜、挪威、巴基斯坦、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、斯 洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、斯里 兰 卡 、 瑞士、土耳其和大不列颠及北爱尔兰 联合王国加入为提案国。 daccess-ods.un.org | Subsequently, Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Canada, China, Croatia, Denmark, France, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Latvia, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland joined the co-sponsors. daccess-ods.un.org |
除非得到公司或其任何人員的書面特准,任何人不得在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路 處所的任何部分唱歌、跳舞或演奏任何樂器或其他器具,亦不得使用收音機 、 卡 式 機、雷射碟機 或類似的設備、電視或任何其他電氣或機械設備,而相當可能對他人造成煩擾、不便或騷擾。 legco.gov.hk | No person unless authorized in writing by the Corporation or any of its officials while upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises shall sing, dance or perform on any musical or other instrument or use a radio, cassette recorder, compact disc player or similar device, television or any other such electrical or mechanical device which is likely to cause annoyance, inconvenience or disturbance to any other person. legco.gov.hk |
专家在平行活动中审查了无障碍性的深度和广 [...] 度,利用了缔约国和幸存者在无障碍性方面的经验,并就执行 《 卡 塔 赫 纳行动计 划》中涉及无障碍性的内容交流了经验。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the parallel programme, experts reviewed the depth and breadth of what constitutes accessibility, benefited from the States’ and survivors’ experiences as [...] concerns accessibility and exchanged experiences on the [...] application of the Cartagena Action Plan [...]as concerns accessibility. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿尔巴尼亚、阿尔及利亚、安道尔、比利时、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、布基 [...] 纳法索、哥伦比亚、古巴、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、希腊、危地马拉、冰岛、印度尼西 [...] 亚、以色列、意大利、日本、约旦、肯尼亚、吉尔吉斯斯坦、马尔代夫、荷兰、 尼加拉瓜、尼日尔、波兰、卡塔尔 、大韩民国、摩尔多瓦共和国、塞内加尔、南 [...] 非、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、泰国、突尼斯、美利坚合众国和委内瑞拉玻利 瓦尔共和国随后加入为提案国。 daccess-ods.un.org | Subsequently, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Cuba, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Guatemala, Iceland, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, [...] Maldives, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, the [...] Niger, Poland, Qatar, the Republic [...]of Korea, the Republic of Moldova, Senegal, [...]South Africa, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Thailand, Tunisia, the United States of America and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) joined the co-sponsors. daccess-ods.un.org |
同样,《日内瓦进度报告》也回顾称,缔约国还 在 卡 塔 赫 纳首 脑会议上强调,如果没有可持续的筹资方法,支助股只能大幅减少提供的服务, 这无疑将对执行进程产生不利影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | As well, the Geneva Progress Report recalled that at the Cartagena Summit, the States Parties also highlighted that, without a sustainable means of financing, the ISU will have to drastically reduce its service offerings, which no doubt would adversely affect the implementation process. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据对中心的拟议活动及战略性计划的优先事项和目标的审查,可以断定中心的活动 [...] 将促进获取信息和知识的机会、促进文化多样性和多种语言的使用,提高对信息社会道 德尺 度的 认识,提高媒体和信息素养并促进本地区会员国关于开放式获取方面的能力建设和政策 [...]制定。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Based upon a review of the Centre’s proposed activities and its strategic programme priorities and objectives, it may be concluded that the activities of the Centre will improve access to information and knowledge, foster promotion of cultural diversity and [...] multilingualism, and increase [...] awareness about ethical dimensions of the information [...]society, improve media and information [...]literacy and promote capacity-building and policy development on open access in the Member States in the region. unesdoc.unesco.org |