单词 | 卒 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 卒—servantless common: soldier finally at last pawn in Chinese chess 卒verb—finishvExamples:卒中—cerebral hemorrhage 生卒年—dates of birth and death (of historical figure) 脑卒pl—strokespl
假如我们今㆝对现行制度作出㆒些调整,是可防止公众的不满继续加剧,也可 免於将来仓卒进行改革时,可能将这些公司完全交入市民手㆗。 legco.gov.hk | Some adjustments to our system today will prevent increasing dissatisfaction and hastyreform in the future that might place the companies entirely in the hands of the people. legco.gov.hk |
你可以在附录里阅读更多关于脑卒中药物及其 副作用的知识。 world-heart-federation.org | You can read moreabout stroke medicines and [...] their side effects in Annex. world-heart-federation.org |
有些病人需要实行切开堵塞的颈部动脉的专门的外科手术,如颈动脉内膜 剥脱术或颈动脉支架术有助于防止脑卒中的发生。 world-heart-federation.org | For some patients, special surgical [...] procedures to open up the blockage of neck arteries, such as carotid endarterectomy or stenting, [...] can help prevent future strokes. world-heart-federation.org |
他们认为政 府当局应迅速采取行动,尽快针对酒後驾驶进行立法工作;他 们并认为当局应避免仓卒就药後驾驶立法,应先全面研究每种 药物服後对驾驶行为所产生的影响。 legco.gov.hk | They consider that the Administration should act swiftly to legislate for drink driving without further delay, and should avoid enacting laws on drug driving hastily before conducting a comprehensive study on the effect of each type of drug on driving behaviour. legco.gov.hk |
囚犯进一步表示,能否得 到医疗援助往往由狱卒或“faxinas”(为机构工作的其他囚犯)斟酌决定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Inmates further indicated that [...] access to medical care was often at the [...] discretion of prison guards or of“faxinas” [...](other inmates working for the institution). daccess-ods.un.org |
反对仓卒立法者是广泛及跨越各阶层的,无论是男女老幼,不同教育程度及职业,都持反对意见。 hkupop.hku.hk | The anti-legislation camp is a broad and cross-class coalition. Irrespective of gender, age, education level and occupation, many people hold opposition view. hkupop.hku.hk |
这些人 还表示,被安全人员羁押期间,他们遭受讯问人或狱卒以刑讯逼供或侮辱为目的 的殴打和酷刑。 daccess-ods.un.org | These individuals also stated that, while in the custody of security agents, they were beaten and tortured by interrogators and jailers forthe purposes of extracting a confession or in order to humiliate them. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着时间的推 移,曼德拉说服了他的狱卒交出了钥匙。 daccess-ods.un.org | Over time, Mandela persuaded his jailors to surrender the key. daccess-ods.un.org |
同 样 , 在 安 大 略 省 , 加 拿 大 枢 密 院 或 安 大 略 省 行 政 局 的 每 一 名 议 员 、 加 拿 大 参 议 院 或 众 议 院 或 立 法 议 会 的 每 名 议 员 、 每 名 法 官 及 每 名 太 帄 绅 士 、 每 名 大 律 师 及 事 务 律 师 及 每 名 见 习 律 师 、 每 名 在 法 律 上 合 资 格 并 正 在 执 业 的 医 生 及 兽 医 、 每 名 死 因 裁 判 官 、 每 名 执 法 者 , 包 [...] 括 治 安 官 、 任 何 感 化 院 的 院 长 、 监 狱 或 惩 教 机 构 或 拘 [...] 留 所 的 监 督 、狱卒或看守 人 、 治 安 [...]人 员 、 警 务 人 员 、 消 防 员 及 法 院 人 员 等 , 均 没 有 资 格 出 任 陪 审 员 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Similarly, in Ontario, every member of the Privy Council of Canada or the Executive Council of Ontario, every member of the Senate, the House of Commons of Canada or the Assembly, every judge and every justice of the peace, every barrister and solicitor and every student-at-law, every legally qualified medical practitioner and veterinary surgeon who is actively engaged in practice and every coroner, every person engaged in the enforcement of law, including [...] sheriffs, wardens of any penitentiary, [...] superintendents, jailers or keepers [...]of prisons, correctional institutions or lockups, [...]sheriff's officers, police officers, firefighters and officers of a court of justice, etc, are ineligible to serve as jurors. hkreform.gov.hk |
这说明为保证人们对卒中的认识,必须进行持续性公众教育。 eso-stroke.org | This suggests that public education has to be [...] maintained tosustain stroke awareness in the [...]population. eso-stroke.org |
在整个密西拿评论员以下特别值得一提:迈蒙尼德,希伯来文翻译的阿拉伯语原来是最有密西拿版印刷; Obadia二贝尔蒂诺罗(卒于1510),惦TOB李普曼海勒(卒于1654), Jisrael利普舒茨(他在密西拿6卷的评注。 mb-soft.com | Among the commentators of the whole Mishna the following deserve special mention: Maimonides, the Hebrew translation of whose Arabic original is printed in most edition of the Mishna; Obadia di Bertinoro (d. 1510), Jom Tob Lippmann Heller (d. 1654), Jisrael Lipschutz (his Mishna with Commentary in 6 vols. mb-soft.com |
b. 结 果 : 她 的 衰 落 令 土 耳 其 人 难 以 再 有 效 地 操 制 其 邦 国,卒令巴尔 干 各 邦 国 有 机 会 扩 张 各 自 的 势 力 , 亦 令 列 强 有 机 会 向 巴 尔 干 半 岛 扩 张 。 hkahe.com | b. Result: Her decline made her ineffectively control her states and so she gave a good chance for the expansion of Balkan states and also the European powers. hkahe.com |
新的联合国特派团在任何 条件下绝不能成为战术和政治游戏中的小卒子。 daccess-ods.un.org | The new United Nations Mission must not, under any circumstances,become a pawn in tactical and political games. daccess-ods.un.org |
1848 年的自由主义叛变卒之擦出了革命的火花﹐法国跟随之﹐而革命的浪潮亦席卷了整个欧洲。 hkahe.com | The spark of these revolutions was eventually suited by the liberal revolt in 1848 and it was followed by France and then the wave of revolution spread over the whole continent. hkahe.com |
文章分析,仓卒出笼的高官问责制进一步「破坏了行之有效的文官问责文化」,间接削弱公仆体系对权力核心的支持,使特区政府陷入「兵强将弱」的局面。 hkupop.hku.hk | The article asserted that thehastily introduced accountability system has further "tarnished the previously effective accountability culture for civilian officials", which indirectly undermined the support of civil servants to the central leaders, resulting in a government with a weak core. hkupop.hku.hk |
一般脑卒中危险因素有:性别,一般来说男性发病率高于女性;心房纤颤或有其他心脏疾病;睡眠呼吸暂停;直系亲属中有过卒中或心脏病史。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | People who are at generalrisk for strokeincludemen (generally, men suffer strokes more than women), those who have a family history of heart disease, and those who suffer from sleep apnea. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
烟雾病常以卒中的形式起病,不仅仅是成人,儿童也会患此病,在日本较为多见。 tohoku.ac.jp | The disease is relatively common among the Japanese population, but the cause has been unknown to date. tohoku.ac.jp |
毛遂继续说:“我听说汤以七十里的地方统一天下,文王以百里的土地使诸侯称臣,难道是由于他们的士卒众多吗? chinesestoryonline.com | The king was scared and had to listened to Mao Sui quietly. chinesestoryonline.com |
功能MRI显示针刺外关穴后缺血性脑卒中患者激活增强的脑区 (箭头所指)。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Functional MRI showed enhanced activated brain areas (arrows) [...] in ischemicstroke patients following [...]acupuncture at Waiguan (TE5). chinese.eurekalert.org |
被拘留者遭受酷刑和其他形式的粗暴的有辱人格待遇的最严重后果可能 是,在被问到的人中,48%的人说他们想报复狱卒,77%的人说由于失去尊严、受 到虐待,他们感到仇恨和气愤。 daccess-ods.un.org | Perhaps the most serious consequence of the subjection of the detainees to torture and other forms of harsh and degrading treatment is the fact that 48 per cent of those who were questioned said that they wanted to take revenge on their jailers andthat 77 per cent of them stated that they felt hatred and rage because of the indignity and ill-treatment to which they had been subjected. daccess-ods.un.org |
近来基于社区和医院的研究显示,TIA 后即刻发生卒中的风险高[6,84]。 eso-stroke.org | Recent community and hospital-based studies demonstrated [...] a highriskofstroke immediately after [...]a TIA [6, 84]. eso-stroke.org |
这份手稿,日期为回历1294年(公元1877年),包含了一本非常有名的由摩洛哥苏菲诗人穆罕穆德·阿尔-贾祖利(卒于1465年)所着的祈祷书的副本,书的标题为“Dalā’il al-Khayrāt”(受益的路标)。 wdl.org | This manuscript, dated AH 1294 (AD 1877), contains a copy of a very famous prayer book by the Moroccan Sufi, Muḥammad al-Jazūlī (died 1465), with the title Dalā’il al-Khayrāt (The Waymarks to Benefits). wdl.org |
这不仅是因为司法机构薄弱,也因为有大批跑腿 的走卒。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is not only because there are weak judicial institutions, but because there are foot soldiers, and plenty of them. daccess-ods.un.org |
60 其它 少数民族团体则持更加怀疑的态度。中缅边界一个 武装组织的将领说:“我们(缅甸各武装组织)很 有可能只是中国和缅甸军政府博弈时的兵卒。 crisisgroup.org | A commander from an armed group on the border said: “It’s very possible that we [Myanmar armed groups] are pawns in China’s game with the junta. crisisgroup.org |
主要脑卒中危险因素包括:高血压;高胆固醇血症;糖尿病;年龄超过50岁。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | The main riskfactors forstroke are high blood pressure [...] (a.k.a. hypertension), excess cholesterol in the bloodstream (a.k.a. [...]hypercholesterolemia), diabetes mellitus (DM) and being older than 50. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
Seiko 手表公司已从无名小卒发展成为极具前瞻性和创新意识的世界级手表制作公司。 hk.ashford.com | From humble beginnings the Seiko Watch Corporation has grown to be a visionary and innovative company on the world stage of timekeeping. ashford.com |
执行能力缺损是脑卒中后患者常见的后遗症之一。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Executive function is one of the commonly impaired cognitive domains in poststroke survivors. chinese.eurekalert.org |
Asifi 是赫拉特着名诗人加米(卒于1492 年 [希吉来历 897 年 ] )的学生,他一直都留在帖木儿王朝的首都直到去世(1517 年[希吉来历 923 年 ] ),甚至是在乌兹别克入侵期间和之后。 wdl.org | A student of the famous poet Jami (died 1492 [897 AH]) in Herat, Asifi remained in the Timurid capital city until his death (1517 [923 AH]), even during and after the Uzbek invasions. wdl.org |
法 庭 在 Keefe v Crown (1919) 21 WALR 88 一 案 中 指 出 , 警 员 之 妻 、 监 狱 牧 师 、 医 生 及 一 同 工 作 的 仆 伇 并 不 属 於 ‚ 有 权 力 的 人 ‛ 一 词 的 范 围 之 内,但狱卒和负责 检 控 的 律 师 却 属 於 此 范 围 之 内 。 hkreform.gov.hk | It was said in Keefe v. Crown (1919) 21 WALR 88 that the wife of a constable, the prison chaplain, a doctor and a fellow servant would not fall within the term "person in authority". hkreform.gov.hk |