

单词 博洛尼亚

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科锐富成立于1988年,总部在意大 博洛尼亚 , 是 全球主要的商业信息与信用管理服务提供商和欧洲领先的服务于银行的信用信息服务机构。
[...] in 1988 in Bologna, Italy, CRIF is the leading group in continental Europe in the field [...]
of banking credit information
and one of the main operators on an international level concerning integrated services for business and commercial information and for credit and marketing management.
战后,公司从Via dé Pepoli迁到位博洛尼亚郊区 的新办公地点。
After the First World War, the company moved from Via dé Pepoli
[...] to new offices in the suburbs of Bologna.
[...] 平等和无妨碍享受高等教育的原则,以及保障受教育者参与开展和有效落 博洛 尼亚进程的原则。
Furthermore, the above-mentioned normative framework reinforces the principles of equality and accessibility of high education to all citizens and guarantees involvement
of the participants in the education in the conduct and quality implementation
[...] of the principles of the Bologna Process.
2003 年,亚美尼亚共和国政府批准了《高等教育发展战略》。该战略涉及 两个问题:一个是实施新的管理方法和开展改革,确立新的国家供资形式,扩大
[...] 与劳动市场的联系;另一个问题是在高等和研究生职业教育领域融入欧洲高等教 育区,参与博洛尼亚”进程。
In 2003, the Government of the Republic of Armenia approved the Higher Education Development Strategy, which addresses both the application of new management methods and the reform, the establishment of new forms of state funding, expanding the links with the labor market, and the integration with the European
Higher Education Area in the field of higher and post-graduate professional education
[...] and involvement in the Bologna process.
I’m looking forward to the
[...] match between Bologna and Inter Milan, [...]
mostly because at the moment both sides need massive improvement.
(d) 通过扩大学术流动,提高教师的业务水平和增加研修机会,包括通过到 国外进修以获得新知识和技术,培养符合国际水平的权威科研、教职人员; (e) 根据 ISO 9001
[...] 国际标准完成大学教育和科研活动的国际认证, 博洛 尼亚进程 中的要素引入国家高等教育体系,以提高高等教育的质量和国家高等院 [...]
(e) The quality of higher education and the recognition of national institutions of higher education will be improved with the completion of the process of obtaining ISO 9001 certification for the educational and research activities of
Belarusian universities and by implementing
[...] elements of the Bologna Process in the national [...]
system of higher education.
另一方面,1999 年的博洛尼亚宣言 》发布后,欧洲就开始了建设欧 洲高等教育区的进程,其目标之一就是采用灵活、全面和可比较的认证体系,为 [...]
高校学生创造更好的就业机会,并使欧洲的高等教育体系具有更强的国际竞争 力。
The EHEA, which
[...] was created by the Bologna Declaration of 1999, [...]
is aimed inter alia at the adoption of a flexible, understandable
and comparable system of academic degrees that promotes employment opportunities for students and greater international competitiveness for the European higher education system.
然后走近Agnesi是由总统学博洛尼亚 和 其 他三名教授学院,并请接受主席的数 博洛尼亚 大 学
Then Agnesi was approached by the president of the
[...] Academy of Bologna and three other professors of the Academy and invited to accept the chair of mathematics at the University of Bologna.
在摩尔多瓦共和国加入博洛尼亚进 程 》之后,根据教育法第 28 条,第 1 周期持有各学年牌照文凭的毕业生有多达 50%被录取为硕士研究生。
After Republic of Moldova adhered to the Bologna Process, on the basis of article 28 of the Law on education, up to 50% of the total number of graduates of the 1st cycle, holders of licence diplomas of the respective year, may be matriculated for higher master’s studies.
公司在美国新罕布什维尔州拉科尼亚、意大 博洛尼亚 、 中 国东莞、中国上海和印度瓦多达拉等地设有生产基地,并在全球各地设有销售办事处。
The Company has production facilities located in Laconia, NH, Bologna, Italy and Dong Guan, China, Shanghai, and Vadodara, India and sales offices throughout the world.
在全球粮食和农作物需求快速攀升的背景下,意大利变速器提供商Oerlikon Graziano以在意大博洛尼亚举行的意大利国际农业机械展(EIMA)为契机,继续推介其新型的机械式无级变速器(CVT)系统。
Against a background of rapidly rising global demand for food and agricultural products, Italy-based transmissions
provider Oerlikon Graziano used the EIMA
[...] agricultural show in Bologna, Italy, to continue [...]
promoting its new mechanical CVT transmission system.
玛莎拉蒂兄弟并没因阿尔菲力的去世而一蹶不振,Bindo离开Isotta Fraschini并回博洛尼亚,与埃内斯特和Ettore一起接手阿尔菲力开创的企业。
Alfieri's death did not discourage the
Maserati brothers; Bindo left Isotta Fraschini
[...] and returned to Bologna to continue the [...]
great venture begun by Alfieri, alongside Ernesto and Ettore.
雷根斯堡大学全职教授,公共法、比较法学、欧盟法律和经济行政法教授,让·莫内计划个别委任人士(欧盟与中欧、东欧和东南欧的法律关系),让·莫内计划欧盟法律前教授;多年来在巴黎第一大学和第二大学担任客座教授;多次担任斯特拉斯堡、罗马(La Sapienza)博洛尼亚多所大学的客座教授;莫斯科国立罗蒙诺索夫大学德国法律研究所主任;伊斯坦布尔花园大学欧盟法律中心主任 博洛尼亚 科 学 院通讯会员;俄罗斯和斯洛文尼亚宪法协会荣誉会员。
Full Professor at the University of Regensburg, Chair of Public Law, Comparative Law, EU Law and Economic Administrative Law, Jean Monnet Chair ad personam (Legal Relations of the EU with Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe), former Jean Monnet Chair of EU Law; for many years Visiting Professor at the Universities of Paris I and Paris II; various times Visiting Professor at the Universities
of Strasbourg, Roma (La
[...] Sapienza), Bologna; Director of the German Law Studies at the Moscow State Lomonossov University; Director of the EU Law Centre at Bahcesehir University Istanbul; Corresponding Member of the Bologna Academy of [...]
Science; Honorary
Member of the Russian and Slovenian Association of Constitutional Law
由巴黎高等联邦理工学院洛桑协调(洛桑联邦理工学院),项目陡包括领先的企业研究机构IBM研究中心 – 苏黎世,英飞凌和GLOBALFOUNDRIES *,大型科研院所的CEA –
[...] LETI和Forschungszentrum Julich研究中心,学术合作伙伴 博洛尼亚 大 学,多特蒙德大学乌迪内和比萨大学和SCIPROM管理支持。
Coordinated by Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Project Steeper includes leading corporate research organizations IBM Research – Zurich, Infineon and GLOBALFOUNDRIES*, large research institutes CEA-LETI and
Forschungszentrum Julich, academic
[...] partners, University of Bologna, University [...]
of Dortmund, University of Udine and the
University of Pisa and the managerial support of SCIPROM.
我认博洛尼亚毫无 胜算,他们自2002年还未击败过国米。
I reckon there’s
[...] no chance for Bologna to pull off a [...]
win, especially since they haven’t beaten Inter since 2002.
兰博基尼博物馆坐落博洛尼亚与摩 德纳之间的小三角形区域圣亚加塔•波隆尼,是当之无愧的汽车之家 (Motor Valley)。
The Lamborghini Museum is located in Sant’Agata Bolognese, in that tiny triangle between Bologna and Modena, fittingly defined as “Terra dei Motori” (Motor Valley).
在拉丁美洲,阿根廷布宜诺斯埃利斯的原子组织中心的物理活动协会(UAF-CAC)和 意大博洛尼亚的微 结构材料研究所(ISMN)提出了项目 3-AR-03“磁氧基微结构实验研 究”。
In Latin America, the Unidad de Actividad Fisica
[...] of the Centro Atomico Constituyentes (UAF-CAC) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and the Istituto per lo Studio dei Materali Nanostrutturati (ISMN) in Bologna, Italy, initiated [...]
Project 3-AR-03
on the “Experimental study of magnetic oxide-based nanostructures”.
博洛尼亚集团是欧洲领先的展会主办方和专家的大型精英生活博览会,包括ARTE [...]
BolognaFiere Group is one [...]
of Europe’s leading fair organizers and experts in large-scale exclusive lifestyle fairs, including
Arte Fiera, one of Europe’s most important art fairs.
九月在西班牙的加的斯大学成立了五个欧洲大学的姊妹大学计划网以推动沿海良策, 11 月 在意大利的切尔维亚举行了规划会议 博洛尼亚 大 学 (意大利), 里加大学(拉脱维亚),圣彼得堡 大学 (俄罗斯) 和阿威罗大学(葡萄牙)也参加了会议。
A UNITWIN network among five European universities to promote wise coastal practices was established at the University of Cadiz, Spain, in September and a planning workshop involving also the Universities of Bologna (Italy), Riga (Latvia), St Petersburg (Russian Federation) and 166 EX/4 Part I – page 34
作为博洛 尼亚协定》(Bologna Accords)的一部分,所有课程的学习已 转换成学士学位制或硕士学位制。
As part of the Bologna Accords, all courses of study have been switched over to the Bachelor’s/Master’s system.
自2003 年起,按博洛尼亚标准(Bologna criteria)和其他具体课程的要求,卢 森堡大学提供学士、硕士和博士学位。
Since 2003, it has offered Bachelor’s, Master’s Degrees, and Doctorates in line with the Bologna criteria, as well as other specific courses.
2011-2013 年间,萨哈罗夫国际国立生态大学在实行“在完成《2020 年白俄 罗斯社会经济可持续发展的国家战略》任务的背景下建立可持续教育体系”项目 的同时,结博洛尼亚进程 中的可持续发展概念要求,拟订建立生态专业人员的 培训模式。
A project carried out by the International Sakharov State Environmental University during the period 2011-2013 to establish a continuing education system as part of the objectives of the National Strategy for Sustainable Socio-economic Development up to the year 2020 involves the development of a model for training environmental specialists, taking on board the requirements of the sustainable development framework included in the Bologna Process.
75 欧盟 (EU) 在 1999 年的博洛尼亚宣言 》76 中把加强成员国之间 的合作,实现共同标准和促进流动性这一系列目标延伸到了教育 领域。
Indeed, many countries are now actively engaged in organized efforts to provide alternatives to the US for graduate education.75 The European Union (EU) goal of cooperation among its members to achieve common standards and promote mobility extended to the field of higher education with the 1999 “Bologna Declaration.
本笃十四写信给Agnesi说,他研究了数学时,他很年轻,可以看到,她的工作将信贷向意大利和科学 博洛尼亚。
Pope Benedict XIV wrote to Agnesi saying that he had
studied mathematics when he was young and could see that her work would bring credit to Italy
[...] and to the Academy of Bologna.
为了使欧盟各国在以上诸 多方面达成一致,博洛尼亚宣言 》为此提出了一个可以清楚地 界定本/专科教育(至少修三年的课程)和研究生教育(第二层 [...]
级或者硕士研究生修两年课程,第三层级或者博士研究生另修三 年课程)的框架和一个统一的学分体系。
The Bologna Declaration introduced a framework [...]
for achieving compatibility by recommending a clear demarcation between undergraduate
(at least 3 years of coursework) and graduate (2 years of coursework for a second-tier/master’s and an additional 3 years for a third-tier/ doctoral) degrees as well as a common system of credits.
作为专利和商标律师的同时,Ferroni先生还拥有作为米兰,热 亚 , 博洛尼亚 , 威 尼斯法庭的诉讼技术专家的丰富经验。
In addition to his work as a patent and trademark attorney, Mr. Ferroni has
experience as a Technical Expert for the Courts of
[...] Milan, Genoa, Bologna, and Venice and as a technical [...]
expert in litigation.
博洛尼亚中 小 企业政策宪章会议的 成果提出了一个 融 汇 贯 通 [...]
处 理中小 企业政策的方针 ,以期刺 激经合 发组织国家和 世界其他地 方的经济增 长和社会发展。
The outcome of the Bologna Charter on SME [...]
Policies conference proposed a coherent approach to SME policies, with a view
to stimulating economic growth and social development, both in OECD countries and the rest of the world.
博洛尼亚展览 集团对Cosmoprof发起了新的投资,使其增强作为全球领先美容健康展的地位, [...]
并且现在这座城市本身随着 这个展会的开放使其不仅在意大利也在国际享有盛誉。
BolognaFiere has sponsored [...]
renewed investment in Cosmoprof to strengthen its position as the leading beauty and wellness
fair in the world and now the city itself is also opening up with this incredible event which will bring it great prestige both in Italy and on an international level.
它是一个非常重要的夜晚,我相 博洛尼亚 的 市民 和游客会十分积极参加这个包含时尚,美容,生活方式的活动,并且销售所得将会捐献给Emilia [...]
It will be a very important evening and I am sure
[...] that the people of Bologna and the tourists [...]
in the city will make the most of this
initiative that combines fashion, beauty, lifestyle and solidarity, with the proceeds from the sale of products going to the victims of the earthquake in Emilia Romagna.
A translation of Jonah into modern Greek is found in a manuscript volume of prayers in the library of the University of Bologna; and it is known, from R. Meïr Katzenellenbogen, that in his day (1470-1565) it was customary in Padua to read the Hafṭarah of the Atonement Day in the vernacular; this was also the case in Candia (Kapsali, ed. Lattes, p. 22).




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