

单词 南行

External sources (not reviewed)

团员们积极地向吴先生询问了有关新加坡商家在 南行 商 所 必须注意的事项并表达了他们的一些隐忧。
At the meeting, Mr Goh invited the delegation to call on him for assistance should they
[...] encounter any difficulties in Vietnam.
離開了Blenheim,我坐上了一位台灣朋友的車子, 南行 駛。
After left Blenheim, I followed my
[...] Taiwanese friend’s car to south.
陳偉業議員: 主席,政府在2009年 4月 29日立法會會議答覆本人
[...] [...] 的質詢時表示,為減低飛機噪音對航道附近社區的影響,民航處自 1998年 10月起實行多項飛機噪音消減的措施(例如盡量安排在晚上11 時至翌日早上7時離港的航機使用西博寮海峽 南行 航 道 ;而在凌晨 至早上7時抵港的航機則從機場西南面海面進場降落,以避免航機在 深夜時分飛越人口稠密的地區,而從東北方進場的飛機則採用持續降 [...]
MR ALBERT CHAN (in Chinese): President, in reply to my question at the Legislative Council meeting on 29 April 2009, the Government indicated that the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) had, since October 1998, implemented a series of aircraft noise mitigating measures to minimize the impact of aircraft noise on the communities near the flight paths (for example, to avoid aircraft overflying densely populated areas in the early
hours, arrangements
[...] were made for flights departing Hong Kong between 11 pm and 7 am to use the southbound route via the West Lamma Channel as [...]
far as possible, while
flights arriving in Hong Kong between midnight and 7 am were directed to land from the waters southwest of the airport, and aircraft approaching from the northeast had adopted the Continuous Descent Approach when landing in order to reduce aircraft noise impact).
[...] 響主要在灣仔北地區,即北港島線隧道及香港會議展 覽中心站將與連接中環填海計劃第三期後轉 南行 (內陸)的主幹道隧道走線有衝突。
The major impact on the Trunk Road is at the Wan Chai North area where the NIL tunnel and
Exhibition Station will conflict with Trunk Road tunnel
[...] alignments that turn southwards (inland) after the [...]
CRIII connection.
(d) 為紓緩昃臣道的交通壓力,以及為沿遮打道╱琳寶徑前往干諾道中
[...] 的車輛增設一條通路,介乎干諾道中與遮打道之間的一段美利道將 實施交通改道,南行改為北行。
(i) To relieve the traffic pressure on Jackson Road and to provide an additional access for the vehicles on Chater Road / Lambeth Walk to Connaught Road Central, the
traffic along Murray Road between Connaught Road Central and Chater Road will
[...] be re-routed from southbound to northbound.
包括中信泰富、粵海投資、五行、 廣 南行 、 華 潤北京置地、航天科技及光大控股等)由萬國寶通銀行以私人配售方式發行300,000,000份一年的一藍子的紅籌股認股權證,包括中信泰富的普通股每股面值HK$0.40、粵海投資的普通股每股面值HK$0.50、五豐行的普通股每股面值HK$0.10、 南行 的 普通股每股面值HK$0.50、華潤北京置地的普通股每股面值HK$0.10、航天科技的普通股每股面值HK$1.00及光大控股的普通股每股面值HK$1.00等,而本公司為該發行的聯合經辦人。
as Co-Manager. Private placing of 300,000,000 Basket Call Warrants 1997-1998 relating to a basket of
[...] existing issued ordinary shares of HK$0.40 each of CITIC Pacific Limited, HK$0.50 each of Guangdong Investment Limited, HK$0.10 each of Ng Fung Hong Limited, HK$0.10 each of Guangnan (Holdings) Limited, HK$0.10 each of China Resources Beijing Land Limited, HK$1.00 each of China Aerospace International Holdings Limited, and HK$1.00 each of China Everbright [...]
-IHD Pacific Limited issued by Citibank N.A.
老婦當時駕駛一輛2010年本田Accord房車, 南行 S an M iguel路左轉往東行Treat大道,期間一輛2001年Dodge [...]
An 89-year-old woman driving a 2010 Honda Accord attempted to make a
[...] left turn from southbound San Miguel Road [...]
onto eastbound Treat Boulevard, according to police.
开发署注重行南南政策 对话,进行政策研究和分析,并便利制定政策。
UNDP has
[...] focused on convening South-South policy dialogues, [...]
conducting policy research and analysis and facilitating policy development.
[...] 区域开发银行,如非洲开发银行、亚洲开发 行 、 南 方 银 行 、 阿 尔巴银行、安 第斯开发公司和国际开发银行作为全球协调有效应对措施的一部分,以解决当 [...]
The Ministers expressed the need to enhance regional and sub-regional efforts including, inter alia, through regional development banks, such as the
African Development Bank, Asian Development
[...] Bank, the Bank of the South, the Bank of ALBA, “Corporacion [...]
Andina de Fomento” CAF
and the Interamerican Development Bank as part of a global coordinated efficient response to deal with the current economic and financial crisis.
需要指出的是,总干事在执行局第 170 届会议上提交了 170 EX/7 Rev.号文件,介绍了
[...] 两项研究的结果:一项研究是关于在教育领域 行 “ 南南 合 作 ”和互助应取何种形式问题, 另一项是关于在教育领域建立一项南南合作计划基金的可行性问题。
It is worth noting that at the 170th session of the Executive Board, the Director-General presented document 170 EX/7 Rev. introducing the
findings of two studies: one on the
[...] modalities of implementing SSC and solidarity in [...]
the field of education; and a feasibility
study on the creation of a fund for a programme of South-South solidarity in education.
本公司的間接非全資附屬公司南昌鼎迅實業有限公司(「南昌鼎迅」)從中國行南昌市 昌北支行獲得人民幣8,500萬元(折合約港幣1.06億元)銀行貸款 [...]
額度(「貸款額度A」)以用於發展本集團南昌漢港林島項目(前稱南昌鼎迅項 目)。
Limited (“Nanchang Dingxun”, 南昌鼎迅實業有限公 司), an indirect non-wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, has obtained a bank loan facility (“Facility A”) of RMB85.0 million
(equivalent to approximately HK$106.0 million) from
[...] Bank of China – Nanchang City Changbei [...]
Sub-branch (中國銀行南昌市昌北支行) for the
purpose of development of the Group’s Nanchang Sino Harbour Island Villa Project (南昌漢港林島項目) (formerly known as Nanchang Dingxun Project (南昌鼎迅項目)).
[...] 年南盟区域工作队制定了一项《标准操作程序》,用于行 《南盟预 防和打击贩运妇女和儿童活动公约》各项条款。
For example, in 2009 the SAARC Regional Task Force developed a Standard
Operating Procedure to implement various
[...] provisions of the SAARC Convention on Preventing [...]
and Combating Trafficking in Women and Children.
该办事处将借助 2010 年
[...] 亚太地区儿童权利国际合作高级别会议成果,鼓励 行南南 合 作 ,并鼓励支持执 行《亚太地区儿童权利南南合作北京宣言》,实现儿童权利。
Building on the 2010 High Level Meeting on Cooperation for Child Rights
in the Asia-Pacific Region, the Office
[...] will encourage South-South cooperation and [...]
the realization of child rights through
support to the implementation of the Beijing Declaration on South-South Cooperation for Child Rights in the AsiaPacific Region.
它还行南美洲区域基 础设施一体化倡议,这促进了《阿拉木图行动纲领》 目标的实现。
It had also implemented the Initiative for the Integration of
[...] Regional Infrastructure in South America (IIRSA), which [...]
had contributed to the objectives
of the Almaty Programme of Action.
在中国各大银行的国际化过程中,工商银行已经是最为积极的,收购东南亚和拉美的银行,并扩大与非常最大的 行南 非 标 准银行的合作,以促进非常业务发展。
ICBC has been the most aggressive of
China’s big banks in its international drive,
[...] buying banks in Southeast Asia and Latin [...]
America, and expanding its partnership with
Standard Bank, Africa’s biggest lender, to boost its Africa business.
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第
[...] [...] 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止; 在以色列国防军撤出时,陪同和支助黎巴嫩武装部队在整个黎巴 南 部 进 行部 署 ;确保“蓝线”得到尊重,并协助黎巴嫩武装部队确保“蓝线”和利塔尼河之 [...]
行动,确保其行动区不被用来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 境和其他入境点的安全,防止武器或有关物资未经其许可进入黎巴嫩。
By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the
deployment of the Lebanese Armed
[...] Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the withdrawal [...]
of the Israeli Defense Forces,
ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in ensuring that the area between the Blue Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized armed personnel, assets and weapons, taking all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its borders and other entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel.
南就其自身而言, 将制行动计划,有效落实普遍定期审议的建议,并随时准备与所有国家和国际 组织讨论和分享经验,以在越南和世界范围更好地确保人权。
For its part, Viet Nam would develop a plan of action [...]
to implement effectively the universal periodic review recommendations
and would stand ready to discuss and share experience with all countries and international organizations to better ensure human rights in Viet Nam and the world.
2011 年底,国家工作队最后
[...] 敲定了南苏丹第一个联合国发展援助框架,该框架确定了国家工作队将在 行南 苏丹 发展计划方面提供的援助,其重点是加强核心治理职能、建立服务交付系统、 [...]
Late in 2011, the country team finalized the first United Nations
Development Assistance Framework for South Sudan, which defines the assistance that the country team will provide in the
[...] implementation of the South Sudan Development [...]
Plan, focusing on reinforcing
core governance functions, building service delivery systems, improving food security and reducing community conflict.
众所周知,在定于 2011 年 7 月行南苏丹 公民投票之后,苏丹即将起 草永久宪法,因此需要在此日期之前确定达尔富尔的行政区划。
It is well known that the Sudan is approaching the process of drafting the permanent constitution after the transitional period of the referendum of southern Sudan in July 2011, which requires the determination of the administrative status of Darfur before that date.
教科文组织正在支持“77 国集团和中国”建立和行南方科 学、技术和创新联合 会(COSTIS),并继续与各合作伙伴协力进行区域能力和网络建设。
UNESCO is supporting the Group 77+China in the establishment and operationalization of COSTIS, an important initiative of the group and continues in collaboration with partners to build capacity and networks at regional level.
[...] 发展中国家依靠不断壮大的生产网络、通过遵守和 行南南 贸 易 和经济合作倡 议,实现区域一体化。
These efforts would eventually help developing countries to integrate regionally, in line with
strengthening production networks, and by following and
[...] implementing South–South trade and economic [...]
cooperation initiatives.
倘收購已於二零零七年四月一日(即南聯地 產於會計期間之初)行,南聯地 產對本集團貢獻 之收益將約為119,100,000港元,而本公司權益持有人應佔溢利則為351,500,000港元。
If the acquisition had occurred on 1 April 2007, the beginning of the accounting period of Winsor Properties, the revenue contributed by Winsor Properties to the Group would have been approximately HK$119.1 M and profit attributable to equity holders of the Company would have been HK$351.5 M.
尽管成功行南苏丹 公决引发了善意, 但就增进和保护人权而言,政府与民间社会组织之间仍然缺乏切实和定期对话。
In spite of the goodwill engendered by the
[...] successful conduct of the South Sudan referendum, there [...]
remains a lack of meaningful and
regular dialogue between the Government and civil society organizations for the promotion and protection of human rights.
(b) 如何促使在公私伙伴关 系中行南南投资,特别是考虑到 来自“金砖四国”( 巴西、俄罗斯联邦、印度 和中国 ) 的跨国公司和主权财富基金的情况;(c) 如何利用海外散居侨民的资金; (d) 贸发会议应继续与多边开发银行和相关发展机构开展协作,发挥主导作用, 促使联合国在这一领域的所有工作协同一致。
Another delegate suggested that UNCTAD should consider several points in its research: (a) how to raise the interest of developed-country small and medium-sized enterprises in engaging in PPPs; (b) how to generate South–South investments in PPPs, specifically considering the cases of transnational corporations from BRIC (Brazil, Russian Federation, India and China) countries and sovereign wealth funds; (c) how to tap diaspora funds; and (d) that UNCTAD should continue its collaboration with multilateral development banks and concerned development agencies in order to lead in pulling all United Nations work in this area together.
在这些未决 问题中,有划界问题和石油收入分享问题,两者在
[...] 苏丹与南苏丹最近的危机中成了关键的问题,同时 也给行南苏丹 特派团的任务带来了挑战。
Among the unresolved issues are border demarcation and the sharing of oil revenues, both of which have become
pivotal issues in the most recent crisis between
[...] the Sudan and South Sudan, with accompanying [...]
challenges to the implementation of the UNMISS mandate.
上星期,南部非洲发展共同体(南共体)在纳米比 亚温得和克行南共体 国家元首和政府首脑会议,指 出南共体成员国沿海地区海盗活动构成经济和安全 [...]
The Summit of Heads of State and
[...] Government of the Southern African Development [...]
Community (SADC) held in Windhoek, Namibia,
last week noted the economic and security threat posed by piracy in the coastal waters of SADC member States.
(d) 在社会及其他领域(例如教育和文化;保健和社会服务,特别是关于艾 滋病毒/艾滋病和疟疾;移民和汇款;旅游和创新经济;妇女增权扩能;以及媒 体在发展中的作用)进行南南合作 ,包括三边合作。
(d) South-South cooperation, including triangular cooperation, in social and other areas (for example, education and culture; health and social services, especially with respect to HIV/AIDS and malaria; migration and remittances; tourism and the creative economy; gender empowerment; and the role of the media in development).
本协会通过其活动和培训方案,广泛鼓励法语地区间交流经验,并 行南 北 和 南 南合作;因此,它为创建真正的团结和繁荣的法语区域及促进千年发展目标做出 [...]
Through its action and training programmes, the Association gives broad
encouragement to exchanges of experience
[...] and North-South and South-South cooperation [...]
between Francophone regions; it thus
makes a very specific contribution to the creation of a real Francophone area of solidarity and prosperity and to the promotion of the Millennium Development Goals.
大会第 66/219 号决议决定于
[...] 2012 年 5 月 22 日至 25 日行南南合作高级别 委员会第十七届会议,会前于 [...]
2012 年 5 月 3 日举办一次组织会议,选举高级别 委员会第十七届会议的主席和主席团。
The General Assembly, in its resolution 66/219, decided to hold
the seventeenth session of the High-level
[...] Committee on South-South Cooperation [...]
from 22 to 25 May 2012, preceded by an organizational
meeting on 3 May 2012 to elect the President and Bureau of the seventeenth session of the High-level Committee.




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