单词 | 华里 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 华里 —li (Chinese unit of distance)
为了执行萨尔瓦多和洪都拉斯间的这一公约,还补充制定了《 纳 华 特 里克 ( Nahuaterique)地区居民国籍选择权执行程序手册》,该手册制定的目的是为了明 确在国籍选择程序方面不够清楚的部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Convention between El Salvador and Honduras was complemented by a handbook of procedures for the exercise, by the people of the Nahuaterique region, of the right to choose their nationality. daccess-ods.un.org |
我可能会将场景设定在海滩上或者豪 华 酒 店 里 , 但 我会刻意地不去描写那些具体的细节,从而让读者可以运用他们自己的想像。 iwc.com | I leave a lot undefined. I might set the scene on a beach or in a grand hotel, but I intentionally don’t describe the details so that readers can use their imaginations. iwc.com |
Tremblay于2010年加入温哥华香格里拉大 酒店的MARKET餐厅,并通过购买各种稀有和年代久远的葡萄酒来为餐厅的酒窖增添各种高级的酒类。 shangri-la.com | Tremblay joined Shangri-La Hotel, Vancouver, and MARKET [...] Restaurant in 2010 and has added much depth to the cellar by acquiring rare, back-vintage bottles. shangri-la.com |
波兰最大的机场在华沙: 华沙弗雷德里克肖邦国际机场。 paiz.gov.pl | The biggest Polish airport is the one at Warsaw: the Warsaw Frederic Chopin Airport. paiz.gov.pl |
罗宾逊街是温哥华最著名的商业街,距离温 哥 华 香 格 里 拉 酒店仅一个街区。 shangri-la.com | Robson Street, just one block from the hotel, is Vancouver's most recognizable shopping street. shangri-la.com |
鲍里克是一名德国共产党员,为躲避纳粹分子的迫害逃到上海,之后自30岁至46岁的“黄金 年 华 ” 都在 这 里 度 过。 shanghaibiennale.org | Paulick spent his “best years” between 30 and 46 in Shanghai after having to flee from the National Socialists due to his communist beliefs. shanghaibiennale.org |
不妨在阿加迪尔的港口登陆,暂别您所乘坐的 豪 华 邮 轮 ,在 这 里 度 过 美妙的一天。 msccruises.com.cn | Leave your luxury MSC cruise liner in Agadir port [...] and come away from the ship for the day. msccruises.com.au |
书记官处 2009 年 10 月 30 日收到 2009 年 10 月 28 日洪都拉斯常驻联合国 [...] 代表豪尔赫·阿图罗·雷纳的一份送文函,何塞·曼努埃尔·塞拉亚·罗萨莱斯 为首的政府的外交部长帕特丽夏·伊莎贝尔·罗达斯·巴卡在该函所递信件中除 [...] 其他外通知法院,洪都拉斯驻荷兰大使不是洪都拉斯在法院的合法代表,而“爱 德华多·恩里克·雷 纳大使将被任命为洪都拉斯政府在国际法院的唯一合法代 [...]表”。 daccess-ods.un.org | By a letter dated 28 October 2009, received in the Registry on 30 October 2009 under the cover of a letter dated 29 October 2009 from Jorge Arturo Reina, Permanent Representative of Honduras to the United Nations, Patricia Isabel Rodas Baca, Minister for External Relations in the government headed by José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, informed the Court, inter alia, that the Ambassador of Honduras to the Netherlands was not the legitimate [...] representative of Honduras before the Court and that [...] “Ambassador Eduardo Enrique Reina is being [...]appointed as the sole legitimate representative [...]of the Government of Honduras to the International Court of Justice”. daccess-ods.un.org |
爱德华多从家里跑了 ,证明他不是一个懦夫。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Eduardo runs away from the home to [...] prove that he's not a coward. mt.seekcartoon.com |
亨利·爱德华·帕特里奇在 他1873年的日记中写道:"我们在57或58年埋葬了我们忠实的老‘Mauma’Mollie — 她几乎照料过家里的所有儿童;是我母亲的朋友和忠实仆人;在她的小屋里,我们经常吃炒腊肉及灰烤饼等家常饭,我们在这里始终都能得到欢迎和同情,我们就像对第二母亲一样爱她。 wdl.org | Henry Edward Partridge recorded in his diary in 1873: “We buried either in 57 or 58 our faithful old ‘Mauma’ Mollie – her who [...] had nursed nearly all [...]of the children of the family; been a friend as well as faithful servant to my Mother; in whose cabin we had often eaten the homely meal of fried bacon & ash cake and where we always had welcome and sympathy and whom we loved as a second mother. wdl.org |
豆保持在一个豪华的酒店,在那里他 进 入许多出轨。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Bean stays in a posh hotel where he gets into many escapades. seekcartoon.com |
从中国面试程序中挑选出来的少数候选人的申请表将报 送 华 盛 顿 ,在 那 里 作 最 终选拔。 embassyusa.cn | Applications for a limited number of candidates who [...] are selected from the China interview process will be [...] submitted to Washington, D.C., where the final selections [...]are made. eng.embassyusa.cn |
国际社会现在应当明确造成加沙人道主义局势 的责任所在:责任在于选择暴力、拒绝和平的恐怖主 义分子;在于背弃加沙人民,躲在防空洞或大马士革 豪华酒店里,选择危害和利用而非保护加沙人民的哈 马斯领导人。 daccess-ods.un.org | responsibility for the humanitarian situation in Gaza where it lies: on the shoulders of the terrorists who have chosen violence over peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
波兰现在有四座可以举办大型体育赛事的顶尖体育场。最令 人惊叹的改造毫无疑问是发生在华沙 , 那 里 的 原 十周年庆体育 场曾处于半废弃状态,而且它曾是欧洲最大的户外市场之一。 paiz.gov.pl | The most amazing transformation [...] arguably occurred in Warsaw where the old 10th [...]Anniversary Stadium was semi-derelict and [...]home to one of the largest outdoor markets in Europe. paiz.gov.pl |
由拉丁美洲 和加勒比国家集团的代表提名,爱德 华 多 ·乌 利 瓦 里 ( 哥 斯 达黎加)以鼓掌方式 当选为主席。 daccess-ods.un.org | Upon his nomination by the representative of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean States, Eduardo Ulibarri (Costa Rica) was elected Chairman by acclamation. daccess-ods.un.org |
娇韵诗实验室使用的柠檬百里香萃取 精 华 均 来 自有机栽培。 clarinsusa.com | The lemon thyme extract used by Clarins Laboratories is obtained from organic cultivation. clarinsusa.com |
黄祖耀先生是新加坡成就非凡的银行家和商业巨子,同时也是具有威望 的 华 社 领 袖;丹 斯 里 拿 督 李深静局绅是马来西亚举足轻重的著名企业家,对棕榈油工业做出了重要贡献;刘永好先生在八十年代白手起家,拥有目前中国最大的饲料生产企业;梁振英先生以专业精英身份,领导世界级房地产咨询公司,并在香港政界极具影响力;陈启宗先生不但纵横香港房地产业,同时也是一位涉足教育及文化领域的“学者型商人”。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Tan Sri Dato Lee Shin Cheng, at the helm of a prominent Malaysian conglomerate, is very successful in the oil palm industry; Mr Liu Yong Hao is an entrepreneur who built up his agribusiness empire in the 1980s, which now ranks as one of China’s largest; Mr Leung Chun-ying is a respected professional distinguished by his involvement in a global property consultancy and in the Hong Kong political scene; Mr Ronnie Chan is a leading figure in Hong Kong’s real estate industry and well-known for his involvement in the world of academia. english.sccci.org.sg |
毒品和犯罪问题办公 室在 2010 年进行的空中调查显示,在该国北部两个省份:丰 沙 里 省 和 华 潘 省存 在罂粟种植。 daccess-ods.un.org | The aerial survey conducted by UNODC in 2010 revealed the existence of opium poppy cultivation in two provinces in the north of the country: Phongsali and Houaphan. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个循环”飞行员会谈”在2012年12月安排 在 华 沙 ,波 兰,马 德 里 , 西 班 牙,葡萄 牙 里 斯 本 , 意大利米兰,俄罗斯莫斯科, 俄罗斯圣彼得堡;、立陶宛维尔纽斯和瑞典的斯德哥尔摩进行。 aviasg.com | The cycle “Pilot Talks” is [...] arranged to take place in Warsaw, Poland; Madrid, Spain; Lisbon, Portugal; Milan, [...]Italy; Moscow, Russia; [...]Saint Petersburg, Russia; Vilnius, Lithuania, and Stockholm, Sweden, till December 2012. aviasg.com |
加利西亚老将傀儡公司,这是把30年的经验,他走上了他的项目“疯狂的”好一个字的意义,并与本次车展,其中迈克尔Borines小丑,安德烈和爱 德 华 多 ·罗 德 里 格 斯 Giráldez体现三个史前人类或狩猎,或聚集在森林食品,或者什么也不做,但让人笑到族人。 colexio-karbo.com | The veteran puppet Galician company, which is about to turn 30 years of experience, he embarked on his project “wildest”-in a good sense of the word, and clown with this show, in which Michael Borines, Andres and Eduardo Rodriguez Giráldez embody three prehistoric beings or hunt or gather food in the forest, or do nothing but make people laugh to his fellow tribesmen. colexio-karbo.com |
2000年,被任命为马里驻中华人民共和国及其他一些亚洲国家大使,官邸位于中国北京。 coin.fao.org | In 2000, he was [...] appointed Ambassador of Mali to the People’s [...]Republic of China and a few other Asian countries with residence in Beijing, China. coin.fao.org |
另外四条电缆隧道是分别长约 0.8 公里的田湾至华富电缆隧道及数码港 至 华 富 电 缆隧道,长约 0.2 公里的榕树湾电缆隧道及长约 0.1 公里的北角嘴电缆隧道。 sc.hkelectric.com | The other four cable tunnels are the [...] Tin Wan-Wah Fu Cable Tunnel and Cyberport-Wah Fu Cable Tunnel, both of about 0.8km, the 0.2 km Yung Shue Wan Cable Tunnel and 0.1 km Pak Kok Tsui [...]Cable Tunnel. hkelectric.com |
例如,在华盛顿 州西雅图,税款可通过厄立 特 里 亚 拥有的一家旅 行社缴纳。28 他们采用的方法是否具有敲诈或非法性质往往要视所在国或所在州 法律而定,并取决于收税人是外交官还是外国其他注册代理商、收税人的国籍以 [...] 及收税人利用了哪类法律和行政漏洞。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Seattle, Washington, for example, taxes can be paid through an Eritrean-owned [...] travel agency.28 Whether or not the techniques [...]they employ are extortive or illicit is often a matter of national or state law, and depends upon such questions as whether or not the collector is a diplomat or other registered agent of a foreign power, the nationality of the collector and the kinds of legal and administrative loopholes employed by collectors. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于侵 犯言论自由和宗教信仰自由的问题,厄立 特 里 亚 应 当废除其宗教禁令,不再逮捕 其他宗教的信徒;不再歧视耶和华见 证 会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regarding the violation of freedom of opinion and worship, Eritrea should repeal its ban on religions, cease its practice of arresting individuals who meet and practise other faiths, and end discrimination against Jehovah’s Witnesses. daccess-ods.un.org |
这家华盛顿特区酒店距白宫、杜邦环岛和使馆区 0.5 英里(0.8 公里),距华盛顿纪念碑和乔治敦 1 英里(1.6 公里),距史密森博物馆 (Smithsonian Museums) 2 英里(3 公里),紧邻罗纳德里根华盛顿 国家机场。 marriott.com.cn | Located half a mile from the White House, Dupont Circle and Embassy Row, only one mile from the Washington Monument and Georgetown, and 2 miles from the Smithsonian Museums, this DC hotel is minutes from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. marriott.com |
所有医疗服务都是由设在领土城里的 爱德 华三世 国王纪念医院提供,该医院向平民、驻在城里的军事人员和在群岛周边捕 鱼的外国渔船提供一整套初级保健服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | All health services are based at the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital in the Territory’s town, which provides a range of primary-care services to the civilian population, military personnel stationed in town and foreign fishing fleet personnel around the Islands. daccess-ods.un.org |
328 396. 例如,虽然在美国的领事财务是由厄立 特 里 亚 驻 华 盛 顿 哥伦比亚特区 使馆的一名高级官员 Berhane Ghebrehiwet 协调的,但驻美国的非领事人员经 常携带人阵的现金到迪拜和其他外国目的地。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, while consular finances in the United States are coordinated by Berhane Ghebrehiwet, a senior official at the Eritrean embassy in Washington, D.C., United States-based non-consular agents regularly carry PFDJ cash to Dubai and other foreign destinations. daccess-ods.un.org |
据两名前厄立特里亚驻华盛顿 哥 伦比亚特区使馆领事官员称,这方面的两名个人是:Tesfay Barrios,此人是 在 华 盛 顿 哥 伦 比亚特区的一名商 [...] 人,据称在哥 伦 比亚特区为 Hagos Gebrehiwot 经营至少一家加油站;Martha [...] Solomon,此人是芝加哥居民,自 称在迪拜有生意,在美国有房地产生意。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to two former consular officials [...] at the Eritrean [...] embassy in Washington, D.C., two such individuals are Tesfay Barrios, a businessman [...]who allegedly runs at [...]least one petrol station for Hagos Gebrehiwot in the Washington, D.C., area, and Martha Solomon, a Chicago resident, who claims to have business interests in Dubai and real estate interests in the United States.329The Monitoring Group has been made aware of several other Eritrean individuals allegedly performing similar services in California, Nevada and the Washington, D.C., area on behalf of the Eritrean embassy, and continues to investigate. daccess-ods.un.org |