

单词 单味药

See also:


classifier for mixture of prescribed Traditional Chinese Medicine


drug n
medicine n

External sources (not reviewed)

本清单并非详尽无遗,单中没有 CAS 号码并不味着这种药物不存在,而是 在更新本单时尚未获得该号码。
The list is not exhaustive and the absence of a CAS number does not mean that it does not exist but rather that it was not available at the time of the update of the list.
卫生部与司法部应重新建立更紧密的联系,以 便为囚犯提供更加公平的医疗保健,特别要为所有监狱建 药 品 标准 清 单 和 采购 制度。
Closer links should be re-established between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Justice with the aim of providing a more equitable level of
healthcare for prisoners, and in particular to establish
[...] a standard list of medicines and system of procurement [...]
for all prisons.
委员会还 注意到,药残留 规范委员会决定不保持分析方法清单,而是在原子能机构网站上保 存现有有效方法,保持此类清单的目的是提供一个平台,以就此类方法发表意见和交 流经验,但该清单不应视为资源单 , 绝不 意 味 着 它是一份用于食典目的的优选清单 或强制性清单。
The Commission further noted that the CCPR had decided not to maintain a list of analytical methods
but to keep existing validated
[...] methods on the IAEA website and that the purpose of maintaining such a list was to provide a platform for comments and sharing experience regarding the methods but that the list should be considered as a resource list and was never meant to be a list of preferred or obligatory methods for Codex purposes.
国家实践中使用相同手段对无效保留作出反应的 单事 实,并不味着这 些反应与针对有效保留的反对一样,产生相同的效果或遵循相 [...]
The mere fact that these same instruments are used in State
practice to react to
[...] impermissible reservations does not mean that these reactions produce [...]
the same effects or that they
are subject to the same conditions as objections to permissible reservations.
这并不味着涉 及到保留,虽然有时候被“提出者”作为“具 有解释性”提出的单方面 声明”可能是一项真正的保留,在这种情况下,其 “允许性”应根据适用于保留的规则予以评估(准则 3.5.1)。
This does not mean that reservations are involved, although sometimes a unilateral declaration presented as interpretative by [...]
its author might be
a true reservation, in which case its permissibility must be assessed in the light of the rules applicable to reservations (guideline 3.5.1).
合并列报并不味着各种单独的基金可以任何方式混合,因为经费通常 不得在基金间调剂使用。
Their presentation on a combined basis does not imply that the various separate funds can be intermingled in any way, since, normally, resources may not be utilized between funds.
但这 些立法的适用范围往往极广,其中特别涉及到如下问题:将某种药物列入治疗 药 清 单 的标 准;哪些药物可以在没有医学授权(医生处方)的情况下出售;可售药物的数量;以及在哪 些情况下和根据哪些条件可以分发药物。
However, the scope of the legislation tends to be very broad covering, inter alia, the criteria for adding a drug to the list of those available for therapeutic use, which drugs can be sold without medical authorization (doctor’s prescription), the quantities in which drugs can be sold and where and under what conditions drugs can be dispensed.
6) 100% 无风险:Provide
[...] Support既无软件要安装,也能提供免费试用版,这 味 它 不 能再 单 和 容 易了,特别是在免费试用期结束后,服务可能随时取消。
6) 100% Risk Free: Along with the no software to install
option, Provide Support offers a free
[...] trial, meaning it couldn't be simpler or easier, especially [...]
since after the Free Trial
Period is over, the service may be canceled at anytime.
其他国家也有立法提到对广 义臭氧消耗物质实施限制;这些常常涉及甲基溴的进口,而且可能要求特殊许可证(环 境部臭单位、农业部药司或 二者发放),甚至是官方监督。
Other countries have legislation referring to restrictions imposed to ODS in a broader sense; these often make reference to imports of MB and may require specific permits (from
the Ministry of the
[...] Environment Ozone Unit, the Ministry of Agriculture Pesticides Division or both) [...]
and even official supervision.
自 2005 年以来,声称从苏丹南部返回达尔富尔的苏丹武 装部队士兵携有武器和弹药,此外,继 2006 年《达尔富尔和平协议》之后编入
[...] 苏丹武装部队的前反叛运动成员也携有武器和 药 , 这 意 味 着 在达尔富尔的政府 部队持有了更多的军事装备。
The stated repatriation of SAF troops, together with arms and ammunition, from Southern Sudan to Darfur since 2005, as well as of members of former rebel movements who were
integrated into SAF following the 2006
[...] Darfur Peace Agreement implies an increase of military [...]
equipment in the hands of the Government forces in Darfur.
这并不单意味着能 源低价,而应鼓励供应 商之间进行竞争,采取可持续的能源举措,包括燃料搭 [...]
配多样化,工业、城市建设与运输方面可持续性政策, 以及真实反映能源使用社会成本的价格。
This does not mean simply cheap energy prices [...]
– rather, it means encouraging competition among suppliers, and engaging in
sustainable energy practices – including fuel mix diversification, sustainable industrial, urban construction, and transport policies, and energy prices that reflect the true social cost of using energy”.
他指出,确保单仿制药质量 合格且可为大众所获取十分重 要。
He noted the importance of ensuring the quality and public
[...] availability of simple generic medicines.
今天, 在海地防治艾滋病不仅味着提供药 品 , 而且也味 着通 过教育和就业,加强艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者的经 济和财政能力。
Today, fighting AIDS in
[...] Haiti means not only access to medicines, but also strengthening the [...]
economic and financial capacity
of persons living with HIV/AIDS through education and employment.
请注意,未列 出 CAS 号并不味着有关麻药品不受国际管制,而是其没有 CAS 登记号,如同一些表列植 [...]
Please note that the absence of a CAS number
[...] does not mean that the narcotic drug concerned is not [...]
under international control but that
the CAS registry number has not been available, as it is the case in some scheduled plant material.
[...] 影响到有争议地区的单方面行动,不仅违反了上述谅解的精神和文字,而且违反 了联合国的呼吁,联合国曾呼吁,在各岛屿正在历经有关决议建议的进程时,不 得作出味单方面改变局势的决定。
However, it has not been possible to achieve this objective because the United Kingdom continues to refuse to address the question of sovereignty and has repeatedly taken unilateral actions with regard to the area in dispute which not only violate the spirit and the letter of those understandings but are also contrary to the call by the United Nations
to refrain from taking decisions
[...] that would imply introducing unilateral modifications in [...]
the situation while the islands
are going through the process recommended in the relevant resolutions.
在大型网络中,软件分配和更新通 单 调 乏 味 并 占 用大量的管理资源。
In large networks, software distribution and updates are often tedious and tie up a lot of administration resources.
密切的工作关系味着与单个的 这些非政府组织 或网络有一些联合开展的具体活动,而且这些活动还应有助于指导教育部门的计划。
Close working relations imply that some concrete joint activities are carried out with these individual NGOs or networks and that they contribute to orient the Sector programme.
它们是建立起普遍 接受单一禁用清单和治疗用药豁免 的关键,便于运动员及其辅助人员充分了解禁用物质和方 法,也便于全世界各国主管部门与体育运动组织采用统一的标准。
It is essential
[...] to establish a single Prohibited List and therapeutic use exemptions are universally accepted so that athletes and athlete support personnel [...]
are fully aware of the
prohibited substances and methods and so that uniform standards are applied by the competent national authorities and the sports movement throughout the world.
味着 Pluristem治药物能帮助人体自我痊愈。
This means that Pluristem’s therapeutic drugs will be able to [...]
help the body heal itself.
最后,根据卡塔尔当局(见第 101 段)和阿拉伯联合酋长国提供的信息,专家 小组致函北约,要求提供卡塔尔和阿拉伯联合酋长国或参与北约行动的其他国家 所提供军事物资,包括武器和药的 详细 清 单 , 并 要求提供这些国家在实施禁运 后向利比亚派出军事人员的人数和作用的信息。
Finally, on the basis of the information given by the authorities of Qatar (see para. 101) and the United Arab Emirates, the Panel sent a letter to NATO asking it to provide a detailed list of military materiel, including weapons and ammunition, sent by Qatar and the United Arab Emirates or any other country that participated in the NATO operation, and information regarding the number and roles of military personnel sent by those countries to Libya since the imposition of the embargo.
与此相反,癌症靶向治疗直接针对癌细胞来设计相应 药 物 ,这 意 味 着 即使有副作用的话,病人受到的影响也是有限的。
By contrast, targeted cancer therapies are designed to target the cancer
[...] cells directly, which means patients have limited [...]
side effects, if any.
为促进对适应训练和康复方案中的专业人员和工作人员进 行初步和持续培训而采取的措施 颁布了第 308-2009-MINSA 号部长决议,批准通过了康复药品器械生单位的卫生技术标准,其目的是在全国范 围内提高对残疾人和/或有残疾风险者的护理质量。
The promotion of initial and continuous training for professionals and staff working in habilitation and rehabilitation programmes Ministerial Decision No. 308-2009-MINSA to adopt technical health standards for the Rehabilitative Medical Service Production Unit is designed to improve the quality of care throughout the country for persons with disabilities and/or at risk of acquiring disabilities.
几个世纪以来,巴拉圭,玻利维亚和巴西的部落甜叶菊,他们称之为ka'a he'e("甜草"),作为一个在玛黛队友和用于治疗胃灼热和其他疾病 药 用 茶 甜 味 剂。
For centuries, the tribes of Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil used stevia, which
they called ka'a he'e ("sweet
[...] herb"), as a sweetener in yerba mate and medicinal teas for treating [...]
heartburn and other ailments.
为对医生和其他医护人员进行有关残疾人权利的培训(包括 在农村地区)而采取的措施 - 卫生部颁布了第 308-2009-MINSA 号部长决议,批准通过 了康复药品器械生单位的 卫生技术标准,其目的是在全 国范围内提高对残疾人和/或有残疾风险者的护理质量。
Measures put in place to train doctors and other health professionals on the rights of persons with disabilities, including in rural areas The Ministry of Health issued Ministerial Decision No. 308-2009-MINSA, by which it adopted the technical health regulations of the Rehabilitative Medical Service Production Unit.
该核准得到MM-002试验结果的支持,该试验为II期随机开放研究,评估泊马度胺(每28天周期的第1-21天4毫克每天一次)联合低剂量地塞米松(≤75岁的患者仅在每28天周期的第1、8、15和22天每天给药40毫克,>75岁的患者仅在每28天周期的第1、8、15和22天每天给药20毫克)vs泊马度胺(每28天周期的第1-21天4毫克每天一次 单药 用 于最近骨髓瘤治疗难治且已用过来那度胺和硼替佐米的复发性多发性骨髓瘤患者。
Supporting the approval were the results of MM-002, a phase II, randomized, open-label study evaluating pomalidomide (4 mg once daily on days 1-21 of each 28-day cycle) plus low-dose dexamethasone (40 mg per day given only on Days 1, 8, 15 and 22 of each 28-day cycle for patients 75 years or younger, or 20 mg per day given only on Days 1, 8, 15 and 22 of each 28-day cycle for patients greater than 75 years of age) versus
pomalidomide (4 mg once daily on days 1-21 of each
[...] 28-day cycle) alone in patients with [...]
relapsed multiple myeloma who were refractory
to their last myeloma therapy and had received lenalidomide and bortezomib.




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