

单词 南充市

See also:


Nanchong prefecture level city in Sichuan

External sources (not reviewed)

同 事们在上个月到四川省的访问活动中,亲眼看南充市 江堰及映秀 镇等地如何在获得香港特别行政区和其他地区的资助後,从頽垣败瓦中 重新建造美好家园,以及受影响的灾民,如何以感人的毅力,努力克服 残缺的障碍,重新上路。
In the visit to Sichuan Province last month, Honourable colleagues could witness how Nanchong, Dujiangyan and Yingxiu were rebuilt on the ruins and rubbles and made beautiful homes; and how the victims were, after receiving subsidies from the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) and other places, moving forward with their gripping perseverance and grave effort to overcome the constraints imposed by their disabilities.
为及早重建教学楼,让学生赶及在新学年重返校舍上课,南充巿 政府和达州市政府分别出资约
[...] 600 和 700 万元人民币,以优先启南 充市路小学和达州市西罡学校两所学校的教学楼重建工程。
With a view to completing the construction of the teaching complexes as early as possible so that the students can resume their studies in the new school premises in the new school year, the Nanchong and Dazhou Municipal Governments have undertaken to fund a sum of about RMB 6 million and RMB 7 million respectively to enable
commencement of the reconstruction works
[...] of the teaching complexes ofthe “Peijiang [...]
Road Primary School in Nanchong” and
“Xigang School in Dazhou” as a matter of priority.
鉴于南南合作对于最不发达国家的发展具有日益重要的作用,我们强调应全 面利南南提供的机遇,以此 是替作。
In view of the increasingly important role of South-South cooperation in least developed countries’
development, we underline
[...] the needto fully harness the opportunities offeredby South-South cooperation asacomplement to, but not a substitute for,North-South cooperation.
爱沙尼亚计划继续加大支持充市赁住房存量,并鼓励地方当局成立 社会住户单位。
Estonia plans to continue increasing the support
[...] for expanding the municipal leasedhousing [...]
stock and encourage local authorities to
establish social housing units.
本次会议的登记地点为:深市南高新技术产业园科技南路中兴通讯大厦A座 [...]
Registration for the AGM will be conducted at: 6/F, A Wing, ZTE
[...] Building,Keji RoadSouth,Hi-TechIndustrial [...]
Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, the PRC (postal code: 518057).
手册包括“文物标识符”标准逐步实施 新近文物标识符形状”。
It includes a step-by-step implementation guideof the Object ID
[...] standard and a newSupplementary Object ID Form.
注重的焦点将设定为 政府可执行哪些政策,从法律上帮助穷人形成力量,增进数十亿非正式工人及企 业主益的能力和济作出贡献的能力。
Focus will be set on policies that governments may implement to legally empower the poor, and enhance
the capacity of billions of informal workers and
[...] entrepreneurs to fully benefitfrom and contributeto the market economy.
他们进一步认识到,南南合作不能取代南北合作,但可以 充南作; 并在这方面,重申其决心开展更为有效的南南合作和三角合作,并考虑到为执 行与健康有关的发展方案调配其他必要资源。
They further recognized that South-South cooperation does not substitute, but compliments North-South cooperation; and, in this regard, reaffirmed their determination to exploring more effective South-South cooperation, as well as triangular cooperation, allowing for the mobilization of additional resources necessary for the implementation of health-related development programmes, including.
[...] 过修订的新的土地政策;刚果民主共和国的土地调解方案已与国家和地方的土地 政策和行政管理挂钩;伊拉克利用土地保有权确保提 住房 正在加 强土地委员会的土地争端解决能力。
The new countries are Burundi, where a land policy revision resulted in the approval of a new policy; the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where land mediation programmes are being linked to national and local land policy and administration; Iraq, where
access to land tenure is
[...] used to ensure adequate housingdelivery;and South Sudan, wherethe resolution [...]
capacity of the Land
Commission in respect of land disputes is being developed.
(i) 在妇女和女孩接受和参与教育、培训和科学技术,包括促进妇女平等获 得充分就业和体面工作以及促进妇女参与科学知识交流方面加强国际合作,并欢
[...] 迎和鼓励这方面的南南、北南和三角合作,确认探索加强南南合作机遇的承诺并 不是要取代而是要
(i) Strengthen international cooperation in the area of access and participation of women and girls in education, training, science and technology, including for the promotion of women’s equal access to full employment and decent work and the promotion of women’s participation in the exchange of scientific knowledge, and welcome and encourage in this regard South-South, North-South and triangular cooperation and recognize that the commitment to explore opportunities for
further South-South cooperation entails not seeking a substitute for
[...] but rather a complement toNorth-South cooperation
尽管 近期的能源法草案让人们看到了希望,但是,这
[...] 部法律切实得以执行尚需时日,而且急需更细致 的行政规定与宏观
While the recent draft energy law shows promise, it is
years from implementation and will require more detailed administrative
[...] regulations tosupplement its broad guidelines.
而且,行动纲领遵循以下五原则:㈠ 采用 综合办法,全面,连贯和长期地看待发展进程;㈡ 真正的伙伴关系,增进最不
发达国家的国内政策和战略与合作伙伴的对外援助战略之间的协调;㈢ 国家自 主权,最不发达国家应确定国家优先发展次序,由发展合作伙伴据以提供支持;
[...] ㈣ 市场原则,公共和私营部门适当的组合,进行参与弱之处; ㈤ 通过确定、评估和监测进展和具体成果,注重成果。
Furthermore, it is guided by the following five principles: (i) an integrated approach in which the development process should be viewed in a comprehensive, coherent and long-term manner; (ii) genuine partnership with greater alignment between national policies and strategies in least developed countries and the external assistance strategies of their partners; (iii) country ownership, where least developed countries should identify national priorities that their development partners can use to provide support; (iv) the principle of market considerations with an
appropriate mix of public/private
[...] participation and due attention to market weaknesses;and [...]
(v) result orientation through the
process of identifying, assessing and monitoring progress on processes and concrete outcomes.
我们还认识到,南南合作 可以充南 作,而不是取代南北合作。
We also recognize that South-South cooperation complements rather than substitutes for North-South cooperation.
在国家一级,网络将与“城市联盟”建 立联系,办法是提高参加“联盟”的家各主管部门与参加“联盟”城市之 间的联络窗口,制定切实可行的目标,在评价种族主义和歧视领域的发展趋势以及在评估市 政当局的施政政策在法律、住房、就业、教育、文化、通信和信息等社会领域的影响方面应 用共同的指标体系,建立咨询委员会来促进正在进行中的科研人员与政策制定者之间的对 话,以期发现现行政策和做法的不足之处,等等。
At the national level, the network will relate to the Coalition by fostering the number of citiesjoining the Coalition; acting as an interface between high authorities and cities pertaining to the Coalition; defining achievable objectives and applying common indicators in order to assess trends in racism and discrimination and the impact of municipal policies on different social dimensions such as law, housing, employment, education, culture, communication and information; setting up advisory councils for ongoing dialogue between researchers and policy-makers in order to identify weak points in current policies and practice.
南南合作和三角合作对经济一体化进程和南方 国家在双边、次区域和区域框架内的发展日益重要, 这两种合作作的不是替代。
South-South and triangular cooperation, which had become increasingly important to the process of economic integration and to
the development of
[...] countries in the South within bilateral, subregional and regional frameworks, had tocomplement ratherthan substitute for North-Southcooperation.
第十条 营养补充品
[...] 缔约国应当根据情况鼓励营养补充品的生产商和销售商在营养作和营销方面建 立良好的操守,包括提供产品成分的分析信息和质量保证。
States Parties, where appropriate, shall encourage producers and distributors of nutritional supplements to establish best
practices in the marketing and distribution
[...] of nutritional supplements, including information [...]
regarding their analytic composition and quality assurance.
最不发达国家应提供与国内市场相同的有利作业环境促进外国投资流入,作 为发展国
LDCs should complement efforts to develop domestic markets
by promoting inward foreign investment, which requires the same conducive operating
[...] environment as the domestic market.
第四届会议将在前三届会议的工作及由此工作所得建议的基础上,集中研讨少数 群体妇女接受教育、有效参与经济生活、加入劳动与社会、文 化和政治生活的权利及机遇等问题。
Building on the work carried out during the first three sessions of the Forum and the recommendations emanating from that work, the fourth session will focus on the rights and opportunities for minority women to have access to education, take part
effectively in economic life, have
[...] accessto labourmarkets andparticipatefully in social,cultural [...]
and political life.
可以拟订《示范法》的款或《立法指 南》和(或)《实践 议或
Supplementalprovisions or guidance to the ModelLaw, or supplemental recommendations or guidance to the Legislative [...]
Guide and/or the
Practice Guide could be developed.
余若薇议员: 主席,据报,广东省当局、中国石油化工股份有限公
[...] 司和科威特国家石油公司正计划合作在广 市南推动“广东南沙炼 油化工一体化项目”,该项目或会对珠江三角洲地区带来区域性的环境 [...]
MS AUDREY EU (in Chinese): President, it has been reported that the Guangdong provincial authorities, the China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, and the Kuwait National Petroleum Company
are planning to co-operate in implementing
[...] the Guangdong Nansha Petrochemical [...]
Integration Project, and the Project may bring
about regional environmental and social impact on the Pearl River Delta (PRD) Region.
促进南南合作的重要性得到了确认,有人认为应扩大到北南合作,指出这 将充南南的进展,促进技术信息的转移。
The importance of promoting South-South cooperation was recognized, and the view was expressed
that it should be
[...] expanded to North-South cooperation, which would complement progress onSouth-South cooperation [...]
and facilitate the
transfer of technological information.
因为南朝鲜傀儡军队,西海水域成为对朝鲜挑起战争的前进基地,也成为充 满争议的水域,经和冲突的危险。
Due to the south Korean puppet army, the waters in the West Sea turned into an advance base for the provocation of a war against the Democratic People’s Republic
of Korea and
[...] dispute-ridden waters fraughtwiththe constant danger of confrontation and conflict between thenorthandthe south.
发展中国家目前经历的制造业增值减缓的情况可能会持续下去, 直到欧洲的经济和财政状况好转,或者直到国 南南现足够强 劲的需求。
The current slowdown of MVA in developing countries may continue until the economic and financial conditions
in Europe have improved, or until sufficiently strong levels of
[...] demand are reached in domesticor “South-South” markets.
多边办法可在不扭曲市场 的情况下对现有进行而为发展和平 核计划的国家提供核燃料供应安全。
They would complementthe existingmarket without distorting [...]
it, thereby providing nuclear fuel supply security for States
developing peaceful nuclear programmes.
[...] 的个人历史也是这种身份的一部分,委员会强烈建议缔约国采取必要步骤, 确保寻求确认其公民身份有按自身选择记录真实姓名和出 生地的权利。
Considering that the name of an individual is a fundamental aspect of the cultural and ethnic identity and that personal histories, including date and place of birth, are also part of this identity, the Committee strongly recommends that the State party take the necessary measures to
ensure that Khmer Krom who seek to confirm
[...] their citizenship fully enjoy their rights [...]
to record their true name and place of birth if they so choose.
在胡志市南130公里外,湄公河三角洲上一条名叫Vinh Kim的小村庄,每逢十一月便会长出大量越南奶果。
Around the small village of Vinh Kim, located in the Mekongdelta 130kmsouth of -Chi-Minh City, [...]
the vu sua tree produces
a large quantity of fruits in the month of November.
广市 南推动“广东南沙炼油化工一体化项目”,该项目可能会对珠江三角 洲地区带来区域性的环境及社会影响。
In Nansha, Guangdong, the Guangdong Nansha Petrochemical Integration Project may have environmental and social impact on the PRD Region.
本月早些时候,他们从加沙向以色列发射了 20 枚迫 击炮弹与火箭弹,包括一枚落在阿什凯隆这座有逾 10 万以色列公民居住的市南喀秋莎火箭弹。
Earlier this month 20 mortars and rockets were fired from Gaza
towards Israel, including a Katyusha
[...] rocket that landed southof Ashkelon, a citywith a population [...]
of over 100,000 Israeli citizens.




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