单词 | 华裔 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 华裔 —ethnic Chineseless common: non-Chinese citizen of Chinese ancestry See also:裔—frontier 华—magnificent • splendid • flowery • abbr. for China • surname Hua
(d) 在公共援助、补贴与免税方面,对外国人学校及在缔约国居住的 韩裔 与华裔子弟的学校给予不同待遇 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) The differential treatment of schools for [...] foreigners and descendants of Korean and [...]Chinese residing in the State party, with [...]regard to public assistance, subsidies and tax exemptions daccess-ods.un.org |
无法准确计算有 多少华裔缅甸 人或有多少中国公民居住在缅甸。 crisisgroup.org | It is impossible to give an accurate count of how many Burmese of Chinese origin, or Chinese nationals live in Myanmar. crisisgroup.org |
朝鲜政府于 2002 年通 过法案建立特区,并任命华裔荷兰 商人杨斌来管理这一项目。 crisisgroup.org | The DPRK passed legislation establishing the zone in 2002 and named Yang Bin, a Chinese-Dutch businessman, to manage the project. crisisgroup.org |
我是第一个担任此职的华裔美国人。 embassyusa.cn | I understand why: I am the first Chinese-American to hold this post. eng.embassyusa.cn |
美籍华裔大提 琴家马友友:“我在音乐中领悟到的一点是,我们必须超越自我,向更大的目标共同努力。 china.blackstone.com | Yo-Yo Ma, American Cellist: “One thing I've learned in music is that we must work toward something bigger than ourselves. blackstone.com |
在中国,我们自豪地代表数以百万计 的 华裔 美 国 人和各族裔的美国人,他们重视家庭和社区观念,中国的新年之际是能体现的很好的时候。 embassyusa.cn | Here in China, we are proud to represent [...] the millions of Chinese Americans and [...]Americans of all heritages who appreciate [...]the values of family and community that the Chinese New Year embodies so well. eng.embassyusa.cn |
我很自豪成为美国第一任华裔驻华大 使。 embassyusa.cn | I’m very proud to be the first Chinese-American U.S. Ambassador to China. eng.embassyusa.cn |
策划及制作「广东省王杰巡迴演唱会」、「国 际 华裔 小 姐 」 (2002年、2004年及2008年)、「金利来集团特约从国宝文物看西安特辑」、「全球华人黄帝陵大祭祖活动」、「樟木头第3届香港人旅游节」、「家燕家你皆大欢喜演唱会」、「祟福皮革之夜明星演唱会」、「哈尔滨成龙好朋友慈善演唱会」、「2006同心同根太阳计划走进西安演唱会」、「香港明星足球队多伦多慈善之旅2007」、「2009国际欢乐嘉年华」、「All for Ken 2011枫再起时蔡枫华广州演唱会」、「哈尔滨. fso-createhk.gov.hk | Planned and produced "Wong Kit Concert in Guang Dong", "Miss Chinese International" (2002, 2004 & 2008), "Goldlion - Xian Special", "Memorial Ceremony of the King in Xian", "The 3rd Hong Kong People Tour Festival", "Nancy Sit Concert", a sponsored concert in Zhang Mu Tou, "Jackie CHAN and Friends Concert", "The Sun Project: Xian Concert", a contect organised by All Star Sports Association, a mobile game event in Harbin, concert "All for Ken 2011", "Style Hong Kong Show in Harbin", and "Harbin-Hong Kong Economic and Trade Cooperation Meeting and Signing Ceremony". fso-createhk.gov.hk |
申请者必须是年龄在21岁以上并于新加坡居住 的 华裔 专 业 人士。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | This membership [...] type is open to ethnic Chinese professionals [...]who are above 21 years of age and residing in Singapore. english.sccci.org.sg |
在上一次(1983 年)人口普查中,尽管分类标准模糊,但 约有几十万人登记,当时华裔缅甸人口众多,虽然人数不明, 但影响力不可小视(证人,如,奈温将军,Brigadier Aung Gyi)。 crisisgroup.org | In the last census of 1983, there were several hundred thousand listed, although the criteria for such a categorisation was obscure, and there is an extensive Sino-Burman population of unknown size but considerable influence (witness, for example, General Ne Win, Brigadier Aung Gyi). crisisgroup.org |
而SCORE每次挑选15至20名具有潜质的 华裔 女 前 囚犯参与“职训与就业”计划,管理学院为她们提供“卓越服务”,以及“服务业英语”课程培训。 cwg.sccci.org.sg | Instructors will conduct Go-the-Extra-Mile for Service (GEMS) and English for Front-Line Staff courses for these selected candidates. cwg.sccci.org.sg |
年,劳工组织专家委员会回顾了以前关于巴索托和亚裔社区间种族紧 张关系的意见,并注意到莱索托作出声明,指出巴索托 与 华裔 雇 主 间的紧张关系 主要是交流障碍和文化差异造成的,劳动部已在针对纺织业工人与雇主的培训中 提到了该问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2008, the ILO Committee of Experts recalled it previous comments concerning existing ethnic tensions between the Basotho and ethnic Asian communities, and noted the statement by Lesotho that tensions between the Basotho and employers of Chinese origin were mainly caused by communication barriers and cultural differences, and that the Ministry of Labour had been raising the issue in training sessions with workers and employers in the textile industry.42 18. daccess-ods.un.org |
这部分新城区设有一些欧 盟机构总部,还有许多新型建筑,比 如由普利兹克建筑奖得主、美籍华裔 建筑师贝聿铭设计的现代艺术博物馆 (Mudam),馆内拥有不少当代艺术收 藏品;由普利兹克建筑奖得主、法国人 Christian de Portzamparc设计的爱 乐音乐厅等。 setupineurope.com | This new part of the City where the EU institutions have established their headquarters, hosts new buildings like the Museum of Modern Art (Mudam) with a contemporary art collection designed by Pritzker Prize laureate and Chinese American Architect, I.M. Pei, and the Philharmonie concert hall designed by the French Pritzker Prize laureate, Christian de Portzamparc. setupineurope.com |
一个可能的例外是曼德勒以及北部的 华裔 新 移 民所 引发的紧张关系。 crisisgroup.org | The possible exception would be tensions with recentlyarrived Chinese migrants in Mandalay and the north. crisisgroup.org |
任何怀疑这个事实的人只需要看看我 —— 一个移民男仆的孙子,华裔美国人 —— 或者我们的总统 ——从而再次印证使美国社会蓬勃发展的开放性及自省和改变的能力。 embassyusa.cn | Anyone who doubts this fact need only look [...] at me – the Chinese-American grandson of an immigrant houseboy – or at our President [...]– to be reassured [...]of the openness and ability for self-examination and change that enables American society to thrive. eng.embassyusa.cn |
黄柳霜是好莱坞黄金时代最著名的 华裔 美 国 女演员,像路易斯·布鲁克斯(Louise Brooks) 一样,她勇于追求自由,是摩登女郎叛逆时代的化身。 hkupress.org | Anna May Wong was the best known Chinese American actress during Hollywood's golden age, a free spirit and embodiment of the flapper era much like Louise Brooks. hkupress.org |
这就是为什么在美国我们有大量的 华裔 人 口。 embassyusa.cn | That’s why we have large Chinese populations in America. eng.embassyusa.cn |
由2012年5月份开始,中华社区及长者服务增设了一个新的宣传渠道,以普通话及广东话在西澳大利 亚 华裔 社 区 传播养老护理须知的信息。 chungwahcac.org.au | Starting in May 2012, Chung Wah Community & Aged Care (CAC) has established an additional channel to provide aged care information to the Mandarin and Cantonese speaking population in Western Australia. chungwahcac.org.au |
马先生出生于巴黎,后随华裔父母迁居美国并在美国接受教育,他相信音乐就像磁石一样,能够将人们汇聚到一起。 un.org | Born in Paris to Chinese parents and educated [...] in the United States, Mr. Ma believes that music can act as a magnet to draw people together. un.org |
我从法律开始参与政治,过了一段时间当选华盛顿州州长 - 美国大陆第一位亚裔美国人州长,美国历史上第一 位 华裔 美 国 人州长。 embassyusa.cn | From law I got involved in politics, and eventually I was elected the Governor of the State of Washington -- the first Asian-American Governor on the mainland United States; the first Chinese-American Governor in the history of the United States. eng.embassyusa.cn |
位于地理位置显赫的图根(Thüngen)要塞,卢森堡大公现代艺术博物馆由美 籍 华裔 建 筑 师贝聿铭设计,占地10,000多平方米,其中3,000平方米将用于永久性展示当代艺术作品(绘画及雕塑)。 pekin.mae.lu | Located on the exceptional site of Fort Thüngen, the Grand Duke Jean Museum of Modern Art, designed by the Sino-American architect I.M. Pei, boasts an area of more than 10,000 m2, of which 3,000 m2 is reserved for permanent exhibitions of contemporaryworks (paintings and sculptures). pekin.mae.lu |
但我的故事和数百万华裔美国 人乃至对美国的成功贡献良多的世界各地的移民的故事很相像。 embassyusa.cn | But my story is like the story [...] of millions of Chinese-Americans and [...]indeed immigrants from around the world who have contributed [...]so much to America’s success. eng.embassyusa.cn |
美国国务部国际信息局(IIP)《美国参考》Merle David Kellerhals Jr.从华盛顿报道,美国参议院一致确认商务部长骆家辉(Gary Locke)担任美国驻中国大使;骆家辉由此成为美国历史上第一位担任这一职务 的 华裔 美 国 人。 embassyusa.cn | Washington - The U.S. Senate unanimously confirmed Commerce Secretary Gary Locke as U.S. ambassador to China, the first Chinese American to hold the post in American history. eng.embassyusa.cn |
从衣着看,是典型的华裔美籍少女,当谈 起北韩情况、活动安排等等,又流露出几分成熟。 ccineurope.org | When we talked about conditions in North Korea and her activity arrangements, she exuded a certain amount of maturity. ccineurope.org |
骆家辉大使回忆了他的曾在华南生活的祖辈,赞扬数百 万 华裔 美 国 人对美国政治、经济和文化所作的贡献,并承诺“确保中国人对美国保持很强的信心。 embassyusa.cn | Ambassador Locke recalled his ancestral roots in south China by praising the contributions of millions of Chinese-Americans [...] to American politics, [...]economy, and culture and committed himself to “ensuring that Chinese faith in America remains strong. eng.embassyusa.cn |
可能是录音史上最好地运用咳嗽、打喷嚏、还有小鸡叫声的人,这个加拿 大 华裔 凭 借 对有趣采样的熟练技术成为了传奇。 yugongyishan.com | Making what is possibly the best use of coughing, sneezing and chicken sounds in recorded history, this Chinese-Canadian’s knack for comic sampling has become stuff of legend. yugongyishan.com |
Hummel教授,美国Acebtech Inc.的华裔Rose Mary Su女士,英国约克大学环境工程学院教授Dieter Schwela先生以及美国ICBEN(国际噪声生理效应协会)主席Larry Finegold先生等,与国内学者分享了国外的建筑声学经验;清华大学著名教授燕翔、黄展春,武汉理工大学客座教授汪峻峰博士等,也与听众们分享了国内建筑声学领域的典型案例和操作经验。 knauf-tianjin.com.cn | In the 2009 series of lectures, we have invited the following experts: Professor Jin Yong JEON, the famous expert in architectural acoustics from South Korea; Professor Hummel from Germany; Ms. Rose Mary Su, of Chinese descent from U.S. Acebtech Inc; Mr. Dieter Schwela, professor at the school of environmental engineering, University of York, England; Mr. Larry Finegold, Chairman of ICBEN; and Yan Xiang and Zhu Xiangdong, professors from Tsinghua University; Dr. Wang Junfeng, visiting professor at Wuhan University of Technology, etc. The personal experience of the experts and abundant contents of Bosom Friend Forum attracted a large number of students from Tsinghua University, experts of design units and those of related fields. knauf-tianjin.com.cn |
新加坡认识到没有尽善尽美的解决办法,新加坡 举例表明,在独立之后,新加坡选择了英语作为其工作语言,虽然对马 来 裔 、华 裔和印 度裔人口来说,它并非本地语言。 daccess-ods.un.org | Acknowledging that there were no perfect solutions, Singapore noted by way of example that, after independence, English had been chosen as the working language of Singapore, even though it was not native to its Malay, Chinese and Indian population. daccess-ods.un.org |
居住在成都的华裔即兴演奏家、作曲家、街头音乐家李带 果,以擅长演奏众多乐器闻名,他擅长和常用的乐器有:小提琴,中提琴,大提琴, 琵琶,南音琵琶,胡琴(包括二胡,四胡,板胡),长笛(箫,南箫 [也叫尺八 ],葫芦丝,口笛和巴乌),MBIRA (津巴布韦手指琴),克林巴琴和单簧管。 yugongyishan.com | Current Chengdu resident, American Chinese improvisor, composer and street musician Li Daiguo, has been known to play violin, viola, cello, pipa, nanyin pipa, huqin (including erhu, sihu,banhu erxuan), flute (xiao, nan-xiao [also called shakuhachi], hulusi, koudi and bawu), the Zimbabwean mbira, kalimba and clarinet. yugongyishan.com |
9岁华裔神童 余峻(Marc Yu)刚结束其四川之行,并以一曲肖邦的钢琴练习曲悼念所有在灾难中丧生的儿童。 usccii.com | A musical tribute, provided by the US-China Cultural Institute, featured the world premiere of a newly-commissioned work by Huang Ruo, "Elegy: How Could Sorrow Say It All," performed by the Attacca String Quartet and Sichuan-born soprano Jiang Fangtao, and Chopin's etude was played in memory of the perished children in China by 9-year old pianist Marc Yu, participant in the pre-Grammy Awards and recent visitor to Sichuan. usccii.com |