单词 | 南京市 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 南京市proper noun—Nanjingprop.n南京市—capital of China at different historical periodsSee also:南京prop.n—Nanjingprop.n 南京—capital of China at different historical periods 南南adj—triangularadj
该 等 增 值 税 退 税 获 [...] 深 圳 市 国 家 税 务 局及南 京 市国家税 务 局 批 出。 zte.com.cn | Such VAT refunds were approved by the Shenzhen State [...] Tax Bureauand Nanjing State Tax Bureau. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
定期组织开展南京市企业与重大工程、项目的配套 对接活动,为企业产品销售、项目承揽提供高效服 务。 unitrueconsulting.com | Regularly organize the [...] cooperation events for Nanjing enterprises on [...]large engineering projects and provide services to [...]enterprises for product sales and project contracting. unitrueconsulting.com |
南京市作为长三角区域中心城市和南京都市圈的 核心 城市,有条件充分发挥东西双向集聚和辐射作用,不 断巩固提升区域性中心城市地位。 unitrueconsulting.com | Nanjing, as a central cityof the Yangtze River Delta and a core city of the Nanjing Metropolitan [...] Area, has the advantages [...]to promote the expansion of both the east and the west as well as to continue to establish its position as a regional central city. unitrueconsulting.com |
此二城市地处长江南方,位於中国东南海岸上的南京市与上海市之间,邻近太湖。 seagate.com | The cities [...] are located south ofthe Yangtze River, betweenNanjing and Shanghai on China'ssoutheast coast and [...]bordering Lake Taihu. seagate.com |
在 外资银 行中 ,英国 渣 打银 行、 日本 瑞 穗 实 业 银 [...] 行、比利时联合银行、香港恒生银行以及香港东亚 银行已在南京市设立分行或代表处。 unitrueconsulting.com | Several foreign banks, e.g. British Standard Chartered Bank, Japanese Mizuho Corporate Bank, KBC [...] Bank, Hong Kong Hang Seng Bank and Hong Kong Bank of EastAsia, have set up branches [...] or representative officesinNanjing. unitrueconsulting.com |
南京市金融配套服务的完善度在很大程度上为整个 金融环境提供了保障和支持作用,目前南京市部分类型的服务机构数量如下 unitrueconsulting.com | The comprehensiveness of local financial support services will safeguard the financial environment to a large extent. unitrueconsulting.com |
图表1.2-2显示,第二、三产业成为 南京市推动整体 GDP上升的主要因素。 unitrueconsulting.com | Chart 1.2-2 shows that the development of the secondary and the tertiary industries has boosted the GDP growth in recent years. unitrueconsulting.com |
2011年3月17日本公司召开的第五届董事会第十六次会议审议通过了《公司关於在南 京市雨花台区投资研发基地项目及拟签订投资协议书的议案》,同意公司在南京市雨花台区投资兴建「中兴通讯(南京)三区研发基地」项目。 zte.com.cn | The ‘‘Resolution of the Company on the Investment in a [...] Research and Development [...] Base Project inYuhuatai District of Nanjingand the Proposed Execution of an Investment Agreement’’ was considered and passed at the Sixteenth Meeting of the Fifth Session of the Board of Meeting of the Company held on 17 March 2011, granting approval for the investment and construction of establishment of the ‘‘ZTE (Nanjing)Area No. 3 R&D [...]Base’’ project in Yuhuatai District, Nanjing. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
南京 市气源来自于 新 疆塔里 木 到上 海 的 “ 西 气 [...] 东 输”管线 。 unitrueconsulting.com | CurrentlyNanjing’s gas source [...] is from the “Westto-East Gas Transmission” pipeline from Xinjiang Tarim to Shanghai. unitrueconsulting.com |
金融业在南京市已成 为现代服务业中的重要产 业,而《关于加快金融业发展的意见》的出台将 有助于推进南京市现代金融体系和制度建设,提 升金融创新能力和服务水平,推动多层次资本市 场建设,增强金融业的集聚和辐射能力。 unitrueconsulting.com | The release of Opinions on Speeding up Financial Industry Development aims to benefit modern financial systems and regulation [...] formations, improve [...] financial innovation capabilities and service levels, promote multilevel capitalmarket constructions, as well as strengthen the base and influence of financial industry [...]in Nanjing. unitrueconsulting.com |
同时南京市的金融环境完善度也较高,融 资渠道广泛且便捷。 unitrueconsulting.com | The financial [...] environmentof Nanjingis comprehensive [...]and the financing channels are broad and convenient. unitrueconsulting.com |
关于东亚夏季季候风各季节预测的第7次联合会议在中国气象局国家气候中心(NCC)主办之下,在中国南京市于 2005年5月11日开始到13日为止举办。 web.kma.go.kr | The Seventh Joint Meeting on Seasonal Prediction of the East Asian Summer Monsoon was [...] held from May 11 to 13 [...] of 2005in Nanjing, Pukoui district of China, which was sponsored by the National Climate Center(NCC) of China Meteorological [...]Administration (CMA). web.kma.go.kr |
南京市将发 展成为区域商贸中心、物流中心、旅游 会展中心、金融中心和信息服务中心之一。 unitrueconsulting.com | Nanjing is growing to become [...] one of regional trade, logistics, tourism & exhibition, financial and information service centres in China. unitrueconsulting.com |
由德国的Christoffel [...] Blindenmission、己故何英杰先生及香港上海汇丰银行捐助,在过去12年基金会协助了中国数间盲校在山东省青岛市、吉林省长春市成立了国家级及在广西壮族自治区南宁市、贵州省贵阳市及江苏省南京市成立 了省级盲人教育资源中心,令更多视障学生有机会在主流学校接受正规教育,此举可让视障学生可在他们居住农村随班就读,大大增加其接受教育的机会。 afpb.org.hk | With funding from Christoffel Blindness (CBM), the late Mr. Y.C. Ho and the Hong Kong Bank, AFPB has, in the past 12 years, assisted a number of blind schools in China to set up National and Provincial [...] Education Resource Centres [...] in Shandong (Qingdao), Jilin (Changchun), Guangsi (Nanning), Guizhou (Guiyang), Jiangsu (Nanjing) Provinces [...]respectively so that [...]blind students can have access to education, i.e. can study in mainstream schools in the villages where they live. afpb.org.hk |
与其他城市相比,南京市工业天然气价格处于平均 价格范围之内。 unitrueconsulting.com | Compared [...] with other cities, thecost of natural gas for industrial use in Nanjingis within the [...]average price range. unitrueconsulting.com |
由基金赞助的展览及教育项目包括:「蔡国强:我想要相信」,是古根汉美术馆首次为当代中国艺术家举行的个人回顾展览; 「The Dragon’s Gift – The Sacred Art of Bhutan」是一个专注保存及纪录金刚乘佛教艺术文化的跨年项目; 而最近在三藩市亚洲艺术博物馆开幕的「明代宫廷艺术」展览,更是美国亚洲艺术博物馆与北京故宫博物院、上海博物馆及南京市博物馆有史以来的首次合作;不但将明代的艺术成就活现于观众眼前,更标志着中国与美国博物馆之间的一次艺术外交。 rhfamilyfoundation.org | Major exhibitions and education programs supported by the Foundation include Cai Guo-Qiang: I Want to Believe, the Solomon R. Guggenheim New York’s first solo retrospective dedicated to a Chinese artist; The Dragon’s Gift – The Sacred Art of Bhutan, a multi-year project to preserve and document the living Vajrayana Buddhist culture of Bhutan; and The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Gallery, the first gallery of Buddhist sculpture in London’s Victoria and Albert Museum, which will open in April 2009. rhfamilyfoundation.org |
赞赏中国政府和南京市于2008 年 11 月 3 日至 6 日主办第四届世界城市论坛, [...] 并赞赏巴西政府提出主办 2010 年第五届世界城市论坛 daccess-ods.un.org | Expressing its appreciation to the Government of [...] Chinaand the city of Nanjing for hosting [...]the fourth session of the World Urban Forum [...]from 3 to 6 November 2008 and to the Government of Brazil for its offer to host the fifth session of the World Urban Forum in 2010 daccess-ods.un.org |
南京市副市长赵晓江在奠基现场表示:"在过去十几年中,积极发展外向型经济的政策成功吸引了博世等一批实力雄厚的世界知名企业来宁投资,为推动全市经济快速发展提供了有力支撑。 bosch.com.cn | At the foundationsite Nanjing's deputy mayor, Zhao Xiaojiang, [...] said: "Over the past ten years, the positive development [...]of export-oriented economic policies have successfully attracted Bosch and a number of other powerful, world famous enterprises to invest in Nanjing. bosch.com.cn |
营造一流的投资环境,深化国际交流合作,与企 业和企业家共存、共荣、共发展,一同促进南京 市经济的健康发展。 unitrueconsulting.com | The Nanjing government is striving to enhance its transparent international attitude towards [...] investors with a view to collaborate with enterprises and [...] entrepreneursto further develop and promote the economy of Nanjing. unitrueconsulting.com |
我出生在南京市,旁边就是 滚滚的长江,小时候我还在那里游过泳。 itochu.co.jp | I was born [...] and raisedin Nanjing, and lived right [...]next to the Yangtze River. itochu.co.jp |
南京市对外贸易经济合作局是南京市人民政府的组 成部门,主管全市对外贸易与经济合作工作,管理 和指导南京市投资促进中心、外商投资企业协会、 南京国际服务外包企业协会、南京市进出口商会和南京市对外经济技术合作协会等。 unitrueconsulting.com | MOFCOMNanjing isan authority under the NanjingPeople’s Government, and is responsible for the foreign trade and economic cooperation, managing and guiding theNanjing Investment Promotion Centre, foreigninvested enterprise association, Nanjing International Service Outsourcing enterprise association, Nanjing Import and Export Chamber of Commerce andNanjing Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. unitrueconsulting.com |
风险投资及私募基金如果在南京市设立总部或分支机构,将能够在税收、房 租、行政服务等方面享受绿色通道。 unitrueconsulting.com | If venture capital and private [...] equity organisations set up headquarters [...] or branches in Nanjing, theywould be [...]entitled to certain privileges like financial [...]and tax incentives, rent waivers and government services. unitrueconsulting.com |
南京市拥有的律师事务所、会计师事 务所、税务师事务所、担保公司等多 [...] 样化的服务机构与金融机构形成配 套,为企业提供各种专业服务。 unitrueconsulting.com | Nanjinghas various service [...] agencies such as law firms, accounting firms, tax agents and guarantee companies to support [...]financial institutions and offer diversified professional services. unitrueconsulting.com |
西门子电力自动化有限公司(SPA)位于江苏省南京市,由西门子投资建成,为中国电力工业提供产品、系统和全套解决方案。 energy.siemens.com.cn | (SPA) in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, is [...] a fully Siemens invested enterprise providing products, systems and complete solutions to China's Power Industry. energy.siemens.com.cn |
除了参观世博会,代表团也将拜访江苏省南京市、张家港市和金坛市的政府机构,参观长三角地区的企业,为本地公司牵线搭桥,寻找合作机会。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Apart from [...] visiting the WorldExpo, the mission will also be meeting government agencies in Nanjing, Zhangjiagang and Jintan in Jiangsu province,and interacting [...]with enterprises in [...]the Yangtze Delta region, to help local companies clinch business contacts and identify opportunities for collaboration. english.sccci.org.sg |
另外一个杰出的合作范例是由Wik Projects有限公司负责管理的“人与植物”(People and [...] Plants)项目。该项目的目的在于研究中国传统药材并借此加强约克角(Cape York)西部当地的Wik Waya人与中国江苏省南京市人民的联系。 australiachina.com.au | Another highlight was the People and Plants project managed by Wik Projects Ltd to promote links between indigenous Wik Waya [...] people from the western Cape [...] York andpeople inthe city ofNanjing and the province [...]ofJiangsu through the examination of [...]traditional Chinese medicinal plants. australiachina.com.au |
考察期间,代表团成员将礼貌拜会多个主要的政府机构,包括:中国国际贸易促进委员会上海市分会、上海市人民政府侨务办公室、张家港市政府机构、南京市人民 政府。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Mission delegates will have the opportunity to meet key government agencies, such as the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) – Shanghai Sub-council, the Overseas [...] Chinese Affairs Office of the Shanghai Municipal Government, Zhangjiagang [...] Authorities and Nanjing Municipal Government. english.sccci.org.sg |