单词 | 南端 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 南端 noun —southern tip nless common: south coast n 南端 —southern end or extremity南南 adjective —triangular adjExamples:最南端 adj—southernmost adj
2006 年以来,作为预防措施,西北大西洋渔业组织在其管制区内所有已 知海山以及大浅滩南端大珊 瑚区禁止底层捕捞。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since 2006, as a precautionary measure, NAFO has closed to bottom [...] fishing all the known seamounts in its Regulatory Area as well as a [...] large coral area on the south end of the Grand Banks. daccess-ods.un.org |
2008 年 10 [...] 月,驻扎在摩加迪沙国际机场的非索特派团部队注意到一小队 反对派战士在跑道南端附近 抢占地形,准备作战。 daccess-ods.un.org | In October 2008, AMISOM forces based at Mogadishu [...] International Airport observed a small group of opposition fighters take up [...] positions near the south end of the runway. daccess-ods.un.org |
两个主要岛屿从最北端至最南端的总长为1,600 公里,岛屿的 任何部分到海边的距离均不超过120 公里。 daccess-ods.un.org | The two main islands cover 1,600 kilometres from [...] the northern tip to the southern extremity, with no [...]part more than 120 kilometres from the surrounding ocean. daccess-ods.un.org |
地理:关岛是太平洋马里亚纳群岛最 南端 最 大 的岛屿,位于东京以南 2 200 公里、夏威夷西南偏西 6 000 公里。 daccess-ods.un.org | Guam is the southernmost and largest of the Mariana Islands in the Pacific Ocean, situated about 2,200 km south of Tokyo and [...] 6,000 km west-south-west of Hawaii. daccess-ods.un.org |
(g) 在所有安排下,承 建商均 須要在廣東道,車站月台的南端 位置 ,以明挖隨填的方法,建造連接行車隧 道的通風系統 [...] 和機房,以及位於新港中 心 地底的通風 通道,此舉 會對行 人及路面交通造成嚴重影響。 legco.gov.hk | (g) All the three variants would require a cut and cover section at [...] Canton Road at the southern end of the station [...]platforms for tunnel ventilation connections [...]and plant together with a ventilation adit under Silvercord Building, which would impose serious impacts on both pedestrians and road traffic during construction. legco.gov.hk |
當局在現階段沒有計劃興建一條新的 行人天橋連接奧運站南端至海 輝道一帶,但會繼續密切監 察該處一帶的交通及行人流量情況,在有需要時作出適當 [...] 的跟進。 legco.gov.hk | The Administration does not have [...] any plan to construct a new [...] footbridge connecting the southern concourse of the MTR Olympic [...]Station with the Hoi Fai Road [...]area at this stage, but will continue to monitor closely the traffic and pedestrian flow in the area, and take appropriate follow-up action as necessary. legco.gov.hk |
在Manhattan曼克頓南端的這 條狹窄的街道常常熙來攘往,而New York Stock Exchange紐約證券交易所便是在此。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | This narrow, busy street at the southern tip of Manhattan is [...] home to the New York Stock Exchange and crowded with stockbrokers, [...]investment bankers, hedge fund managers and analysts. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
在科克郡(County [...] Cork)的开普可利岛(Cape Clear Island)位于爱尔兰的最南端,包 围着那里的大西洋海水不仅是海狮的休憩场所,也是各种候鸟、鲸鱼、鲨鱼和海豚的天堂。 discoverireland.com | The Atlantic waters around Cape Clear Island, [...] County Cork, the most southerly tip of Ireland, is [...]a popular service station not only for [...]seals, but for migrating birds, whales, sharks and dolphins. discoverireland.com |
教科文组织关于“沿海地带可持续城市发展”马贾国际讨论会(突尼斯)在两个 方面受到了该国当局和地方政府的关注,一方面是沿海地区沙丘的稳定性,另一方面是计划 沿马里纳老城开展的马里纳项目已在该 城 南端 重 新 分阶段进行,这次讨论会还得到了蒙彼利 埃市政府(法国)和固定沙丘研究中心提供的支助。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The recommendations of the UNESCO Madhia International Seminar (Tunisia) on “Sustainable urban development in coastal zones” have been followed by National and Local Authorities on two points with the assistance of Montpellier’s Municipality (France) and the Research Centre on fixing sand dunes, on the one hand, for the coastal zone dunes stability, and, on the other, the Marina’s project planned along the Old Medina has been re-phased in the southern part of the town. unesdoc.unesco.org |
挪威南北狭长――最南端与北 角之间的距离约为2,500 公里。 daccess-ods.un.org | Distances are long – the distance [...] between the southernmost point and [...]the North Cape is about 2,500 km. daccess-ods.un.org |
叙利亚还 谴责区域理事会与 Yonatan [...] 极端分子宗教定居点管理层相互勾结,企图吸引数以 [...] 千计人的定居者到被占领的叙利亚戈兰定居,同时谴责以色列旅游公司以在被占 领戈兰南端的 B atihah 地区建造“旅游村”为借口建造定居点,特别是在 [...]Tiberias 湖东岸称作 Tall al-Sayyadin 的地方建造定居点。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also condemns the cooperation between the Regional Council and the management of the extremist religious settlement of Yonatan, which aims to attract thousands of settlers to the occupied Syrian Golan, and the focus by Israeli tourism companies on building settlements in the guise [...] of “tourist villages” in the Batihah [...] region in the far south of the occupied Golan [...]and, in particular, in the region known [...]as Tall al-Sayyadin on the eastern shore of Lake Tiberias. daccess-ods.un.org |
北领地的气候与澳大利亚南部的气候截然不同,北部的“顶端地带”(Top End)与南端之间的气候差异极大。 australia.com | The Northern Territory's climate is [...] distinctly different from that of southern Australia, and varies greatly between the northern part, known as the [...] 'Top End' and the southern extremities. australia.com |
乌特 (Utö) 是芬兰的最南端并有 人居住的岛屿,那是一个春季观赏罕见鸟类的极佳地方。 visitfinland.com | Utö is Finland’s southernmost inhabited island [...] and is an excellent place to spot both common and rare birds in the spring. visitfinland.com |
上述7 號點與內伶仃島南端的東 角咀的聯線與東經 113˚52'08.8"經線的交點(8號點,北緯22˚25'43.7",東經 [...] 113˚52'08.8")。 basiclaw.gov.hk | East), defined as the point where the line between Point 7 and [...] Dongjiaozui at the southernmost tip of Neilingding [...]Island intersects the meridian line [...]of Longitude 113˚52'08.8" East. basiclaw.gov.hk |
另外 呂華苑總經理亦舉出大東山珠寶將 觸角延伸至不同產業的實例 與我們分享多角 化經營與管理之道 大東山珠寶目前在中華台 北南端的小 島澎湖與政府合作進行一間水族館 的營運移轉 OT 計畫1 由於澎湖具不同的 文化及環境 大東山珠寶將管理風格在地化 配合該地的旺季與淡季 apecscmc.org | In order to diversify and extend its reach to different industries, Lucoral & Lupearl is currently cooperating with the government by holding an Operation-Transfer (OT) plan1 at hand of an aquarium in Penghu, a small island located at the south of Chinese Taipei. apecscmc.org |
南斯拉夫联邦最南端的共 和国,马其顿于1991年和平脱离并宣布独立。 un.org | The southernmost republic of the Yugoslav Federation, Macedonia, peacefully separated and declared independence in 1991. un.org |
旅舍位于Cron Street的南端,与主路相隔一条街。 cn.yha.co.nz | The hostel is at the south end of Cron Street which [...] is one street off the main road. yha.co.nz |
新加坡位于马来西亚群岛的最南端, 面 积710平方公里。 shangri-la.com | The southernmost gateway to the Malaysian [...] Peninsula, Singapore has a land area of 710 sq km. shangri-la.com |
華埠與波士頓市中心毗鄰,北接波士頓公園(Boston Common )與舊市中心 (Downtown Crossing),南鄰南端區( South End),西接公園廣場(Park Square)及海 灣村(Bay Village),東邊則以東南快速道(Southeast Expresswa)為界;劇院區大部 份、愛默生大學一部份與塔芙茲暨紐英崙醫療中心的大部份都在華埠之內。 bostonredevelop...ntauthority.org | Chinatown is adjacent to Downtown Boston, bordered by the Boston Common and Downtown Crossing on the north to the South End on the south, and then from Park Square and Bay Village on the west to the Southeast Expressway on the east. bostonredevelop...ntauthority.org |
Funzi Keys 位于肯尼亚海岸最南端,靠近肯尼亚与坦桑尼亚交界处,距索马里边境有数百里之远。 thefunzikeys.com | The Funzi Keys is [...] located at the southernmost part of the [...]Kenya coast, close to the border with Tanzania, hundreds of miles from the Somali border. thefunzikeys.com |
65在 索马里中部,据报,海盗从更南端的 沿 海地区展开行动,但他们继续将劫持的船 [...] 只停靠在Xarardheere和Hobyo附近。 daccess-ods.un.org | Over the course of the current mandate, [...] these militias have expanded their membership and extended their operations to new [...]areas.65 In central Somalia, pirates have reportedly launched missions from coastal areas further south, but they continue to anchor their hijacked vessels near Xarardheere and Hobyo. daccess-ods.un.org |
另一个大的发电厂位于托伦市(托伦位 于波兰的西南端大波 兰省Wielkopolska),输 出功率达到2100兆瓦,供给了波兰近10%的 [...] 国内能源需求。 paiz.gov.pl | The other large power plant is located [...] in Turów (in the south-western end of Poland) [...]with an output of 2,100 MW, amounting [...]to almost 10% of Poland’s domestic energy needs. paiz.gov.pl |
David、John、Paul及Richard Seton四人正在组织本田67大骑行活动(The Great Honda 67 [...] Ride)(www.honda67ride.com),他们将沿历史久远的胡志明小道,骑着迄今已风靡45年之久的摩托车,从越南北方的首都河内,一路骑行 至 南端 的 胡 志明市。 tipschina.gov.cn | David, John, Paul, and Richard Seton are leading The Great Honda 67 Ride (www.honda67ride.com) on 45 year old motorcycles along the historic Ho [...] Chi Minh Trail from the northern capital of Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh [...] City at the southern tip of the South East Asian country. tipschina.gov.cn |
继续沿着异常美丽的旅程经过巴里德赫(Ballydehob)和斯嘉尔(Schull)前往米曾黑德(Mizen Head)——爱尔兰大陆的最南端。 discoverireland.com | Continue this exceptionally beautiful drive through Ballydehob and head out via Schull to [...] Mizen Head, the most southerly point of mainland [...]Ireland. discoverireland.com |
乌特是芬兰最南端的有 人居住岛屿,从芬兰本土出发,有免费的渡轮带您到这个波罗的海小岛,船程五小时。 visitfinland.com | The free ferry takes five hours to reach this small island in the Baltic Sea. visitfinland.com |
这家前身为酒店的旅舍位于奥克兰市中心皇后大街(Queen Street)的南端,其 背包客客房主要由双床房间和双人房间组成,同时还提供共用房间,部分房间可欣赏到奥克兰的城市美景。 cn.yha.co.nz | This former hotel offers a range of clean and comfortable rooms from different sized dorm rooms (male or female only available), to private single, twin and double rooms. yha.co.nz |
在从该岛 南端的港 口登船的一系列尝试失败后,从法马古斯塔港登船。 daccess-ods.un.org | After a series of failed attempts to [...] embark from ports in the south of the island, some [...]passengers were able to embark from the port of Famagusta. daccess-ods.un.org |
这片区域已经深入到了公司在该地区 最 南端 的 三 个区块,即Totoral、Yerba Buena和Bajada Colorada(1126600英亩或4559平方公里或1760个区段)。 tipschina.gov.cn | The discovery well, LHo.x-1, drilled and established oil production potential from the Vaca Muerta Shale in a new and large region, the Picun Leufu Sub-Basin, which extends over much of the Company''s three southernmost blocks -- Totoral, Yerba Buena and Bajada Colorada (1,126,600 acres or 4,559 square kilometres or 1,760 sections). tipschina.gov.cn |