

单词 占支配地位的

See also:

支配 n

dominance n
control n
domination n
hand n
grip n

支配 v

control v
rule v
dictate v



支配的 adj

ruling adj

External sources (not reviewed)

应该审查全球储备体系,以避免主要因目前过分依赖一占支配地位的 国家 货币而造成的种种问题。
The global reserve system should be reviewed so as to avoid the problems resulting, inter alia, from the current over reliance on one dominant national currency.
当今在这些[土著]领土占支配 地位的社会 ”这一说法将非土著社会视为自认对土著人民及其领土具有“优势力 [...]
The statement “societies now prevailing on those [...]
[indigenous] territories” views non-indigenous societies as presuming to
have a “superior force or influence” over indigenous peoples and their territories.
市场上有大量的供应商,还是只有少数几占支配地位的 供 应 商?
Are there many buyers and few dominant suppliers?
行业内存在大量供应商的同时,是否只有少数几占支配地位的 买 家
Are there a few dominant buyers and many sellers in the industry?
政府作出了一项关键的决定,以使经济转向 私营部占支配地位的经济
A key government decision was taken to transform the economy to private sector dominance.
这种少报导致对亚美尼亚经济整体规模的显著低估, 使占支配地位的 现 有 企 业获得相对于潜在新进入者的巨大竞争优势,从而阻碍了新进入。
This underreporting led to an important underestimation of the entire size of Armenia’s economy, and gave dominant incumbents a strong competitive advantage over potential new entrants and thereby deterred new entry.
从力量和规模上来看,是否占据 支配地位的 竞 争者,还是所有竞争者一律平等。
Is one player very dominant or are all equal in strength and size.
我们正在从 地球上的集体财产走向私有财 占支配地位的 状 况 ; 从一个人类的世界走向崇尚个人、个人主义和自私自 利的世界;从以人际关系和公平贸易为特点的市场, [...]
走向由残酷无情的竞争,由自私自利、个人主义和实 用主义主宰的商品关系支配的市场。
We are moving from collective property on the Earth to the dominance of private [...]
property; from a world of humankind to the
dominion of the individual, individualism and selfishness; from a market characterized by interpersonal relations and fair trade to a market dominated by dog-eat-dog warlike competition, by inter-object relations ruled by selfishness, individualism and utilitarianism.
由于科研和政策重点倾向生产目标,男 占支 配地位的捕捞领域因而被视作关注的中心3。 但是,随着对贫困的定义向多范畴以及更整体性转移以及对减少脆弱性的更 多关注,性别问题成为渔业政策和发展实践的更核心问题。
Given that production goals have tended to be the focus of research and policy, the predominantly male catching sector has remained the centre of attention.3 However, with the shift to a multidimensional and more holistic definition of poverty and the increased focus on reducing vulnerability, gender has become more central to fisheries policy and development practice.
这项研究是为了了解因特网上使用各种语言的变化情况,以 及英语目占支配地位的情况 ,以验证相对其它语言而言,英语的地位在逐渐削弱的假设。
This is a study of the evolution of the presence of various languages on the Internet and the current dominance of English, in order to examine the hypothesis that English may be declining relative to other languages.
该概况介绍在其他地方再次确认了统治地位和用武力夺取土地的主张:“在 整个人类历史中,只占据 支配地位的 邻 国 人民扩张其领土或来自远方的定居者 用武力获得新土地,土著人民的文化和生计——甚至生存——即受到威胁”。
Elsewhere, the fact sheet again recognizes claims of dominance and the taking of indigenous lands by force: “Throughout human history, whenever dominant neighbouring peoples have expanded their territories or settlers from far away have acquired new lands by force, the cultures and livelihoods — even the existence — of indigenous peoples have been endangered”.
(a) 部门指的评估占支配地位是评 估的可信程度受到影响的主要因素之一。
(a) The dominance of sector-led evaluations poses one of the major constraints to evaluation credibility.
对于中 小企业(SME)来说更是如此,因为这些企业的经济 不成规模,不连的生产过程占据 支配地位。
This is particularly the case for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), for which economies of scale
[...] do not exist and discontinuous processes dominate.
在 该国经的三家 配方厂家中,有两家处于市 支配地位 , 它 们承诺参与氟氯烃淘汰管理计 划第二阶段的一揽子项目。
Of the three systems houses operating in the country two dominate the market and have pledged to participate in the umbrella project during stage II of the HPMP.
破滥用行为与“正当合理”行为的平衡,例 占 市场 支配地位的国内 企业(包括国有企业)的排他性行为 可能得到容忍,而国际企业的类似行为则可能受到惩 处。
Consequently, exclusionary practices by dominant domestic firms (including SOEs) may be tolerated, whereas similar practices by dominant international firms may be penalized.
( 例如占支配地位企业或新进入企 的 影 响 ) 也应加以考虑。补贴越明晰、透明,越能够使有关方面更好地分析其对经济带来 的竞争效应,从而做出更好的补贴决策。
More explicit and transparent subsidization allowed better analysis of the competitive effects on the economy and hence better decisions on subsidization.
过去二十年淡水养殖甲壳类和其他 物种(例如甲鱼和蛙)的发展对产量中鱼 的支配地位 稍 有 影响。
The development of freshwater farming of crustaceans and other species
(such as soft-shell turtles and frogs) in the past two decades has slightly
[...] eroded the dominance of finfish in production.
发言者着重指出,法律框架可从几方面加以改进,包括:反竞争协议禁令 的制定;配地位的定义;保 占支配地 位 企业登记册的义务;审查兼并管制及 国家援助行为。
The presenters highlighted several areas for improving the legislative framework, i.e. the formulation of the prohibition of anticompetitive agreements, the definition of dominance, the obligation to maintain a register for dominant companies, revision of the merger control regime and State aid provisions.
努力实现中东地区的和平,确保地 居 民有 权 支配 被 征 用或 占 领的 土地、有 权控制国际社会确定的边界内的水资源和自然资源。
Work to achieve peace in the Middle
East, ensuring that people have the
[...] right to rule their confiscated or occupied lands and control their water and natural [...]
within the borders defined by the international community.
作为团结一致发展并大力增加国际交流的一个无可替代的因素,旅游业的多 国企业不应利用他们往占据 的支配地位 ; 应避免成为工具,藉此以人为方 式将各种文化和社会模式强加于东道社区;应参与当地的发展,避免因过分 [...]
As an irreplaceable factor of solidarity in the development and dynamic growth of international exchanges,
multinational enterprises of
[...] the tourism industry should not exploit the dominant positions they sometimes occupy; ... in exchange [...]
for their freedom to
invest and trade, which should be fully recognized, they should involve themselves in local development, avoiding, by the excessive repatriation of their profits or their induced imports, a reduction of their contribution to the economies in which they are established.
增加的原因是重新配 用于 常设警察、司法和惩戒能力的预算资源,以及文职人员的部署前培训小组(52 个续设员额),这些是位于后勤基地(后勤 地)的支 助 职 能(租户 位 ) , 支 援外 地并向总部维和部报告;拟议新设 6 个员额;以及 2010/11 年度新批准的续设员 额,为此适用了 65%(一般事务职类)和 50%(专业职类)的延迟征聘因数。
The increase is
[...] attributable to: the redeployment of the budgetary resources pertaining to the standing police, justice and corrections capacities, and the civilian predeployment training team (52 continuing posts), which are support functions (tenant units) located at UNLB backstopping the field and [...]
reporting to DPKO at
Headquarters; the proposed establishment of 6 new posts; and the continuation of posts newly approved in 2010/11, in respect of which the delayed recruitment factors of 65 per cent (Professional category) and 50 per cent (General Service category) were applied.
關於楊孝華議員詢問哪些 做
[...] 法會被視作分配市 場 , 以及在決定有否出現 反 競爭行為時,會否 考 慮某公司的 市 場 佔 有 率 ,陳家強教授答覆時 表示,有關行的 調查 應 集 中於公 司有否 合 謀取得 市支配地位,以期控制 市 場 運 作 及 訂 定 不公平價格。
In reply to Mr Howard YOUNG’s enquiry about the practices that would be regarded as market allocation and whether the market share of particular companies would be taken into account in determining whether or not anti-competitive conduct had taken place, Professor CHAN
Ka-keung said that
[...] investigation on the concerned conduct should focus on whether companies had engaged in collusion to achieve dominant market position [...]
with a view to controlling
market operation and fixing unfair prices.
(a) 經考慮有關公司的市場佔有率及其他因素後,確定該 公司擁支配地位,有關因素包括是否存在可資匹的競爭者、該公司有否經銷網絡及該公司有否獲取原 材料的優勢,讓該公司得以規避正常競爭
(a) the company holds a dominant position, taking into account its market share and other factors, such as whether there are credible
[...] competitors, whether the company has its own distribution network and whether the company has [...]
favourable access to raw materials, allowing the company to evade normal competition
我们认为,科索沃塞族社区能够可持 地 保 护其 权利的唯一现实方法就是直接参加政治进程,在科索 沃立法部门以及警察和司法机占据 分 配 给 它 的席 位,并利用为此目的建立并符合科索沃宪法和其他法 律的其他机制。
We believe that the only realistic way in which the Serb community in Kosovo can protect its rights in a sustainable way is through direct participation in the political process, by claiming its allocated spots in the Kosovo legislature and in the police and judiciary, and through the use of other mechanisms that have been set up with that goal in mind and that are in line with Kosovo’s constitution and other laws.
如果某第三方声称所采购的商品侵害了该方的专利权、版权或其他知识产权,则卖方将为买方产品的买方、其继承人、受让人、分支机构、客户、用户及采购人进行辩护,并将在合同项下采购的商品纳入到买方并反对索赔,同时由于合同项中提供的任何商品或物资在设计、制造、使用或销售方面涉嫌侵害任何美国或他国知识产权,而支付任何索赔可能引 的 所 有 费用、损失、律师费及其他债务,前提情况是买方: (a) 以书面形式将索赔信息及时通知卖方,并 (b) 允许卖方在辩护及任何相关和解协商方面处 支配地位 , 并 在这些方面与卖方协作。
If a third party claims that the purchased goods infringe that party's patent, copyright or other intellectual property rights, Seller will defend Buyer, its successors, assigns and affiliates and the customers, users and purchasers of the product of Buyer into which the goods purchased hereunder are incorporated, against that claim and will pay all costs, damages, attorney's fees and other liabilities which may be incurred as a result of any claim involving infringement of any U. S. or foreign intellectual property right in the design, manufacture, use or sale of any item or material supplied hereunder, provided that Buyer:  (a) promptly notifies Seller in writing of the claim and (b) allows Seller to control, and cooperates with Seller in, the defense and any related settlement negotiations.
从提高小额金融对全球贫穷的 影响来看,商业银行的参与被认为非常重要,因为私有商业银行在多数国的 金融市场占支配地位。
The involvement of commercial banks is seen as important in terms of increasing the impact microfinance can have on global poverty, given that privately owned commercial banks dominate the financial markets in most countries.
委员会注意到秘书长的说明,说明转递委员会编写的报告(A/66/78-E/2011/ 13),讨论以色的占领对 包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦 占 领 土 的 巴 勒 斯坦 人民和占领叙利亚戈的阿拉伯居民生活条件造 的 经 济 和社会影响;委员会 并赞地注意到秘书处鉴于大量国际决议、章程和公 的 保 证 ,作出努力 支持 巴勒斯坦人民,建立自己的机构和提高各方对巴勒斯坦权利的认识。
The Commission took note of the note by the Secretary-General, transmitting the report prepared by the Commission, on the economic and social repercussions of the Israeli
occupation on the
[...] living conditions of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan (A/66/78-E/2011/13), and noted with appreciation the efforts of the secretariat to support the Palestinian people, build their institutions and raise awareness [...]
of Palestinian
rights as guaranteed by numerous international resolutions, charters and conventions.
邪教的Mazdak了一會兒危害聯盟拜火教教會與國家,與摩尼教,這種威脅的早期基督教的正統,還威脅到伊朗的 支配地位的 國 家 的信念,這是真正的母公司。
The heresy of Mazdak for a moment imperilled the union of the Zoroastrian Church and State, and Manichaeism, that menace of early Christian orthodoxy, also threatened the ascendancy of the Iranian national faith, which was really its parent.




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