

单词 单根独苗

See also:

单独 v

separate v


by oneself
on one's own

单独 adj

individual adj

External sources (not reviewed)

根软管都单独地放 入袋 中并装箱;较长的软管盘绕后放入袋中并装箱。
Each hose is bagged individually and boxed; longer hoses are coiled, bagged, and boxed.
教科文组织最近公布了内部监控政策框架, 单独 文 件 的形式 根 据 本 组织的伦理价 值体系提出了经修订的财务政策、程序和过程。
UNESCO has recently published an internal control policy
[...] framework which captures in a single document the revised framework [...]
for its financial policies,
procedures and processes underpinned by the Organization’s ethical value system.
(c) 人口基金并不定期开单独审计,但 根 据 风 险评估的结果进行少量项 目审计,并可能会继续这一做法。
(c) UNFPA does not routinely
[...] engage in separate audits, but has conducted a few project audits and may continue to do so, based on the results [...]
of its risk assessment.
一成员还指出,文件中没有提供过去要求就第二阶 段转型进行的分析根据要求单独地 提 供了分析。
One member also noted that the analyses previously sought on second stage conversions had not been provided in the documentation and had been provided to it separately upon request.
咨询委员会获悉,上根据第 65/259 号决议提出的内部司法报告预计将分 为两单独的报 告,分别涵盖正式制度(内部司法办公室和其他办公室)和非正式 制度,后者将在关于联合国监察员和调解事务活动的年度报告中述及。
The Advisory Committee was informed that it is
envisaged that the
[...] abovementioned reporting on administration of justice, pursuant to resolution 65/259, will be addressed in two separate [...]
reports, covering
the formal system (Office of the Administration of Justice and other offices) and the informal system, which will be addressed in the context of the annual report on the activities of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation Services.
但 是,我希望民建聯、保皇黨的議員,以及旗幟鮮明 根 正 苗 紅 的議員 會明白,雖然有些人是動機不良、心術不正,但議題本身是否確有需 [...]
要,是必須作獨立的評估和處理,並不是因為你支持某位候選人,而 你的對手因為針對某位你所支持的候選人,你便否定議題本身的價值 和需要。
Nevertheless, I hope the DAB, royalist Members and Members
[...] with an obvious political stance and the [...]
pure pedigree will understand that, though
some people may be ill-motivated or evil-minded, we must evaluate and deal with the motion question independently to determine whether it is indeed necessary.
请执行局按照执行局原来文件(E/ICEF/1991/P/L.41)的规定,核准 独 立疫 苗倡议延长到 2011-2015 年期间。
The Executive Board is requested to approve the
[...] extension of the Vaccine Independence Initiative for [...]
the period 2011-2015, in accordance
with the terms of the original Executive Board document (E/ICEF/1991/P/L.41).
根据《 公约》第二条第 3 款,缔约国有义务向提交人提供有效补救办法,主 要包括(a) 对 Kamel Djebrouni 的失踪进行深入、认真的调查;(b) 为提交人提供 关于调查结果的详细信息;(c) 如果还单独监禁 的话应立即将其释放;(d) 如 果 Kamel Djebrouni 已死亡,将其遗体归还家人;(e) 对此种违法行为负有责任者 提出刑事起诉、审判和处罚;以及(f) 对提交人所蒙受的侵权行为进行适当的赔 偿,如 Kamel Djebrouni 在世,也需要对其进行适当赔偿。
In accordance with article 2, paragraph 3, of the Covenant, the State party is under an obligation to provide the author with an effective remedy, including by (a) conducting a thorough and effective investigation into the disappearance of Kamel Djebrouni; (b) providing the author with detailed information about the results of the investigation; [...]
(c) freeing him immediately
if he is still being detained incommunicado; (d) if he is dead, handing over his remains to his family; (e) prosecuting, trying and punishing those responsible for the violations committed; and (f) providing adequate compensation for the author for the violations suffered and for Kamel Djebrouni if he is alive.
学校保健信息系统目前正在开发,使学校保健护士和儿童的家庭医生能够 交流有关儿童健康的必要信息,包括 苗 接 种 信息。
A school health care information system is being developed to allow a school health nurse and a
child’s family doctor to exchange necessary information about the health of a
[...] child, including vaccination information.
尽管董事会有任何空缺,继续留任的各董事 单独 继 续 留任的一位董 事仍可行事,但如果及只要董事人数减至少 根 据 或 依照该等细则厘定的最少人 数,则尽管董事人数少于根据或依照该等细则厘定的法定人数或只有一位董事继续 留任,继续留任的各董事或一位董事可就填补董事会空缺或召开本公司股东大会的 目的行事,但不得就任何其他目的行事。
The continuing
[...] Directors or a sole continuing Director may act notwithstanding any vacancy in the Board but, if and so long as the number of Directors is reduced below the minimum number fixed by or in accordance with these Articles, [...]
the continuing Directors
or Director, notwithstanding that the number of Directors is below the number fixed by or in accordance with these Articles as the quorum or that there is only one continuing Director, may act for the purpose of filling vacancies in the Board or of summoning general meetings of the Company but not for any other purpose.
食物及 生局局長建議為 生署開立兩筆新承擔額,以應付下列 預算開支- (a) 採購 500
萬劑量的人類豬型流感疫苗,以涵蓋衞生防護中心 轄下科學委員會建議為數約 200 萬人的目標人口組別( 即醫護 人員、幼童、長者及有某類健康問題的人士),以 及約 50 萬在
[...] 目標人口組別以外而希望自費接受注射的人 士( 根據疫苗製造 商,每人需要接受兩劑疫苗注射) 。
The Secretary for Food and Health proposes to create two new commitments for the Department of Health (DH) to meet the estimated expenditure of – (a) procuring five million doses of HSI vaccine to cover the estimated two million people in the target group as recommended by the Scientific Committees of the Centre for Health Protection (CHP), i.e. healthcare workers, young children, elderly and persons with certain pre-existing medical conditions; and another 500 000 people who are not in the target
group but wish to receive vaccination
[...] at their own cost (according to vaccine manufacturers, [...]
each person needs two doses).
所有流量计单独包装。可根据要求进行无油、无脂 清洁。
Oiland grease-free cleaning are available on request.
中央人民政府駐香港 特別行政區聯絡辦公室亦揮動了其指揮棒,但正如他們所說,這次的 “保唐力量”未必會跟隨這指揮棒起動, 根 正 苗 紅 的親中陣營是必然 會繼續跟隨指揮棒跳舞。
The Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR has already waved its conducting baton but, as they pointed out, the TANG supporters might not dance to the movements of the baton this time around, though the pro-China camp of the pure pedigree will definitely continue to dance to its tune.
多头螺柱拉伸 (MST) 系统能够同时拉伸一个接头中的每 根单独 的 螺 柱。
Multi-Stud Tensioning (MST) systems are capable of
[...] tensioning every single stud in a joint [...]
马歇尔和沃伦的工作被认为是胃肠病学史上最重要的发现,堪与脊髓灰质炎 苗 的 发明 和 根 除 天 花相媲美。
Marshall and Warren’s work is acknowledged as the most significant discovery in
the history of gastroenterology and is compared to the
[...] development of the polio vaccine and the eradication of [...]
独立疫苗倡议 (倡议七)是儿童基金会执行局制定的一个区域间方案,最初方 案期为 1991 [...]
年至 1995 年,其宗旨是提高发展中国家以硬货币或本国货币采购足 够数量的优质、低价疫苗的能力,以普及和维持儿童常规免疫服务并达到疾病控 制目标。
The Vaccine Independence Initiative (VII) [...]
was established by the UNICEF Executive Board, initially for the period 1991-1995,
as an interregional programme designed to enhance the ability of developing countries to procure, with hard currencies or their own currencies, high-quality, low-cost vaccines in quantities adequate to reach all children, sustain routine immunization services and achieve their disease-control goals.
改變來自兩方面, 1997 年後宗主國改變,香港根正苗紅的 傳統左派政治地位改變。
The change has actually occurred in two areas: the change of the sovereign state after 1997; the change of the political status of the hard-line leftists with the correct pedigree in Hong Kong.
食物及衞生局副局長引述世界衞生組織在 採購人類豬型流感苗的類 似安排為例,強調醫管 局有必要不公開藥物諮詢委員會及有關專家小組 [...]
個別委員的姓名,以減低對委員造成不必要的壓 力,並確保在討論過程中專家意見的持平公正。
Citing the similar arrangement of the World Health
Organisation in the procurement of human
[...] swine influenza vaccine as an example, [...]
USFH stressed that it was necessary for HA
not to disclose the names of individual members serving on DAC and the relevant expert panels so as to minimize unwarranted pressure on committee members and to ensure the impartiality of expert opinions in the discussion process.
(a) 在這個階段生產的苗只 能根據現時 的人類豬型流感病毒種 類 研 製。
(a) Vaccines to be produced at this stage could only be based on the HSI [...]
strain currently available.
据 此,发展权不能通过争取一个基于经济需求的非可持续的单一模式来实现,而是根据单独情况下的具体历史、文化、传统和愿望来寻求不同的道路。
In this way, the right to development could not be
[...] fulfilled by pursuing a single non-sustainable model based on economic needs, but would have to find different ways, depending on the specific [...]
history, culture,
traditions and expectations of each context.
然而,法院指出,没有任何法规认 定,必根据苗木交 货的季节区分上述通知的合理期限。
The Court, however, noted that nothing indicated
[...] that the tree nurseries made any such [...]
采用 西门子扭矩电机,根气垫辊 单独由变频控制,各种的膜泡 展平辊材料和结构可以根据生 产不同种类的薄膜来选择。
Fitted with Siemens Torque motors, they have an aircushioned turning bar individually managed by inverters and bubble flattening rollers in a wide variety of materials and configurations to be chosen in accordance to the type of film to produce.
请订购单独提供的插头电缆,以享受即插即 用技术的优势以及电动滚筒的灵活预安装服务。
Please order the separately available plug cable to enjoy the advantages of plug and play technology and the flexible preinstallation of your drum motor.
会议向秘书处指出,某些方案可继续保留,比如 C/5 批准本不要刊载那些列举参
[...] 与执行每项计划的合作伙伴的关系网图,而是在网上登载这些信息;此外 单独 出 版 总干事 引言和每个重大计划的引言合订本可便于纵览(对各国决策者尤为如此)教科文组织一个年 [...]
It was indicated by the Secretariat that some options could be pursued, such as the non-publication in document C/5 Approved of the context maps which list the partners involved in the execution of each programme
and to place this information instead online;
[...] furthermore, the separate publication [...]
of the Director-General’s introduction
and the introductions to each major programme combined could provide a handy overview on the essence of UNESCO’s priorities, orientations and actions for a biennial period, especially for national decision-makers.
中国疾病预防控制中心发行根据世界卫生组织的推荐在本地生产的流感疫苗,因此尽管每个国家可能有几家生产流感 苗 的 厂 商,但 根 据 预测出的病毒模型使用相似的配方。
The Chinese Center for Disease Control distributes several locally manufactured flu vaccines all based on the same strains as suggested by the World Health Organization, so although each country
may have several manufacturers
[...] producing the flu vaccine, the formulations are similar based on predicted [...]
viral patterns.
根 據 以往經 驗 , 我們知道住 在 院舍的長者 有多少 人會選擇注 射苗, 因根 據 以往的經驗而進行的 估 計 , 也 是 相當準 確 的,可 是,今 年 有 數 個 組 別 是 以 往 政 府不曾 向 它 們 提 供 注 射 服 務的,因此很難 作出估 計。
According to past experience, we know how many elderly people who are staying in residential care homes will choose to receive vaccination. Therefore, the [...]
estimates based on
past experience can be fairly accurate.
在 1997 年前,政府並不承認傳統的左派中學,它們在一些唐樓的二樓 設校舍;1997 年後,便“水鬼升城隍”了 ─ ,主席,不好意思,傳根 正苗紅的左派立即“坐正”大堂,校方成員未來更有可能成為局長。
After 1997, "a water ghost has suddenly risen to power to be City God" ― President, sorry, the hard-line leftists with the correct pedigree have immediately "sat right in the middle" of the grand hall.
咨询委员会注意到,秘书单独就 2 010-2011 两年期方案预算标准 出入控制项目(出入控制项目第一和第二阶段)订正估计数和未列入第 34 款的各具体工作地点安保追加所需资源提出了报告(A/64/532)。
The Advisory Committee notes that a separate report on revised estimates under the programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 in respect of the standardized access control project (known, in its two phases, as PACT I and PACT II) and additional security requirements in specific locations not included under section 34 has been submitted by the Secretary-General in document A/64/532.
墨西 哥认为,里约+20 会议应该就体制框架的四个主要
方面通过决定:第一,三个支柱的一体化和关于可 持续性议程的定义;第二,加强联合国机构之间的
[...] 协调以便停止有关发展和可持续发展问题 单独讨 论,并将所有发展问题都作为可持续发展问题对待; [...]
第三,加强经济、社会和环境三个支柱中每一个支 柱的垂直统一管理;第四,确保已经做出的和即将
Mexico believed that Rio+20 should adopt decisions on the four main aspects of that institutional framework: first, integration of the three pillars and definition of an agenda for sustainability; second, strengthening
coordination between United Nations agencies so as
[...] to discontinue separate discussion of [...]
development and sustainable development,
treating all development as sustainable; third, fostering vertical integration of each of the three pillars, economic, social and environmental; and fourth, ensuring fulfilment of commitments assumed and those to be assumed at the Conference.
f) 实现必要的改变将不可能通过‘常规’做法取得成功,而是需要政府、企业和民 间社单独和共 同努力,采取协调一致的行动。
f) Achieving the necessary change will not be achieved through ‘business as usual’ practices but will require concerted action on the part of government, business and civil society, working both individually and collectively.




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