单词 | 半票 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 半票—half fareless common: half-price ticket See also:半n—halfn 半adj—semi-adj 半—incomplete (after a number) and a half 票n—ballotn ticketn
没有乘车证的儿童 要买半票。 ringandride.org | Children without [...] passes normallypay half fare. ringandride.org |
2007年3月25 日进行投票。 在所投的有效票数中,曾荫权先生取得过半票数,获宣布在选举中当选。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, who [...] obtained more than halfof the total number of valid votes cast, was [...]declared as returned at the election. daccess-ods.un.org |
3.5 审 计 委 员 会 之 决 议 案 须 以过半数票数通过。 cigyangtzeports.com | 3.5 The resolution of the audit committee should be [...] passed by morethan halfof the members. cigyangtzeports.com |
此外 ,由於该名唯 一的候选人若 从所投 的有 效 票 总数中取得过半 票数,便 即当选,而 就 单 一候选人进行投票的情 况,等同向 [...] 他投以 “ 信 任 票 ” ,因此在决定结果时,只要不经 填 划 的选 票反映投票人的取向,亦应把此类 选 票 视 为有效票 。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, as the only candidate [...] shall be returned when [...] obtaining more than half of the total number of validvotes cast, and [...]the votingin the case of a single candidate [...]is equivalent to a “vote of confidence”, unmarked ballot papers in so far that they reflect the voters’ preference, should also be regarded as valid votes for the purpose of determining the result. legco.gov.hk |
大部分(86%)事件系武装团体所为;30%的事件发生在 2010 年 9 月,即举 行议会选举当月,当时一半投票站设在学校。 daccess-ods.un.org | These incidents were mostly perpetrated by armed groups (86 per cent); 30 per cent of the incidents were carried out [...] in September 2010, the month of the [...] Parliamentary elections, whenhalf of the pollingstations were located [...]in schools. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如国际法委员会章程中规定的那样,在不超过 所规定各区域集团席位的情况下,得票最多且获得出 席并参加表决会员国过半票数的候选人将被宣布当 选。 daccess-ods.un.org | As provided for in the statute of the International Law Commission, those candidates, up to the maximum number prescribed for each regional group, [...] receiving the [...] greatest number of votesand not less than a majority of the votesof the Member States present and voting, shall be declared [...]elected. daccess-ods.un.org |
关键原因是,特首并非一人一票普选产生,立法会则受功能组别特权阶级箝制、用分组点票机制废去直选议员武功,致使众多政策向商界财团倾斜,而有利民生的议案却往往在获过半票数赞成下仍荒谬地给否决。 procommons.org.hk | The key reason is that the Chief Executive is not returned by universal suffrage, and the Legislative Council is dominated by privileged [...] class in functional constituencies which [...] utilize the split voting mechanism to seriously [...]weaken the influence of their directly-elected counterparts. procommons.org.hk |
91 除非按上述规定或要求投票表决,及如属要求投票表决,则并无撤回有关要 求,否则主席宣布布有关决议已获举手表决通过或一致通过或获特定过半数 票通过或不通过,并且在载有公司议事程序纪录的簿册内亦登载相应的记 项,即为有关事实的确证,而无须证明该项决议所得的赞成票或反对票的数 目或比例。 cre8ir.com | 91 Unless a poll is so required or demanded and, in the latter case, not withdrawn, a declaration by the Chairman that a resolution has on a show of hands been carried, or carried unanimously, or by a particular majority, or lost, and an entry to that effect in the Company's book containing the minutes of proceedings of meetings of the Company shall be conclusive evidence of that fact without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour of or against such resolution. cre8ir.com |
如果有两个或两个以上空额要在同样情况下同时通过选举填补,并如果在第 一轮投票中得到所需的过半数票和得票最多的候选人的人数若不超过空额数,则 这些候选人应当选。 daccess-ods.un.org | When two or more elective places are to be filled at one time under the same conditions, those candidates, in a number not exceeding the [...] number of such places, obtaining in the [...] firstballot the majority required and the largestnumberofvotes,shall be elected. daccess-ods.un.org |
(3) 所有待决问题均须由出席会议并有投票的成员的过半数票决定,如票数相等,主持会议的 成员除他原有的一票外,另可投决定票。 hkcic.org | (3) All questions for determination are to be decided by a majority ofvotes ofthe members present and voting, and if there is an equality of votes, the member presiding has a casting vote in addition to his original vote. hkcic.org |
如果只有一个空额有待通过选举填补,而在第一轮投票时没有候选人获得所 需过半数票,则应专门就两名得票最多的候选人进行第二轮投票。 daccess-ods.un.org | If, when only one elective place is to be filled, no candidate obtains in the firstballot the majority required, a second ballotshall be taken, confined to the two candidates having obtained the largest number of votes. daccess-ods.un.org |
如获得过半数票的候选人少于应补缺额时,应再举行投票以补足余缺,所 表决的候 选人应限 于在前一次投票中得票最多的 候 选人,其人数 不得超 出应补足 余额一倍。 daccess-ods.un.org | If the number of candidates obtaining such a majority is less than the number of places to be filled, additional ballots shall be held to fill the remaining places, the voting being restricted to the candidates obtaining the largest number of votes in the previous ballot, in a number not exceeding twice the number of places remaining to be filled. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 在公司欠债权人的所有债务被清偿前,不得根据各会员国认购公司股本的比例向会员国 进行资产分割,并且只有在理事会超过半数的理事以超过总投票权半数的投票决定后, 才能进行上述资产分割。 www1.ifc.org | (b) No distribution shall be made to members on account of their subscriptions to the capital stock of the Corporation until all liabilities to creditors shall have been discharged or provided for and until the Board of Governors,by vote of a majority of the Governors exercising a majority of the totalvoting power, shall have decided to make such distribution. www1.ifc.org |
3.5 薪酬委员会之决议案须以过半數票數通过。 gbinternational.com.hk | 3.5 Resolutions of the Remuneration Committee shall [...] be passed with a majorityofvotes. gbinternational.com.hk |
由於公司录得净亏损,因此,於2011年第二季度及2012年上半年,股票期权并无摊薄影响。 equitynet.com.hk | Since the company is reporting a net loss, therefore the Stock Options are not dilutive for the [...] second quarter of 2011 andfirsthalf of 2012. equitynet.com.hk |
甲) 附属公司 [...] 附属公司指本集团有权监管其财务及经营政策之一切实体(包括为特殊目的经营的 实体),通常拥有其过半数投票权。asiasat.com | Subsidiaries are all entities (including special purpose entities) over which the Group has the power to [...] govern the financial and operating policies generally accompanying a [...] shareholding of more than onehalf ofthe voting rights. asiasat.com |
(i) 附属公司 附属公司指本集团有权管治其财务及营运政策之实体,一般附带超过半数投票权之股权。 wingtaiproperties.com | Subsidiaries are all entities over which the Group has the power to [...] govern the financial and operating policies generally accompanying a [...] shareholding of more than onehalf of the votingrights. wingtaiproperties.com |
例如残疾人士可免费游 览海洋公园,而一位同行者可享有半费的票价优惠。 daccess-ods.un.org | For instance, persons with disabilities can enter the Ocean Park for free while one [...] accompanying guestcan enjoy half-priceadmission. daccess-ods.un.org |
如第二轮表决结果该提案仍 未获得过半数赞成票,该提案则应视为被取消。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This meeting shall be held within forty-eight [...] hours after the first vote, and the [...] taking of the secondvote shall appear on its [...]agenda. Unless at this meeting there [...]is a majority in favour of the proposal, it shall be considered as lost. unesdoc.unesco.org |
於任何董事会会议上提出之问题应以过半比數投票方式决定,倘赞成与反 对票數相同,主席可投第二票或决定票。 comnet-telecom.hk | Questions arising at any meeting of the [...] Board shall be decided by a [...] majorityof votes, and in case of an equality of votes the Chairman [...]shall have a second or casting vote. comnet-telecom.hk |
(a) 如果某会员国不履行对公司的任何一项义务,公司经半数以上理事行使过半数的总投票权表决决定,可暂停其会员国资格。 www1.ifc.org | (a) If a member fails to fulfill any of its obligations to the Corporation, the Corporation [...] may suspend its membership by decision of a majority of the Governors, [...] exercising a majority of the total voting power. www1.ifc.org |
当有一个或一个以上的选任职位须在同样条件下同时填补时,每一有权投票 的代表可在所投的票中选举与需填补的职位同数的候选人;在第一次投票中获得过半数选票且得票最多的候选人当选,其人数不得超过应补职位。 daccess-ods.un.org | When one or more elective places are to be filled at one time under the same conditions, each delegation entitled to vote may cast a vote for as many candidates as there are places to be filled, and those candidates, in a number not exceeding the number of [...] such places, obtaining in the first ballot a [...] majorityof thevotes cast and the largest number ofvotes shallbe elected. daccess-ods.un.org |
第二次投票结果双方所得票数相同而法定当选票数为过半数时,主席应抽签决定其中之一当选。 unachina.org | If in the second ballot the votes areequally divided, [...] and a majority is required, the Chairman shall decide between the candidates by drawing lots. unachina.org |
附属公司即指本公司直接或间接在其股东会上有过半数投票权、或有权制定其财务或经营策略、或有权委派 或撤换其过半数董事会成员、或在其董事会上有过半数投票权之公司。 wingtaiproperties.com | Subsidiaries are those entities in which the Company, [...] directly or indirectly, [...] controlsmore thanone half of the voting power;has the power to govern the financial and operating policies; to appoint or remove the majority of the members of the board of directors; or to cast majority of votesatthe meetings [...]of the board of directors. wingtaiproperties.com |
y 只有 5.6%非经常参观人士表示知道博物馆有周票、半年及全年入场证,非经 常参观人士大部分不知道博物馆有任何入场证。 legco.gov.hk | y Only 5.6% of the infrequent visitors were [...] aware of the weekly, half-yearly and yearly passes of [...]the museums whereas the majority of [...]the infrequent visitors were not aware of any of the passes. legco.gov.hk |
经验显示,投票意欲的一半或三分之二会成为真正投票率。 hkupop.hku.hk | Based on previous experiences, [...] the conversion rate could behalf to two-thirds. hkupop.hku.hk |
由於选票未过半,泛民的确有机会失去现有议席。 hkupop.hku.hk | Since this is lessthan half, the democrats may [...] lose some seats. hkupop.hku.hk |
表 4 说明了产生差额的一些原因:2003 年的一些核定资金被转移到了 2004 年;工发 [...] 组织的一览表中没有反映期票的情况;有必要把执行机构收到的一些利息考虑在内;第 41/65 号决定只为中国的制冷战略提供了一半资金;期票的撤销;过早归还的结余;杂项 收入支出和货币升值以及 2002 年对账产生的收入。 multilateralfund.org | Table 4 demonstrates some of the reasons for the differences: some approved funds in 2003 were transferred in 2004, promissory notes were not reflected in UNIDO’s schedules; some interest received by implementing agencies needed to be [...] taken into account; [...] Decision 41/65 funding halfofa refrigeration strategy for China; the revocation of promissory notes;balances [...]returned prematurely; [...]miscellaneous income charges and currency revaluation; and income from the 2002 reconciliation. multilateralfund.org |
英文报道)日本将为太阳能电池制造商提供一些迄今为止最强有力的刺激,这一消息显然对太阳能行业股票有好坏参半的影响,尚德电力(NYSE: STP)在周一交易中大涨,也许意味着大公司最可能从这一新进展中获益。 youngchinabiz.com | (English article) The news that Japan will provide some of the strongest incentives to date for makers of solar cells is having a decidedly mixed effect on solar shares, with only Suntech (NYSE: STP) receiving a big boost in Monday trade, perhaps indicating that the biggest names are most likely to benefit from this new development. youngchinabiz.com |
倘董事会未有於 接获要求後 21 [...] 日内正式召开须於其後 21 天内召开的大会,提出要求的人 士或当中持有彼等投票权过半的任何人士可自行以与董事会召开大会同 样的方式(尽可能相近)召开大会,惟如此召开的大会不可迟於提交要求 [...]当日起三个月後召开,而提出要求的人士因董事会未能完成有关要求而涉 [...]及的所有合理开支,将由本公司向彼等作出补偿。 sitoy.com | If the Board does not within 21 days from the date of deposit of the requisition proceed duly to convene the meeting to be held within a further 21 days, the requisitionist(s) [...] themselves or any of them [...] representing more than one-half of thetotal voting rightsof all [...]of them, may convene the general [...]meeting in the same manner, as nearly as possible, as that in which meetings may be convened by the Board provided that any meeting so convened shall not be held after the expiration of three months from the date of deposit of the requisition, and all reasonable expenses incurred by the requisitionist(s) as a result of the failure of the Board shall be reimbursed to them by the Company. sitoy.com |