

单词 博闻强记

External sources (not reviewed)

本组织帮助扩大国际新闻自由交流网(IFEX),该交流网的主要目的是 强 对 新 闻自 由闻记者权利的保护。
Assistance was provided for the expansion of the International Freedom of Expression
Exchange (IFEX) network whose primary
[...] purpose is to enhance the protection of press freedom and the rights of journalists.
一些代表在谈到对表达自由的威胁时,呼吁教科文组织继续努力,促进独立和多元化媒体的发 展,同时推动表达自由方面的立法;鼓励开展旨在 强 新 闻 自 由的行动,并支持专业协会开展保记者安全方面的活动。
A number of delegates, referring to the threats to freedom of expression, called upon UNESCO to pursue its action of promoting independent and pluralistic media while enabling freedom of information
legislation; encouraging
[...] initiatives aimed at enhancing press freedom; and supporting initiatives by professional associations related to the safety of journalists.
文化财产管理局与 其他相关部门和机构合作组织了一些活动,包括对藏品,尤其是朝拜圣地的藏品造册 记; 对博物馆和寺庙建筑的安全系统进行升级改造;建立被盗艺术品数据库,并与内务部、文化 部和国际刑警组织合作,在全球范围内寻找被盗艺术品;以及 强 国 际 合作,打击非法贩运 文化财产活动。
The Administration for Cultural Property, in cooperation with other relevant services and institutions,
organizes activities
[...] including: the documenting and registering of collections, particularly those in places of worship; upgrading of security systems in museums and sacral buildings; establishing a database for stolen works of art and conducting international searches for stolen art in cooperation [...]
with the Ministries of
the Interior and Culture and INTERPOL; and advancing international cooperation to combat illicit trafficking of cultural property.
数字化资料所涉范围从病 例记录到 DVD 电影光盘,从卫星监视数据到万维网站展示了多媒体艺术,从超级市场收集 的消费行为数据记载人类基因组资料的数据库,从 闻 团 体 档案 博 物 馆 目录。
Digital resources range from medical records to movie DVDs, from satellite surveillance data to websites presenting multimedia art, from data on consumer behaviour collected by
supermarket tills to a
[...] scientific database documenting the human genome, from news group archives to museum catalogues.
向社区、国家和地区博物馆网络以及地区一级的各机构提 供了援助,以提高保护文化遗产相关人员的能力并 强博 物 馆的可持续性发展。
Assistance was provided to strengthen community, national and regional museum networks and
organizations in the
[...] region in order to strengthen the capacity of all stakeholders to protect cultural heritage and develop more sustainable museums.
强新闻媒体 对联科行动任务和活动的了解,发言人要与 新闻媒体定期举行新闻发布会、访谈和近距离互动,此外,发言人还承担下列其 他职责:准备秘书长特别代表与新闻媒体会面;代表联科行动发布新闻稿;管理 媒体关系股;安排发放特派记者证 ;便利新闻媒体前往任务区旅行和访问;监 测新闻媒体对特派团的报道;查明趋势;向秘书长特别代表提供咨询意见;以及 在需要时纠正错误信息。
In addition to the regular press briefings
[...] interviews and close interaction with the media to enhance understanding of the UNOCI mandate and activities, the Spokesperson has taken on the following additional duties: preparing the press appearances of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General; issuing press releases on behalf of the Operation; managing the Media Relations Unit; arranging for issuance of mission [...]
press credentials;
facilitating media trips and visits to the mission area; monitoring the media coverage of the mission; identifying trends; providing advice to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General; and correcting misinformation if and when the need arises.
目前的统计研究所文化统计计划涉及图书出版、图书馆 博 物 馆, 新 闻 和 电 影及影院 各个领域。
The present UIS culture statistics programme covers the areas of book
[...] production, libraries, museums, the press and films [...]
and cinema.
传播和信息,注重人权:这一战略主要是宣传言论自由是一项基本的人权和提高人们 的认识;通过协助国家、地区、国际非政府组织和专业媒体组织以及促进新闻自由团体,并 与其进行密切合作,来强对新闻自 由 和 记 者 权 利的保护。
CI, Emphasizing human rights: This strategy was concerned with the promotion and raising awareness of freedom of expression as a fundamental human right and enhancing protection of press freedom and journalists’ rights through assistance and close collaboration with national,
regional and international
[...] non-governmental and professional media organizations, as well as press freedom advocacy groups.
尤其应在保护表达自由监测警戒网的框架内, 强 保 护新 闻自由以及记者的权利和安全。
Protection of press freedom and the rights and safety of journalists, in particular within the framework of alert monitoring networks for the protection of freedom of expression will be enhanced.
这包括最近在巴林的对独立闻的镇 压,在中国的对国内外记者的威胁和逮捕,在伊朗的对独 记 者 和 博 主 的 政治迫害,在叙利亚的对国际记者的逮捕和拘留,以及在委内瑞拉的政府对独立媒体的接管。
This includes recent crackdowns on the independent press in Bahrain, threats
against and arrests of domestic
[...] and foreign journalists in China, political persecution of independent journalists and bloggers in Iran, arrests and detention [...]
of international
journalists in Syria, and the government takeover of independent media outlets in Venezuela.
宗教或信仰自由问题特别报告员、意见和言 论自由权问题特别报告员、种族主义问题特别报告员以及具有全球覆盖面的大众 媒体组织中具有工作经验的 12 名专家出席了
2010 年 11 月 30 日的这一咨询会议,
[...] 与会者包括一名报纸编辑、一名电视主播、一名外国记者、一名通讯 记 者 、一 名网博客、一名闻采集 负责人以及一个记者伞式组织、一个国际人权组织、 联合国教育、科学及文化组织和不同文明联盟的代表。
This consultation, on 30 November 2010, brought together the Special Rapporteurs on freedom of religion or belief, on freedom of opinion and expression and on racism and 12 experts with experience in mass media organizations having a global outreach, including a newspaper editor, a television anchor, a
foreign correspondent, a wire
[...] service reporter, a blogger and a head of news-gathering, and representatives [...]
of an umbrella organization
of journalists, an international human rights organization, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the Alliance of Civilizations.
本 组织还将制定一项在加沙地带强记 者 安 全和保护以及促进 闻 自 由 的计划。
UNESCO is also working
[...] on a plan to strengthen security and protect journalists and freedom of [...]
the press in the Gaza Strip.
首先,通过向国家、地区 和国际非政府及专业媒体机构,以及拥护新闻自由的团体提供帮助和密切协作,继续开展旨 在进一步提高公众对新闻自由作为一项基本人权的认识,并 强 对 新 闻 自 由 和 记 者 权 利保护 的活动。
First, it continued its activities aimed at promoting and raising awareness of freedom of expression as a fundamental human right and enhancing protection of press freedom and journalists’ rights through assistance and close collaboration with national, regional and international non-governmental and professional media organizations as well as press freedom advocacy groups.
[...] 到遗憾的是,没有就侮辱、诽谤和伤害公务员的法律提出建议,而这一法律导致 了一些闻记者遭到关押。
It also regretted the fact that no recommendation had been made on the law
concerning the disrespect, defamation and injury of civil servants, which had led to the
[...] imprisonment of several journalists.
在这方面, 我们再次饶有兴趣地注意到驻联合国 闻记 者 协 会 代表提出的并且见诸于特设工作组最新报告 (A/63/959)的提议,如迅速向新闻界发布声明;便利 媒体参加大会会议;录像和电视转播会议时显示发言 者姓名和职衔;以及强大会发言人科的能力和机构 记忆。
In this regard once again we note with great interest the proposals made by the
representative of the
[...] United Nations Correspondents Association and reflected in the latest report of the Ad Hoc Working Group (A/63/959), such as quick delivery of statements to the press; easy access for the media to Assembly meetings; indication of the speakers’ names and titles during video and TV transmissions of meetings; and enhancing the capacity and [...]
institutional memory
of the Assembly’s Spokesperson section.
第二次 ICC 会议的建议重点是在同非法贩卖文
[...] 化财产作斗争方面为旅游和文物部、文化部和高等教育部提供援助;提高对文化遗产的重要性 和历史遗产建筑物价值的认识;实施国际协调委员会保护伊拉克图书馆和档案馆分委员会的各 项建议;编制一本国家活的遗产记 册 和 加 强博 物 馆研究的能力培养。
The recommendations made by the second session of the ICC focused on providing assistance to the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and the Ministries of Culture and Higher Education in the fight against illicit trafficking of cultural property; on raising awareness about the importance of cultural heritage and the value of the historic built heritage; on implementing the recommendations of the ICC Sub-Committee for Libraries and
Archives; on
[...] developing a national registry of living heritage; and on strengthening capacity-building in the field of museum studies.
重大活动如下:(a)目标 7,指标 1:培训了 286 名环境和冲突合作问题公务员; 通过政策对话,强了南非、博茨瓦 纳、赞比亚和纳米比亚的生产和可持续再生 能源技术;(b)目标 7,指标 2:推动欧洲联盟政策对话,以保护黑海;(c)目 标 7,指标 [...]
3:在意大利、法国、比利时、爱沙尼亚和拉脱维亚,通过树立参与 意识,建立了可持续的水生态系统;在印度,实现了更清洁的生产措施,开发了
金属表面精整工业废水分散管理概念;(d)目标 8,指标 4:制订了种种政策, 改善了印度非熟练劳动力的健康和生活条件;(e)目标 8,指标 5:改进了电子 废品技术,以管理印度的电子废品和回收。
Major actions included the following: (a) Goal 7, target 1: trained 286 civil servants in
environment and conflict
[...] cooperation issues; strengthened productive and sustainable renewable energy technologies in South Africa, Botswana, Zambia and [...]
Namibia through policy
dialogues; (b) Goal 7 target 2: promoted European Union policy dialogue to protect the Black Sea; (c) Goal 7, target 3: achieved a sustainable water ecosystem through participatory scenario-building in Italy, France, Belgium, Estonia and Latvia; implemented cleaner production measures and developed a concept for decentralized wastewater treatment from metal finishing industries in India; (d) Goal 8, target 4; developed policies that improved the health and living conditions of India’s unskilled labour force; (e) Goal 8, target 5: improved e-waste technologies to manage e-waste and recycling in India.
在这一年中,特别注重强博物馆 专业人员的能力,实现信息化盘点并建立伙伴关系,以在完 [...]
During the year, efforts were made in particular to build the
[...] capacities of museum professionals, [...]
prepare computerized inventories and establish
partnerships that could provide the specialized expertise required for proper conservation and easier public access to collections.
博茨瓦纳强调指出,自博茨瓦纳批准《消除对妇女歧视公约》以来, 博茨瓦纳采取了各种措 施 ,增进和保护妇女权利。
Botswana emphasized that since its ratification of [...]
CEDAW, it has undertaken various initiatives with a view to promoting
and protecting the rights of women.
第 184(5)条述及对位于公共建筑或场 所的档案馆、记中心、图书馆博 物 馆 、法 规、图片及其他艺术品的蓄意破坏。
Article 184(5) deals with wilful damage
[...] to archives, registers, libraries, museums, statutes, pictures [...]
and other art items which
are located in a public building or place.
[...] 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实 记 者 和 资深 闻 工 作 者的 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; [...]
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders
in dialogue activities; dialogue
[...] among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners [...]
from both regions; the holding
of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
该组织说,阿联酋应确保建立独立的工会和政党,应取消对包 括人权非政府 组织在内的一切 协 会的建立 和 运 行所作的限制; 应 确 保 因 特博 客、新闻工作 者和人权维护者自由发表对公共事务的意见的权利。
It said the UAE should ensure the creation of independent trade unions and political parties; restrictions on the establishment and
work of all
[...] associations, including human rights NGOs should be lifted; the rights of internet bloggers, journalists and [...]
human rights defenders
to express freely their views on public affairs should be ensured.
联合国教育、科学及文化组织( 教科文组织) 强调指 出,2010年6月16日, 冰岛议会核准了“冰岛现代媒体倡议”,该倡议呼吁政府根据其有关保护媒体记者和博客的建议起草立法。
The United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural
[...] Organization (UNESCO) highlighted the fact that, on 16 June 2010, the parliament of Iceland approved the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative (IMMI), which called on the Government to draft legislation in line with its recommendations for the protection of media, journalists and bloggers.
於本公告日期,本公司董事會成員包括一名執行董事宣建生博士;九名非執行董事劉烈 宏先生、盧明先生、吳群女士、徐海和先生、杜和平先生、譚文鋕先生、中込純先生、
[...] 陳彥松先生及Robert Theodoor Smits先生;以及三名獨立非執行董事曾文仲先生、谷家博士及黃之强先生
Hong Kong, 2 April 2012 As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises one executive Director, namely Dr. Hsuan, Jason, and nine non-executive Directors, namely Mr. Liu Liehong, Mr. Lu Ming, Ms. Wu Qun, Mr. Xu Haihe, Mr. Du Heping, Mr. Tam Man Chi, Mr. Jun Nakagome, Mr. Chen Yen-Sung and Mr. Robert Theodoor
Smits and three independent non-executive
[...] Directors, namely Mr. Chan Boon Teong, Dr. Ku Chia-Tai and Mr. Wong [...]
Chi Keung.
根据该 计划,WIPO 将主动联系有影响力的闻、博客和 在线媒体,旨在借助媒体,把 WIPO 定 位为世界所有知识产权事宜的可靠的信息参考源。
The network of journalists around the world who produce well informed reporting on WIPO and IP issues will be expanded, and the Program will reach out proactively to influential press, blogs and online media, with the aim of positioning WIPO in the media as the world reference source of reliable information on all IP issues.
大会在第 63/100 B 号决议强调,新闻部的 首要任务是通过其外联活动, 向公众提供准确、公正、全面、及时和相关的信息,说明联合国的任务和责任, [...]
In its resolution 63/100 B, the
[...] General Assembly stressed that the primary [...]
mission of the Department of Public Information is
to provide, through its outreach activities, accurate, impartial, comprehensive, timely and relevant information to the public on the tasks and responsibilities of the United Nations in order to strengthen international support for the activities of the Organization with the greatest transparency.
2011 年5月2 日,为纪念5月3 日世界新闻自由日,特别报告员就互联网 言论自由权发布了一篇闻稿, 对在利比亚、叙利亚阿拉伯共和国和也门等国成 为袭击目标记者、博客作者和活动家表示特别关切。
On 2 May 2011, on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day of 3 May, the Special Rapporteur issued a press release on the right to
freedom of expression on
[...] the Internet, expressing particular concern regarding journalists, bloggers and activists who have been targeted in countries such as [...]
Libya, Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen.
无论您是计划出席亚洲博会的记者 ,还是想报导有关大会的媒体朋友,您都可以从媒体中心找到相关的 闻 发 布,背景资料以及GSMA和参展企业的有关信息。
Whether you are a journalist or industry analyst attending Mobile Asia Expo or covering the event from afar, you’ll find important news, background information, [...]
multimedia and
other materials from the GSMA and our exhibitors here in the Media Centre.
为促进妇女的人权,各位部长表示决心在国家、区域和国际各级采取合理 措施,提高妇女的生活质量,实现两性平等,并 强 妇 女权能,同时还 记妇 女的内在潜力,采取的方法除其他外包括,通过合理的社会经济战略和方案, 向所有妇女,特别是残疾妇女和农村妇女提供政府服务,包括保健、教育和司 [...]
The Ministers in order to promote the human rights of women expressed their resolve to take appropriate measures at the national,
regional and international
[...] levels to improve the quality of life and achieve gender equality and empowerment of women, bearing in mind the [...]
inherent potential
of women, through inter alia adopting proper socio- economic strategies and programmes and provisions of government services to all women particularly women with disabilities and women in rural areas, including access to health, education and justice services and strengthening family well-being.




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