

单词 南京

南京 ()

capital of China at different historical periods

南南 adjective ()

triangular adj



Nanjing St., large commercial street in Shanghai

南京市 prop.n

Nanjing prop.n


capital of China at different historical periods

External sources (not reviewed)

威尔逊(南京)化学公司和G E能源公司(G E公司的子公司) [...]
签署煤气化技术转让协议,该煤气化装置采用三台450立方英尺的气化炉,其中 一台备用。
Wilson (Nanjing) chemical company [...]
and GE energy company signed a coal gasification technology cession about building three
450 cube inch gasifiers among which one is used as a back up equipment.
該 等 增 值 稅 退 稅 獲 深
[...] 圳 市 國 家 稅 務 局南 京 市 國 家 稅 務 局 批 出。
Such VAT refunds were approved by the Shenzhen State Tax
[...] Bureau and Nanjing State Tax Bureau.
报告覆盖范围包括亚太地区、曼 谷、巴塞罗那、柏林、北京、布里斯班、布里斯托尔、 布鲁塞尔、布达佩斯、伦敦中心区、成都、重庆、大连、
爱丁堡、欧洲地区、法兰克福、格拉斯哥、广州、杭州、 胡志明市、雅加达、香港、印度、日本、吉隆坡、卢森
[...] 堡、马德里、曼彻斯特、墨尔本、米兰 南京 、 纽 卡斯 尔、巴黎、波兰、布拉格、青岛、罗马、首尔、上海、 [...]
沉阳、深圳、新加坡、斯德哥尔摩、悉尼、台北、天津、 乌克兰、华沙、武汉、西安。
Coverage includes Asia Pacific, Bangkok, Beijing, Berlin, Brisbane, Bristol, Brussels, Budapest, Central London, Chengdu, Chongqing, Dalian, Edinburgh, Europe, Frankfurt, Glasgow, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, India, Jakarta, Japan, Kuala
Lumpur, Luxembourg, Madrid, Manchester,
[...] Melbourne, Milan, Nanjing, Newcastle, Paris, [...]
Poland, Prague, Qingdao, Rome, Seoul,
Shanghai, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney, Taipei, Tianjin, Ukraine, Warsaw, Wuhan, Xian.
新成立的研发中心扩展了 Emerson 在南京工业园区的业务领域,该流量技术中心目前已是 [...]
Emerson 在亚洲地区的制造和配送中心,并且是获得 ISO17025 认证的艾默生过程管理最先进的流量计量和测量技术标定中心。
The new Engineering and Development Center expands the scope
[...] of Emerson's Nanjing campus which [...]
already operates as the Asian regional production,
distribution hub, and ISO17025 accredited calibration center for Emerson Process Management's leading flow metering and measurement technologies.
個 人 遊 自 2003 年 7 月實施以來, 已 逐
步擴展 至廣東 省 21 個 市 、 北 京 、 上 海 ,福建 省 的福州
[...] 、 廈 門和泉 州 ,江蘇 省南 京 、 蘇州和無錫 , 浙 江 省 的 [...]
杭州、 寧 波 和 台 州 , 並在今年的 3 月 1 日 開 放 予 天 津 及 重 慶 市 。
Since the introduction of the Individual Travel Scheme (the Scheme) in July 2003, the Scheme has been extended gradually and currently covers 21 cities in Guangdong Province, Beijing,
Shanghai, Fuzhou, Xiamen and Quanzhou in
[...] Fujian Province, Nanjing, Suzhou and Wuxi [...]
in Jiangsu Province and Hangzhou, Ningpo
and Taizhou in Jiangsu Province, and the Scheme has been open to Tianjin and Chongqing since 1 March this year.
於二零零八年九月三十日,本集團已付 南京 新 一 棉之購買按金總額約為32,642,000港元(二零 [...]
As at 30 September 2008, the aggregate amount of purchase deposits placed by
[...] the Group in Nanjing Synergy was approximately [...]
HK$32,642,000 (31 March 2008:
HK$55,577,000) which were included in deposits, prepayments and other receivables.
上海著名的购物街包括淮海路商业街 南京 路 步行街、福州路文化街、东台路古玩街和许多其他众多的购物街。
The numerous retail avenues include Shopping Street on Huaihai Road,
[...] Pedestrian-only Nanjing Road, Cultural [...]
Street on Fuzhou Road, Curio Street on Dongtai
Road and a host of other options.
此外,根據創業板上市規則,由 南京 綠 邦收購協議及 MASLP協議項下之交易構成本公司之關連交易,且根據該兩項協議進行之交易相關 之百分比率高於0.1%但低於2.5%,因此根據創業板上市規則第20.32條,該等關連交 易僅須遵守申報及公告規定,並獲豁免遵守獨立股東批准之規定。
Besides, as the transactions under the NJ Acquisition Agreement and the MASLP Agreement constitute connected transactions for the Company under the GEM Listing Rules and the relevant percentage ratios for the transactions under both agreements are more than 0.1% but less than 2.5%, such connected transactions are only subject to reporting and announcement requirements and are exempt from independent shareholders' approval requirement pursuant to Rule 20.32 of the GEM Listing Rules.
由于中国是舍弗勒全球业务增长最快的区域之一,集团于2011年扩大在华投资, 南京 和 太仓建设新工厂。
As China is one of the regions that enjoy the
highest growth rate in business, Schaeffler made new investment in China in 2011 to build
[...] new plants in Nanjing and Taicang.
关于城市发展行动,人居署/ 教科文组织工作组第三届会议(巴黎,2006 年 12 月 11 日和 12 日)的议题是“城市政策和城市的权
[...] 利:地方施政、地方民主和公民权”,会议确定了完成项目并将项目成果提交 2008 年在中南京举 行的第四届世界城市论坛的准则。
Concerning action on urban development, the third session of the United Nations Habitat/UNESCO working group (Paris, 11-12 December 2006) on “Urban Policies and the Right to the City: local governance, local democracy and citizenship” established the guidelines for finalization of this
project and presentation of its results to the fourth session of the World Urban Forum
[...] to be held in Nanjing, China, in 2008.
1997 年,因向伊朗出售化学武器设备和技术,中 国石化集团两大子公南京化学 工业有限公司和江苏永 利化工技术进出口公司亦受到美国制裁。
Two of Sinopec
[...] Group’s subsidiaries, Nanjing Chemical Industries [...]
Group and Jiangsu Yongli Chemical Engineering and Technology
Import/Export Corporation, have also been sanctioned, in 1997, by the U.S. for selling chemical weapons equipment and technology to Iran.
[...] 乙烯协会工程师组成的技术小组,组织技术专家访问了设备供应 南京 法 宁 格节能科技有 限公司。
Upon receiving the quotation of XPS foam production line the Secretariat has collected from China, a technical group with the engineer from the Chinese
XPS association and technical experts was organized to visit the
[...] equipment supplier-Nanjing Feininger Energy [...]
Saving Co.
南京綠邦收購協議及MASLP協議 均按正常商業條款訂立及彼等相關之百分比率高於0.1%但低於2.5%,遵照創業 板上市規則第20.32條之規定,該等關連交易僅須遵守創業板上市規則第20.45條 至20.47條之申報及公告規定。
As both the NJ Acquisition Agreement and the MASLP Agreement are on normal commercial terms and the relevant percentage ratios are more than 0.1% but less than 2.5%, such connected transactions are according to Rule 20.32 of the GEM Listing Rules only subject to the reporting and announcement requirements set out in Rules 20.45 to 20.47 of the GEM Listing Rules.
在中南京世界 城市论坛第四届会议上第一次出现了一种趋势,即国家元首 [...]
及其部长、议员和市长、青少年和妇女、专业人士和贫民窟居民、媒体和私营部 门共同参加真正交流思想的会议,进行广泛的对话和交流,相互学习各自建设更 可持续的城市未来的经验。
In a trend that first emerged at the fourth
[...] session of the World Urban Forum, [...]
in Nanjing, China, Heads of State and their
ministers, parliamentarians and mayors, young people and women, professionals and slum-dwellers, the media and the private sector engaged with one another in a true meeting of minds and in extensive dialogue and exchange to learn from each other’s experience in forging a more sustainable urban future.
南京(20 11年4月19日) — Emerson 公司(纽约证券交易所股票代码:EMR)今天宣布,亚洲流量技术中心扩建的工程研发中心正式开幕,亚洲流量技术中心位于中 南京 并 由 艾默生过程管理运营。
NANJING, CHINA (April 19, 2011) –  Emerson (NYSE: EMR) announces the opening of an Engineering and Development Center within the recently expanded Asia Flow Technology Center operated by Emerson Process Management in Nanjing, China.
該 等 現 金 主 要 用 於 購 買 機 器 設 備、測 試 儀 器,更 新 添 置 辦 公 設 備 及 用 於 繼 續 建 設 深 圳
[...] 中 興 工 業 園 和 位南 京、上 海 的 研 發 中 心 等 [...]
工 程。
The cash outlay was mainly used for the acquisition of machinery and equipment, testing apparatus and additional office equipment, as well as
in the construction of the ZTE Industrial Park in Shenzhen and research and
[...] development centers in Nanjing and Shanghai.
理查德·鲍里克曾在现在南京路上 某个小区居住,就在此次双年展举行地附近。
Richard Paulick was living and working in the neighborhood of the
[...] biennale site at the Nanjing Road during his [...]
time in Shanghai.
趙先生曾於一九九九年十二月至二零零五年五月期間擔 南京 三 寶 科技股份有限公司(該公司 之股份於香港聯合交易所有限公司上市)之非執行董事。
Mr. Zhao was a
[...] non-executive director of Nanjing Sample Technology [...]
Company, a company whose shares are listed on The Stock
Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, during the period from December 1999 to May 2005.
[...] 的計劃十分成功,我們陸續在其他政府建 築物安南京、深 圳、福建等地生產的不 同牌子的電子鎮流器,成績同樣令人鼓 舞。
Following the successful implementation of electronic ballasts in Harbour Building, we had also tried in some other Government
buildings, other brands of electronic ballasts
[...] manufactured in Nanjing, Shenzhen, Fujian, [...]
etc. with similar encouraging results.
有象征上海的外滩;有被誉为”城市绿肺”的人民广场;有创造了十个”世界第一”的东方明珠广播电视塔;有中国第一摩天大楼金茂大厦;以 南京 路 步 行街、上海博物馆、上海大剧院、上海城市规划展示馆等。
Shanghai symbols are the Bund, People Square, the Oriental Pearl Tower, the
first skyscraper built in China called Jinmao
[...] Tower and also Nanjing Road, Shanghai [...]
Museum, Shanghai Theatre, Shanghai Urban
Planning Exhibition Hall, etc.
这些资料广为散发,提供了背景资料、数据和 12 个互动讲习班的个案研究;本
协会负责起草了一份文件,并举办了关于“美国经济适用住房:一些乐观的办法” 的互动讲习班;(b)
[...] 世界城市论坛第四次会议,2008 年 11 月,中南京;本 协 会通过参加和资助国际住房联盟,支持了两个网络活动:“非洲的城市土地市场 [...]
The papers were widely distributed and provided background information, data and case studies for 12 interactive workshops; the Association was responsible for the drafting of a paper and organizing an interactive workshop on “Affordable housing in the United States: some optimistic approaches”; (b)
fourth session of the World Urban Forum,
[...] November 2008, Nanjing, China; through [...]
its participation in and financial contribution
to the International Housing Coalition, the Association supported two networking events: “Urban land markets in Africa and housing the poor”, and “Donor assistance for housing and urban development”.
中 國 疾 病 預防控制中心研 究 員 早 前 在國際權威 醫學期 刊 《 刺 針
[...] 》發表 文 章 , 指 江南京市 一 名 男 子 感 染 H5N1 [...]
禽 流感後,再 經 接 觸 傳 染 給 父 親 ,是內地首 宗人傳人的禽 流感個 案 。
According to an article previously published in Lancet, the world's leading medical journal, by a researcher of the Chinese
Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, a
[...] man in Jiangsu, Nanjing was infected [...]
with H5N1 avian influenza and transmitted the
disease to his father and this was the first case of human-to-human transmission of avian influenza in the Mainland.
[...] Blindenmission、己故何英傑先生及香港上海匯豐銀行捐助,在過去12年基金會協助了中國數間盲校在山東省青島市、吉林省長春市成立了國家級及在廣西壯族自治區南寧市、貴州省貴陽市及江蘇 南京 市 成 立了省級盲人教育資源中心,令更多視障學生有機會在主流學校接受正規教育,此舉可讓視障學生可在他們居住農村隨班就讀,大大增加其接受教育的機會。
With funding from Christoffel Blindness (CBM), the late Mr. Y.C. Ho and the Hong Kong Bank, AFPB has, in the past 12 years, assisted a number of blind schools in China to set up National and Provincial Education Resource Centres in Shandong (Qingdao), Jilin
(Changchun), Guangsi (Nanning), Guizhou
[...] (Guiyang), Jiangsu (Nanjing) Provinces respectively [...]
so that blind students can have
access to education, i.e. can study in mainstream schools in the villages where they live.
建成之后,瓦南京生产 基地的总投资额将达一亿欧元,可再分散乳胶粉年生产能力达3万吨,VAE乳液年生产能力达12万吨,PVAc固体树脂年生产能力达2万吨,在中国同类工厂中规模最大,将进一步巩固瓦克作为全球领先的聚合物胶粉、乳液和口香糖胶基生产厂家的地位。
Their completion will boost total investment
[...] in WACKER’s Nanjing production base [...]
to 100 million euros, with annual production
capacity of 30,000 metric tons of dispersible polymer powder, 120,000 metric tons of VAE dispersion, and 20,000 metric tons of PVAc solid resin.
他创建了该事务所的北京办公室,并领导了多个重要获奖项目的设计工作,包括北京的当代MOMA复合住宅、深圳万科中心 南京 四 方 美术馆、成都来福士广场等。
He founded and led the firm’s Beijing office, and was the partner-in-charge for the firm’s many award winning projects in Asia, including
Linked Hybrid (Modern MOMA) in Beijing, Vanke Center in Shenzhen, Sifang Art
[...] Museum in Nanjing, Raffles City in Chengdu.
OXEA公司羰基衍生物市場營銷部副總裁,Cristóbal Ascencio特別強調南京廠生 產之特種酯将應用在许多不同的領域:『我們的新工廠使我們能够滿足蓬勃發展的亞洲市場對在汽車安全玻璃、建築和裝飾玻璃的增塑PVB薄膜的大量需求。
Cristóbal Ascencio, Vice President of Marketing Oxo Derivatives at Oxea, addressed the manifold application areas of Oxea’s specialty [...]
esters that will
be produced at Nanjing: “Our new plant will allow us to service the booming Asian market for plasticized PVB film, which is used in safety glass laminates for automotive, architectural, and decorative glass.
本项目覆盖空中客车公司北京、成都、福州、甘肃、广州、杭州 南京 、 青 岛、上海、沈阳、深圳和西安等20个城市的VPN代维服务,服务范围包括MPLS [...]
The project covers AIR BUS VPN commissioned maintenance services in 20 cities, sush
as Beijing, Chengdu, Fuzhou, Gansu,
[...] Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Qingdao, Shanghai, [...]
Shenyang, Shenzhen, Xi'an and etc. Services
include MPLS VPN network, central and client terminal equipment on-site maintenance services.
目前,舍弗勒大中华区拥有员工6,000多名,在安亭设有1个研发中心,在太仓、苏州、宁夏设有6个生产基地,在北京、上海、沈阳、广州 南京 、 济 南 、 成 都、武汉、太原、重庆、西安、天津、大连、杭州、长沙、哈尔滨、郑州、香港、台北、台中设有20个销售办事处。
Schaeffler Greater China has over 6,000 employees, one R&D center in Anting, six production bases in Taicang, Suzhou, Ningxia and twenty sales
offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang,
[...] Guangzhou, Nanjing, Jinan, Chengdu, Wuhan, Taiyuan, Chongqing, [...]
Xi’an, Tianjin, Dalian,
Hangzhou, Changsha, Harbin, Zhengzhou, Hong Kong, Taipei and Taichung.




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