

单词 占位卡

See also:

take up
take possession of

External sources (not reviewed)

使用统计数据、趋势占位、最 重要的报警卡信息,以及系统诊 断。
Usage statistics, trending, occupancy, top alarms, card information, and system [...]
阳光油砂股份有限公司(SUNSHINE OILSANDS LTD)位于加 拿大阿尔伯塔省的阿萨巴 卡 油 砂 区 占 有 面 积最多的无合伙人油砂租约开发商之一。
Sunshine Oilsands Ltd. is one of the largest non-partnered developers of oil sands leases by area in the Athabasca oil sands region, which is located in the province of Alberta, Canada.
Molex新型micro-SIM插座具有更小占位 面 積 ,更低的厚度,以及高接觸正交力(0.30 N)和高可靠性,先進卡位極性 設計,有助防止錯誤插入卡。
The three new Molex micro-SIM socket styles feature a smaller footprint, lower profile height, and high contact normal-force (0.30 N) and reliability.
在这一点上,控卡占据着独特的有 位 置 , 因为它能够监 视所有进出您存储的I/O,侦测它们的使用模式。
The controller occupies a uniquely valuable position in this [...]
regard, because it can monitor all the I/O to and from your
storage, detecting usage patterns.
中国向能源大国转变向以市场为基础的经合组织 成员国和欧佩卡特尔占主导地位的 国 际体系提 出了巨大挑战。
China’s transformation into a major energy consumer poses a
number of challenges for the international system, which
[...] is dominated by the market-based OECD countries and the OPEC cartel.
2007 年,文职部门中拥有位的阿 拉伯、德鲁兹和切 卡 西 亚雇 员占 46.82%, 2006 年为 43.7%。
In 2007, 46.82% of Arab, Druze and
[...] Circassian Civil Service employees had an academic degree, in comparison to 43.7% in 2006.
单击与此索引字段相对应的不 适用条目,以选择要分配的条形 占位 符。
Click the N/A entry corresponding to the index field to select
[...] a bar code placeholder to assign.
董事会了解位于卡塔尔 的联合国西南亚和阿拉伯区域人权培训和文献中心取得 的进展。
The Board learned of the progress made in the United Nations Human Rights Training and Documentation Centre for South-West Asia and the Arab Region in Qatar.
占位特性允许在预定义区域内进行卡人计 数,确保不超过容量。 CEM生产了一系列可连接至AC2000工作站的读卡 器,对系统内的卡片和生物指纹进行验证。
An Occupancy feature allows a cardholder head count to be performed in [...]
a defined area to ensure capacity has not been breached.
但是, 这次会议之后,来自阿卜耶伊地区东南面的米塞里亚族代表在 Click 与联合安全
[...] 委员会举行了磋商,并商定进行非武装迁移、遵循以往指定的路线、不经过恩哥 克-丁卡族占据的 村庄、遵守与南苏丹团结州达成的协议,并在恩哥克-丁卡族代 [...]
Subsequent to the meeting, however, Misseriya representatives from the south-eastern flank of the Abyei Area held consultations with the joint security committee in Click and agreed to conduct their migration unarmed, adhere to
previously designated routes and not to pass
[...] through Ngok Dinka-occupied villages, adhere to [...]
the agreement reached with the authorities
in Unity State, South Sudan, and attend inter-community consultation meetings with the Ngok Dinka representatives when the latter express a desire to meet.
尽管卡尔尼过境点能力有限,每天只能通过至多 1 000 辆卡车,但在占领国的封锁制度下连这也是不被允许的,以色列现在要让运往被围困加沙地带的所有 货物改行规模更小、设备更简陋的凯雷姆沙洛姆过境点。
While the Karni crossing had the limited
capacity to service up
[...] to 1,000 trucks per day, which have not even been permitted by the occupying Power under [...]
the blockade regime, Israel
will now divert all goods destined to the besieged Gaza Strip through the smaller and more poorly equipped Kerem Shalom crossing.
2010 年,斯里卡安全部队占用学校的情况得到改善,但仍有一些学校受 到影响。
The situation of
[...] schools that were occupied and used by the Sri Lanka security forces [...]
improved in 2010, although a number of schools remain affected.
(a) 在国家层面,合作机构将包括三十多所提供生物技术相关研究方面的博士课程的 大学、部际部门和联邦生物技术机构(特别是国家生物技术开发署、Sheda 综合 科技大厦、国家药学研究与开发研究所和国家热带农业研究所),以及积极参与
[...] 生物技术政策制定和研究的地区生物技术中心(其中一个中 位 于 恩 苏 卡 的 尼日 利亚大学)。
(a) At the national level, cooperating institutes will include over thirty universities offering doctoral programmes in biotechnology-related research, interministerial departments and federal biotechnology agencies, in particular the National Biotechnology Development Agency, the Sheda Science and Technology Complex, the National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development and the International Institute of Tropical
Agriculture, zonal biotechnology centres
[...] (one of which is located at the University [...]
of Nigeria, Nsukka) among others that
are active in biotechnology policymaking and research.
我們打官司時,向法官舉出了一個案例,是斯里 卡 找 了 一位 部長 委任組織委員會來發出牌照,也被斯里蘭卡的最高法院指其屬於獨斷 [...]
During the hearing of our case, we cited a precedent to
[...] the Judge that in Sri Lanka, a Minister was [...]
tasked to appoint a committee for issuing
licences and the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka still considered this arrangement dictatorial and arbitrary, buddy.
(20) 經營旅行社及旅遊承包商之業務;促進旅遊業務;提供或安排提供各類方便
[...] 遊客及旅客之服務,形式包括直通票、來回票、 卡 、 膳 食、 位 、 酒 店及 住宿、導遊、保管、查詢服務、資料庫、盥洗室、閱讀室、行李運送或其他 [...]
(20) To carry on business as tourist agents and contractors, and to facilitate travelling, and to provide for tourists and travellers, or promote the provision of conveniences of all kinds in the way of
through tickets, circular tickets,
[...] sleeping cars or berths, meals, reserved places, hotel [...]
and lodging accommodation, guides,
safe deposits, inquiry bureaux, libraries, lavatories, reading rooms, baggage transport or otherwise howsoever.
关于表4“下放资金的执行情况”,分析所涉及的 53 个总部外位占本组 织正常计划下放 资金的 93%,因此,所提供的数据还是充分说明了下放活动的执行情况。
With regard to Table 4, on the Execution of decentralized funds, the 53 field units considered in the analysis account for 93% of the Organization’s decentralized resources under the regular programme and, therefore, the data presented still provides a good indication of the status of implementation of decentralized activities.
该教育阶段的另一典型特征是私营部门的主导位 (占全国 招生总数的一半)和社区教育的主导地位;公共部门的招生比率仅占 21%。
Another aspect typical of this level of education is the predominance of the private sector, which receives half of the total enrolment, and of community education; the public sector accounts for a mere 21 per cent of enrolment.
如果您要更换分纸模块,请插入新的分纸模块,对齐弹片和插槽然 后将卡入定位。
If you are replacing the separation module, insert the new separation module by aligning the tabs with the slots and snapping it into position.
2010年,发展中国家确认了其作为世界市场重要供应国的 位 , 占 世 界 渔业 出口值50%多以及出口量60%多(活体)。
In 2010, developing countries confirmed their fundamental importance as suppliers to world markets with more than 50 percent of all fishery exports in value terms and of more than 60 percent in quantity (live weight).
占位符在 使用时代表将用实际值代替的可变元素。
Placeholders represent the [...]
variable elements that, when used, will be replaced by the actual value.
[...] 果页面上有三个条形码,且无法读取第二个条形码,则 BC1 占位符将包含第 一个条形码值,因为无法读取第二个条形码值,所以 [...]
BC2 将包含第三个条形 码值。
For example, if there are three bar codes on the
page and the second bar code cannot be
[...] read, then the placeholder for BC1 will [...]
contain the value from the first bar code
and BC2 will contain the value from the third bar code since no value was read from the second bar code.
在平等参与工作和喀麦隆公共事务方面,自 1998 年,女性大约占
[...] 28.7 %, 在社会部门(教育、医疗、社会事务、提高妇女 位 … … ) 占 主 导 地位。
With regard to equal access to employment and civil service, women have, since 1998, accounted for approximately 28.7 per cent of workers and are
particularly present in the social sectors (inter alia, education, health care,
[...] social affairs and women's advancement).
总体上,高级管理干部仍然较少,34 C/5(正常计划)只批准了 102 个主任及以上位, 占总职位的 5% 以及专业及以上职位的 12%(专业人员/主任)。
On the whole, the senior management cadre remains lean, with 102 Director and above posts approved in the 34 C/5 (RP), representing 5% of the total posts and 12% of the Professional and above posts (P/D).
这些措 施包括安占位传感 器、采用被动式太阳能热水系统、充分利用自然通风和采纳 开放式办公空间概念。
Such measures include occupancy sensors, a passive solar hot water system, maximum use of natural ventilation and the use of an openoffice-space concept.
2010 年 4 月 4 日,与 Enyele 族裔群体有关联的武装团体初步证据袭击了赤 道省首府姆班卡,机场被临占领 , 并导致 1 名加纳籍维和人员、2 名联刚特 派团承包商以及据刚果民主共和国政府发言人称,7 名刚果(金)武装力量人员和 3 名刚果国家警察死亡。
On 4 April 2010, a raid on Mbandaka, the capital of Equateur Province, by an armed group, prima facie linked to the Enyele ethnic group, resulted in the temporary capture of the airport and the deaths of one Ghanaian peacekeeper, two MONUC contractors and, according to the Government spokesperson, seven FARDC and three personnel of the Police nationale congolaise.
洛朗·恩孔达率领的持不同政见部队于 2004 年 6 月占领布卡武之 后,联刚 特派团的任务得到加强,增加支持努力稳定南北基伍的局势的内容,包括支持刚 [...]
Following the
[...] seizure of Bukavu in June 2004 by dissident [...]
forces led by Laurent Nkunda, the MONUC mandate was reinforced
to include support for efforts to stabilize the Kivus, including through supporting FARDC in operations to disarm armed groups.
[...] 为要等待部署必不可少的攻击直升机和运输直升机,支持分 位 于 梅 尔 卡 、 基斯 马尤和拜多牙的 1 分区、2 分区和 [...]
3 分区的行动。
It should be noted that the lack of air assets is impacting on the operational tempo, which has now slowed down while awaiting the deployment of essential
attack and utility helicopters in support of operations in Sectors 1, 2 and
[...] 3, specifically in Merka, Kismayo and Baidoa.
(a) 「主卡會員」及每名「附屬卡會員」可透過「客戶服務諮詢熱線」獲取由「「生」不時決定提供有關他們或他們其中 位 之 「卡戶口」、或由他們或他們其中位 之 「信 用 卡 」 所 導致之「信用卡交易」、或他們或他們其中一位與「「生」之事務來往之詳細 資料。
(a) The Principal Cardmember and his/her Supplementary Cardmember may obtain, through the Customer Service Enquiry Hotline, such information and details as Hang Seng may determine
from time to time in
[...] relation to either or both of their Credit Card Accounts, Card Transactions effected by either or both of [...]
them and dealings by
either or both of them with Hang Seng.
主卡客戶需負責主卡及附屬卡所簽下之一切賬項,而 位 附 屬 卡 客 戶 亦需負責其使用之附屬卡所簽下之一切賬項,直至 有關白金卡已退還本行或本行已為所報失白金卡採取相應之措施。
The Principal Card customer shall be liable for all payments arising
from the use of the Principal Card and any
[...] Supplementary Card and each Supplementary Card customer shall [...]
be liable for all
payments arising from his/her use of the Supplementary Card until the relevant Platinum Cards have been returned to the Bank or until the Bank is able to implement the procedures applicable to the lost Platinum Cards.




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