单词 | 协调员 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:联合协调委员会n—JCCn See also:协调n—coordinationn coherencen negotiationn 调协—harmonize 调协n—matchn 詀—garrulous whisper joke
家长会很高兴的正式地介绍 Rose [...] Wang女士,目前她与Cindy Liao,同为家长会的社区家长资源中心的外展协调员。cpad.org | We are happy to formally introduce Ms. Rose Wang, who now works with Cindy Liao, as our Community Parent [...] Resource Center (CPRC) Outreach Coordinator. cpad.org |
营养协调员每星期两天半的工资由学校健康计划 支付。 sfusd.edu | The two and a half day Nutrition Coordinator is from the School Health program. sfusd.edu |
好消息 – [...] 由2008年五月开始,每星期二和星期四上午9点至中午12点,家长会的社区家长资源中心的外展协调员Rose Wang女士, 可以用东罗省洛杉矶社区服务中心的庭资源中心与家长见面, [...]研讨有关特殊教育的问题, 家长可致电 (626) [...]300-9171 (FRC 时间) 或 (626) 315-8146(其他时间)。 cpad.org | Good News – Starting from May 2008, every [...] Tuesday and Thursday 9 am to [...] 12 noon, Ms. Rose Wang, CPAD/CPRC Outreach Coordinator is ableto meet with [...]our parents by using [...]Family Resource Center (FRC) at Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center (ELARC) in Alhambra. cpad.org |
除了其顾问角色之外﹐她目前还是地区检察官办公室的公平就业机会(EEO)协调员﹐并且是地区检查官多元化委员会的积极成员。 manhattanda.org | In addition to her role as advisor, she is [...] currently an EEO coordinator within the office and an active member of the District Attorney’s Diversity [...]Committee. manhattanda.org |
在此 之前,彼自一九八二年至一九九九年间曾分别任职香港 中文大学及地下铁路公司之电脑操作员及电脑协调员及Hong Kong Security Limited 及香港赛马会之电脑监督 员。 cflg.com.hk | Prior to these, he was a computer operator and a computer coordinator of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Mass Transit Railway Corporation Limited respectively and a computer supervisor of Hong Kong Security Limited and The Hong Kong Jockey Club from 1982 to 1999. cflg.com.hk |
我有兴趣取得有关资讯,希望(家庭资源中心)的家庭健康协 调员联络我。 familyvoicesofca.org | I am interested in accessing information and would like the [...] Parent Health Liaison from (FRC Name) [...]to contact me. familyvoicesofca.org |
本表显示最近三年学校及学区停学率与开除率 (停学/开除人数除以学生总人数)。 本校校园优美,保养良好,有礼堂、体育馆、饭堂、大操场和美丽的学校花园(由全职的花园协调员打理)。 sfusd.edu | This table displays the rate of suspensions and expulsions (the total number of incidents divided by the total enrollment) at the school and district levels for the most recent three-year period. sfusd.edu |
传 译 者 向 法 庭 保 证 她 熟 悉 并 会 遵 守 手 语 传 译 者 的 专 业 守 则 , 而 且 , 她 会 将 其 角 色 局 限 於 只 是 一 名 ‚ 沟通协 调 员‛而已 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The interpreter assured the court that she was familiar with, and would abide by, [...] the code of ethics for [...] sign languageinterpreters and that she would limit her role to that of a "communications facilitator". hkreform.gov.hk |
目前,Frazer 先生还担任纽约州执法委员会的协调员和地区检察长办公室曼哈顿北区办公室的主管检察官。 manhattanda.org | In his current position, Mr. Frazer also serves as Coordinator of the New York State Law Enforcement Council and Attorney-in-Charge of the District Attorney’s Northern Manhattan Office. manhattanda.org |
环境保护局长 者环境就业计划协调员Marilyn Hollriegel 协助找到一个卓越 的餐饮承包者。 napca.org | At the Enrollees’ earlier recommendation, Mei Lin, NAPCA SEE Project Director, arranged to have the lunch catered, with the assistance of Marilyn Hollriegel, EPA SEE Coordinator, who secured an outstanding caterer. napca.org |
Jones-Janneh女士自1996年加入曼哈顿地区检察官办公室以来就一直担任社区事务首席协调员。 manhattanda.org | Ms. Jones-Janneh has been a Principal Community Affairs Coordinator since joining the [...] Manhattan District Attorney’sOffice [...]in 1996. manhattanda.org |
提示: 家庭资源中心职 员和家庭健康协 调员必须清楚向 其他机构 明, 说 使用家庭健康协 调服务的职员任 传译员是不适当 的,即使他们能 流利的讲服务家 庭的语言,和所 讲的语言是他们 的母语。 familyvoicesofca.org | Liaison services as interpreters, even if they speak the language fluently and it is their primary language. familyvoicesofca.org |
随着客户服务团队茁壮成长,Esther在担任客户服务经理协调员六个月後,获擢升为客户关系经理。 colormatrix.com | As the Customer Service team has grown, Esther was promoted to Customer Relations Manager after six months as Customer Relationship Coordinator. colormatrix.com |
都忙於自己的生活和他们贡献於6060 [...] Stettler(在东中部艾伯塔省)可用时间来维护和操作的挑战,我们的志愿者协调员。tw.shiftplanning.com | All are busy in their own lives and getting them to contribute available time [...] to maintenance and operation on 6060 in Stettler (in east central Alberta) is challenging for [...] our Volunteer Coordinator. shiftplanning.com |
Katherine 觉得在参加 长者环境就业计划前所获得的技 能和经验使她能做到符合 5 位 社区介入及公众资讯单位社区介入协调员的要求有很大的帮助。 napca.org | Katherine feels that the skills gained and her experiences prior to becoming a SEE Enrollee have been pivotal in contributing to meeting the needs of the five Community Involvement Coordinatorsof CIPI. napca.org |
信息交流会包括校园参观、学术顾问和入学协调员对常见问题的解答,给予您获得第一手信息的机会,使您了解Taylors UniLink Diploma 如何帮助您向商务或信息技术职业领域迈出第一步。 taylorsunilink.edu.au | The evening will consist of a campus tour, FAQs with academic advisors and admissionscoordinators giving you the opportunity to find out first-hand how Taylors UniLink can help you with your first steps towards a rewarding career in Business or IT. taylorsunilink.edu.au |
在加入社区事务组担任LGBT 社区协调员之前﹐Yu先生还曾受雇于曼哈顿的一家爱滋病初级保健诊所﹐担任引导员﹐对爱滋病毒感染者和爱滋病人进行心理健康评估。 manhattanda.org | Prior to joining the Community Affairs Unit as the LGBT Community Coordinator, Mr. Yu was employed by a Manhattan HIV/AIDS primary care clinic as a Navigator, administering mental health assessments to HIV clients. manhattanda.org |
确保提供家长健康协调服务的职员能识别、承认、及 尊重界限 一旦家长健康协调员开始和机构及家庭合作时,明白界限是重 要的。 familyvoicesofca.org | Ensure that the staff providing Parent Health Liaison services can identify, recognize, and respect boundaries Once a Parent HealthLiaison has begun working with agencies and families, knowing boundaries is essential. familyvoicesofca.org |
2012年10 月19日,澳门创新科技中心孵化协调员胡满和先生,与中国银行澳门分行业务拓展部副总监黎柏强先生及香港微型企业协会会长廖健华先生等,於本年度MIF会展期间进行友好会面。 manetic.org | On 19th October 2012, a friendly meeting was held during MIF 2012 between the Incubation Coordinator of Manetic Mr. Graham Vu, Deputy Director of Banking Business Development Department of Bank of China Macau Branch Mr. Danis Lai, and the Chairman of... manetic.org |
欧洲聯盟目前没有食品所含氨基甲酸乙酯最高限量的协调标准,但 有些成员国已订出酒精饮品的氨基甲酸乙酯最高限量。 cfs.gov.hk | There are currently no harmonized maximum levels of EC in foods in the European Union, although somemember states have recommended maximum EC levels in alcoholic beverages. cfs.gov.hk |
一个全州性的系统将可加强家长健康协调服务的能力和职员的质素,为特殊健康护理需要的家庭,提供文化/语言适应 性、以社区为主、以家庭为中心的健康资料、教育、和家长互 [...] 助服务。 familyvoicesofca.org | A statewide system will enhance the capacity and ensure the [...] qualityof staff providing Parent Health Liaison services to [...]offer culturally/linguistically [...]responsive, community based, family centered health information, education, and parent-to-parent support for families of children with special health care needs. familyvoicesofca.org |
(i) 於其所有分公司中担当及履行控股公司之所有职能,并协调在任何地方注册成立 或经营业务之任何附属公司或本公司或任何附属公司为其成员公司或由本公司 以任何方式直接或间接控制之任何一组公司之政策及管理 dejinresources.com | (i) to act and to perform all the functions of a holding [...] company in all its [...] branches and toco-ordinate thepolicy and administration of any subsidiary company or companies wherever incorporated or carrying on business or of any group of companies of which the Company or any subsidiary company is a member or which [...]are in any manner controlled [...]directly or indirectly by the Company dejinresources.com |