

单词 半自耕农

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External sources (not reviewed)

自一份 独立中期评估的结果显示,医生为改善就医途径和 医疗质量做出了显而易见的贡献,特别是 农 村 和 半 城 市 地区。
Results from an independent
[...] midterm evaluation indicated visible contributions to improving access to and quality of health services provided by the doctors, notably in rural and semi-urban areas.
大多数农场通过农耕获得50%到90%的收入,但有五分之一的农场获得不到 半 的 农耕 收 入
Most of these gain 50-90% of their income from farming, but about one fifth of all
[...] farms derive over half of their income from a non-agricultural source.
二零一二年上半年,Rio Vermelho 72%(二零一一年半年為 81%)的甘蔗原料由 自 行 耕 種 , 餘下則由獨立農民供應。
In the first half of 2012, Rio Vermelho farmed 72% (compared to 81% in H1 2011) [...]
of its sugarcane feedstock, with the balance
supplied by independent farmers.
以色列还在加沙境内强行封锁,因为以色 列禁止巴勒斯坦人进入加沙地带约三分之一的耕 农田,并禁止他们自己的 水域上捕鱼。
The blockade was being imposed from the inside as well, for Palestinians
were denied access to about one
[...] third of Gaza’s viable agricultural land and prohibited from fishing in their own waters.
[...] 何能够推动这一举措和推动关心粮食保障和气候变化的各国政府和捐助者关于 对妇女小自耕农进行 更多投资的新呼吁?
How can we build on this and on the
new calls for greater investment in women
[...] as smallholder farmers by Governments [...]
and donors concerned about food security and climate change?
在pantheistic所有之神梵天,对神灵,神灵崇拜的其他对象包含整个世界,因此,印度教本身适应各种形式的宗教 耕 地 婆 罗门崇高的神,对退化 自 然 崇 拜无知的 半 野 蛮 的 农 民。
In the pantheistic all-god Brahma, the whole world of deities, spirits, and other objects of worship is contained, so that Hinduism adapts itself to every form of religion,
from the lofty
[...] monotheism of the cultivated Brahmin to the degraded nature-worship of the ignorant, half savage peasant.
[...] 73%的农用土地归私人所有,这些土地中绝 大部分是由农民自耕农场为代表的个体企业耕种的,农场平均占地 [...]
1.65 公 顷。
Around 73% of the agricultural land of the country is in private property, The biggest part of the
lands is cultivated by individual enterprises,
[...] represented by peasant farms having an average [...]
share of 1,65 ha of land.
虽然全球粮食生产的一半是女农民 耕 作 的, 在撒哈拉以南非洲和加勒比这一比例更是高达 80%,然而,她们在耕种者中却是 属于最穷困的,这是因为她们往往没有土地产权和土地保有权,得不到正规的银 [...]
Even though women farmers cultivate more than half of global food production, [...]
amounting to as much as 80 per cent in sub-Saharan
Africa and the Caribbean, they are among the most disadvantaged cultivators because they tend to lack land titles and tenure, are not able to access formal banking and credit and typically do not benefit from Government programmes for the provision of agricultural inputs, technologies and marketing arrangements.
农业部门没有促进土地私有化、农民土地所有权、取消集体农场、建农 民自耕农场等 方面的改革,农民的生活水平没有提高,农村地区就业率也没有提 高。
Nor the reforms promoted in the agricultural sector with regard to the privatisation of land, land ownership by peasants, abolishment of collective farms and formation of peasant farms have not improved the living standard and have not increased the level of employment in the rural areas.
多家农村中小型企业农业活动从自 给 自 主 型 的 耕 作 活动转型到了实体企 业。
Furthermore, due to their improved business skills, more than 2,500 rural SMEs were able to transform their farming activity from subsistence farming to real businesses.
公司协助农民实现了农业生产的升级换代―― 自 给 自 足发 展到商农耕,并 协助改善了某些非洲国家的粮食保障状况,例如购买亚洲稻 米,供应给非洲。
Through its operations, Olam has
helped farmers to
[...] upgrade their farming activities – to move from subsistence to commercial farming; it has also helped [...]
improve the food security
situation in some African countries, for example by buying rice in Asia and supplying it in Africa.
认识到80% 的饥民生活在农村地区,50% 的饥民为小农户和传统农 民,鉴于各种投入的费用不断增加、而农业收入减少,这些人特别容易陷入粮食 不安全境地;贫穷的生产者越来越难以获得土地、水、种子和其 自 然 资源;可 持续和对性别问题敏感的农业政策是实现粮食安全和农村发展的重要手段;国家 对农耕者、 渔业社区和地方企业的支持是粮食安全和落实食物权的关键所在
Recognizes that 80 per cent of people suffering from hunger live in rural areas, and 50 per cent are small-scale and traditional farm holders, and that these people are especially vulnerable to food insecurity, given the increasing cost of various inputs and the fall in farm incomes; that
access to land, water,
[...] seeds and other natural resources is an increasing challenge for poor producers; that sustainable and gender-sensitive agricultural policies are important tools to achieve food security and rural development; and that support by States for small farmers, fishing communities [...]
and local enterprises
is a key element to food security and the provision of the right to food
此外,习惯已在演变, 一些家庭集体合作,在自农田上轮 耕 , 从 而大大减少总的劳动量,减少了如果 单干本来要在自己田里花费的时间。
In addition,
[...] customs have evolved whereby families work collectively and rotationally on each others’ farms, thereby substantially [...]
decreasing the
overall physical effort and the amount of time that they would have had to expend had they worked on their farms on their own.
农民的地位在这个阶段也发生了变化, 自耕农 变 成 了佃农。
The status of the peasant farmers changed in this period, from that of freeholder to that of tenant.
小型农业生产企业也参与上述过程自耕 农场的数量已减少到 2 000 个左右,这是因为许多小农场也加入生产合作社或签 [...]
The small agricultural producers participate [...]
in all the above mentioned processes – peasant farms, the number of which has
decrease with around 2,000 units, as they associate in production cooperatives or participate in agricultural lease contracts and transactions.
秘书长在其报告(A/C.5/59/2 和 Corr.1,第 94 和第 95 段)中,在他提出法院 法官和两法庭法官的薪酬应从 160 000 美元增加到 177 000 美元的建议后说,大 会在其第 53/214 号决议第八节中决定把国际法院法官的退休养恤金定为年薪的半,根 据这项决定,在 2005 年退休的法院法官的年度退休福利,将由每年 80 000 美元增加到 88 500 美元自 2005 年 1 月 1 日起生效,而且,根据国际法院法官 基薪拟议增加额,建议在付养恤金增加 10.6%,自 2005 年 1 月 1 日起生效。
In his report (A/C.5/59/2 and Corr.1, paras. 94-95), the Secretary-General, following his recommendation that emoluments of the members of the Court and the judges of the Tribunals be increased from US$ 160,000 to US$ 177,000, stated that, based on the decision of the General Assembly contained in section VIII of its resolution 53/214 to set the retirement
pension for the members
[...] of the Court at one half of the annual salary, the annual retirement benefit of a member of the Court retiring in 2005 would increase from US$ 80,000 per annum to US$ 88,500 with effect from 1 January 2005 and that, based on the proposed increase in the base salary of the members of the Court, it was recommended that pensions in payment be increased by 10.6 per cent, [...]
effective 1 January 2005.
作为应急计划工作的一部分,正在评估 以下等内容:(a) 利用伽利略系统作为符合公共部门会计准则的不动产、厂房和 设备以及维持和平和特别政治任务方面的库存数据的临时存放区;(b) 利用现有 的外勤支助部系统作为附录自动披露的一种解决方案,这是符合公共部门会计标 准财务报表的重要组成部分;(c) 以临时和变通方式,继续使用联合国秘书处在
维和行动和特别政治任务以外的办事处在资产管理中目前采用的一些信息系统; (d) 为目前的 Sun
[...] Accounts 和综合管理信息系统(综管系统)制订一个手工半 自动化 流程的综合系统,在公共部门会计准则下的货物和服务交付新原则的基础 [...]
Among other things, the following are being evaluated as part of contingency planning efforts: (a) using Galileo as an interim staging area for IPSAS-compliant property, plant and equipment, and inventory data in peacekeeping and special political missions; (b) leveraging an existing Department of Field Support system as a solution for automating notes disclosures which represent a significant part of the IPSAS-compliant financial statements; (c) continuing to use, temporarily and with some workarounds, some of the information systems which are currently used for asset management in United Nations Secretariat offices other than peacekeeping and special
political missions; (d) devising a
[...] combination of manual and semi-automated processes to existing [...]
systems, Sun Accounts and the
Integrated Management Information System (IMIS), to record fiscal period end expenditures based on the new principle of delivery of goods and services under IPSAS.
作为大会的一部分,粮农组织将举办一次为期两 半天 的“农业工 程在解决未来农业问题中的贡献”专题会议。
As part of the congress, FAO will hold a workshop on
[...] "Agricultural Engineering Contributions to Solve Future Agricultural Problems" covering two half days.
在两半自动生 产线上,轮胎按指定的生产周期嵌入钢圈。
On two semi-automated production lines, [...]
the tires are mounted to the rims in a specified cycle time.
认识到 80%的饥民生活在农村地区,而 50%的饥民是小农田拥有者;鉴 于投入费用不断增加而且农业收入出现减少,这些人特别容易陷入粮食无保障境 地;对于贫穷生产者而言,在获取土地、水、种子和其 自 然 资源方面所面临的 挑战与日俱增;可持续、对性别问题有敏感认识的农业政策是促进土地和农业改 革、农村信贷和保险、技术援助及其他相关措施从而实现粮食安全和农村发展的 重要手段;国家对农耕者、 渔业社区和地方企业的支持是粮食安全和落实食物 权的关键要素
Recognizes that 80 per cent of hungry people live in rural areas and 50 per cent are small-scale farm-holders, and that these people are especially vulnerable to food insecurity, given the increasing cost of inputs and the fall in farm incomes; that
access to land, water,
[...] seeds and other natural resources is an increasing challenge for poor producers; that sustainable and gender-sensitive agricultural policies are important tools for promoting land and agrarian reform, rural credit and insurance, technical assistance and other associated measures to achieve food security and rural development; and that support by States for small farmers, fishing communities [...]
and local enterprises
is a key element for food security and the provision of the right to food
农耕作引 进现代科学技术应该考虑到这些特点,并且立足于农作知识网、比较完善的基础 [...]
Introductions of modern science and
[...] technology to smallholder farming should take [...]
into account these characteristics and
be based on farmer knowledge networks, better infrastructure, and a system approach involving crop rotation and integrated crop and feedstock production.
可持续的生产体制可以大幅提高人口快速增长、食物无保障程度严重的热 带地自耕农的作物产量。
Sustainable production systems can substantially improve crop
[...] yields of subsistence farmers in tropical regions [...]
with rapidly growing populations and severe food insecurity.
有机原料自农业耕作, 并被 收集和储存在一个作为“沼气池”的密闭无空气容器中。
The organic material comes from farming operations [...]
and is collected and stored in a closed airless container that acts as the digester.
雖然強積金半自由行” 要在千呼萬喚兩年多後的今天才能落 實,但民建聯認同在推行強積金半自由行 ” ,逐步開放強積金市場 下,訂定整套的中介人規管制度,是較為審慎及完善的做法,特別是 加強監管中介人銷售、推廣強積金產品的手法及運作方式,以減少中 介人不當銷售導致計劃成員利益有損的情況出現,避免類似過往雷曼 迷債的大量錯誤銷售事件再次發生。
Although MPF "Semi-portability" is not implemented until today after repeated urges for more than two years, the DAB agrees that to open up the MPF market step by step by introducing MPF "Semi-portability", it is more prudent [...]
and appropriate
to provide for a full regulatory regime for intermediaries, particularly to step up the supervision over the methods and modes of operation in the sales and marketing of MPF products by intermediaries to reduce the incidence of the interests of scheme members being jeopardized as a result of mis-sale by intermediaries, so as to pre-empt the recurrence of massive mis-sale similar to the Lehman Brothers minibond incident in the past.
大型非营利组织的受益者数量众多,也 使得挪用钱款的风险很小,尤其是在非营利组织享 半自 治 地 位,在监管机构和 执法机关的管辖之外开展活动时更是如此。
The sheer number of beneficiaries of large non-profit organizations also allows the diversion of funds with little
risk, especially where non-profit
[...] organizations enjoy a semi-autonomous status that takes [...]
their activities outside the scope
of regulators and law enforcement authorities.
鉴于城市居民目前占世界人口的半, 而农村人 口提供食物,以色列政府针对国外的农 业援助方案的制定侧重于发展中国家农村地区农业 生产的可持续性。
Because urbandwellers now comprised half of the world’s population and depended on the rural population for sustenance, his Government’s agricultural assistance programming [...]
abroad focused on
promoting sustainability of agricultural production in rural areas of the developing world.
[...] 斯坦打算从质量上提高农村人口的生活条件和福利,因为乌兹别克斯坦将近有半 人处在农村地 区,重视农村地区的生活符合联合国千年发展目标。
Uzbekistan intends to bring a qualitative improvement in the living conditions and
wellbeing of the rural
[...] population since almost half of the Uzbek people live in rural areas and [...]
as paying attention to life
in rural areas was in line with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.
按照认可的标准方法进行设计,产品系列包括Soxtec™ 2050自动分析仪、Soxtec™ 2055半自动分 析仪、经济型的6位系统Soxtec™ [...]
2043和2位系统Soxtec™ 2045,所有的系统都是按照严格的EC标准构建的,以获得最大程度的安全。
Developed to meet recognised standard methods, the
range includes the Soxtec™ 2050 automated analyzer,
[...] the Soxtec™ 2055 semi-automated analyzer plus [...]
the economical 6-place Soxtec™
2043 and 2-place Soxtec™ 2045 all built according to strict EC standards for maximum safety.
需要对区域和国家一级农业和 渔业研究 农 村 基 础设施提供新投资,推广 良好耕种和 捕捞作业及创新的可持续技术,还需要营销指导、有序和有效的融 资及更大程度的土地保有权保障,包括女性农民对土地的获取和控制,不论她们 婚姻状况如何。
New investments are required in regional and national agricultural and fishery research and rural infrastructure, [...]
extension of better farming and
fishing practices and innovative and sustainable technologies, as well as marketing advice, structured and effective finance and greater tenure security, including access to and control over land by female farmers irrespective of their marital status.
我国正在这一领域实施一项积极 政策,利用岛上的一座水坝振兴当地农业部门,农 民推广更有效自给耕作,同时帮助我们在全国境内 开发可再生能源,争取到 [...]
2011 年用可再生能源提供 全国用电量的 95%。
A dam on one of our islands
[...] is energizing the local agricultural sector and allowing us to [...]
promote better subsistence methods among farmers, while helping us develop renewable
power sources throughout the country with the goal of providing electricity to 95 per cent of the country by 2011.




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