单词 | 南加州 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 南加州 noun —Southern California nSee also:南加 n—Southern California n 南南 adj—triangular adj 加州—California 加州 n—Californian n
吴先生拥有美国南加州大学的计算机科学硕士学位,以及上海同济大学的学士学位。 pactera.com | Mr. Wu received his Master’s Degree in Computer Science [...] from the University of Southern California, and a Bachelor’s [...]Degree from Shanghai Tongji University. pactera.com |
她先後獲得美國南加州大學建築學學士學位(B.Arch)及哈佛大學園境學碩士學位(MLA)。 huluhk.org | Vincci received her architectural training and obtained a Bachelor of [...] Architecture (B.Arch.) degree [...] from the University of Southern California in the U.S.A. She [...]then pursued her further studies [...]in landscape architecture, and received a Masters in Landscape Architecture (MLA) degree from the Graduate School of Design (GSD) at Harvard University. huluhk.org |
他畢業於 [...] Lyon School of Management,持有南加州大學 工商管理碩士學位。 asiasat.com | He graduated from the Lyon School of Management and holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration [...] from the University of Southern California. asiasat.com |
李先生亦於一九八三年畢業於南加州 大 學 ,取得工商管理碩士學位。 glencore.com | Mr Li also graduated in 1983 from [...] the University of Southern California with an M.B.A. degree. glencore.com |
Glasenberg先生亦持有南 加州大學工商管理碩士學位。 glencore.com | Mr Glasenberg also holds an M.B.A. from [...] the University of Southern California. glencore.com |
Morandi 女士持有南加州大学 国际关系和新闻学学士学位以及 加州大学黑斯廷斯法学院的法学博士学位。 equinix.cn | Ms. Morandi holds a B.A. in International Relations and Journalism [...] from the University of Southern California and a J.D. from [...]the University of California, Hastings College of the Law. equinix.ch |
Smith 先生获得南加州大学 石油工程专业理学学士学位和西北大学凯洛格管理研究生院管理方向硕士。 china.blackstone.com | Mr. Smith received a BS in Petroleum Engineering [...] from the University of Southern California and a Masters in [...]Management from the J.L. Kellogg [...]Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University. blackstone.com |
李亮坤博士畢業於香港中文大學數學系,再修讀哲學碩士,在中學任教了一年後,赴美 國 南加州 大 學 攻讀,並獲取電機工 程 碩士及應用數學博士。 hkupop.hku.hk | After teaching in a secondary school in Choi Hung, he continued his study in [...] the University of Southern California. hkupop.hku.hk |
2011年10月22日, 由南加州中國大專院校聯合校友會 (JCUAA), 新女性協會(New Women [...] Association) 和 SimplyHelp (幫幫忙) 基金會共同主辦的 "與喜憨兒同樂" 秋季歡樂會, 為家長會的兒童帶來了許多的喜樂和樂趣。 cpad.org | On 10/22/2011, Fall Party sponsored by Joint Chinese University [...] Alumni Association of Southern California, JCUAA, New [...]Women Association and SimplyHelp Organization [...]brought a lot of joy and fun to CPAD children. cpad.org |
我们回到南加州的发 源地——Corona,距离洛杉矶仅 60 英里的 22,000 平方英尺现代化工程制造和服务中心。 digikey.cn | We’ve returned to our roots in Southern California in a 22,000 square-foot [...] modern Engineering and Service center in Corona--60 miles from Los Angeles. digikey.ca |
他一直担任卡尔斯鲁厄艺术与设计大学/艺术与媒体中心的美学、艺术史及媒体理论教授,同时,他还是美国和欧洲若干其他大学的客座教授,包括宾夕法尼亚大学 、 南加州 大 学 及伦敦考陶尔德艺术学院,蜚声国际。 shanghaibiennale.org | He has been a professor of Aesthetics, Art History, and Media Theory at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design/Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe and an internationally acclaimed Professor at a number of universities in the United States and Europe, [...] including the University of [...] Pennsylvania, the University of Southern California and the Courtauld [...]Institute of Art London. shanghaibiennale.org |
据美国当局称,南加州和得 克萨斯州南部是可卡因的主要 入境点。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to United States [...] authorities, the southern parts of California and Texas were [...]the primary entry points for cocaine. daccess-ods.un.org |
所以, [...] 讀完兩年後,要入讀哪所大學......我有很多朋友入讀 UCLA、史丹福、南 加州,根本絕不困難,因為他們有大量學位餘額,可以讓他們入讀。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, after studying for two years, when it comes to which university to study in …… I have many friends who [...] studied in the UCLA, Standford [...] or the University of Southern California and it is not difficult [...]at all for them to be enrolled [...]at them because these universities have large numbers of places available that can be offered to them. legco.gov.hk |
十年前当Greg还在伦敦金史密斯艺术学院(Goldsmith College of Art)上学时就开始构思该网站,而Max从洛杉矶美 国 南加州 大 学的电影与电视学院(USC Film School)毕业后一直从事该网站的开发工作(两人均是法国高等院校的语言学家),两人决定摆脱艺术生活中人员缺乏的局限。 tipschina.gov.cn | Conceived 10 years ago by Greg, while attending the Goldsmith College of Art in London, and developed by Max, since leaving the USC Film School in Los Angeles (both brothers were linguists who attended French Lycees), they are determined to break the control allowed to a limited number of people over artistic lives. tipschina.gov.cn |
南加州特奥 会的 Bill Shumard 也在特奥会运动会中看到了一些无法在其他比赛中看到的东西 – 一种高层次的体育精神。 specialolympics.dev.1over0.com | Bill Shumard of SO Southern California also sees something [...] at Special Olympics games you don't always see at other competitions [...]-- a high level of sportsmanship. specialolympics.dev.1over0.com |
對於人民與場所孰輕孰重,行政單位總委婉地以安全為由表明立場,且趨勢大多不受民眾青睞,相較於其他主要城市,我的故 鄉 南加州 地 貌 特別對行人不利,洛杉磯其實愈來愈多民眾樂見轉運系統能改善、人口密度能提高,若有些人指稱熱愛開車的居民仍占絕大多數,就像指稱瑪麗皇后(Marie Antoinette)是因喉嚨痛而死一樣,完全不符合事實。 thisbigcity.net | There is a growing population of Angelinos who crave better transit and practical density but to say they are dwarfed by the petrol-propelled masses is like saying Marie Antoinette died of a sore throat. thisbigcity.net |
出生并成长在南加州的Op el,他的作品受70年代和80年代自由精神力量的启发。 ba-repsasia.com | Born and raised in Southern California, his work has been [...] inspired by the free-spirited energy of the 70s and 80s. ba-repsasia.com |
他继续说道,“我们相信,在 Equity Office 这个在南加州有着多年丰富经验的公司的妥善管理下,这个投资组合必能实现反弹。 china.blackstone.com | He continued, “We believe that with the experienced [...] management of Equity Office, a company with [...] years of experience in Southern California, this portfolio [...]is primed for a rebound. blackstone.com |
2月4日:警方在南加州Natio nal City一個社區內的垃圾桶中,找到了Dorner的隨身物品。 ktsf.com | Monday, Feb. 4: Some of Dorner’s belongings are found in a trash bin in the San Diego-area community of National City, Calif. ktsf.com |
Dorner犯案後,南加州警方 從上週開始進行大規模搜捕,至今沒有找到他。 ktsf.com | Dorner is suspected of killing three people including [...] a Riverside, California police officer [...]over the past week. ktsf.com |
Lilly拥有南加州大学 的电气工程和生物医疗工程学士学位和电气工程硕士学位;斯坦福大学的工程管理和工业工程硕士学位;以及哈佛商学院MBA学位。 hamburg-summit.com | Lilly holds B.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, and an M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California; an M.S. in Engineering Management and Industrial Engineering from Stanford University; and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School. hamburg-summit.com |
在Interim,她還擔任過聖地牙哥和埃斯康迪多分公司的執行主管、長灘分公司 的 南加州 銷 售 經理,以及工業市分公司的總經理。 zh.vitas.com | Also for Interim, she served as acting [...] administrator for the San Diego and [...] Escondido branches, as Southern California sales manager [...]for the Long Beach branch, and as [...]general manager for the City of Industry branch. vitas.com |
同时, 与亚洲国家之间的贸易的增加将会推 动 南加州 地 区 的经济复苏。 remminternational.com | The increase of international trade with Asia will be a major contributor to the economic vitality of the southern California region. remminternational.com |
由於蒂華納接近南加州和它 技術嫺熟,相對便宜的的勞動力,這是一個對外國公司很有吸引力的城市,大公司利用北美自由貿易協定(NAFTA)對出口產品的優勢,建立廣泛的工業園區。 gestudio.us | Due to Tijuana’s proximity to Southern California and its skilled and [...] relatively inexpensive workforce, it is an attractive [...]city for foreign companies to establish extensive industrial parks composed of assembly taking advantage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to export products. gestudio.us |
公司是优质电脑硬件和外设的领先生产商, 在 南加州 、 中 国台湾台北和中国上海设有团队事业部。 tipschina.gov.cn | The company is a leading manufacturer specializing in [...] high-quality computer hardware and peripherals with [...] team divisions in Southern California, Taipei, Taiwan [...]and Shanghai, China. tipschina.gov.cn |
她后来去了美国,并于2000年在南加州 大 学获得MBA学位。 halfthesky.org | She went to the United States and received her MBA [...] from the University of Southern California in 2000. halfthesky.org |
自1985,由於移民的人數不斷增加,更因在美華人的強烈企盼在海外亦能分享傳統中國口味的餅食,所以本公司決定拓展華人市場,以造福海外華人鄉親的思鄉之情,進一步的 在 南加州 洛 杉 磯蒙市(Monterey Park)開設第一間分店,並命名為奇華餅家。 keewah.us | The Company is well known in Hong Kong and overseas for its signature products - Chinese Bridal Cakes and Mooncakes - though a wide range of Chinese and Western delicacies is equally popular. In 1985, due to an increase in the number of immigrants and the request of our patronized Chinese communities in the United States, the Company decided to take a step further [...] in marketing and opened up its [...] first subsidiary in Southern California located in Monterey [...]Park, Los Angeles known as Kee [...]Wah Corporation aka Kee Wah Bakery . keewah.us |
在 2008 年經濟衰退期間 產出缺口一路跌 至 -8% 比起過去 [...] [...] 1980 年代初期大衰退時最低 的 -7.8% 還要低 此外 1980 年代後 其產出 缺口迅速縮小並有幾季變為正值 但此次 2008 年經濟衰退後的產出缺口卻仍在 -8% 附近徘 徊 這意味著 即便是今日 產出缺口仍是前 所未有地巨大並揮之不去 也難怪在目前疲軟 的經濟下 美國企業不願增聘員工 而失業率 高居不下 作者為美國南加州大學教授 台灣吉而好創立於 1983 年 是一間以創意 和設計為宗旨的公司 秉持著 精緻 有趣 而富創意 的理念 吉而好讓人們藉由產品 體驗到生活中的小小樂趣 吉而好向消費者展 現絕佳實力 亦獲得多項優良設計獎項並擁有 超過百項專利 產品外銷世界各地 並為多家 國際精品品牌 如 Cerruti 1881 LAVIN 等知名 [...] [...]品牌設計並生產產品 品質深受肯定 apecscmc.org | During the recession of 2008, the output gap went all the way down to -8%, lower than the -7.8% achieved in the last large recession of the early 1980s. While during the early 1980s, the output gap recovered rapidly and turned positive in a few quarters, the output gap after the recession of 2008 is still hovering around -8%. apecscmc.org |
2010年6月19日,南加州玉山 科技協會向國泰銀行及國泰銀行執行副董事長暨首席營運長吳平原先生授予“傑出商業成就”獎, [...] 表彰其在商業及社區服務上的成就。 cathaybank.com | On June 19, 2010, Monte Jade Science and [...] Technology Association of Southern California presents a “Distinguished [...]Business Achievement” [...]award to Cathay Bank and Mr. Peter Wu, Executive Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer to recognize their Business Achievements and Community Service. cathaybank.com |