

单词 博学多才

See also:



博学 adj

knowledgeable adj

博学 n

erudition n


talent and learning

External sources (not reviewed)

逊尼派历史学家看到作为一 博学多才 的 女 人,他不知疲倦地讲述了从穆罕默德的生命故事,并解释了穆斯林的历史和传统的阿伊莎。
Sunni historians see Aisha as a learned woman, who tirelessly recounted stories from the life of Muhammad and explained Muslim history and traditions.
值得一提的是 2007 年摩多瓦第一次新建了 7 座历史和人学博物馆向公众开放。
It is worthwhile mentioning that in 2007 for the
[...] first time in Moldova 7 new museums of history and ethnography have been opened.
多博士项目侧重于培学生的独立研究能力相比,这些职业硕 士项目培养出的学生更适合在产业界发展。
This focus
[...] also may be a better fit for the career path in industry, as [...]
compared to the independent research training of many doctoral programs.
他提请与会者注意特立尼达多巴哥 政府在教育领域正在实施的举措,如增加早期教 育中心数量,注意在高等教育中采取的行动,包括提高基础教育和中等教育系统的质量,在 中等教育一级筹办学博览会 ,以增强学生将科学应用到日常生活的意识,向每名中学生配 发笔记本电脑,以及改进该国上网情况。
He drew attention to the initiatives being undertaken by
the Government of
[...] Trinidad and Tobago in the area of education, such as increasing the number of early education centres, action taken in higher education, enhancing the quality of basic and secondary education systems, organizing science fairs at the secondary level to raise student awareness [...]
of the applications of
science in everyday life, distributing laptops to each secondary school student and improving Internet access in the country.
该中心以 青年为对象,总体培养目标是:a) 促进艺术教育、提高创新能力,让不同民族、文化、风俗 习惯和传统的青年才学会和 睦相处,学会宽容和理解,增进相互了解,从而推动优质全民 教育重要目标的实现,b) 促进文多样性 和艺术发展,c) 采取具体的实际行动,为不同文 明、文化和民族间的对话做出贡献,以及 d) 促进和平,倡导通过和平的方式解决共同的问 题,在不同国家、分地区和地区的青年人当中培养一种和平文化。
Aimed at young people, the overall objectives are: (a) to further the objectives of
artistic education and
[...] creativity, to learn to live together and to promote tolerance and understanding among as well as knowledge about different peoples, cultures, customs and traditions, thus pursuing important dimensions of quality Education for All; (b) to promote cultural diversity and artistic [...]
development; (c) to undertake
concrete and practical action contributing to the dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples; and (d) to promote peace and peaceful solutions to common problems, thus fostering the emergence of a culture of peace among young people from different countries, subregions and regions.
如果你說我們應多做工 作,提醒他們不要 博 , 我 剛 才 在 答覆 議員時已提出,我們已採多項措 施,包括已成立的平和基金,在宣傳教育 方面做了不少工作,不斷教育及提醒未成年人,不要賭博及不要參與足球博 彩活動。
Instead, we hope that they
[...] will not gamble. If the Honourable Member wishes to ask us whether we should do something more to remind them not to gamble, then I [...]
can say that as
I have just pointed out in my reply to Members's questions, we have already taken various measures, including the Ping Wo Fund, with which a lot of publicity and education work has been conducted to educate and remind the underage not to gamble and not to participate in football betting activities.
对于多博士生 来说, 他们缺乏一个清晰的职业切入点,因此提高职业选择的透明度对 这学生来说至关重要。
For many doctoral students clear career entry points are lacking, and it is critical to provide career transparency to these students.
[...] 政策,如果我們決定將賭波帶到地上,使之成為一個大家都可以名正言順接 觸得到的賭博行為,我希望即使大家有不同意見,也會盡量在行政措施方多做些配套,然才將賭博透過 法例開放。
But if we do attach any importance to such a social policy which will seriously affect our young people, if we really decide to have football betting and make it legally accessible to all, then I hope that even if we do have divergent views, we will still try as much as possible to put
in place a greater number of matching administrative
[...] measures before introducing any legislation to liberalize gambling.
演出呈现了表演艺术学生多才多艺 的一面,从管弦乐到古典乐、摇滚乐,样样皆精。
The performances displayed
[...] the wide range of talent in the Performing Arts department at the school from orchestral [...]
ensembles and classical
pieces, to a rock n’ roll band.
学博士, EnglishCentral的高级科学和教育学顾问,日本Meiji Gakuin大学的应用语言学教授,专门从事CALL(计算机辅助语言教学)和第二语言词汇习得的研究,在基于亚洲市场有 25 年 多 的 EF L教学和软件发展经验,帮助指导了EnglishCentral的学习设备和教师工具的开发。
D. Senior Science and Pedagogy Advisor for EnglishCentral and Professor of Applied Linguistics at Meiji Gakuin University in Japan, is a specialist in CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) and Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition and has helped guide [...]
the development
of EnglishCentral's language learning applications and teacher support tools based on over 25 years of EFL teaching and software development experience in the Asian market.
最后,由于法国一个非政府组织的帮助,普里蒂博 物馆才得以修复。
Lastly, the museum at Priština has been restored [...]
with the help of a French NGO.
为完成安全理事会第 1906(2009)号决议第 2 段规定的其余任务,即进一步发 展现行基准,并与刚果民主共和国政府及联刚特派团部队和警察派遣国密切合 作,确定联刚特派团任务重组办法,特别是一些关键的任务,联刚特派团必须完 成这些任才能考虑缩编,否则可能会使该国重新回到不稳定状态,2 月 22 日至 3 月 5 日,我向刚果民主共和国派遣了一 多学 科 的 技术评估团。
In order to carry out the remaining tasks set out in paragraph 2 of Security Council resolution 1906 (2009), namely, to further develop the existing benchmarks and to determine, in close cooperation with the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and MONUC troop- and police-contributing countries, the modalities of a reconfiguration of the mandate of MONUC, in particular the critical tasks that need to be accomplished
before MONUC can
[...] envisage its drawdown without triggering a relapse into instability, I dispatched a multidisciplinary technical assessment mission to the Democratic Republic of the Congo from 22 February [...]
to 5 March.
他们中的多人是在到达监狱以 才学 会 说 西班牙语,以便能够与其他犯 人交流。
Many of them had learned to speak Spanish after arriving at the [...]
prison in order to be able to communicate with other prisoners.
正泰太阳能还积极承担科技人才培养工作,与美国斯坦福大学、中国科学院、浙江大学等国内 多 所 著名高校、研究 所联合培养人才,提供实习和科研基地,自 2010 年来累计培养本科以学历科技人才 72 人,其博士 1 人,硕士 18 人。
Astronergy also actively organizes the training of technological talents and jointly
cultivates talents with America
[...] Stanford University, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Zhejiang University and other domestic and foreign famous universities and research institutes and provides base for internship and research.
有效的广告推销以丰多彩的套件为 特色,这些套件表明织物如何相互搭 才 能 博 得 人 们喜爱。
Effective merchandising features colorful sets that show how fabrics can work together for a pleasing effect.
56 119. 帕劳表示,与会各国 2008 年发表的评估承认在底栖鱼类种群和脆弱海洋
[...] 生态系统的现状和底层捕捞作业的影响方面存在很大的不确定性,并表示需要多的科学信息,才能够 依照粮农组织准则对各种影响的意义以及缓解措施的效力 [...]
Palau indicated that the assessments published by participating States in 2008 acknowledged significant uncertainties in the status of benthic fish stocks and VMEs and in the impacts of
bottom fishing operations, and
[...] indicated that additional scientific information was needed [...]
before the significance of impacts,
and the effectiveness of mitigation measures, could be assessed pursuant to the FAO Guidelines.
提 高对性别问题的认识以及保持对性别问题的敏感度是不够的,需要性别问题倡导 者博学多闻的 研究人员、专家网络和政策推动者联合起来17。
Increasing awareness on gender and being gender-sensitive are no longer sufficient. A coalition of gender champions, informed researchers, expert networks and policy advocates will be necessary.17
舉 例 來 說 , 在 學歷方 面 , 獲得批 准 的 86 宗申請中, 有一半獲批 准來港的才 是沒有 博 士 學位的 ;至於薪酬 方 面 , 亦是與市場的 一般水平差多, 其中 72%的 月 薪是介乎 2 萬元至 5 萬 元 , 所 以並不是 特 別 高。
For example, as regards the educational
qualifications, out of the 86
[...] applications approved, half of the applicants do not possess a doctorate degree; whereas the wages offered are also broadly comparable [...]
to the market rate,
with 72% of the applicants being offered a monthly salary of $20,000 to $50,000, so the wages are not particularly high.
多他印 刷的作品都是他从法语翻译过来的,他在翻译作品中通常都加入序或跋,体现了他 博学 和 作 为一位印刷商的技巧。
He translated from French many of the works that he printed, often adding prologues or epilogues, demonstrating his erudition as well as his skill [...]
as a printer.
美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)和科罗 多 大 学博 尔 德 分校今年早些时候在地球物理学研究学报上发表的研究报告表明:商船向大气排放的颗粒污染物几乎相当于全球汽车排放量的一半。
According to a National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[...] Agency (NOAA) AND University of Colorado (Boulder) [...]
study published earlier this year
in the Journal of Geophysical Research, commercial ships emit almost half as much particulate matter pollutants into the air as the total amount released by the world’s cars.
直到很久以后环境保护和土地可持续 发才成为科学研究项目。
Environmental protection and sustainable land development did not
[...] become subjects of scientific research until much later.
維多利亞和阿爾伯特博物館收藏幾件,而它們原來是古老的實用地質 博 物 館 藏,19 01 年 才 轉 移到 維 多 利 亞 和阿爾伯 博 物 館
Several are in the Victoria & Albert Museum, entering the collection in 1901, having previously [...]
been in the Museum of Practical Geology.
他是果阿邦 及门格洛尔大学在海洋学和地理信 学 领 域公认的指导员和监督员,并且一直 担任多博士生和硕士生的毕业论文/项目工作的导师。
He is a recognized guide and supervisor of
[...] Goa and Mangalore Universities in fields of Marine Sciences and Geoinformatics and has been the supervisor of many Ph.
本 會 當 然 有多 專 才 和 IQ 博士,例 如 黃宜弘議員和 永 遠 不 會 按 錯 按 鈕 的 呂明華議員,(眾笑 ) 還 有我建築界 的 好 拍檔何鍾泰議員。
This Council naturally has its share of experts and Dr IQ's, such as Dr Philip WONG and Dr LUI Ming-wah who never presses the wrong button, (laughter), and my good partner, Dr Raymond HO representing the construction sector.
国别组合的主席需要满足一定标准: 德高望重博学多识、在纽约和实地都能有效工作。
The configuration Chairs need to be of a certain profile: respected, knowledgeable, able to operate effectively both in New York and in the field.
人才管理:招募具备艺术、文化、历史、遗产保护及古董修复方面 学 科 知 识的专业人士;鼓励青年 才 进 入 博 物 馆 行业;与研究者、教授、拍卖商、艺术记者、服务供应商、房地产开放商等第三方建立合作伙伴关系。
Talent management – Recruiting and adequately
[...] professionals who have multidisciplinary knowledge of art, culture, history, heritage preservation, and antiques restoration and conservation; incentivizing young talent into the museum career path; and [...]
establishing relationships
with third party experts such as researchers, professors, auctioneers, art journalists, service providers, and real estate developers.
其實她是在很久以後才知道葉先生曾參與小班教學研討會,並 在莫禮時教授作供時才知道黎博士 在 研討會上的角色,因為她在致 電莫禮時教授之前閱讀的《星島日報》並無提及他們的姓名。
She said she was in fact not aware of Mr
Ip’s involvement in the SCT seminar until much
[...] later and she was only aware of Dr Lai’s role [...]
at the seminar when Professor Morris
gave evidence as none of their names was mentioned in Sing Tao Daily that she read before calling Professor Morris.
在1987年,Luigi Greco获得了Fordham大学的物理学学士学位;1990年,获得了科罗拉多矿物学校物理学硕士学位;1994年,获得科罗 多 矿 物 学 校 材 料 学博 士 学 位。
Luigi Greco received a BS in
[...] Physics from Fordham University in 1987, an MS in Physics from the Colorado School of [...]
Mines in 1990 and a Ph.




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