

单词 南充



Nanchong prefecture level city in Sichuan


Nanchong prefecture in Sichuan

External sources (not reviewed)

世界知识产权组织欢迎大家反馈意见以便进一步 改进本指南,从而确保本南充分符合世界各地中小 企业所产生的需要。
WIPO welcomes feedback to further refine the guide with a view to
[...] ensuring that it adequately meets the emerging [...]
needs of SMEs worldwide.
第七阶段体制建设项目和执行委员会核准的淘汰计划共同协助 南充 分 履 行在 2010年1月1日前最终淘汰氟氯化碳的义务,并为氟氯烃淘汰管理计划做准备。
The seventh phase of the IS project and phase-out plans
approved by the Executive Committee
[...] have assisted Viet Nam to fully comply with final [...]
CFC phase-out by 1 January 2010 and to prepare for the HPMP.
同 事們在上個月到四川省的訪問活動中,親眼看 南充 市 、 都江堰及映秀 鎮等地如何在獲得香港特別行政區和其他地區的資助後,從頽垣敗瓦中 重新建造美好家園,以及受影響的災民,如何以感人的毅力,努力克服 殘缺的障礙,重新上路。
In the visit to Sichuan Province last month, Honourable colleagues could witness how Nanchong, Dujiangyan and Yingxiu were rebuilt on the ruins and rubbles and made beautiful homes; and how the victims were, after receiving subsidies from the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) and other places, moving forward with their gripping perseverance and grave effort to overcome the constraints imposed by their disabilities.
越南由于多年的侵略战 争而受 害,
[...] 而侵略是最为严重的 侵犯 人权行为, 因此南充分认识到人权既 有普遍性 , 反映《世界人权宣 [...]
言》以及《 联合国宪 章 》 所 载 人 类 共同愿望, 同 时也有每 个社会和社区 的具体 特 点 。
As a victim of many wars of aggression – the most serious violation of
[...] human rights, Viet Nam fully realizes that human [...]
rights have both universality, reflecting
the common aspiration of humankind as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Charter, and particularity characterizing each society and community.
為及早重建教學樓,讓學生趕及在新學年重返校舍上課 南充巿 政府和達州市政府分別出資約 600 和 700 萬元人民幣,以優先啟南 充市涪 江路小學和達州市西罡學校兩所學校的教學樓重建工程。
With a view to completing the construction of the teaching complexes as early as possible so that the students can resume their studies in the new school premises in the new school year, the Nanchong and Dazhou Municipal Governments have undertaken to fund a sum of about RMB 6 million and RMB 7 million respectively to enable commencement of the reconstruction works of the teaching complexes of the “Peijiang Road Primary School in Nanchong” and “Xigang School in Dazhou” as a matter of priority.
他们进一步认识到,南南合作不能取代南北合作,但可以 充南 北 合作; 并在这方面,重申其决心开展更为有效的南南合作和三角合作,并考虑到为执 行与健康有关的发展方案调配其他必要资源。
They further recognized that South-South cooperation does not substitute, but compliments North-South cooperation; and, in this regard, reaffirmed their determination to exploring more effective South-South cooperation, as well as triangular cooperation, allowing for the mobilization of additional resources necessary for the implementation of health-related development programmes, including.
促进南南合作的重要性得到了确认,有人认为应扩大到北南合作,指出这 将充南南合作 的进展,促进技术信息的转移。
The importance of promoting South-South cooperation was recognized, and the view was expressed
that it should be
[...] expanded to North-South cooperation, which would complement progress on South-South cooperation [...]
and facilitate the
transfer of technological information.
他呼吁食典委在制定肉中旋 毛虫控制南时,充分考虑到世界动物卫生组织的工作并表示非常欢迎就此问题开展 [...]
He urged Codex to take full account of the OIE [...]
work when developing the guidelines for the control of Trichinella spiralis
in meat and declared that joint work on this issue would be very welcome.
南南合作并非取代而是充南北合 作,而 且与三方合作一道,可能有助于包容性和可持续的增长和发展。
South–South cooperation does not replace but rather complements North–South cooperation and [...]
along with triangular cooperation,
may contribute to inclusive and sustainable growth and development.
我们还认识到,南南合作 可以充南北合 作,而不是取代南北合作。
We also recognize that South-South cooperation complements rather than substitutes for North-South cooperation.
南南合作并非取代而是充南北合 作,而且会有助于全球均衡增长和发展。
South–South cooperation does not replace but rather complements North–South cooperation and [...]
may contribute to balanced global growth and development.
可以拟订《示范法》的充条款或指 南 , 或 《立法指 南》和(或)《实践南》的补充建 议或 指 南。
Supplemental provisions or guidance to the Model Law, or supplemental recommendations or guidance to the Legislative [...]
Guide and/or the
Practice Guide could be developed.
尽管 近期的能源法草案让人们看到了希望,但是,这
[...] 部法律切实得以执行尚需时日,而且急需更细致 的行政规定与宏观南作为补充。
While the recent draft energy law shows promise, it is
years from implementation and will require more detailed administrative
[...] regulations to supplement its broad guidelines.
南南合作和三角合作对经济一体化进程和南方 国家在双边、次区域和区域框架内的发展日益重要, 这两种合作南北合作的充,而 不是替代。
South-South and triangular cooperation, which had become increasingly important to the process of economic integration and to
the development of
[...] countries in the South within bilateral, subregional and regional frameworks, had to complement rather than substitute for North-South cooperation.
手册包括“文物标识符”标准逐步实施 南 和 新近 补 充 的 “ 文物标识符形状”。
It includes a step-by-step implementation guide of the Object ID
[...] standard and a new Supplementary Object ID Form.
釜山论坛确认南南合作是发展合作的主要驱动力, 代表了充南北合 作的一种新的合作形式,也使传统发展援助更具有文化相关 性。
The Busan Forum recognized South-South cooperation as a major driver of development
cooperation, representing a new form of
[...] cooperation complementing North-South cooperation [...]
and making traditional development aid more culturally relevant.
2009 年 12 月 1 日至 3 日在内罗毕召开的联 合国南南合作高级别会议强调指出,南南合作不是要取代南北合作,而是对南北 合作的充,南南合作 是国际合作促进发展的重要组成部分。
The High-level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation, held in Nairobi from 1 to 3 December 2009, emphasized that South-South cooperation is not a substitute for, but is complementary to North-South cooperation and that South-South cooperation is an important element of international cooperation for development.
承认各级层次国际合作的重要性,包括南南合作和 充南 北 合作的三 角合作,以及区域合作和公民社会参与及与公民社会的合作,包括国家人权机构 和残疾人及代表残疾人的组织
Acknowledges the importance of international cooperation at all levels, including South-South and triangular cooperation which complement North-South cooperation, as well as regional cooperation and cooperation involving and between civil society, including national human rights institutions and persons with disabilities and their representative organizations
鉴于南南合作对于最不发达国家的发展具有日益重要的作用,我们强调应全 面利南南合作提供的机遇,以此 充 而 不 是替 南 北 合 作。
In view of the increasingly important role of South-South cooperation in least developed countries’
development, we underline
[...] the need to fully harness the opportunities offered by South-South cooperation as a complement to, but not a substitute for, North-South cooperation.
因为南朝鲜傀儡军队,西海水域成为对朝鲜挑起战争的前进基地,也成为充 满争议的水域,经充斥着北南对抗和冲突的危险。
Due to the south Korean puppet army, the waters in the West Sea turned into an advance base for the provocation of a war against the Democratic People’s Republic
of Korea and
[...] dispute-ridden waters fraught with the constant danger of confrontation and conflict between the north and the south.
[...] 的个人历史也是这种身份的一部分,委员会强烈建议缔约国采取必要步骤, 确保寻求确认其公民身份南高棉人 充 分 享有按自身选择记录真实姓名和出 生地的权利。
Considering that the name of an individual is a fundamental aspect of the cultural and ethnic identity and that personal histories, including date and place of birth, are also part of this identity, the Committee strongly recommends that the State party take the necessary measures to
ensure that Khmer Krom who seek to confirm
[...] their citizenship fully enjoy their rights [...]
to record their true name and place of birth if they so choose.
这种机制将 可增强伙伴合作并充南南合作
That would renew the strength of
[...] partnerships and complement South-South cooperation.
强调指出在应对艾滋病毒和艾滋病的全球行动中,国际合作具有重要意义, 包括南北、南南以及三角合作发挥的作用,同时铭记南南合作不能替代而只能充南北合 作,并确认各国政府和捐助国以及包括私营部门在内的民间社会承担的 共同但有区别的责任及其各自的能力,同时注意到在这方面国家发挥自主权和领 [...]
Stress the importance of international cooperation, including the role of NorthSouth, South-South and triangular cooperation, in the global response to
[...] bearing in mind that South-South cooperation is not a substitute for, but rather a complement to, North-South cooperation, [...]
and recognize the
shared but differentiated responsibilities and respective capacities of Governments and donor countries, as well as civil society, including the private sector, while noting that national ownership and leadership are absolutely indispensable in this regard
强调在预防和控制非传染性疾病方面开展南北、南南和三角合作,在国家、 区域和国际各级促进有利的环境来推动健康的生活方式和选择的重要性,同时铭 记南南合作不是要取代,而是充南 北 合
Stress the importance of North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation, in the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases, to promote at the national, regional and international levels an enabling environment to facilitate healthy lifestyles and
choices, bearing in
[...] mind that South-South cooperation is not a substitute for, but rather a complement to, North-South cooperation
(i) 在妇女和女孩接受和参与教育、培训和科学技术,包括促进妇女平等获 得充分就业和体面工作以及促进妇女参与科学知识交流方面加强国际合作,并欢
[...] 迎和鼓励这方面的南南、北南和三角合作,确认探索加强南南合作机遇的承诺并 不是要取代而是要充北南合作
(i) Strengthen international cooperation in the area of access and participation of women and girls in education, training, science and technology, including for the promotion of women’s equal access to full employment and decent work and the promotion of women’s participation in the exchange of scientific knowledge, and welcome and encourage in this regard South-South, North-South and triangular cooperation and recognize that the commitment to explore opportunities for
further South-South cooperation entails not seeking a substitute for
[...] but rather a complement to North-South cooperation
[...] 过修订的新的土地政策;刚果民主共和国的土地调解方案已与国家和地方的土地 政策和行政管理挂钩;伊拉克利用土地保有权确保提 充 足 住房 ; 南 苏 丹 正在加 强土地委员会的土地争端解决能力。
The new countries are Burundi, where a land policy revision resulted in the approval of a new policy; the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where land mediation programmes are being linked to national and local land policy and administration; Iraq, where
access to land tenure is
[...] used to ensure adequate housing delivery; and South Sudan, where the resolution [...]
capacity of the Land
Commission in respect of land disputes is being developed.
这笔捐款旨在充南非每 年向近东救济工程处提供的捐助和南非正在开展的 各项援助巴勒斯坦方案,包括南非向由新亚洲-非洲 战略伙伴关系主持的巴勒斯坦能力建设计划提供的 捐助。
This contribution is
[...] designed to supplement the annual contribution to UNRWA and other ongoing South African assistance [...]
programmes to Palestine,
including its contribution to the Palestinian capacity-building initiative under the aegis of the New Asian-African Strategic Partnership.
(f) 董事會可議決,按溢價配發將予配發的股份,惟溢價須入賬列為 悉數繳足,而在有關情況下,除將用以 充 資 本 及根據上文(e) 分段予以運用的金額外,及就其中所載而言,董事會須將其可釐 定的股份溢價賬的進賬額及任何部份本公司未分派利潤(包括轉 入任何儲備或其他特別賬項作為進賬的利潤) 充 資 本 及予以運 用,該筆款項相等於將予配發股份的溢價總額,並須連同根據上 文(e)分段將予運用的款項一併運用,及按照其中所載基準用於悉 數繳足向選擇股份持有人配發及分派的適當數目的未發行股份。
(f) the Board may resolve that the shares to be allotted shall be allotted at a premium provided that the premium is credited as fully paid up and in such case the Board shall in addition to the amount to be capitalised and applied pursuant to sub-paragraph (e) above, and for the purpose therein [...]
set out, capitalise and apply out of
the amount standing to the credit of the share premium account or out of any part of the undivided profits of the Company (including profits carried and standing to the credit of any reserve or reserves or other special account) as the Board may determine, a sum equal to the aggregate amount of the premium on the shares to be allotted and shall apply the same together with the sum to be applied pursuant to sub-paragraph (e) above and on the basis therein set out in paying up in full the appropriate number of unissued shares for allotment and distribution to and amongst the holders of the Elected Shares.
大会第六十三届会议注意到秘书长任命了一名新的使用多种语文问题协调 员;请秘书长确保平等对待所有语文事务处,并确保会员国代表之间有效地用多
[...] 的行动,实现在联合国网站上同等使用六种正式语文;请秘书长向大会第六十五 届会议提交一份综合报告,说充分 执 行大会有关使用多种语文的各项决议的情 [...]
况(第 63/306 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly took note of the appointment by the Secretary-General of a new Coordinator for Multilingualism; requested the Secretary-General to ensure equal treatment for all language services and effective multilingual communication among representatives of Member States, including through simultaneous distribution of documents in all official languages; requested the Department of Public Information to improve actions taken to achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it
at its sixty-fifth session a
[...] comprehensive report on the full implementation [...]
of its resolutions on multilingualism (resolution 63/306).
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法 索、刚果、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比 亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、新西兰、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、波兰、
[...] 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛、苏南和赞 比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 [...]
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan,
Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan,
[...] Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), [...]
requesting the Director-General to strengthen
UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.




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