单词 | 博学 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 博学 adjective —knowledgeable adj博学 noun —erudition n博学 —learned • erudite Examples:博士学位—PhD • doctoral degree 博学多才—erudite and multi-talented (idiom); versatile and able 博学的 adj—knowledgeable adj
如果你 们组织的职能地区范围内突然发生了全国或地区性重大事件,你们团队中 最 博学 的 人 应当 主动与媒体联系,立即发表评论或接受采访。 animalmosaic.org | If a big story breaks, nationally or locally, in your organisation’s sphere, the most knowledgeable member of your team should call the media to offer a quote or an interview immediately. animalmosaic.org |
提 高对性别问题的认识以及保持对性别问题的敏感度是不够的,需要性别问题倡导 者、博学多闻 的研究人员、专家网络和政策推动者联合起来17。 fao.org | Increasing awareness on gender and being gender-sensitive are no longer sufficient. A coalition of gender champions, informed researchers, expert networks and policy advocates will be necessary.17 fao.org |
很多他印刷的作品都是他从法语翻译过来的,他在翻译作品中通常都加入序或跋,体现了他 的 博学 和 作 为一位印刷商的技巧。 wdl.org | He translated from French many of the [...] works that he printed, often adding prologues or epilogues, [...] demonstrating his erudition as well as his [...]skill as a printer. wdl.org |
毕业后,Roland Münch 博士在亚琛科技大学通用电气工程和高压技术研究所任科学助理一职,并于1990年获得该 大 学博 士 学 位。 voith.com | After studying electrical engineering at The Fridericiana University in Karlsruhe, Dr. Roland Münch worked as a scientific assistant at the Institute for General Electric [...] Engineering and High-Voltage Technology at RWTH [...] Technical University Aachen, where he also obtained his doctorate in 1990. voith.com |
Olivier 获得了瑞士纳沙泰尔大学颁发的法 学博 士 学 位 , 英国剑桥大学颁发的法学硕士学位。 sgsgroup.com.cn | Olivier holds a Doctorate degree in law from [...] the Université of Neuchâtel, Switzerland and an LLM degree from Cambridge University, England. sgsgroup.com.ar |
1999年,我在新南威尔士大学获得了电子工 程 学博 士 学 位 ,并在薄膜太阳能技术开发商太平洋太阳能公司(现 为CSG太阳能公司)从事研发。 australiachina.com.au | In 1999, I had [...] finished my PhD in electrical engineering at the University of New South [...]Wales (UNSW) and taken a research [...]position with Pacific Solar (now CSG Solar), a solar thin-film development company. australiachina.com.au |
Morandi 女士持有南加州大学国际关系和新闻学学士学位以及 加州大学黑斯廷斯法学院的法学博士 学 位。 equinix.cn | Ms. Morandi holds a B.A. in International Relations and Journalism from the University of Southern California and a J.D. from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law. equinix.ch |
获俄罗斯科学院中央经济数学研究所 博 士 学 位 (1 971 年理学博士生和 1991 年理学博士)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Holds doctorate degrees (Candidate of Science, 1971; Doctor of Science, 1991) from CEMI. daccess-ods.un.org |
Roland Münch [...] 博士毕业于卡尔斯鲁厄市的Fridericiana大学,主修电气工程。毕业后,Roland Münch 博士在亚琛科技大学通用电气工程和高压技术研究所任科学助理一职,并于1990年获得该 大 学博 士 学 位。 anfahrkomponenten.eu | After studying electrical engineering at The Fridericiana University in Karlsruhe, Dr. Roland Münch worked as a scientific assistant at the Institute for General Electric [...] Engineering and High-Voltage Technology at RWTH Technical [...] University Aachen, where he also obtained his doctorate in 1990. anfahrkomponenten.eu |
2010: 获得釜庆大学的高分子工程学博士学 位。 wacker.com | 2010: Doctorate in macromolecular engineering science from the Pukyong National University. wacker.com |
Schaffhauser 教授(1951)为教育哲学系教授、意义治疗师,现任匈牙利引导式教育彼图学院院 长、布达佩斯 [...] Loránd Eötvös University 教育及心理学系教育科学博士学院委 员会秘书,以及匈牙利意义治疗及存在分析协会主席。 ce-congress2010.org | Franz Schaffhauser (1951), Professor of Philosophy of Education is Rector of the András Pető Institute of Conductive Education and College for Conductor [...] Training, and Secretary of the [...] Council of the Doctoral School of Educational Sciences at the Faculty [...]of Education and Psychology [...]of Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest. ce-congress2010.org |
1982年哈特尔获海德堡大学医学博士学 位 , 1982至1990年于慕尼黑海德堡大学及后于加州大学洛杉矶分校从事研究工作,1991至1997年他在斯隆凯特林研究所 [...] (Sloan Kettering Research Institute) 任教员并展开独立研究工作。 shawprize.org | Hartl received [...] his MD from the University of Heidelberg in 1982 [...]and did postgraduate work at Heidelberg, Munich and then [...]Los Angeles from 1982 to 1990 before he began his independent work as a faculty member at the Sloan Kettering Research Institute where he remained from 1991 to 1997. shawprize.org |
他提请与会者注意特立尼达和多巴哥政府在教育领域正在实施的举措,如增加早期教 [...] 育中心数量,注意在高等教育中采取的行动,包括提高基础教育和中等教育系统的质量,在 中等教育一级筹办科学博览会 ,以增强学生将科学应用到日常生活的意识,向每名中学生配 [...] 发笔记本电脑,以及改进该国上网情况。 unesdoc.unesco.org | He drew attention to the initiatives being undertaken by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago in the area of education, such as increasing the number of early education centres, action taken in higher education, enhancing the quality of basic and secondary [...] education systems, organizing [...] science fairs at the secondary level to raise student awareness [...]of the applications of science [...]in everyday life, distributing laptops to each secondary school student and improving Internet access in the country. unesdoc.unesco.org |
张教授于香港大学取得社会科学学士学位后,再于英国亚斯顿大学取得公共管理科学硕士学位,以及于英国伦敦大学伦敦经济及政治学院取得政府研究 哲 学博 士 学 位。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Professor Cheung received his bachelor’s degree in social sciences from the University of Hong Kong, master’s degree in public sector management from the [...] University of [...] Aston, UK, and PhD in government from the London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London, UK. housingauthority.gov.hk |
登先生曾获得喀土穆大学法学学士学位和耶鲁大学法学硕士和 法 学博 士 学 位 ,并撰写和编辑了30多本法律、解决冲突、内部流离失所、人权、人类学、民俗学、历史和政治等领域的书籍,还撰写了两部以苏丹民族特征危机为主题的小说。 un.org | B from Khartoum University and an LL.M and a J.S.D. from Yale University and has authored and edited over 30 books in the fields of law, conflict resolution, internal displacement, human rights, anthropology, folklore, history and politics and has also written two novels on the theme of the crisis of national identity in the Sudan. un.org |
在1987年,Luigi [...] Greco获得了Fordham大学的物理学学士学位;1990年,获得了科罗拉多矿物学校物理学硕士学位;1994年,获得科罗拉多矿物学校材 料 学博 士 学 位。 lpkf.cn | Luigi Greco received a BS in [...] Physics from Fordham University in 1987, an MS in [...]Physics from the Colorado School of Mines in 1990 and a Ph. lpkf.com |
以下可能会提到:保罗Scriptoris(草1505),)教授在1509年的图宾根 大 学博 士 , 曾作为学生谁所有其他成员和其他许多教授的宗教命令。 mb-soft.com | The following may be mentioned: Paul [...] Scriptoris (d. 1505), [...] professor at the University of Tübingen, who had as students all the other [...]professors and many other members of religious orders. mb-soft.com |
一些人 建议应更关注通过建立科学博物馆加强对儿童和青年的科学文化教育。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some suggested that more attention be paid to enhancing [...] scientific culture for children and youth through the establishment of science museums. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2010 年,该组织与保尔文化基金会、墨西哥国立自治大学 Universum 科学博 物馆 、创价学会组织和墨西哥外交部合作,组办了一个题为“四月:Universum [...] 核裁军月”的活动,向儿童和青年传播核裁军知识。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2010 the Agency, in conjunction with the Baur [...] Cultural Foundation, the [...] Universum Museum of the Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, [...]the Soka Gakkai Organization [...]and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, organized an event entitled “April, Nuclear Disarmament Month at Universum” to impart knowledge about nuclear disarmament to children and youth. daccess-ods.un.org |
谭教授多年来对开放及遥距教育作出重大贡献,在国际间赢取了多项个人荣誉,于二零零一年获颁国际远距离教育联会之「卓越个人大奖」;二零零二年分别获亚洲开放大学协会颁发「绩优服务奖」及英国公开大学授予荣 誉 博 士 学 位 ; 二零零六年获香港公开大学颁予荣誉 理 学博 士 、 二零零八年获英国诺丁汉大学授予荣誉 理 学博 士 及 二零一一年获香港中文大学颁予荣誉院士,可谓实至名归。 shawprize.org | For his significant contributions to open and distance education, Professor Tam was awarded the ‘Prize of Excellence for Individuals’ (International Council for Open [...] and Distance [...] Education) in 2001 and the ‘Meritorious Service Award’ (Asian Association of Open Universities) in 2002, and honorary degrees: Hon D Univ (UKOU) 2002; Hon D Sc (OUHK) 2006; [...](Nottingham U) 2008; and Hon U Fellow (CUHK) 2011. shawprize.org |
教育学博士,EnglishCentral的高级科学和教育学顾问,日本Meiji [...] Gakuin大学的应用语言学教授,专门从事CALL(计算机辅助语言教学)和第二语言词汇习得的研究,在基于亚洲市场有25年多的EFL教学和软件发展经验,帮助指导了EnglishCentral的学习设备和教师工具的开发。 zh.englishcentral.com | D. Senior Science and Pedagogy [...] Advisor for EnglishCentral and Professor of Applied Linguistics at Meiji Gakuin University [...]in Japan, is a specialist in CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) and Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition and has helped guide the development of EnglishCentral's language learning applications and teacher support tools based on over 25 years of EFL teaching and software development experience in the Asian market. englishcentral.com |
Chhim 女士持有加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校政治学(成绩优异)与修辞学双学士学位,且持有康奈尔大学国际法和比较法 法 学博 士 / 法 学 硕 士 学位。 china.blackstone.com | Ms. Chhim received a BA from the University of California, Berkeley, with a double major in Political Science (cum laude) and Rhetoric, and a JD/LLM in International and Comparative Law from Cornell University. blackstone.com |
Thomas Piemonte医学博士、美国心脏病学院院士、美国心脏造影与介入学会委员——自1998年以来在马萨诸塞州波士顿哈佛医学院担任医学临床讲师,自2000年以来在马萨诸塞州伯灵顿莱黑临床医学中心担任心导管实验室与心血管介入治疗主任。 tipschina.gov.cn | Dr. Thomas Piemonte M.D. FACC, FSCAI [...] - has held the position of Clinical Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School, [...]Boston, Massachusetts, since 1998; Director, Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory & Interventional Cardiovascular Medicine Lahey Clinic Medical Center, Burlington, MA since 2000. tipschina.gov.cn |
黎肖娴为纽约大学电影研究哲学博士 , 香港城市大学创意媒体学院副教授,曾担任创意媒体学院的跨媒体批判专业的组长(2002-2010),现为创意媒体文学学士本科生课程主任。 shanghaibiennale.org | Used to be the Expertise Group Leader for the School’s Critical Intermedia Studies (2002-2010), and currently the Leader of the Bachelor of Arts in Creative Media. shanghaibiennale.org |
其他三位获得 5 000 [...] 欧元奖金的获奖者分别为(按照字母顺序排名):Shelby B. Hutchens 博士(美国),来自美国加州理工学院,现于美国马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校从事博士后研究工作;李相宇博士(韩国),来自美国明尼苏达大学,现为明尼苏达 大 学博 士 后 ;Neil D. Treat 博士(美国),来自美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校,现为英国伦敦帝 国 学 院 博 士 后。 quadrantplastics.com | The other three Quadrant Award winners, who have won prizes of EUR 5 000 each are (in alphabetical order): Dr. Shelby B. Hutchens (USA), California Institute of Technology, USA, post-doctoral position at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA; [...] Dr. Sangwoo Lee (South Korea), University of Minnesota, USA, post-doctoral [...] position at the University of Minnesota; and Dr. Neil D. Treat (USA), University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, post-doctoral position at Imperial [...]College London, UK. quadrantplastics.com |
美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)和科罗拉多 大 学博 尔 德 分校今年早些时候在地球物理学研究学报上发表的研究报告表明:商船向大气排放的颗粒污染物几乎相当于全球汽车排放量的一半。 dnv.com.cn | According to a National Oceanic and Atmospheric [...] Agency (NOAA) AND University of Colorado (Boulder) [...]study published earlier this year [...]in the Journal of Geophysical Research, commercial ships emit almost half as much particulate matter pollutants into the air as the total amount released by the world’s cars. dnv.com |
参与编写作为缔约国报告组成部分的核心文件的工作小组成员包括:A. 萨伊多夫,乌兹别克 斯坦共和国全国人权事务中心主任, 法 学博 士 , 教授;A. 伊斯马伊洛夫,乌兹别克斯坦共和 国全国人权事务中心副主任;F. 巴卡耶娃,人权领域分析研究室主任, 法 学 副 博 士 ; M. 季 拉巴耶夫,国际合作司主任,法学副 博 士 ; K. 阿尔斯拉诺娃,人权领域分析研究室首席顾 问;A. 戈罗霍夫,人权领域分析研究室主任专家。 daccess-ods.un.org | The following persons comprised the working group for the preparation of the core document forming part of the reports of States parties: A. Saidov, Director of the National Centre for Human Rights; A. Ismailov, Deputy Director of the National for Human Rights; F. Bakaeva, Head of the Human Rights Analysis and Research Department; M. Tillabaev, Head of the International Cooperation Department; K. Arslanova, Principal Consultant, Human Rights Analysis and Research Department; and A. Gorokhov, Senior Specialist, Human Rights Analysis and Research Department. daccess-ods.un.org |