单词 | 卑诗 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 卑诗 —British Columbia, province of Canada (loanword from "BC")See also:卑 adj—low adj 卑 n—inferior n 卑—vulgar 诗 n—poet n • poetry n • verse n 诗 pl—poets pl
绝大多数(70%)的 CGA在卑诗省的 温哥华地区工作,其余的在温哥华岛和省内陆地区较 [...] 小的社区工作。 multilingolegal.ca | The highest proportion (70%) of CGAs work in the [...] Vancouver area of the province, and the [...]balance work in smaller communities on Vancouver [...]Island and in the interior of the province. multilingolegal.ca |
虽然在三间会计师机构都有国际受训的会计师,本简介选择使用CGABC注册程序,因为它 是 卑诗 省 最 大的会计师机构,拥有最多的国际受 训的会计师。 multilingolegal.ca | While there are internationally trained accountants in all [...] three accounting [...] bodies, the CGA-BC registration process was chosen for this fact sheet, since it is the largest accounting body in BC with the largest [...]number of internationally trained accountants. multilingolegal.ca |
第 7节逐一解释了在卑诗省如 何申请、通过评估、注册成为CGA。 multilingolegal.ca | Section 7 provides a step by step explanation of how you apply, are assessed [...] and become certified as a CGA in BC. multilingolegal.ca |
因为有等候期的存在,所以您一定要在到 达 卑诗 省后尽快去申请。 multilingolegal.ca | Because of the waiting period, it is important that you apply as soon as possible after arriving in B.C. multilingolegal.ca |
如果您的职业要求您定期地在任何一个日历年内离 开 卑诗 省 六 个月以上的时间,您 仍然能够保持您的保险,如果您 multilingolegal.ca | If you have an occupation where you must routinely travel outside B.C. for more than six months in the calendar year, you can still keep your insurance if you multilingolegal.ca |
新移民法律问题指南:为定居于卑诗 省 的加拿大新移民提供 关于收入保障及政府服务方面的信息。 multilingolegal.ca | Legal Issues for Newcomers: Information about Income Security and Government Services for Newcomers to Canada Residing In B.C. multilingolegal.ca |
你可能会发现,就你在卑 诗省将 要从事的工作,你根本就无须申请注册。 multilingolegal.ca | You may find that, for the work you [...] will be doing in BC, you do not need [...]to apply for registration at all. multilingolegal.ca |
CGA会员身份使你有权在卑诗省作为CGA执业,并有权将你的会 员身份转到加拿大任何一个省或地区,以及提供CGA课程的指定 [...] 国家。 multilingolegal.ca | CGA membership allows you the right to [...] practice as a CGA in BC, as well as the right [...]to transfer your membership to any province [...]or territory in Canada and the designated countries where CGA offers the CGA program. multilingolegal.ca |
新移民就是已移民来到卑诗省 的人,多久以前移民来的,没有限制。 welcomebc.ca | A Newcomer is someone who has immigrated to B.C. There are no limits on how long ago they immigrated. welcomebc.ca |
注册会计师(CGA)的工作范围包括卑诗 省 各 地的大小行业 – 工业、商 [...] 业、教育、非牟利组织、政府部门,以及公共执业。 multilingolegal.ca | Certified General Accountants (CGAs) work in large and small [...] businesses throughout BC – in industry, [...]commerce, education, not-for-profit organizations, [...]government and in public practice. multilingolegal.ca |
在卑诗省有 三间监管机构可注册会计师 :卑 诗省注册会计师协会、卑诗省特许会计师学会、以 及 卑诗 省 注 册管理 会计师协会。 multilingolegal.ca | In BC, there are three regulatory bodies that certify accountants: the Certified General Accountants Association of British Columbia, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of BC and the Certified Management Accountants Society of BC. multilingolegal.ca |
在卑诗省,这个协会是 卑诗省职业工程师和地球科学家协会(APEGBC)。 multilingolegal.ca | In British Columbia, this association is the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (APEGBC). multilingolegal.ca |
如果您迁移到加拿大其它省份,从您离 开 卑诗 省 的 那个月底算起的两个月之后。 multilingolegal.ca | two months after the end of the month that you leave B.C., if you are moving within Canada. multilingolegal.ca |
目前在卑诗省(卑诗省北部的某些地区除外),这一 数字介于 14 到 44 周之间。 multilingolegal.ca | Currently in B.C. (excluding parts of northern B.C.), this number ranges between 14 and 44 weeks. multilingolegal.ca |
卑诗艾滋 研究中心是加拿大最大的艾滋病研究、治疗和教育机构。 tipschina.gov.cn | The B.C. Centre for Excellence in [...] HIV/AIDS is Canada's largest HIV/AIDS [...]research, treatment and education facility. tipschina.gov.cn |
每个月回卑诗省一次,或者回来足够的次数以让政府相信您仍然居住 在 卑诗 省。 multilingolegal.ca | be present in B.C. once a month, or enough for the government to believe you still reside in B.C. multilingolegal.ca |
加拿大温哥华卑诗艾滋 研究中心(B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS)研究实验室主任和研究负责人Richard Harrigan博士表示:“HIV V3基因定型有望能更快、更有效且准确地确定使用马拉韦罗等CCR5拮抗剂对哪些患者有疗效。 tipschina.gov.cn | HIV V3 Genotyping shows promise as a significantly faster and more cost-effective way to correctly identify patients who would benefit from CCR5 antagonists like maraviroc," said Richard Harrigan Ph. tipschina.gov.cn |
如果您不再是全 日制学生,而且没有返回卑诗省, 这样一个月之后,您就失去了您的保险。 multilingolegal.ca | You will lose your insurance one month after you are no longer a full-time student if you do not return to B.C. multilingolegal.ca |
我决定聚焦在两个区域:中国的长江上游、三峡大坝地区和加拿 大 卑诗 省的 高贵林湖、高贵林河与菲沙河地区。 evergreenculturalcentre.ca | I choose to focus on two regions: the Upper Yangzi River and Three Gorges Dam areas in China; and the Coquitlam Lake, Coquitlam River and Fraser River areas in British Columbia, Canada. evergreenculturalcentre.ca |
Assessment(评估)是确定一个人的工程背景和工作经验是否达到注册 要求而在卑诗省作 为职业工程师执业的程序。 multilingolegal.ca | Assessment is the process to determine whether an individual’s [...] engineering background and experience meet the requirements for registration to practice [...] as a Professional Engineer in BC. multilingolegal.ca |
如果您在没有合法工作授权的情况下在加拿大工作,尤其是 在 卑诗 省 , 您便将您自 己置于受人剥削的境地,而且失去了寻求其它可得并且可能的移民渠道。 multilingolegal.ca | When you’re working in Canada without a work authorization, especially in B.C., you’re exposing yourself to exploitation and failing to pursue other possible immigration avenues that may be available to you. multilingolegal.ca |
如果您想 要到卑诗省或 加拿大以外地方上学,您仍然应当 在 卑诗 省 申 请贷款。 multilingolegal.ca | If you intend to study outside B.C. or Canada, you should still apply for a loan in B.C. multilingolegal.ca |
如果您在任 何省份居住的时间都没有超过 12 个月,您申请的时候必须住在卑诗省 才 能够有 资格申请。 multilingolegal.ca | If you have not lived in any province for 12 months, you must be living in B.C. when applying for a loan in order to qualify. multilingolegal.ca |
Dessureau先生是一位专业地质学家,有十年以上矿产勘探和开发经验,曾在加拿大的育空地区 、 卑诗 省 、魁北克省、安大略省以及美国的内华达州从事矿产勘探和开发。 griconference.com | Mr. Dessureau is a Professional Geologist with over 10 years of exploration and development experience in the Yukon and British Columbia as well as other locations including Nevada, Ontario and Quebec. griconference.com |
职业工程师(P. Eng.) — [...] 达到所有学历和工作经验的要求,获准 在卑 诗省对 工程工作负责,或以工程师身份执业。 multilingolegal.ca | Professional Engineer (P. Eng.) – meets all [...] academic and experience requirements and is allowed to take responsibility for engineering [...] work or practice engineering in BC. multilingolegal.ca |
在卑诗省理 工学院的销售管理学科(房地产方向)毕业之后,她开始在Onni集团公司从事住宅开发工作。 sothebysrealty.ca | After graduating from the real estate option of the Marketing Management program at BCIT, she started in residential development working for Onni Group of Companies. sothebysrealty.ca |
作为卑诗省最 大的社会服务机构之一,S.U.C.C.E.S.S. 明白到许多新移民企业家在安顿和经济社会发展的过程中所面对的种种挑战。 successbiis.ca | As one of the leading social service providers in British Columbia, S.U.C.C.E.S.S. understands the challenges many immigrant entrepreneurs face in their settlement and socio-economic development process. successbiis.ca |
在加入Intrawest之前,Bryan在卑诗大学 获得了商业学士学位和完成了专业化城市土地经济学的学习,并在Colliers商业房地产有限公司(位于其家乡基隆拿)工作。 sothebysrealty.ca | Prior to his time at Intrawest, Bryan completed his Bachelor of Commerce Degree with a specialization in Urban Land Economics at UBC and worked with Colliers Commercial Realty in his hometown of Kelowna. sothebysrealty.ca |
由总部位于加拿大卑诗省基隆拿的CF Mineral Laboratories Inc.开展的独立试验室分析发现了与钻石稳定区(即具备生成钻石的温度和压力的地幔区)相联系的大量高压石榴石。 tipschina.gov.cn | Independent lab analysis by Kelowna, B.C.-based CF Mineral Laboratories Inc. returned a significant number of high pressure garnets associated with the diamond stability field (the area of the Earth's mantle with the heat and pressure required to produce diamonds). tipschina.gov.cn |
在项目最初的规划阶段,CWA与Harmac的管理团队密切合作,彻底改造了原料木屑接收、堆料、取料以及存储设施,使Harmac能灵活的根 据 卑诗 沿 海 不断变化的纤维供应,来平衡纸浆厂对木屑的需求。 cwaengineers.com | Working closely with Harmac’s management team during the initial planning stage, CWA reinvented the pulp mill’s chip receiving, out-stocking, reclaim and storage facilities, providing Harmac the [...] flexibility to balance the constantly changing [...] fiber supply on the BC coast and meet the [...]pulp mill’s chip consumption requirements. cwaengineers.com |