

单词 协议书

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External sources (not reviewed)

有些全国委员 会还在教科文组织与美洲农业合作研究所 协议书 上 签 了字。
Some of the National Commissions also
[...] signed the Letter of Agreement made between [...]
土耳 其代表就毗邻国家需签协议书以遏制贩运文化财产活动发表了评论意见,希 腊观察员指出,两国总理最近就该问题签署了一份谅解备忘录。
The representative of Turkey
[...] commented on the need for letters of agreement among neighbouring [...]
countries in order to curtail
trafficking in cultural property, and the observer for Greece noted that the Prime Ministers of the two countries had recently signed a memorandum of understanding on this issue.
那塔雷加瓦礼貌地回绝了格实,他指出,鉴于双方 都已经签署了观察员职责范协议书 , 这 时任何改 动对柬埔寨都是不公平的。
Natalegawa politely rebuffed Kasit, citing concerns that any change at this stage could disadvantage Cambodia, which had already signed the terms of reference.
此次修订的结果是,行政代理和捐助者之间签订协议书更名 为“标准行政安排”(SAA),重大变更在于报告形式、反腐败、监测和评价及 [...]
As an outcome of this
[...] revision, the Letter of Agreement signed between [...]
the Administrative Agent and the donor has been renamed
the Standard Administrative Arrangement (SAA) with major changes on reporting, anti-corruption, monitoring and evaluation and audit.
2002 年 10
[...] 月初开始与它们接触,同美洲农业合作研 究所(IICA)及美洲合作组织签订 协议书 抄 送 给了各方,包括常驻代表团。
They were contacted in early October 2002, and
[...] copies of the Letter of Agreement made with [...]
the InterAmerican Institute for Cooperation
on Agriculture (IICA), OAS were copied to all including the Permanent Delegations.
2007 年 8 月 31 日,总部下属司长的代理以联合国教科文组织的名誉与 Coteba 公司 签订了一协议书,双 方合同关系由此解除。
The contract with Coteba was in fact terminated by a memorandum of understanding signed on 31 August 2007 by the acting Director of the Headquarters Division in the name of UNESCO.
在 实践中,取决于项目规模和实施机构的类型,使用不同的法律文件:环境署(包 括全球环境基金协调司和多边基金)对价值 200 000
[...] 美元以下的项目使用小规模 供资协议,对价值超过 200 000 美元的项目使用项目合作协议,对其他联合国机 构承办的项目使协议书,对 环境署其他司实施的项目使用内部合作协议。
In practice, different legal instruments are used, depending on the size of the project and the type of implementing agency: UNEP, including the Division of Global Environment Facility Coordination and the Multilateral Fund, used small-scale funding agreements for contracts
under $200,000,
[...] Project Cooperation Agreements for contracts over $200,000, letters of agreement for [...]
projects undertaken by
other United Nations agencies, or internal cooperation agreements for projects implemented by other UNEP divisions.
双方签署了低碳技术服务合作框 协议书 , 将以国际标准ISO14064作为企业实施低碳管理的切入点,将温室气体排放管理纳入企业日常工作,引领中国照明企业的低碳发展模式;上海宏源照明电器有限公司无极灯系列产品“LVD”商标,经国家商标局认定,已正式通过注册商标申请,并成功获得国家商标局颁发的商标注册证书;上海宏源照明电器有限公司李维德发明的LVD无极灯城市节能照明智能控制系统荣获第三届上海市职工优秀技术创新成果一等奖及第二十三届上海市优秀发明金奖。
The low-carbon management in
[...] enterprise is based on the international [...]
standard ISO14064 and the management of the greenhouse
gas emissions is included into the routine work, ushering in the low-carbon development pattern of Chinese lamp companies;Approved by the State Trademark Bureau, the trademark of “LVD” for the series of induction lamp in Shanghai Hongyuan Lighting & Electric Equipment Company Ltd passed the trademark registration,and received access to the registered trademark certification approved by the State Trademark Bureau; The LVD induction lamp city energy-saving illumination control system invented by Li Weide in Shanghai Hongyuan Lighting & Electric Equipment Company Ltd won first prize in the third Shanghai excellent workers’ technological innovation and the 23rd Shanghai excellent innovation gold award.
协 议书提供 财政援助,是专家小组对援助申请进行了审议并表示同意之后的结果。
The award of financial
[...] assistance under letters of agreement resulted from [...]
applications for assistance that were considered
and agreed upon by the Panel of Experts.
联索政治处和开发署与过渡联邦政府签署 协议书 , 以支 持制宪进程。
[...] signed letters of agreement with the Transitional [...]
Federal Government in support of the constitution-making process.
2002 年 11 月,根据与美洲农业合作研究所 协议书 , 全国委员会与该研究所之间举办 多次会议,拟定各国项目中的能力建设部分的内容,加强合作,提高项目活动的针对性和参 与方的主人翁意识。
In November 2002, and further to the Letter of Agreement with IICA, meetings were organized between the National Commissions and IICA to elaborate the capacity-building component of the project in each country, to foster collaboration, relevance and ownership.
(h) 4.4%用于行政费用,包括粮农组织法定保险费、工作人员办理资助请求 和拟定粮农组协议书的加 班费,和某些项目的 6%项目服务费。
(h) 4.4 per cent was devoted to administration, including mandatory FAO insurance expenses, staff overtime for
processing requests and the preparation of
[...] FAO letters of agreement and a 6 per cent [...]
project servicing cost for certain projects.
[...] 有能力创建(a)能够在案件数目增加的情况下继续有效运作的系统,及(b)数据通协议书的中 央机构,确保尽管在语言和文化方面存在区别但网络所有各终端 [...]
Some of the challenges faced in designing a global online dispute resolution system are of a technical nature and relate to the ability to create (a) a system which is able to continue functioning effectively as the number of cases
increases, and (b) a central structure for data
[...] communication protocols that ensures that [...]
all the various endpoints of the network
can communicate in real time with each other, despite existing differences in language and culture.
竞争关系的业务,可以无偿取得已经向该新股预约权者配发的所有新股预约权。       c 新股预约权者如果违反和公司之间签订的“新股预约权分 协议书 ” 规 定,可以无偿取得已经 向该新股预约权者授予的所有新股预约权。
(c) In the event a holder of the subscription rights to shares is in breach of the “Agreement on the Allotment of the Subscription Rights to Shares” concluded between the holder and the Company, the Company shall be entitled to acquire, at no cost, all the subscription rights to shares granted to such holder.
2011 年 10
[...] 月 20 日,粮农 组织和粮食署与美国和平队签署了扩大粮食安全活动 协议书。
On 20 October 2011, FAO and WFP
[...] signed a letter of agreement with the United [...]
States Peace Corps to expand food-security activities.
食典委还注意到该文件第 29 段至第 32 段中包含的关于在发展中国家组织召开 食典委会议的秘书处说明,以及某些情形下在粮农组织与提供会议场所的国家签订一协议书之前所遇到的困难。
The Commission also noted the Secretariat’s note contained in paragraphs 29 to 32 of the document regarding the hosting of Codex sessions in developing countries and the difficulties encountered in some
cases before the conclusion
[...] of a letter of agreement between FAO and the countries offering the venue for the sessions.
本组织还与全球信息和通信技术与发展联盟签署了 一协议书,以确保全球信息和通信技术的可及性。
It also signed a letter of agreement with the Global [...]
Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies and Development
to ensure the accessibility of information and communications technologies around the globe.
协议书和您 的网络性能,您可能甚至没有被通知正在使用远程资源,您会得到对比的全方位和势力,依您所愿进行合并/同步操作。
Depending on the protocol and your network's [...]
performance you may not even notice you are working with remote resources as
you'd have the full range and power of comparison and merge/synchronization operations at your disposal.
北朝鲜对大韩民国军舰的武装袭击,是对《联合国宪章》、1953 年《朝鲜停 战协定》和 1992 年《关于北南和解、互不侵犯和合作交 协议书 》 的 公然践踏。
The armed attack by North Korea against the Republic of Korea Navy ship is a flagrant violation of the Charter of the United Nations, the 1953 Korean Armistice Agreement and the 1992 Agreement on Reconciliation, Non-aggression and Exchanges and Cooperation between the South and the North.
应当指出的是,为网上解决制造商与供应商之间的争议而 确立的国际争议解决中协议书不再 局限于同通用电器公司有关的网上案件, 如今作为一项一般协议书可普 遍适用于制造商与供应商争议的网上解决。
It may be noted that
[...] the ICDR Protocol established for the online resolution of manufacturer/supplier disputes is no longer restricted to online cases related to GE, but is now available as a general protocol to apply to the online resolution of manufacturer/supplier disputes generally.
此外,巴伐利亚州银行及其 100%的子公 司“能源与商品服务责任有限公司”Energy & Commodity Services GmbH
[...] 和裕宝银行股份公司及其下属“碳素解决方案”部门均根据京 协议书 和欧 盟排污权交易的规定向客户提供气候保护方面的咨询。
Beyond this, the BayernLB offers advisory services
on topics of climate protection
[...] according to the Kyoto Protocol and EU emissions [...]
trading together with Energy & Commodity
Services GmbH, which is a 100% subsidiary, and the HypoVereinsbank AG does the same with its Carbon Solutions department.
2010年9月3 日,两位总统候选人签署了一 协议书 , 承诺在选举之前、 期间和之后确保和平。
On 3 September 2010, the two presidential
[...] candidates signed an agreement to ensure a peaceful [...]
period before, during and after the elections.
例如,它审查了多方捐助者协议、费用分 协议 、 协议书 、 以 及开 发署和发展伙伴之间的谅书等协议 中 的 审计和调查条款,并向管理当局提供了 咨询意见。
For example, it reviewed and advised management on audit and investigation clauses in agreements, such as multi-donor agreements, cost-sharing agreements, letters of agreement, and letters of understanding between UNDP and development partners.
难民署告知委员会,根据两个办公室之间签署 协议书 (2007 年签署) 和《谅解备忘录》(2001 [...]
年最后一次修订) ,监督厅自1995 年以来 一直提供难民署内部审计服务。
The Committee was
[...] informed by UNHCR that OIOS had been providing [...]
UNHCR’s internal audit services since 1995, which was guided
by a Memorandum of Understanding between the two Offices (last revised in 2001), in addition to a Letter of Agreement (signed in 2007).
年1月23日,三菱重工印刷纸工机械株式会社(取缔役社长:清水 雅巳) 与利优比株式会社/Ryobi Limited(代表取缔役社长:浦上 彰)两家公司就开始进行 商业用印刷机事业的业务合作的协商事宜签订了基 协议书 , 以此向外界发布。
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Printing & Packaging Machinery, Ltd. (Masami Shimizu, President) and Ryobi Limited (Akira
Urakami, President and
[...] COO) herein announce signing a Letter of Intent, dated January 23, 2013, for a joint study on business alliance for commercial printing machinery business.
另一方面,三菱日联摩根士丹利证券由于日立金属和日立电线两公司的股票在金融商品交易所上 市,存在市场股价,采用了市场股价分析方法(计算基准日为发布“关于日立金属株式会社与日立电线 株式会社经营整合基协议书签订相关的通知”的 2012 年 11 月 13 日之前一天(即 2012 年 11 月 12 日 以及 2013 年 2 月 8 日;根据在东京证券交易所市场第一部的日立金属股票和在东京证券交易所市场第 一部的日立电线股票在各计算基准日的收盘价,以及各计算基准日往前推 1 周、1 个月、3 个月和 6 个 月的交易日的收盘价算出平均值,并以此作为计算基础)。
Meanwhile, Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities determined that the value of Hitachi Metals’ and Hitachi Cable’s stocks should be analyzed using the market price analysis based on the fact that the stocks of both companies are listed on the financial instruments exchange market and that the market price of Hitachi Metals’ and Hitachi Cable’s stock is readily available.
该案一审判决联合开发有限,房屋买卖关系有效,但后经省高院(2001)浙法民终字第28号民事判决书判决:“被告与分公司签订的协议、商品房开发承 协议书 应 确 认无效,讼争地块使用权属被告,其他上建筑物亦应确认归被告所有,分公司出售威龙商住楼2-3号A、B四幢房屋,属非所有权人处分他人财产,据此,分公司与电信局邮政局之间购 协议书 应 确 认无效……余款5401753.18元及相应利息应由分公司退还给电信局、邮政局;至于分公司与被告之间的款项结算问题,不是本案审理范围,可另行处理。
The verdict, joint development Co., LTD, but building business relationship after ShengGaoYuan (2001) method of zhejiang people at the
28th sentence: "the
[...] civil judgment agreements with branch, commodity housing development contract agreement shall be invalid, and the use of land ownership is indivisible, and other buildings should confirm to the defendant, customer services sold 2-3 A, B four houses, the ownership of the property of other people, accordingly, the disciplinary branch and telecommunication bureau buys agreement between the post [...]
office 5401753.18 balance should be identified invalid...
and the corresponding interest shall be RMB refund branch post office; as for branch service, with the payment problem between the scope of hearing, not this, can further processing.
包括种类经济贸易、进出口贸易、金融、保险、证券等资料:报价单、信用证、提单、装箱单、数量单、检验证书、商业发票、运输凭证、进出口合同、购销买卖合同 协议书 、 意 向书、往来贸易信件、传真、电传、电子邮件资料、中外合资、合作、经营项目资料、项目招商引资资料、国际承包工程资料、企划文案、培训资料、商业信函、营销资料、销售手册、促销材料、售后服务手册、新闻发布稿、市场调研、备忘录、公司简介、样本资料、宣传册、海报、简报、媒体广告、宣传广告等。
Economic, trade, import & export trade, finance, insurance and securities including quotation, L/C, B/L, packing list, quantity list, inspection certificate, commercial invoice, transportation certificate, import & export
contract, purchase &
[...] sales contract, agreement, letter of intent, business letters, fax, telex, e-mails, joint venture, cooperative [...]
and operation project
materials, project capital introduction materials, international contract project materials, corporate plan scheme, training materials, business letters, marketing materials, sales manual, promotion materials, after-sales service manual, news release draft, market investigation, memo, company profile, sample book, booklet, poster, briefing, media & publication advertisement etc.
威廉·莎士比亚与赫库里斯·昂德希尔的最 协议书 是 确 认莎士比亚对埃文河畔斯特拉特福的新坊 (New Place) 房子所有权的协议,于 1602 年的米迦勒节(译注:纪念天使米迦勒的基督教节日,公历 9 月 29 日)签署。
The final concord between William Shakespeare and Hercules Underhill is the confirming title to Shakespeare's New Place house in Stratford-upon-Avon, signed Michaelmas 1602.




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