

单词 南京条约

See also:


capital of China at different historical periods

条约 n

reservation n

条约 pl

reservations pl

External sources (not reviewed)

南极条约》的 缔约国目前已达49个国家, 条约 规 定 将南极洲用于开展符合人类共同利益以及和平目的的科学研究,以此推动环境保护,鼓励国际合作。
The Antarctic Treaty, which now counts 49 signatory nations, has preserved Antarctica as an area [...]
for scientific research
with common pacific aims, to protect the environment and to encourage international cooperation.
这种立法为以下任何罪行或罪行组合规定了普遍管辖权: (a) 严重违反日内瓦四公约及其《第一附加议定书》的行为(主要是英联邦成员 国);(b) 1954 年《海牙公约》《第二号议定书》和《保护所有人免遭强迫失踪国
际公约》特别规定的犯罪(例如塞浦路斯、日本和荷兰);(c) 没有条约规定普遍
[...] 管辖权的其他违反国际人道主义法行为,如在非国际武装冲突中实施的战争罪 (比利时、加拿大、新西兰和菲律宾)以及违反禁止或管制使用某种武器的行 为 (南 非);(d) 《罗马约》第 8 条所列 的战争罪(比利时、加拿大、德国、新西兰和 联合王国)。
This legislation provides for universal jurisdiction over any or a combination of the following: (a) grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol I thereto (primarily States members of the Commonwealth); (b) crimes specified under the Second Protocol to the 1954 Hague Convention and the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (for example, Cyprus, Japan and the Netherlands); (c) other violations of international humanitarian law where no treaty requires universal jurisdiction, such as war crimes committed in non-international armed conflict (Belgium, Canada, New Zealand and the Philippines) and violations of treaties that either
prohibit or regulate the use
[...] of certain weapons (South Africa); (d) the war crimes list contained in article 8 of the Rome [...]
Statute (Belgium, Canada,
Germany, New Zealand and the United Kingdom).
最后南非作 为《气候公约》缔约国第十七届会 议的主席国,它认为本次辩论会提供了提高认识和交 换意见的机会,以便加强应对气候变化的全球努力, 首先把它当作一个可持续发展问题,其次重新强调必 须把气候变化的辩论保留在《气候 约 》 和 《 京 都议 定书》范围内。
Finally, for South Africa, as President of the seventeenth Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC, this debate provides an opportunity to raise awareness and exchange views in order to intensify global efforts to address climate change, first as a sustainable development issue and, secondly, to re-emphasize the need to retain the climate change debate within the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol.
美国拒绝了朝鲜民主主义人民共和国政府提出的无数和平建议和倡议,如缔 结朝鲜民主主义人民共和国美国和 条约 倡 议 (1970 年代)、把朝南方纳 入朝鲜 民主主义人民共和国美国谈判的三方会谈倡议(1980 年代)、以及建立新的和平机 制倡议(1990 年代)等。
The United States turned down numerous peace proposals and initiatives put forward by the Government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, such as
the proposal for the
[...] conclusion of a peace treaty between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the United States (1970s), the tripartite talks proposal to include south Korea in the Democratic [...]
People’s Republic
of Korea-United States talks (1980s) and the proposal for the establishment of a new peace mechanism (1990s).
可将暂时适条款纳入 对京都议定书》本身的修正,或纳入《议定书》/ 《约》缔约方会议关于通 过这类修正的决定,修正依照京都 议 定书》第二 条 和 第二十一条进行。
The provisional application clause could be included either in the amendment to the Kyoto Protocol itself or in a CMP decision adopting such amendments in accordance with Articles 20 and 21 of the Kyoto Protocol.
此外, “南”还要求秘书处根据《约》 缔 约 方 会 议和作为 京 都 议 定书》 约 方会 议的 《公约》缔约方会议的决定,编写附件一所列缔约方根据 京 都 议定书》 提交的国家信息通报的汇编和综合的有关报告。
In addition, the same guidelines request the secretariat to prepare a report on the compilation and synthesis of national communications of Annex I Parties submitted under the Kyoto Protocol in accordance with the decisions [...]
of the COP and
the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP).
(b) 有助于发展的环境综合管理:合理管理水资源 南 部 非 洲干旱和半干旱地区的可 持续综合管理与发展项目、国际水文计划、人与生物圈计划),强化现有的示范 中心(热带森林综合管理地区研究生院);在环境战略和规划委员会(CESP)行 动的框架内发展科学教育和生物多样性教育(传播、教育、提高公众认识);支 持实施环境方面的约(京都议定书);参与正在开展的分地区行动(刚果河流 域森林合作(CBFP)项目);增强刚果自然保护研究所(ICCN)的能力。
(b) integrated environmental management for development: rational water resources management (SIMDAS project, IHP, MAB); strengthening of existing centres of
[...] excellence (ERAIFT); development of science education and biodiversity education under the CESP (Communication, Education and Public Awareness) initiative; support for the implementation of environmental conventions (Kyoto Protocol); participation in initiatives under way in the subregion (Congo Basin Forest Partnership, CBFP); and building the capacities of the Congolese Institute for the Conservation of Nature (ICCN)
[...] 注意到,一如秘书长关于特别委员会建议执行情况的报告(A/65/680)所指出,秘 书处已作出努力,寻求与集体安 条约 组 织和 东 南 亚 国 家联盟等其他区域安排合 作的新机会。
The Special Committee also takes note of the Secretariat’s efforts, as presented in the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the recommendations of the Special Committee (A/65/680), to seek new opportunities for cooperation with other
regional arrangements, such as the
[...] Collective Security Treaty Organization and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
此外,因为根据第二十条通过的修正仅适 用于交存了接受修正文书的约方, 所以,对 京 都 议 定书》的生 条 款 进 行修 正可能导致新的生效程序仅适用于部分缔约方。
Furthermore, because amendments adopted under
Article 20 would only
[...] apply to those Parties that have deposited their instruments of acceptance to the amendment, amending the entry into force provisions of the Kyoto Protocol could [...]
result in a situation
where the new entry into force procedures would apply to some Parties and not to others.
还应当注意的是,根据京都议 定书》(第 2.2 条),各缔约方还 应当通过民 航组织和海事组织的工作减少和限制来自空运和海运燃料的排放。
It should also
[...] be noted that under the Kyoto Protocol (article 2.2), the parties shall [...]
pursue reduction and limitation of
emissions of greenhouse gases from aviation and marine bunker fuels through the work of ICAO and IMO.
考虑到附件一缔约方在《京都议定书》之下的进一步承诺问题特设工作组第 十五届会议报告附件所载对《京都议定书》的拟议修正,2 注意到载于本决定附件A 节的表格所列约方已按照京都议 定书》第二 十条第7 款就京都议定书》附件B 的一项修正案的通过提交了书面同意
Taking into account the proposed amendments to the Kyoto Protocol contained in the annex to the report of the fifteenth session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties
under the Kyoto
[...] Protocol,2 Noting that Parties listed in the table contained in section A of the annex to this decision have provided, in accordance with Article 21, paragraph [...]
7, of the Kyoto Protocol, their written consent
to the adoption of an amendment to Annex B to the Kyoto Protocol
据王东升介绍,京东方北京8.5代线自去年9月量产以来,产能快速爬坡,已于今年7月底实现满产,产品良率达到94%;作为中国大陆 条 高 世 代线 京 东 方 合肥6代线,一直保持满产满销,已于6月份实现单月盈 约 1 7 0 0万 元,上半年营业收入较去年同期增加22.4亿元;京东方成都4.5代线主要生产手机、数码相机、GPS等各类移动电子产品用显示屏,自2010年4月以来一直处于满产满销、持续盈利的状态。
According to Wang Dongsheng, East Beijing 8.5 generation line since last September production capacity fast climbing, since, in the end of year 7 to achieve full production, the yield of the
product reached 94%; as
[...] China 's first generation line Hefei BOE 6 generation line, has maintained a full production with sale, in June to achieve monthly profit of about 17000000 [...]
yuan, the first half
of the year business income is 2240000000 yuan the same period last year; BOE Chengdu 4.5 generation line mainly produces mobile phone, digital camera, GPS and other mobile electronic product display screen, since 2010 April has been in full production with pin, sustained profitable status.
南京(2011年4月19日) — Emerson 公司(约证券 交易所股票代码:EMR)今天宣布,亚洲流量技术中心扩建的工程研发中心正式开幕,亚洲流量技术中心位于中国南京并由艾默生过程管理运营。
NANJING, CHINA (April 19, 2011) –  Emerson (NYSE: EMR) announces the opening [...]
of an Engineering and Development Center within
the recently expanded Asia Flow Technology Center operated by Emerson Process Management in Nanjing, China.
京都议定书》第12条做出定义,清洁发展机制欲达到两个目标:(1) 协助未列入附件一的约 方实 现可持续发展并为实现《公约》的最终目标做出贡献;(2) 协助附件一所列缔约方实现其量 化的限制和减少排放的承诺。
Clean Development
[...] mechanism (CDm) Defined in Article 12 of the Kyoto protocol, the CDm is intended to meet two objectives: (1) to assist parties not included in [...]
Annex i in achieving
sustainable development and in contributing to the ultimate objective of the convention; and (2) to assist parties included in Annex i in achieving compliance with their quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments.
2010 年,当条约》生效后南美洲 国家联盟各机构开始 初具规模,包括任命了一位秘书长;设在基多的秘书处总部破土动工;在玻利维 亚多民族国科恰班巴设立了南美洲议会;在加拉加斯设立了南方银行。
In 2010,
[...] by the time the Treaty came into force, the Union of South American Nations institutions [...]
had begun to take shape,
including the appointment of a Secretary-General; ground-breaking for the secretariat headquarters in Quito; and the establishment of the South American Parliament in Cochabamba, Plurinational State of Bolivia, and the Bank of the South in Caracas.
“规定数量”应按根据《京都议定书》第三、第五、第七和第 条 计算 并记录京都议定书》附件一约方 分 配数量时所用的方法、规则和程序计算。
(d) “Inscribed amounts” shall be calculated on the basis of methodologies, rules and procedures used to
calculate and record the
[...] assigned amount of Annex I Parties to the Kyoto Protocol pursuant to Articles 3, 5, [...]
7 and 8 of the Kyoto Protocol.
[...] 宣言中,包括:《世界大自然宪章》、《里约环境与发 展宣言》、美国圣地亚哥宣言第二次首脑会议、喀尔 巴阡与多瑙河地区的《环境与可持续发展宣言》、《南 美洲国家联盟组条约》、《南亚区 域合作联盟宣言》 第十五次首脑会议、《玻利瓦尔美洲人民联盟国家元 首与政府首脑第七次首脑会议最后宣言——人民通 商条约》。
The concept of harmony with nature had been enshrined in various multilateral and regional declarations, including the World Charter for Nature, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Second Summit of the Americas Santiago Declaration, the Declaration on Environment and Sustainable Development in the
Carpathian and Danube Region,
[...] the Constitutive Treaty of the Union of South American Nations, the fifteenth Summit Declaration of the South Asian Association [...]
for Regional Cooperation
and the Final Declaration of the seventh Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Bolivarian Alternative for the People of Our Americans — Treaty of Commerce for the People.
在这方面,集团仍然认为《特拉特洛尔 科条约》(拉丁美洲和加勒比禁止核武器条约)、《拉罗通 条约 》( 南 太 平 洋无核 区条约)、《曼条约》(东南亚无 核武器区条约)、《佩林达巴条约》(非洲无核武 器区条约)和《塞米巴拉金斯克条约》(中亚无核武器区条约)是实现全球核裁军 [...]
In this regard, the Group continues to consider the nuclear-weapon-free zones created by the treaties of Tlatelolco (Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin
America and the
[...] Caribbean), Rarotonga (South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty), Bangkok (Treaty on the South-East Asia Nuclear Weapon [...]
Free Zone), Pelindaba
(African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty) and Semipalatinsk (Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia) to be a positive step and important measure towards attaining the objective of global nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
特别是,核武器国家应批准《全面禁止核试验 条约》;向所有无核武器国家提供无条件且具有法律 约束力的消极安全保证;加入建立无核武器 条约, 尤其是《南亚无核武器条约》。
In particular, the nuclear-weapon-States should ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty; provide unconditional and legally binding negative security assurances to all
non-nuclear-weapon States; and become parties to
[...] the treaties establishing nuclearweapon-free zones, particularly the Treaty on the South-East Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone.
回顾大会第十届特别会议,即第一届专门讨论裁军问题的特别会议的《最后 文件》2 中关于无核武器区的各项规定, 强调建立无核武器区的《特拉特洛尔科条约》、3
[...] 《拉罗通加条约》、4 《曼谷 条约》5 和《佩林达条约》6 以及南极条约》7 除其他外,对于建立一个完全 没有核武器的世界十分重要
Recalling the provisions on nuclear-weapon-free zones of the Final Document of the Tenth Special Session of the General Assembly, the first special session devoted to disarmament,2 Stressing the importance of the treaties of Tlatelolco,3 Rarotonga,4Bangkok5 and Pelindaba6
[...] nuclear-weapon-free zones, as well as the Antarctic Treaty,7 inter alia, for [...]
achieving a world entirely free of nuclear weapons
此外,敬请秘书处根据《京都议定书》第二 条 , 将 附件中的“ 京 都 议定 书》拟议修正案”送交各约方,以便其可以在作为《京都议定书》 约 方会 议的《公约》缔约方会议第六届会议上通过。
In addition, I respectfully request that the secretariat
communicate to the
[...] Parties the attached ‘Proposed amendments to the Kyoto Protocol’, pursuant to Article 20 of the Kyoto Protocol, in order that they may be adopted at the sixth session [...]
of the Conference of
the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.
公约》和《约京都议定书》 所载的共同但有区别责任原则是条 关 键 原则,在有关减缓和适应措施方面,规 定了各国和人民在有关承担负担方面的公平。
A key principle enshrined in the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol to the Convention, known as common but differentiated [...]
captures equity in relation to burden-sharing between countries and people, as far as mitigation and adaptation are concerned.
1 款相比,第条第2 款提及京都议 定书》之下更为广泛的承诺,因此可以认为,出现空白不影响 约 方在 国家信息通报中列入补充资料的义务。
Since Article 7, paragraph 2, in contrast to Article 7, paragraph 1, speaks more broadly of commitments under the Kyoto Protocol, it could be argued that a gap would not affect the obligation of Parties to provide [...]
the supplementary information
in their national communications.
秘书处曾经建议,批准或加入《哥本哈根修正案》 是第 5 条缔约国从多边基金获得淘汰氟氯烃消费活动供资的先决条件,以及批准或加入《京修正案》是第 5 条缔约国从 多边基金获得淘汰氟氯烃生产活动供资的先决条件。
The Secretariat had recommended that ratification of, or accession to, the Copenhagen Amendment should be the prerequisite for an Article 5 Party to access Multilateral Fund funding for phasing out HCFC consumption, and that
ratification of, or
[...] accession to, the Beijing Amendment should be the prerequisite for an Article 5 Party to [...]
access Multilateral
Fund funding for phasing out HCFC production.
报告覆盖范围包括亚太地区、曼 谷、巴塞罗那、柏林、北京、布里斯班、布里斯托尔、 布鲁塞尔、布达佩斯、伦敦中心区、成都、重庆、大连、
爱丁堡、欧洲地区、法兰克福、格拉斯哥、广州、杭州、 胡志明市、雅加达、香港、印度、日本、吉隆坡、卢森
[...] 堡、马德里、曼彻斯特、墨尔本、米兰 南京 、 纽 卡斯 尔、巴黎、波兰、布拉格、青岛、罗马、首尔、上海、 [...]
沉阳、深圳、新加坡、斯德哥尔摩、悉尼、台北、天津、 乌克兰、华沙、武汉、西安。
Coverage includes Asia Pacific, Bangkok, Beijing, Berlin, Brisbane, Bristol, Brussels, Budapest, Central London, Chengdu, Chongqing, Dalian, Edinburgh, Europe, Frankfurt, Glasgow, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, India, Jakarta, Japan, Kuala
Lumpur, Luxembourg, Madrid, Manchester,
[...] Melbourne, Milan, Nanjing, Newcastle, Paris, [...]
Poland, Prague, Qingdao, Rome, Seoul,
Shanghai, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney, Taipei, Tianjin, Ukraine, Warsaw, Wuhan, Xian.
考虑到此次上海双年展的受众特点,上万本采用中文印制的护照将被颁发给前往美术馆参观的观众们,欢迎他们加入南极洲的世界社区,以此呼应 南 极 条约 》 的 缔约之本。
Printed in Chinese for the occasion of the Shanghai Biennale, tens of thousands of passports will be distributed to the visitors of the
Museum, to welcome new members
[...] into the Antarctica world community, based on the founding principles of the Antarctic Treaty.
例如, 区域政府间进程,如亚马孙流域合 条约 组 织、 东 南 亚 国家联盟(东盟)、加勒比 共同体(加共体)、中美洲环境和发展委员会、中部非洲森林委员会、经济合作组 [...]
织、南部非洲发展共同体(南共体)及西非经济和货币联盟(西非经货联盟)等,均 由一个正式的政治进程产生。
Regional intergovernmental processes such as the
[...] Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations [...]
(ASEAN), the Caribbean
Community (CARICOM), the Central American Commission for Environment and Development, the Central African Forests Commission, the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA), for example, emerged from a formal political process.
根据《组条约》,南美洲国家联盟设有以下主要机构:国家元首和政府首 脑委员会,为南美洲国家联盟的主要机构,负责南美一体化进程的政治事务;外 [...]
交部长委员会,执行国家元首和政府首脑理事会的决定,就区域和国际议题开展 并推动政治对话与协商;代表委员会,执行国家元首和政府首脑委员会的决定和
外交部长委员会的决议;总秘书处,执行南美洲国家联盟各机构布置的工作,并 代表联盟参加会议。
Pursuant to
[...] the Constitutive Treaty, the principal bodies [...]
of the Union are: the Council of Heads of State and Government,
which is the main body of the Union, responsible for the political conduction of the South American integration process; the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs, which implements the decisions of the Council of Heads of State and Government and develops and furthers political dialogue and consensus on topics of regional and international interest; the Council of Delegates, which implements the decisions of the Council of Heads of State and Government and the resolutions of the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs; and the General Secretariat, which executes the mandates issued by the bodies of the Union and represents them by express delegation.
朱巴希望一 些合条款也许能南北会 谈的态势产生对其有利 的影响,包括通过充分利用石油公司和新合同来约喀土 穆,或者通过为石油公司提供掩护来反对喀 土穆。
Juba hoped that some contractual clauses might influence the dynamics of North-South talks in their favour, including by either leveraging companies and new [...]
obligations against Khartoum,
or providing the companies cover.




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