

单词 占上风

占上风 ()

take the lead
gain the upper hand

See also:


occupy v
observe v

take up
take possession of


on the up
currently winning
rising (in popularity etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

我们将认识到,这 是让不宽容、种族主义和贪占上风 所 带 来后果 的明显证据。
We will recognize that it is clear evidence of what can happen if intolerance,
[...] racism and greed are allowed to triumph.
但是马尔 代夫也不能允许复仇的情占上风, 不 能允许将其依然很脆弱的民主过渡置于危 [...]
However, Maldives also could not allow sentiments of revenge to take
[...] hold and put at risk its still-fragile [...]
democratic transition.
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日子的精神得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来临之前的时间世界末日图片惊人的相似:“在最后的日子假先知 [假救世主 ]和腐化将增加,羊变成狼被打开,爱被仇恨;无法无天 [见匪徒 ] 将 占上风 , 导 致男人的仇恨,迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中的神的儿子幌子创造奇迹,作为地球的统治者犯下奇闻的罪行“(”十二使徒遗训,“十六3起。
This view of the prevalence of the spirit of evil and seduction to sin in the last days received special emphasis in the Ḥasidean schools; hence the striking resemblance between the tannaitic and the apocalyptic picture of the time preceding the Messianic advent: "In the last days false prophets [pseudo-Messiahs] and corrupters will increase and sheep be turned into
wolves, love into hatred; lawlessness
[...] [see Belial] will prevail, causing men to [...]
hate, persecute, and deliver up each other;
and Satan, 'the world-deceiver' (see Antichrist), will in the guise of the Son of God perform miracles, and as ruler of the earth commit unheard-of crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq.
由于 当今世界被“文明冲突”论所引导, 这种负面的做法经占上风,因 此应通过正确的方式 推动体现文化多样性的积极好处,从而推翻这些负面的做法,而只有通过对话才能体现文化 [...]
As the latter negative
[...] approach often predominates in a world tempted [...]
by the “clash of civilizations” ideology, the goal
is to reverse that negative approach by promoting and by illustrating through real-life examples the positive contributions of cultural diversity which thrives only through dialogue, the driving force of its perpetual change and guarantor of its longevity.
但是,没有这方面的明确迹 象,也没有任何迹象表明政府 占上风。
However, there is no clear indication to that effect, nor is there any indication that the Government is gaining the upper hand.
虽然很明显,在冲突情况下,两个解释性声明中至多只有一个462 可占上风,两 种解释都应该被推定可以允许,除非在某些时候,关键行为者可 以比较清晰地认为其中的一种解占 了 上风。
While it is
[...] clear that in the event of a conflict, only one of the two interpretations, at best,462 could prevail, both interpretations should be presumed permissible unless, at some point, it becomes clear to the key players that one interpretation has prevailed.
我们认为,更高的利益占上风,而 在这一 情况中,新实体的设立是我国长期以来一直希望获得 的惠益,知道通过设立这个实体,我们正在为提高联 合国系统在两性平等问题上的一致性、效率、透明度 和问责以及联合国系统朝着实现我们大家所期盼的 两性平等和赋予妇女权力方向取得进展作出贡献。
We believe that the higher good will prevail, and in this case the creation of the entity is a benefit our country has long desired, knowing that through it we are contributing to the greater coherence, efficiency, transparency and accountability of the United Nations system in matters of gender and to its progress towards the gender equality and the empowerment of women to which we all aspire.
我 们真诚地希望,这种智慧将占上风 , 并 希望在解决 冲突和分歧的过程中,对话将战胜对抗。
We sincerely hope that wisdom will prevail and that, in the resolution of conflicts and differences, dialogue will triumph over confrontation.
The objective is expected to be achieved provided that the current political will of the leaders and of their respective communities prevail and that there is continuing support from the international community.
必须迅速而显著地改变这种情况,以便使 各国能够在应对疫情占上风。
This must be swiftly and dramatically altered to enable nations to gain the upper hand in dealing with this epidemic.
犹大往往给人,因此,单一的老师,在那里他认为正确的它在“圣人”(“ḥakamim”)(Ḥul.85A条)的名称,意见,并为了一个单一的意见学者可能 占上风 的 决 赛中,他忽略了一个事实,这种观点得到了许多人有争议。
Judah often gives, therefore, the opinion of a single teacher, where he regards it as the correct one, in the name of "the sages" ("ḥakamim") (Ḥul. 85a); and in order that the opinion of a single scholar may prevail as final, he ignores the fact that this view was controverted by many others.
多民族玻利维亚 国对此表示坚决支持和声援,希望理性 占上风 , 希 望人民自由选择经济和政治 制度的权利将得到尊重,允许人民在没有外来压力或构成侵害整个民族的罪行的 非法政策的情况下选择能为人民提供最佳服务的制度。
The Plurinational State of Bolivia has shown firmness and solidarity in joining this call, in the hope that rationality will prevail, together with respect for a free choice of the economic and political system which best serves the people, without external pressures or irregular policies that constitute a crime against an entire people.
应当让审慎和必要 的智占上风,从 而开展政治对话,以便在上述地区 及世界其他地区创造友谊、和平与稳定的气氛。
Prudence and the necessary wisdom should prevail so as to bring about political dialogue that makes it possible to establish a climate of friendship, peace and stability in that region and in other parts of the world.
[...] 则)与采取适当干预市场措施以保护环境的必要性之间可能存在的任何冲突,在 大多数情况下,放松管制压占上风。
More importantly, there is no mechanism to resolve any potential conflict between the deregulatory pressure for globalization (WTO rules) and the need for
appropriate market interventions for the protection of the environment, with the deregulatory
[...] pressure dominating in most cases.
我国还欢迎 2009 年 3 月 1 日设立黎巴嫩问题特 别法庭,以便结束有罪不罚现象,并确保正义在黎巴占上风。
My country also welcomed the establishment, on 1 March 2009,
of the Special Tribunal for
[...] Lebanon, aimed at putting an end to impunity and ensuring that justice prevails in Lebanon.
法治必占上风,必 须把应对严重侵犯人权行为负责的任何 人,包括可能的危害人类罪的凶手,绳之以法。
The rule of law must prevail, and whoever [...]
may be responsible for serious human rights violations, including those that may
constitute crimes against humanity, should be brought to justice.
因此, 我们强烈希望,国际团结互助和正义的价值能在本届 会上占上风;离开这些价值,联合国决不可能应对 我们时代的诸多挑战。
We therefore firmly hope that the values of international solidarity and justice, without which the United Nations will never be able to meet the many challenges of our time, will prevail at this session.
然而,在整个历史过程中,总是人 民的尊占上风。
However, the dignity of peoples has prevailed throughout history.
在这个全 球化的时代,多边主义是确保和平、发展与团结在世 界充斥如此之多分歧占上风的唯 一可靠办法。
Multilateralism in this globalized age is the only sure way to ensure that peace, development and unity prevail at a time when the world is riven with so many divisions.
土耳其从一开始就站在中东各国人民的民主愿 望一边,支持他们奋力争取更美好的生活,以便生 活在人权获得适当尊重、法占上风 和 人 民参与决 定自己命运的社会中。
the democratic aspirations of the peoples of the Middle East in their struggle for a better life and to live in societies where human rights receive due respect, the rule of law prevails, and the people take part in the shaping of their destiny.
最后,基于下述理解占上风的意 见认为应当保留该 定义中“和其他方面”这几个字:该定义的本意除包括环境、社会和经济性质 的政策外还包括政治性政策;应当允许在采购中适用这些政策,条件是关于在 法规或条例中阐明这些政策的透明度要求得到满足。
On the understanding that the definition was also intended to cover policies of a political as well as of [...]
an environmental, social
or economic nature, and that their application in procurement should be permitted, provided that the transparency requirement that they be set out in legislation or regulations was met, the view prevailed that the words “and other” should be retained in the definition.
尽管大多数社会创建的法律框架都倡导平等和不歧视的基本前提,但歧视性 态度往往占上风,而且难以消除。
Although most societies created legal frameworks that uphold the basic premise of equality and non-discrimination, discriminatory attitudes often prevail and are difficult to eliminate.
虽然《联合国海洋法公约》指出,各国应只 允许外国捕捞船捕捞当地捕捞部门无法捕捞的“剩余鱼”(第六十二条第 2 款、第 六十九条第 2 款和第七十条第 3 款),但是短期经济动机往占上风; 在许多国家, 有关剩余鱼的科学知识和关于渔获的信息不足,无法确保充分遵守这一规定。
Although it is noted in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea that countries should provide access to foreign fishing only for surplus fish that the local fishing sector cannot catch (arts. 62 (2), 69 (2) and 70 (3)), short-term economic incentives often prevail and, in many countries, scientific knowledge of surplus fish and information about catches are insufficient to ensure adequate compliance with this provision.
在这方面,显然迫切需要建立真正以各国法律地 位平等为基础,并且国际法基本原 占上风 的 新 国际 秩序。
In that context, the urgent need is clear to move towards a new international
order, genuinely based on the legal equality of
[...] States, and in which the fundamental principles of international [...]
law prevail.
这些行动合在一起,发出了一个在该区域内外具 有极大影响的强有力而重要的信息,即:无人能逃脱
[...] 法网,犯下危害人类罪的凶手将受到惩罚,维护正义 与究责这两项基本原则占上风。
Together, those actions send a strong and important message, of great consequence within the region and beyond, that there is no impunity, that those who commit
crimes against humanity will be punished, and that the fundamental principles of justice and
[...] accountability shall prevail.
法院在不能以自己取代安全理事会行使其职责的同时,也不能为一种简单地 以谁占上风为基础的既成事实政策充当法律担保人。
While the Court cannot substitute itself for the Security Council in exercising its responsibilities, nor can it stand legal guarantor for a policy of fait accompli based simply on who can gain the upper hand.
面对回国难民数量的减少 以及经济危机对东道国造成的影响,近 占上风的 支持融入当地社会的态度也有所软化。
At the same time, the increased receptivity to local integration that had been evident just a short time earlier had already begun to erode, as fewer refugees returned to their countries of origin and host countries felt the effects of the economic crisis.
不是向它的格罗瑟阶段,印度教,甚至在其发言作为婆罗门教的最高形式被称为,不能扎根并蓬勃发展所在国家的种姓制度和社会和国内海关这意味着 占上风 的 复 杂网络。
Not to speak of its grosser phases, Hinduism, even in its highest form known as Brahminism, could not take root and flourish
in countries where the caste system and the intricate network of social and
[...] domestic customs it implies do not prevail.
这个问题以及随同提出的意见可能意味着插入一项规则,将免除条约义务 的权利限于请求中止这类义务,因为通常在这种冲突中,即使叛 占上风 , 对各 项义务承担者的存在本身不加考虑。
This question and the accompanying observation might suggest that a rule should be added limiting the right of exemption from treaty obligations to the right to request the suspension of these obligations since, usually, in this type of conflict, the actual existence of the State that is bound by the obligations is not in question, even if the rebel side prevails.
经过讨论占上风的意 见认为,不管透明程度如何,若透明度规则与涉及 相同主题事项的条约条文发生冲突,则条约条文优先。
After discussion, the prevailing view was that, regardless of the level of transparency, in case of conflict between the transparency rules and treaty provisions dealing with the same subject matter, the treaty provisions would prevail.




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