单词 | 博大精深 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 博大精深—broad and deepless common: wide-ranging and profound See also:博大adj—extensiveadj broadadj 博大—enormous 精深adj—profoundadj 精深—refined 深深adv—deeplyadv
中华文化博大精深,绵延不绝,之所以历久弥新,其中一个重要的原因就是文化的力量深植融入日常生活中。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | The key reason for this is that the power of culture hasalready been assimilated into our daily lives. english.sccci.org.sg |
这个中心建成后,必将成为展示中国博大精深文化传统的优越平台,当然也会对新加坡的文化艺术发展起着积极的作用。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | The Centre will provide an excellent platform to showcase China’srich cultural heritage, and will also have a positive impact on Singapore's arts and culture scene. english.sccci.org.sg |
繁体 字则以象形文字作基础,加上其他构成文字的方式不断发展 演变,已有二千年以上的歷史,紧紧連接中国博大精深的文化精髓。 forum.gov.hk | In addition, standardised Chinese characters, which were based on hieroglyphics and evolving with [...] various ways of character-writing over the past two thousand years, were closely [...] linked with the profound Chinese culture. forum.gov.hk |
中华传统文化博大精深,蕴含着丰富的人生哲理。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Traditional Chinese [...] cultureis veryprofound and contains a [...]treasure chest of life’s philosophies. english.sccci.org.sg |
北京雅品T3店现代与传统结合的店面设计坐落在庞大的三号候机楼里,让客人不但可以感受到现代机场的简明快捷,又能体会到中国餐厅的博大精深,金色 的铝合金装饰和古色古香的青砖交相辉映,柔软宽大的沙发一扫您旅途中的疲惫,青翠的绿竹让人心旷神怡,各色经典的菜肴更是让众多中外友人耳目一新、赞不绝 口。 bcia-shopping.com | Ya goods shop in Beijing T3 combination of modern and traditional design store located in the massive Three Terminal, where guests can feel not only fast and [...] simple modern airport, but also appreciate [...] the extensive andprofound Chinese restaurant, [...]aluminum trim and gold antique brick [...]each other, swept away the soft, large sofa in your journey tired, green bamboo people relaxed and happy, colorful classic dishes is refreshing to many Chinese and foreign friends, full of praise. en.bcia-shopping.com |
现时,透过『YouTube交响乐团』计划,我们将为不同水平的音乐爱好者,以崭新科技探索新颖的方式,发掘我们博大精深的音乐潜能,以及创作全新的乐章互相学习。 hkphil.org | Now through the YouTube Symphony Orchestra project, we will explore new ways for music lovers of all levels to use technology to discover how vast our [...] tradition is, to create new work [...] and learn fromone another," said MichaelTilson Thomas, Music Director [...]of the San Francisco Symphony; [...]Artistic Director of the New World Symphony; and Artistic Advisor for the YouTube Symphony Orchestra program. hkphil.org |
佰特家具公司坐落于家具之都-东莞厚街,展厅设于家具大道,地理位置优越,交通便利.十几年来,公司秉着“以人为本”的管理理念,斯纳贤才,培养出了一支技术精湛,富有创造力的团队,以满足客户的需求为已任,为客户提供舒适适用的家具产品.同时一直秉乘”锐意进取,博大精深”的宗旨,竭诚为客户提供持续,有效的服务.公司生产的产品不仅通过了ISO9000:2000的质量管理体系认证,也获得了绿色装饰产品推介证书,同时产品也通过了BS EN 标准 的测试.为您买到经久耐用的家具提供了最有力的质量保证.凭着上乘的品质,一流的设计,贴心的服务,坚固的物流合作伙伴,产品国内远销东北三省,近至粤闽地区,国外销至东南亚,中东,欧美等国家和地区,受到一致好评。 dgbaite.com | Ltd. is located in Houjie, Dongguan, These ten years, with the idea of "people are the basic", we have had a group of people who are very professional and creative to satisfy customers' requests. dgbaite.com |
博物馆内最精华的展示是贯穿沙漠、海洋和草原陆路的三大世界闻名的丝绸之路。 shangri-la.com | Among themuseum’s most prominentdisplays are the threeworld famous Silk routes through desert, [...] sea and land. shangri-la.com |
一个武装团体夺取了属于道路交通局并分配给 Muhammad Karidi博士的深红色Opel Astra 车,车牌号 532243(大马士革)。 daccess-ods.un.org | A burgundy Opel Astra, licence plate No. 532243 (Damascus), belonging to the Road Communication Authority and assigned to Dr. Muhammad Karidi was seized by an armed group. daccess-ods.un.org |
华为还与维多利亚多媒体局合作,接待来自维多利亚各所大学的信息通信技术学生,参观上海世博会及华为深圳总部的“华为大学”。 australiachina.com.au | In cooperation with Multimedia Victoria, Huawei hosted ICT [...] students from each of Victoria’s Universities on [...] a tour of ShanghaiExpo and‘HuaweiUniversity’ at its Shenzhen headquarters. australiachina.com.au |
考虑到穆萨·宾·加法尔·宾·哈桑博士阁下作为大会主席的任期到第三十四届会议开幕时届 满, 忆及他积极而卓有成效地参与了教科文组织各方面的工作,他除担任资深大使和阿曼苏丹常驻联 合国教科文组织代表外,还兼任一些其它高级职务,这使他最终当选为本组织最高理事机构负责 人, 强调他大力促进创建教科文组织时所依据的原则,并不断努力加强大会的作用,使大会得以充分 履行《组织法》规定之职责, 赞赏地注意到他的稳健、他对于在教科文组织三大机构之间建立均衡、有效与和谐的工作关系的 重视以及他在改进大会工作安排方面的成效, 赞赏他在工作中表现出的技巧、能力、敏锐和全心全意的奉献精神,对穆萨·宾·加法尔·宾·哈桑博士阁下为教科文组织所做出的工作表示崇高的敬意和感谢,并 真诚地为他的未来祝福。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Acknowledging the skill, competence, sensitivity and devotion with which he has handled his charge, Conveys its high esteem and gratitude to H.E. Dr Musa bin Jaafar bin Hassan for the services he has rendered to UNESCO, and extends to him its warm wishes for the future. unesdoc.unesco.org |
深圳市卡博尔科技有限公司(以下简称"本公司”) 始建于1998年8月,是一家专业研发,设计,抄板,发展和生产印制线路板(PCB),柔性线路板(FPC)软硬结合(FPCB),阻抗和高频控制高精密埋盲孔(HDI),超大超长超薄, 铝基及特殊介质材料高科技企业。 kxrfpc.com | (hereinafter referred to as "company") was founded in August 1998, is [...] specialized in research and [...] development, design, copy plate, development and production of printed circuit board (PCB), flexible PCB (FPC) soft combination (FPCB), impedance and high frequency control high precision buried blind holes (HDI), super long ultra-thin, aluminum base and special material high-tech enterprises. kxrfpc.com |
国民经济学博士格里克·亚历山大·冯·格莱夫尼茨是创建者和执行股东,自1999年起他就在生物统计工业领域中有了非常丰富的经验,自1991年起在IT和软件开发行业中拥有渊博精深的知识技能。 appliedbiometrics.com | Dr. Gerik Alexander v.Graevenitz (CEO) has 11 years experience in the biometric industry and over 15 years in IT business. appliedbiometrics.com |
此外司各脱,该命令有其他令人向往的教师在1587年,五,如亚历山大黑尔斯理查德米德尔顿,尤其是圣文德埃克尔西亚(医生宣布由西斯)中,更适合ascetico神秘主义的趋势,其神学为了在较广泛的各界的关键,冷静,常常深奥博士教学的微妙。 mb-soft.com | Besides Scotus, the [...] order had other highly-prized teachers, such as Alexander of Hales, Richard of Middleton, and especially St. Bonaventure (proclaimed Doctor ecclesia by Sixtus V in 1587), the ascetico-mystical trend of whose theology was more suited to wide circles in the order than the critical, dispassionate, and oftenabstruse teaching of the [...]Subtle Doctor. mb-soft.com |
博伊斯深受鲁道夫·斯坦纳的影响,深信人类应当在物质与精神世界之间寻求平衡,而艺术应该在其中传递“暖”的力量。 shanghaibiennale.org | His interest in Rudolf Steiner, Christianity, mythology, botany and zoology led him to evolve a rich and complex symbolism, in shanghaibiennale.org |
迪士尼度假俱乐部总裁Jim Lewis表示:“Group RCI拥有精深的管理水平、强大的技术资源以及优秀的全球营销基础设施,这正与迪士尼度假俱乐部的战略发展计划相匹配。 tipschina.gov.cn | Group RCI has the management depth, technology resources and [...] global marketing infrastructure to align with Disney Vacation [...]Club's strategic growth plan," said DVC President Jim Lewis. tipschina.gov.cn |
教区应在明爱徐诚斌书院和圣神修院神哲学院已奠定的基础上,致力发展一所天主教大学,以培育具基督博爱及服务精神的人士为宗旨,非但为信友提供完整的信仰培育,为天主教学校训练优良师资,也负起向香港及整个中国的知识份子传扬福音的重任。 catholic.org.hk | The Diocese should develop a Catholic university on the foundation already laid down by Caritas Francis Hsu College and the College of [...] Theology and Philosophy [...] of theHoly Spirit Seminary. With a mission todevelop students into persons imbued with the Christian spiritof love and [...]service, the Catholic [...]university will not only provide the faithful with a holistic faith formation and turn out good teachers for Catholic schools, but will also assume the important responsibility of evangelizing the intelligentsia in Hong Kong and the whole of China. catholic.org.hk |
除了在文艺领域一枝独秀外,紧跟时代步伐和国家民族发展之需,为推动中国教育国际化和现代化,促进国际教育理念的共用和资源的融通,新苗国际文化交流中心在唐洁女士的睿智引领下,应各界需求强力推出“内地与香港小学校长交流论坛”、“华夏菁英”国情教育系列活动(包括:香港回归、北京奥运、上海世博、广州亚运和深圳大运等“时代TIME”系列主题活动)等极具时代气息和教育意义的品牌交流活动。 nsice.hk | In addition to outshine others in art field outside, keep pace with the pace and national development need, and to promote Chinese education internationalization and modernization, to promote the international education idea of sharing and resource assistance, eds TangJie international cultural exchange centre in the wise woman, led by strong demand should be the from all walks of life to launch "between mainland China and Hong Kong primary school principals exchange BBS", "Chinese elite" national education series activities (including: the return of Hong Kong, [...] the Beijing Olympics, and [...] the Shanghaiworldexpo,guangzhou and shenzhen largeAsiangames such [...]as "TIME TIME" series of [...]theme activities), and other highly period flavor and education significance brand exchange activities. nsice.hk |
打造浙江省权威缝制、绣花、刺绣、绗缝、缝后、整熨行业盛会 「2012中国(义乌)国际缝纫机械及配件展览会」简称「YIWU S&G 2012」将于2012年11月27至30日在浙江义乌国际博览中心精彩亮相,联袂同期举办的「第十三届中国(义乌)国际袜子、针织及染整机械展览会」简称「YIWU H&G 2012」,将产生巨大的行业协同效应,以多个主题专区为买家塑造一个贯穿针织及制衣产业的一站式采购平台,让买家企业开阔视野、转变观念、了解市场、寻找新商机,也为参展企业于这义乌展打造高效务实的贸易平台及合作机会,也是缝制、绣花、刺绣、绗缝、缝后、整熨等业内人士不能错过的展会。 yiwusewing.com | Shaping the Most [...] Authoritative Event of the Sewing Industry in Zhejiang Province inSewing Machinery Exhibition (YIWU S&G 2012) China (Yiwu) InternationalExhibition onSewing Machinery & Equipment ("YIWU S&G 2012") and [...]The 13th China Yiwu [...]International Exhibition on Hosiery, Knitting, Dyeing & Finishing Machinery ("YIWU H&G 2012") will be staged at Yiwu International Expo Centre on 27-30 November 2012. yiwusewing.com |
作为庆典的一部分,我们正与中国国家博物馆以及大英博物馆合作,计划于2012年进行一次中国瓷器对欧洲陶瓷发展的影响的展览,该展览会也将在其它中国场馆进行巡展;此外,我们将于2012年在深圳市博物馆举行V&A藏品-英国水彩画展。 vamuseum.cn | As part of the festival we are showing exhibition of China's ceramic [...] interactions with Europe, in [...] collaboration with the National Museum of China and the British Museum, planned for 2012, which will also tour to other venues in China; and an exhibition of British watercolours from the V&A collection, to be shown at ShenzhenMuseum in 2012. vamuseum.cn |