

单词 华商报

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External sources (not reviewed)

钱经》杂志华商报社主 管主办,投资理财类月刊,132页,胶订;封面/封底200克铜版纸;内页70克轻涂纸;每期15.00元,全年共180元,全国发售;每月1日出版;月均发行量420,000;华商传媒集团旗舰杂志;面向中高端理财读者。
Money Talks, directed
[...] and hosted by Chinese Business View Media, is [...]
a monthly journal on investment and finance, adhesive
binding, 132 pages; 200g coated-paper front/back cover; 70 g LWC paper inside; CNY 15 / volume, 180 for the whole year nationwide; published on the first day of each month; average monthly circulation of 420,000; flagship magazine of Chinese Business View Media; targeting readers engaged in high and middle-end financial activities.
2004年,他入选渥华商报年末 的“40岁以下青年企业家排行榜”,成为当地40位40岁以下的最佳年轻商业和公民领袖之一。
Mr. Arora personifies management and integration of technology, strategy, creativity and leadership, and in 2004 was named by the editors of the Ottawa Business Journal to its annual "Forty Under 40" list as one of the region's 40 best and brightest business and civic leaders under 40 years old.
华人世界》对全球经济一体化背景下的华 华商 进 行 报 道 和记录,向世界传播一种来自华人的声音,是华人圈的意见领袖;是一份权威的、主流的、国际化的华人圈大刊。
Chinese World is the opinion leader of the
[...] Chinese circle, making reports and records on Chinese people and Chinese businessmen in the context of [...]
global economic integration
and disseminating a sound from Chinese people to the world, as well as an authoritative, mainstream and international archive of the Chinese circle.
Lawi Weng,《中国警告司令员 避免掸邦出现不稳定局势》,The
Irrawaddy,2009 年 8 月 14 日;Hseng Khio Fah,《紧张局势令人们纷纷逃往中国》,掸邦
[...] 先驱通讯社,2009 年 8 月 24 日;《缅甸境内武装对峙重创中 缅边华商排长队逃离》,《经济参报》 , 2009 年 8 月 25 日。
Lawi Weng, “China warns commander to avoid
instability in Shan
[...] state”, The Irrawaddy, 14 August 2009; Hseng Khio Fah, “Tension sparks people [...]
to flee into China”, Shan Herald Agency, 24 August 2009
华盛顿邮报》对私营承商广泛 参与各种活动的描述2 说明了它们参与履 行此前一直由政府官员履行的职能的程度,而这些职能可能属于“国家固有职能” [...]
description of the wide range of
[...] activities2 in which private contractors are involved demonstrates [...]
the extent of their involvement
in performing functions, which, until now, had been performed by Government officials and could fall under the category of “inherently State functions”.
覆盖的媒体,包括在中国的最大和最重要的室内设计杂志之一 – 瑞丽家居的八页主题报道,以及大量专题文章在JMen,亚 华 尔 街 日 报 , Cu p, 华 宝 艇 ,国际高尔夫,高尔夫周刊,FHM(中国),Milk X,商时报,深圳商报,深 圳晚报,上海新闻晨报和东方日报。
The media coverage included an eight page spread in Rayli magazine – one of China’s biggest and most important interior design publications as well as substantial
features in JMen, WSJ
[...] Asia, Cup, China Boating, International Golf, Golf Week, FHM (China), Milk X, Commercial Times, Shenzhen Economic Daily, Shenzhen Evening News, Shanghai Morning Post [...]
and Oriental Morning Post.
每一年,L2(一个奢侈品行业的研究智库)发布了“中国数字 商 ” 报 告 , 对中国奢侈品品牌在网络的表现进行排名。
Every year, L2 (a think tank about the luxury industry) publishes its
[...] “China digital IQ” report that ranks the web [...]
presence of luxury brands in China.
2011年香港商业奖简介 香商业奖于1990年由DHL和香港华早 报 创 办,奖项的目的在于: 1) 每年公开表彰对保持及加强香港及珠三角洲的经济繁荣与国际地位做出突出贡献的香港工商业人士及机构; 2) 激发并维持企业家的精神,表彰并肯定优秀的企业管理标准。
ABOUT Hong Kong Business Award 2011 The Hong Kong Business Awards were established by DHL and the South China Morning Post in [...]
1990 with the following
aims and objectives: 1) To create an annual Business Awards to acknowledge publicly the vital contributions made by individuals and by companies in maintaining and expanding the economic viability and international stature in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta. 2) To create an environment through which the Business Awards will encourage and sustain the region's entrepreneurial spirit, and highlight and recognize excellent standards of corporate management and governance.
例如,华盛顿 州西雅图,税款可通过厄立特里亚拥有的一家旅 行社缴纳。28 他们采用的方法是否具有敲诈或非法性质往往要视所在国或所在州 法律而定,并取决于收税人是外交官还是外国其他注册代 商 、 收 税人的国籍以 及收税人利用了哪类法律和行政漏洞。
In Seattle, Washington, for example, taxes can be paid through an Eritrean-owned travel agency.28 Whether or not the techniques they employ are extortive or illicit is often a matter of national or state law, and depends upon such questions as whether or not the collector is a diplomat or other registered agent of a foreign power, the nationality of the collector and the kinds [...]
of legal and administrative
loopholes employed by collectors.
在胡锦涛与巴希尔的会报道 中华社指出,会谈非常“坦白”、“直率”、“真 诚”。
In its reports about Hu’s meeting with al-Bashir, Xinhua noted that the [...]
talks were “frank”, “candid” and “sincere”.
该工厂的十台 MAN Colorman 及 Goss Metrocolor 印刷机每天印制 2,850,000 份报纸,服务于多家重要报纸,其中包括《芝加哥论 报 》 、 《 华 尔 街 日 报 》 、 《纽约 报 》 、 《投资 商 业 日报》、芝加哥太阳时报媒体集团和 20 多家地区及专商报。
Its ten MAN Colorman and Goss Metrocolor presses manufacture 2,850,000 products each
day, printing a host of major
[...] newspaper titles, including the Chicago Tribune, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Investor's Business Daily, Chicago Sun-Times Media Publications, and over 20 regional and [...]
specialist business titles.
除了接受包括彭博社、ABC、CBS、 CNN和NPR等多家电视广播媒体的采访外,她的社评还常出现在如金融 报 、 华 尔 街 时 报 、 新 闻周刊 商 业 周 刊、福布斯和财富等杂志上。
In addition to television and radio appearances on Bloomberg, ABC, CBS, CNN, and NPR, her op-eds have
appeared in such publications as The Financial
[...] Times, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Businessweek, Forbes, and Worth.
Syed Hamid Albar,《缅甸-无辩护 之可能》,华尔街日报》, 2006 年 7 月 24 日;《缅甸不急 于推进外交》,法新社,2006 年 7 月 22 日;菲律宾外交部长 Romulo 称,如果缅甸遵循路线图,“那就没有问题”,但“我们 必须得考虑东盟的可信度和对东盟有利的做法。
Syed Hamid Albar, “It is not possible to defend Myanmar”, Wall Street Journal, 24 July 2006; “Myanmar not eager to promote diplomacy”, Agence France-Presse, 22 July 2006; Philippine Foreign Minister Romulo said that if Myanmar followed the roadmap, “then there is no problem”, but “in the end, we have to consider the credibility of ASEAN and what is good for ASEAN”.
文件 世界银行报告 (k) 渥华价格指数小组。
Report of the World Bank (k) Ottawa Group on Price [...]
美通社(亚洲)可以将每一篇客户的新闻稿发送到纽约证券交易所、美国证券交易所、纳斯达克交易所、伦敦交易所等全球主要交易所指定的信息披露媒体,包 括道琼斯、路透、彭博、美联社、《纽约 报 》 、 《 华 尔 街 日 报 》 、《今日美国》、《 投资者每商报》以及其它媒体。
To ensure the broadest possible distribution, we simultaneously deliver every story to the "disclosure" media designated by NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ and LSE, including Dow
Jones, Associated Press,
[...] Reuters, Bloomberg, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Investor's Business Daily and others.
华盛顿邮报》的 消息来源说:“在2003年6 月发表的报道披露站点情 况后,泰国官员敦促中央情报局将其关闭”。182 《纽约时报》后来称,据说当 地官员对“曼谷市郊一个代号‘猫眼’的黑点”日益感到不安,而这是中央情报 [...]
The sources of the Washington Post stated that, after “published reports revealed the existence [...]
of the site in June 2003,
Thai officials insisted the CIA shut it down”.182 The New York Times alleged later that local officials were said to be growing uneasy about “a black site outside Bangkok code-named Cat’s Eye” and that this was a reason for the CIA to want “its own, more permanent detention centers”.185 110.
参与此次交易的另外21家银行包括:Rabobank International、苏格兰皇家银行与苏格兰皇家银行(德国)有限公司、海湾第一银行新加坡分行、印度海外银行新加坡分行、卡塔尔国家银行新加坡分行、 华 银 行 有限公司、澳大利亚和新西兰银行集团有限公司、三菱东京UFJ银行株式会社新加坡分行、英国阿拉 商 业 银 行、中国信 商 业 银 行有限公司新加坡分行、瑞弗森国际银行集团有限公司新加坡分行、东亚银行有限公司新加坡分行、天顶银行(英国)有限公司、巴西银行、台湾银行新加坡分行、恒生银行有限公司、泰京银行(大众)有限公司新加坡分行、兆丰国际商业银行股份有限公司新加坡分行、印尼国家银行新加坡分行以及阿拉伯法国联合银行。
The 21 participating banks joining the Bookrunning Mandated Lead Arrangers in the transaction include: Rabobank International, The Royal Bank of Scotland plc and RBS (Deutschland) AG, First Gulf Bank PJSC, Singapore Branch, Indian Overseas Bank, Singapore Branch, Qatar National Bank SAQ, Singapore Branch, United Overseas Bank Limited, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Limited, Singapore Branch, British Arab Commercial Bank plc, Chinatrust Commercial Bank Co.
关于 A/CN.9/754/Add.2 号文件第 5
[...] 段,委员会商定,在 2011 年《示范 法》第 34 条和第 46 条的评注中指出,如果采购实体不以适当方式挑选被询价 的供应商或承包商,例如,采购实体要求属于某一公司集团的供应商或承商 报价, 或者要求在其他方面处于某种形式的共同财务或管理控制之下的供应商 或承商报价, 就有可能出现竞争不充分或竞争扭曲的风险。
With reference to paragraph 5 of document A/CN.9/754/Add.2, the Commission agreed to reflect, in the commentary to articles 34 and 46 of the 2011 Model Law, that there might be a risk of inadequate or distorted competition if the
procuring entity did not
[...] select the suppliers or contractors from which to request quotations appropriately, for example if it requested quotations from suppliers or contractors [...]
belonging to a corporate
group or that were otherwise under some form of common financial or managerial control.
2008 年 6 月 9 日至 12 日,特报告员在华盛顿 全球反恐合作中心主办 的议会简 报会上作了非正式介绍。
From 9 to 12 June 2008
[...] the Special Rapporteur was in Washington, DC, and gave an informal Congressional briefing organized [...]
by the Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation.
委员会 并鼓励缔约国根据《人权商报告》 的建议确保在新的“人权框架”下建立反种 族主义战略,并确保通过一项面对所有澳大利亚人的、尤其是指出制止歧视、偏 见和种族主义的教育方案。
The Committee also encourages the State party to ensure that an anti-racism strategy be established under the new Human Rights Framework, as per the recommendations of the Human Rights Consultation Report, and that an education programme for all Australians, with particular reference to combating discrimination, prejudice and racism, be adopted.
我们收集 IP
[...] 地址是出于系统管理的目的,以便向我们的广 商报 告 综 合信息以及跟踪本网站的使用情况。
We collect IP addresses for purposes of system
[...] administration, to report aggregate information [...]
to our advertisers, and to track the use of this Site.
[...] 部门已排除消耗臭氧层物质非法进口的发生率,但有些进 商报 告 , 他们不能放弃跨越黑 海或一些边境控制点的某些走私行为,但数量可能很少。
While the Customs Department has
excluded the incidence of illegal ODS
[...] imports, some importers reported that they cannot [...]
discard some smuggling through the
Black Sea or some border control points, but the volume might be small.
但是,运商报告指 出,他们通过中介机 构,按卡车数量向地区指挥官办公室缴付额外税款;每辆卡车的税款为 [...]
50 000 至 500 000 西非法郎不等。
Transporters are reporting that they have [...]
to pay additional taxes per truck directly to zone commander offices through an
intermediary; the amounts per truck vary from CFAF 50,000 to CFAF 500,000.
美国国务院国际信息局(IIP)《美国参考》MacKenzie C. Babb从华盛顿报道, 美国副总统拜敦(Biden)看望了驻扎在日本横田空军基地的美国军队,感谢他们在今年早些时候日本遭受地震、海啸和核灾难的严重破坏后的恢复努力中提供帮助。
Washington — Vice President Biden met with [...]
U.S. troops at Yokota Air Base in Japan to thank them for their assistance in
Japan’s recovery efforts following the country’s devastating earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster earlier this year.
中华人民共和国常驻联合国代表团向安全理事会第 1533(2004)号决议所设
[...] 委员会主席致意,并谨根据第 1896(2009)号决议附报告,说明华人 民 共和国 政府为执行第 1896(2009)号决议所采取的步骤。
The Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations presents its compliments to the Chairman of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004) and, pursuant to
resolution 1896 (2009), has the honour
[...] to transmit herewith a report on the steps taken by [...]
the Government of the People’s Republic
of China to implement resolution 1896 (2009).
企业内容管理解决方案领先提供商Formtek, Inc.与信息技术解决方案领先提商华 经 资 讯企业股份有限公司(台湾证券交易所代号:FIS,代码2468)今天宣布已签署合作伙伴关系协议,根据协议,华经资讯企业股份有限公司(FIS)将在包括中国台湾、大陆、香港和澳门在内的中国市场上销售Formtek, [...]
a leading provider of Enterprise Content Management solutions, and Fortune Information Systems Corporation (Taiwan Stock Exchange Symbol: FIS,
Code 2468), a leading Information
[...] Technology solutions provider, today announced [...]
that they have signed a Collaborative
Partnership Agreement enabling Fortune Information Systems Corporation (FIS) to market ECM technology developed by Formtek, Inc. to the Chinese markets, including Taiwan, Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau.
来源:国际货币基金组织,第 09/326 号国报告(华盛顿,基金组织,2009 年 12 月 8 日),第 31 页,以及第 10/228 号国报告(华盛顿,基金组织,2010 年 7 月 26 日),第 19 页;科特迪 瓦问题专家组的其他计算(见 S/2009/521,表 10)。
International Monetary Fund, Country Report No. 09/326 (Washington, IMF, 8 December 2009), p. 31, and Country Report No. 10/228 (Washington, IMF, 26 July 2010), p. 19; additional calculations by the Group of Experts on Côte d’Ivoire (see S/2009/521, table 10).
展会现场到访媒体 35 家,记者超过 45 人,其中中国工业报、机商报、装 备制造、 香港大公报、中新社、华社、 重庆新闻频道、重庆财经频道、人民网、华龙网等都对展会 进行了文字报道或视频报道。
China Industry News, Machinery &
[...] Electronics Business, China Equipment, Ta Kung Pao, China News Agency, Xinhua News Agency, [...]
Chongqing News Channel,
Chongqing New Finance Channel, People's Daily Online, and CQ News reported the fair by words or videos.
最近更新时间: 2011/11/18 //
[...] 在挪威王国驻上海总领事馆与挪威 华商 会 ( NBA) 共同主办的第三届上海挪威海鲜盛宴上,从挪威运抵上海的鲜活海产成为了此次活动的亮点之一。
Last updated: 18/11/2011 // Excellent seafood delivered alive from Norway was one of the highlights as the
Royal Norwegian Consulate General in Shanghai
[...] and Norwegian Business Association [...]
(NBA) co hosted the Third Annual Norwegian Seafood Dinner.
(e) 同时赞赏非正式商报告、 特别是第九次非正式 商 会 议 报 告 以及联合 国秘书长在粮农组织的支助下编写的报告的内容;这份报告说明渔业管理区域组 织作为各国养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群手段的重要性。
(e) Further appreciate the
[...] references in the reports on the informal consultations, particularly the ninth round of informal consultations, and in the [...]
report of the Secretary-General
of the United Nations prepared in cooperation with FAO, to the importance of regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) as a tool for use by countries in their efforts to conserve and manage straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks.




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