

单词 南定

External sources (not reviewed)

9 月 1 5 日 : 一 隻 雌 性 月 熊 薩 茲
[...] (Caz)和兩隻雄性月熊哈利 (Harry)和榮(Ron)南定 省的非法養熊廠被解救出來。
15 September: Caz, Harry and Ron, one female and two male moon bears, were confiscated from an
[...] illegal bile farm in Nam Dinh Province.
世界最大豪华邮轮“狮子星号”已开通香港→三亚→ 南定 期 海 上航线。
Leo, the world’s biggest deluxe passenger
[...] liner, has opened regular line from Hong Kong through Sanya to Vietnam.
请各国政府在 2011 年 1 月 31 日前,就构成委员会第六十二届会议临时
[...] 通过的《对条约的保留实践指南》的全套准则草案3 向委员会秘书处提出进一步 意见,以便在第六十三届会议上使《 南 》 定稿
Invites Governments to submit to the secretariat of the Commission, by 31 January 2011, any further observations on the entire set of draft guidelines constituting the Guide to Practice on Reser vations to Treaties,
provisionally adopted by the Commission at its sixty-second session,3
[...] with a view to finalizing the Guide at the sixty-third session
根據《環境影響評估條例》(第 499章 )的定,南港島 線(東段)是指 定工程項目,須進行“環境影響評估”的程序。
The South Island Line (East) (SIL(E)) [...]
is a designated project under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap.
499) and is thus required to go through an environment impact assessment.
还 有一些次区域合作文书,主要包括 1997 年《南部非洲警察局长区域合作组织关 于在打击犯罪方面开展合作和互助的 定 》 、 《 南 共 体 刑事事项法律互助议定书》 以及《南共体引渡议定书》。
There are subregional instruments on cooperation (notably, the Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organization Agreement in Respect of Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in the Field of Combating Crime, 1997, the SADC Protocol on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters and the SADC Protocol on Extradition.
巴西和其他 7
[...] 个国家在艾滋病毒和艾滋病问题上的南南合作 定 “ 南南联 系网”举措继续显现成果,例如,2005 年至 2008 [...]
年期间巴拉圭儿童感染率下降 了 9/10。
The Laços Sul-Sul initiative, a South-South cooperation [...]
agreement on HIV and AIDS between Brazil and seven other countries,
continues to show results, such as paediatric infection rates dropping tenfold in Paraguay between 2005 and 2008.
联合检查组在报告(JIU/REP/2011/3)中提出的建议 1,呼吁联合国制订并定南南合作 和三角 合作业务定义,并确保定义得到传播和应用,包括通过在总部和外地举办全系统讲习班和培训 班。
TCDC is multidimensional in scope and [...]
can therefore include all sectors and all kinds of technical cooperation activities
among developing countries, whether bilateral or multilateral, subregional, regional or interregional in character (see TCDC/13/3, para. 8).
[...] 有低报渔获量的情况,应进行尽可能准确的鱼量评估,并 定南 方 蓝 鳍金枪鱼的 总可捕量,以便在预防方法的基础上恢复鱼量;实施粮农组织《管理捕捞能力国 [...]
Additional recommendations from the independent expert of the performance review included the need to consider amending or renegotiating the CCSBT Convention, or incorporating modern standards for fisheries management into the work of the Commission; developing the most accurate stock assessment possible in the light of underreported
past catches; and setting a global total
[...] allowable catch for southern bluefin tuna that would [...]
allow the stock to rebuild on
the basis of a precautionary approach; implementing the recommendations of the FAO International Plan of Action on the Management of Fishing Capacity; moving promptly to reduce the impacts of southern bluefin tuna fisheries on ecologically related species; and adopting and implementing measures to minimize pollution, waste, discards or catch by lost and abandoned gear.
这份报告的目的是向执行局委员们通报前几 届执行局和大会会议通过的关于以下问题的
[...] 决定和决议的落实进展情况: (1) 174 EX/9 号定:南南教育合作取得的 进展;(2) [...]
174 EX/39 号决定:教科文组织共 同行动计划;(3) 174 EX/48 号决定:制定淡
水资源可持续管理部门间行动规划; (4) 174 EX/50 号决定:联合国教科文组织终 身学习研究所(UIL);(5) 174 EX/18 号决 定:教育机构和中心指导小组的工作进展情 况报告。
This report is intended to inform the Members of the Executive Board of progress in the follow-up to decisions and resolutions adopted by the Executive Board and the General Conference at their previous sessions, on the
following issues: (1) 174 EX/Decision 9:
[...] Progress made in South-South cooperation in [...]
the field of education; (2) 174 EX/Decision
39: UNESCO co-action programme; (3) 174 EX/Decision 48: Elaboration of an intersectoral action plan for the sustainable management of freshwater resources; (4) 174 EX/Decision 50: UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL); (5) 174 EX/Decision 18: Progress report of the Steering Group on Education Institutes and Centres.
[...] 予)須經﹕(a)南聯的獨立財務顧問出具有關其認為每一項新租賃協議的條款均為公平及 合理的意見,以及(b)依照收購守則第 25 條的定,南聯獨 立股東在南聯股東特別大會上 以投票表決方式予以批准。
Such consent, if granted, will be subject to (a) the opinion of the independent financial adviser to Winsor that the terms of each of such New Tenancy Agreements are fair and reasonable, and (b) the approval by the Winsor
Independent Shareholders of
[...] such New Tenancy Agreements by way of poll at the Winsor EGM pursuant [...]
to Rule 25 of the Takeovers Code.
第三,我们要求继续努力确保定南 方 命 运的全 民投票的成功举行,并且强调根据《全面和平协议》 [...]
Third, we call for continued efforts to guarantee the
successful implementation of the referendum
[...] on the fate of the South, and we emphasize the [...]
importance of making unity an attractive
option, in accordance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.
有关恢复战略 的工作是定南部蓝 鳍金枪鱼渔业管理计划草案的第一步,该计划草案包括符合 现代国际渔业管理标准的种群和生态相关物种管理目标。
The work on the rebuilding strategy was the first
step in developing a draft fisheries
[...] management plan for southern bluefin tuna comprising [...]
management objectives for the stock
and ecologically related species consistent with modern standards of international fisheries management.
南美洲国家联盟《组织条约》第 2 条定,南美洲国家联盟的总目标是通过 参与和协商实现各国人民在文化、社会、经济和政治领域的一体化和团结,以政 治对话、社会政策、教育、能源、基础设施、筹资和环境为重点,消除社会经济 不平等,实现社会包容和民间社会参与,在加强各国主权和独立的框架内增进民 主,减少失衡。
Article 2 of the Constitutive Treaty of the Union outlines its overarching objective, which is to build, in a participatory and consensual manner, an integration and union among its peoples in the cultural, social, economic and political fields, prioritizing political dialogue, social policies, education, energy, infrastructure, financing and the environment, among other aspects, with a view to eliminating socio-economic inequality, in order to achieve social inclusion and participation of civil society, strengthen democracy and reduce asymmetries, within the framework of strengthening the sovereignty and independence of the States.
由於鄭維志亦為永泰之董事, 而鄭維強及鄭維榮是鄭維志的兄弟,南聯乃永泰之附屬公司,根據上市規則第 14A 章之定,南聯香港在南聯關連交易項下收購南地財務之股份也將構成永泰的一項關連交 易。
As Cheng Wai Chee, Christopher is also a director of Wing Tai and Cheng Wai Keung and Cheng Wai Wing, Edmund are brothers of Cheng Wai Chee, Christopher, and Winsor is a subsidiary of Wing Tai, the acquisition of shares in WPFSL by Winsor HK under the Winsor Connected Transaction will also constitute a connected transaction for Wing Tai under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.
此 外 , 我們須一併 考 慮其他研究中 的 鐵 路計劃,包括東 九 龍
[...] 和 馬 鞍山至九 龍延 , 從 而定南港 島 的 優 先 次序。
We will also need to consider the priority of the SIL vis-a-vis other
[...] railway projects under study including [...]
the East Kowloon Line and the Ma On Shan railway extension to Kowloon.
缔约方第十九次会议定,南非作 为根据《蒙特利尔议定书》第 5 条第 1 款开展业务的发展中国家,有资格获得多边基金的技术和资金援助,以履行其淘汰氟氯烃生产和消 [...]
费的承诺,这符合缔约方第十九次会议第 XIX/6 号决定的要求(UNEP/OzL.Pro.19/7,第 XIX/7 号决定)。
The Nineteenth Meeting of the
[...] Parties decided that South Africa, as a developing [...]
country operating under paragraph 1 of
Article 5 of the Montreal Protocol, is eligible for technical and financial assistance from the Multilateral Fund for fulfilling its commitments to phase out both production and consumption of HCFCs, consistent with decision XIX/6 of the Nineteenth meeting of the Parties (UNEP/OzL.Pro.19/7, Decision XIX/7).
与 BREDA 和 PROAP 进一步交换意见后定南非远 程教育研究所(SAIDE)和香港开放大学(OUHK) [...]
Further exchanges with BREDA and
[...] PROAP identified the South African Institute [...]
for Distance Education (SAIDE) and the Open
University of Hong Kong (OUHK) as possible main implementing partners.
卡塔尔于 2012 年 3 月 13
[...] 日加入《外层空间条约》和《救援 定 》 , 南非 于 2012 年 1 月 19 日加入《责任公约》并于 [...]
2012 年 1 月 27 日加入《登记公 约》,土耳其于 2012 年 2 月 29 日加入《月球协定》,小组委员会对此表示欢 迎。
The Subcommittee welcomed the fact that Qatar had become a party to the
Outer Space Treaty and the Rescue Agreement on
[...] 13 March 2012, that South Africa had become a [...]
party to the Liability Convention
on 19 January 2012 and the Registration Convention on 27 January 2012 and that Turkey had become a party to the Moon Agreement on 29 February 2012.
1979 年,苏丹南部发现了石油,总统加法尔尔尼 迈里(Jaafar Nimeiri)再次开始努力重新定南北 边 界线,以把这些油田划入北方司法管辖范围 内。
Oil was discovered in southern Sudan in 1979, prompting then-President Jaafar Nimeiri to begin a long series of efforts to re-draw the country’s north-south boundaries in order to move the
fields under northern
[...] jurisdiction.172 Chevron was the first company to explore and develop, but suspended its activities in 1984 after attacks from the insurgent Sudan People’s Liberation [...]
(SPLA/M).173 During much of that period, Khartoum was unable to extract oil, and it defaulted on payments of its large external debt in 1990.
这款手表的特点之一在于其日光罗盘功能,因而有助于您 定南 北 方 向。
One of the many special characteristics of this watch is a sun compass, thus
[...] enabling you to determine the northerly-southerly direction.
同样,欧洲联盟也推动定南南合作 和三角合 作的协作政策,同时发达国家力求把南南同侪学习纳入援助政策和方案。
Similarly, the European Union has advanced work on a
[...] collaborative policy on South-South and triangular [...]
cooperation as developed countries have
sought to include South-South peer learning into aid policies and programmes.
南就其自身而言, 将制订行动计划,有效落实普定期 审 议的建议,并随时准备与所有国家和国际 组织讨论和分享经验,以在南和世 界范围更好地确保人权。
For its part, Viet Nam would develop a plan of action to implement effectively the universal periodic review recommendations and would stand ready to discuss and share experience with all countries and international organizations to better ensure human rights in Viet Nam and the world.
需要进一步研究,更清楚地定南南 合 作的最佳做法,以促进农业和粮食 安全。
Additional studies are needed to identify more clearly best
[...] practices in South-South cooperation [...]
to promote agriculture and food security.
在同一决议中,安理会定该部 队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止; 在以色列国防军撤出时,陪同和支助黎巴嫩武装部队在整个黎巴 南 部 进行部 署;确保“蓝线”得到尊重,并协助黎巴嫩武装部队确保“蓝线”和利塔尼河之 间的地区没有任何未经授权的武装人员、资产和武器;采取力所能及的一切必要 行动,确保其行动区不被用来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 境和其他入境点的安全,防止武器或有关物资未经其许可进入黎巴嫩。
By the same resolution,
[...] the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel [...]
with the withdrawal
of the Israeli Defense Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in ensuring that the area between the Blue Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized armed personnel, assets and weapons, taking all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its borders and other entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel.
目前正在 进行分析,以更清楚地定南南基础 设施合作的比较优势。
Analysis is being undertaken to identify the comparative
[...] advantages of South-South infrastructure [...]
cooperation more clearly.
2010/11 年度期间,将着重协助各方执行《全面和平协议》中关键性和尚未 执行的各项规定,如全民协商进程、现有《协议》机构的正常运作、为 定南北 边 界提供技术和后勤支助、解决阿卜耶伊地位问题以及筹备和实施两次全民投 票。
During the 2010/11 period, emphasis will be given to assisting the parties in the implementation of critical and pending provisions of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, such as the process of popular consultations, the proper functioning of existing
institutions of the Agreement,
[...] the provision of technical and logistical support to the North-South border demarcation, [...]
the resolution of the
status of Abyei and the preparation and conduct of the two referendums.
谨向你通报,根据安全理事会第 2046(2012)号决议第 1(i)段和 4 月 24
[...] 日非 洲联盟和平与安全理事会第 319 次会议的定,南苏丹共和国在给安全理事会主 席的信中表达了其立刻停止所有敌对行动的决心(见附件)。
I have the honour to inform you that, in accordance with paragraph 1 (i) of Security Council resolution 2046 (2012), and with the decision taken by the Peace and Security Council of the
African Union at its 319th meeting on 24
[...] April, the Republic of South Sudan has conveyed in [...]
a letter to the President of the Security
Council its commitment to an immediate cessation of all hostilities (see annex).
我们还必须继 续迫使各方切实定南北双 方和阿卜耶伊的边界,并 敦促它们准备进行全民协商,这将对南科尔多凡州和 [...]
青尼罗州人民提供重要的渠道,使他们能够切实表达 对《全面和平协议》和他们国家与喀土穆之间的关系 的看法。
We must also continue to press the parties to completely
[...] demarcate the North-South and Abyei borders, [...]
and we must continue to urge them to
prepare for popular consultations, which provide a vital outlet for the people of Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile to express their views on the CPA and their States’ relationships with Khartoum.
公司、银行(自然保护社)及其他私营机构(第三世界网络)的捐款; (e)
应通过碳市场机制和非碳市场机制――即基金――提供资金,采取缓解 措施,包括减少发展中国家毁林和森林退化所致排放量(国际气候行动 网络); (f)
[...] 不应固定资金总额,而应通过对所需资金的定期独立评估加以 定(南 方中心,MISC.3/Add.1;第三世界网络)。
(f) The total amount of the funds should not be fixed
but should be determined by a regular, independent assessment of the
[...] funding required (South Centre, MISC.3/Add.1; TWN).




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