

单词 占族

See also:


occupy v
observe v

take up
take possession of

External sources (not reviewed)

在这方面, 克罗地亚民主共同体的波斯尼亚克族各方已经组成 一个由族占多数的克族县市理事会。
In that regard, the Bosnian Croat parties of the Croatian Democratic Union have organized a council of Croat cantons and municipalities consisting of Croat majorities.
假如土耳其真的希望解 决塞浦路斯问题,唯一的办法是撤除岛上 占 领部 队,让族塞人和希族塞人 和睦生活在一起。
If Turkey really wished to resolve the problem of Cyprus, it had only to withdraw its occupation troops and leave Turkish and Greek Cypriots to live together in peace and harmony.
一项政府报告称,少数族占全国 各地方人大代表的12%,其中占新疆维吾尔族自治区人大代表的比例是 62.7%,占西藏藏族自治区人大代表的 68.2%,占广西人大代表的 [...]
58.8%,占宁夏全国人大代表的 59.8%和占内蒙古全国人大代表的 40.7%。
A government report
[...] stated that ethnic minority representation in local people's congresses nationwide [...]
was 12 percent, including
62.7 percent in the XUAR, 68.2 percent in the TAR, 58.8 percent in Guangxi, 59.8 percent in Ningxia, and 40.7 percent in Inner Mongolia.
Han Chinese make up around 74% of the population of the city itself, but the surrounding areas have a much higher proportion of minority people.
根据官方统计,中国的少数族占人 口 总数的 3%,但由于 通婚以及对少数民族普遍存在歧视,实际比例应该高于这一数 值。
Ethnic Chinese officially comprise 3 per cent of the [...]
population, but the percentage is believed to be higher due to intermarriage
and widespread discrimination against minorities.
塞尔维亚在人权和少数族裔权利以及两性平等方面的战略目标包括:使国家 法律与欧洲标准相一致,设立行使所保证权利的体制机制;使某些少数族裔、主 要是罗姆人族裔的社会经济生活水准 占 多 数的 塞 族 生 活水准平衡和平等;实现 一定比例的少数族裔在司法部门、检察官办公室、警察、军队和地方自治政府中 的参与;缩小少族裔与占多数的塞 族 人 口 之间的社会差距;改善残疾人的境况。
The strategic objectives of Serbia in the field of human and minority rights and gender equality included the harmonization of the national legislation with European standards and the establishment of institutional mechanisms for exercising guaranteed rights; the balancing and equalization of the socio-economic standards of living of certain minority communities, primarily the Roma community, with that of the majority Serbian population; the achievement of a proportional participation by members of minorities in the judiciary, prosecutors’ offices, police, army and local selfgovernment; the reduction of the social distance between minorities and the majority Serbian population; and the improvement of the situation of persons with disabilities.
两个克族民共体政党违反联邦宪法,通过阻止选举 族占 多 数 的县议会代 表进入联邦民族院来防止该机构的组成。
The two HDZ parties, in breach of the Federation Constitution, prevented the formation of the
Federation House of Peoples by blocking the elections of the
[...] delegates from Croat majority cantonal [...]
assemblies to that body.
最后,叙利 亚政府失望的是,高级专员并未提及以色列占领阿 拉伯领土,并想了解更多信息,说明她打算采取哪
[...] 些措施来促进保护冲突局势中的人权,特别是外占领下各族人民的权利,从而保证其工作的公正性。
Lastly, his Government was disappointed that the High Commissioner had not mentioned Israel’s occupation of Arab territories and would like to know more about the measures that she intended to take to promote the protection of human rights in situations of
conflict, especially the rights of
[...] peoples under foreign occupation, in order to guarantee [...]
the impartiality of her work.
少数族占全国 人大代表的13.9%,而少数民族的人口约占全国人口的8.4%。
Minorities constituted 13.9 percent of the NPC, although they made up approximately 8.4 percent of the population.
能性和妇女参与的障碍,特别是以各种形式干涉我们国家的内政、战争、武装冲 突、外国占领、恐怖主义和外部强加的施加压力和附带条件的政策,同时考虑到
[...] 我们对《联合国宪章》所载宗旨和原则的承诺,并重申我们决定支持一切旨在捍 卫国家主权平等的努力,以及生活在外 占 领 下 的各 族 的 自 决权。
Strongly reject and address obstacles that impede the full advancement of women and limit the possibilities of economic and social development of our peoples and the integration of women, in particular, all forms of interference in the internal affairs of our States, wars, armed conflicts, foreign occupation, terrorism and externally imposed policies of pressures and conditions, taking into account our commitment to the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, and reaffirming our decision to support all efforts to defend
the sovereign equality of States, as well as the right of peoples
[...] living under foreign occupation to self-determination.
摩尔多瓦共和国是多族裔的国家( 少数族占人口 的35.5%) ,正因为此,我 国持续地作出努力,确保尊重对属于少数民族的人尊重其族裔、文化、语言和宗 [...]
教身份,同时并采取措施,旨在为允许他们表达,维持和发展这一身份而创造适 当的条件。
The Republic of
[...] Moldova is a poly-ethnic state (national minorities represent 35.5% of [...]
the population), which is why efforts
are continuously taken to ensure respect for ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity of persons belonging to national minorities, along with measures aiming at creating appropriate conditions to allow them to express, preserve and develop this identity.
但是, 这次会议之后,来自阿卜耶伊地区东南面的米塞里亚族代表在 Click 与联合安全
[...] 委员会举行了磋商,并商定进行非武装迁移、遵循以往指定的路线、不经过恩哥 克-丁族占据的 村庄、遵守与南苏丹团结州达成的协议,并在恩哥克-丁卡族代 [...]
Subsequent to the meeting, however, Misseriya representatives from the south-eastern flank of the Abyei Area held consultations with the joint security committee in Click and agreed to conduct their migration unarmed, adhere to
previously designated routes and not to pass
[...] through Ngok Dinka-occupied villages, adhere to [...]
the agreement reached with the authorities
in Unity State, South Sudan, and attend inter-community consultation meetings with the Ngok Dinka representatives when the latter express a desire to meet.
科索沃宪法》规定,塞族人和其他少数民族享有各 种广泛的权利和保护,包括通过建立 族占 多 数的市 镇,强化地方自治,特别强调在 1999 年冲突期间背 井离乡、流离失所的少数族裔人口返回家园,在教育、 卫生和社会服务中强调与塞尔维亚的特殊关系,保护 宗教和文化遗产。
Kosovo’s Constitution affords Serbs and other minorities extensive rights and protections, including enhanced local self-governance through the creation of new Serb-majority municipalities, special emphasis on returns of minorities displaced during the 1999 conflict, special ties to Serbia in education, health and social services, and protection of religious and cultural heritage.
与安第斯山脉地区本土的各族人 民, 与 占 据 该 地区整个人口很高 比例的非洲后裔群体一起工作非常重要,这一点需要强调。
The importance given to working with indigenous peoples and groups of African descent, who account for a high share of the total population in the Andes, needs to be underscored.
科索沃内政部部长不与地方社区协商,一再试图在科索沃 族占 多 数的各北 部城镇部署族裔混编的“科索沃共和国”区域警察交通队,并加紧科索沃警察特 [...]
Repeated efforts by the Kosovo Minister of
[...] Interior to deploy ethnically mixed “Republic [...]
of Kosovo” regional police traffic units
and intensify activities of Kosovo police special units in Kosovo Serb-majority northern municipalities, without consultations with the local communities, increased tensions.
在中央政 府的帮助下,新当选的市长和族占 多 数 的城市正在 建立善政结构,并为满足当地需求同居民进行联系。
With help from the central Government, newly
[...] elected mayors and Serb majority municipalities [...]
are putting good governance structures
in place and reaching out to the population to address local needs.
在这次普查之前的几个星期里,塞尔维亚主管科索沃和梅托希亚事务部长曾宣 布,应由联合国在 Ibar 河南北科索沃族占多数 的所有地区进行普查。
In the weeks leading up to the census, the Serbian Minister for Kosovo and Metohija announced that the
census should have been conducted by the United Nations in
[...] all Kosovo Serb-majority areas, north and south of the Ibar.
他们 抱怨联邦当局组成的方式,呼吁通过宪法改革建立一个 族占 多 数 的联邦单位。
They complained about the way the Federation authorities were formed and called for a Croat majority federal unit to be formed through constitutional changes.
在新成 立的科索沃族占多数 的城市,教育和卫生部门的一些科索沃塞族员工表示有意 与科索沃当局签订劳动合同。
In most of the newly established predominantly Kosovo Serb populated municipalities, some Kosovo Serb employees in the education and health sectors have expressed an interest in signing work contracts with the Kosovo authorities.
所涉各县(全部为族占多数的县)的行为违反了联 邦宪法和波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那选举法。
The Cantons in question (all of them majority Croat Cantons) acted in violation of the Federation Constitution and the Bosnia and Herzegovina Election Law.
行动计划》规定:开展批准《欧洲区域或少数民族语言宪章》(2006 年)
[...] 的筹备工作;按《宪章》标准调整国家法律;尊重公共机构、司法机关、警察部 门和武装部队的比例代表制原则;保证在乌克兰、保加利亚和加告兹这些少数族人口占很大 一部分的住区教授乌克兰语、保加利亚语和加告兹语;研究在一些 教育机构教授罗姆语的问题。
The Action Plan provides for the preparations to ratify the European Charter of regional and minorities’ languages (2006); adjustment of the national legislation to the Charter standards; respect of the principle of proportionate representation in public bodies, in justice, police and armed forces; guarantee of teaching of Ukrainian, Bulgarian and Gagauz languages in the settlements where
persons belonging to
[...] these national minorities constitute a significant part of the population; researching [...]
the problems related to
teaching the Roma language in some educational institutions etc.
上述事实是俄罗斯联邦对格鲁吉亚实行侵略政策的又一个证明,具体表现族裔清洗和占领一 个主权国家的部分领土,目前已威胁到格鲁吉亚及其不可分割 [...]
The aforementioned fact is yet another confirmation of the aggressive policy of the Russian
Federation carried out against
[...] Georgia, expressed in ethnic cleansings and occupation of parts of [...]
the territory of a sovereign State,
which currently threatens the unique ecosystem of Georgia and its inseparable part, Abkhazia, as well as the Caucasus and the whole Black Sea region.
族占多数 的市镇选民投票率在科索沃南部的 Shtërpce 镇高达 54%,而在 Grançanicë、Kllokot 和 Ranillug 这三个新设市镇,投票率约为 22%。
The turnout
[...] of voters in Serb majority municipalities was as high as 54 per cent, in Shtërpce, [...]
a municipality in southern
Kosovo, whereas in the three new municipalities of Graçanicë, Kllokot and Ranillug, the turnout was around 22 per cent.
可见,亚美尼亚持续侵略阿塞拜疆,占领阿塞拜疆领土并进行族裔清洗,导致 约 100 万阿塞拜疆人无法重返家园,此种情况下,在单 族 裔 的 被 占 地 区举行的任 何投票程序都是非法的,无法产生法律效力,不能作为单边解决方案强加于人。
Therefore, against the background of continuing aggression against Azerbaijan, and of the occupation and ethnic cleansing of its territories, as a result of which about 1 million Azerbaijanis are prevented from returning to their homes, the
arranging of any kind of
[...] voting process in the ethnically homogeneous occupied areas is unlawful [...]
and in no way can produce
legal effects and impose a unilateral solution.
在国家机构中少数民族的代表性充分,同时在少 数族占人口 大多数的地区的地方管理当局最高领导层中也有充足的代表性。
National minorities were well represented in State agencies and in top management of local authorities in areas where they constituted a substantial part of the population.
这是明显的挑衅,是对这个族占多 数 的市的安全局 势的明显挑战。
It was a clear provocation: a clear challenge to the security
[...] situation in that Serb-majority municipality.
我们认真地制定了在族占多数 的地区进行地方自治改革的计划。
We have carefully crafted plans for the reform of local
[...] self-governance for the Serb-majority areas.
驻科部队与欧盟驻科法治团协调实施“电力骑士行动”,以期遏制和防范在 科索沃族占多数 的兹韦钱市的 Valac 分电站出现动乱;塞尔维亚电力公司雇员 继续控制着该分电站。
KFOR put in place Operation Electric Knight, in coordination with EULEX, to deter and prevent disturbances at the Valac electricity substation in the Kosovo Serb-majority municipality of Zvecan; Serbian Electric Company employees retained control over the substation.
按照原计划, 普查应于 4 月 15 日结束,当日,科索沃中央普查委员会、欧洲联盟委员会联络 处和科索沃统计局宣布,下列 7 个城镇的普查将延长到 4 月 19 日:Pristina、 Ferizaj/Uroševac、Deçan/Dečani、Graçanicë/Gračanica、Shtërpcë/Štrpce、 Partesh/Parteš和 Kllokot/Klokot,最后四个是科索沃 族占 多 数 的城镇。
On 15 April, when the census was initially scheduled to end, the Kosovo Central Census Commission, the European Commission Liaison Office and the Statistical Office of Kosovo announced that the census would be extended through 19 April in seven municipalities: Pristina, Ferizaj/Uroševac, Deçan/Dečani, Graçanicë/Gračanica, Shtërpcë/Štrpce, Partesh/Parteš and Kllokot/Klokot; the latter four are Kosovo Serbmajority municipalities.
有 文件证明的以色列人权记录包含对另一个 族占领 长 达四十多年之久、该区域的恐怖主义最严重、杀 [...]
戮平民、任意监禁、拆毁家园、在不属于自己的土 地上建设定居点、修建隔离墙用来圈住居民并妨碍 人们的正常生活、在巴勒斯坦被占领土上设立数百 个检查站,以及实施集体惩罚,最著名的是封锁加 沙。
Israel’s documented human rights record consisted
[...] instead of the occupation of another [...]
people’s land for four decades; the worst
terrorism in the region; the killing of civilians; arbitrary imprisonments; home demolitions; settlement construction on land that it did not own; a separation wall that served to hem in the population and obstruct normal life; the establishment of hundreds of checkpoints in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; and the practice of collective punishment, notably by the blockade of Gaza.




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