

单词 半硬质

See also:


semi- adj


half n

(after a number) and a half

External sources (not reviewed)

这款葡萄酒理想的饮用温度在12至14ºC 之间,是所有肉类,面食,炖肉 半硬质 奶 酪 的完美伴侣。
Temperature: 12 to 14 º C. Perfect companion for all meats,
[...] pastas, stews and semi-hard cheeses.
硬质或半硬质托盘 限制了可能的收缩和起 皱,可导致封口盖更滑/更紧。
Rigid or semi-rigid trays restrict [...]
potential shrinkage and wrinkling, which can result in a smoother/tighter lid.
当前的流行趋势是硬质容器 (如传统的金属罐和玻璃瓶) 半 刚 性 或柔性包装的转变,同时继承了对制造工艺敏捷性的更严格的要求。
There is a shift underway
[...] from rigid containers, such as the classic metal can and glass jar, to semi-rigid or flexible [...]
整个“泡沫塑料行业计划”的成本效益计算为所有次级行业的 加权成本效益(即整皮泡沫塑料 硬质 泡 沫 塑料)。
The cost-effectiveness for the entire
Foam Sector Plan is calculated as the weighted cost-effectiveness of all sub-sectors
[...] (i.e., integral skin and rigid foam).
该办公室通半年度质量听 证和质量问题年度报告来宣传非洲经 委会的质量保证工作信息。
The Office disseminates knowledge
[...] on quality-assurance practices at ECA through biannual hearings on [...]
quality and an annual report on the issue.
FRIMO为加工软泡沫半硬泡沫 、硬泡沫和自结皮泡沫、浇注系统 和灌注聚氨酯系统以及喷涂应用提供全套产品。
FRIMO offers a full product range for the
[...] processing of soft, semi-rigid, rigid and integral [...]
foams as well as for casting systems,
filled systems and for PU spray applications.
我们面向高增长市场提供低成本、 质 量 的 半 导 体 产品,并寻求与客户建立长期合作关系。
We target high growth markets with our low cost,
[...] high quality semiconductor products and [...]
seek to build long-term relationships with our customers.
经讨论后,执行委员会决定核准在巴西聚氨酸泡沫塑料制造业中将甲酸甲酯确认为 一种发泡剂的试验项目(第一阶段),总费用为 401,500 美元,外加开发计划署的机构支 助费用 30,113 美元,同时指出,该项目符合第 55/43(e)号决定,其目的是在全球传播经过 确认的硬质聚氨 酯整皮泡沫塑料用途中使用的甲酸甲酯技术,且有一项谅解,即:该项 目是关于甲酸甲酯硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料制造中的应用的最后确认项目,且核准该项 目不妨碍执行委员会审议今后为该项目第二阶段提出的供资申请。
Following a discussion, the Executive Committee decided to approve the pilot project for validation of methyl formate as a blowing agent in the manufacture of polyurethane foam (phase I) in Brazil at a total cost of US $401,500 plus agency support costs of US $30,113 for UNDP, noting that the project was consistent with decision 55/43(e) and that it had been designed to disseminate the results from the
validation of methyl
[...] formate technology in rigid and integral skin polyurethane foam applications globally, and on the understanding that the project would be the final validation project for methyl formate in the manufacture of rigid and integral skin [...]
polyurethane foams, and that approval
of the project was without prejudice to consideration of the future funding request for phase II of the project by the Executive Committee.
新上市的 Barracuda® 7200.11 1.5 TB 硬碟機,是 Seagate
[...] 桌上型 PC 用旗艦級硬碟機第 11 代的最新產品,創半個多世紀硬碟 機 史上最大幅的容量躍進,容量較先前最高的 [...]
1 TB 足足增加了半 TB 之多,這都要歸功於垂直磁性記錄
(PMR) 技術的容量提升能力。
The debut of the Barracuda® 7200.11 1.5TB hard drive, the eleventh generation of Seagate’s flagship drive for desktop PCs, marks the
single largest capacity hard drive jump
[...] in the more than half-century history of hard drives [...]
– a half-terabyte increase from the
previous highest capacity of 1TB, thanks to the capacity-boosting power of perpendicular magnetic recording (PMR) technology.
1964年在纽约,汽车杂志上发表的GT40,具 半硬 壳 车 体构造,全高只有40英寸.
The GT40, revealed at the 1964 New York
[...] Auto Show, had a semi-monocoque configuration, [...]
and its height was a mere 40 inches.
硬质金属耐磨表面保护并确保了密封 的完整性。
A hard plated wear surface [...]
protects and ensures seal integrity.
STATIRON DX多功能静电测定器应用:  半 导 体IC 、 硬 盘 磁 头等电子设备的带电电位的测定基板、液晶面板的带电电位的测定各种除电器(室内用、台面使用、离子气枪等)的特性评价监视空间内离子平衡显示人体带电的峰值电压对摩擦生电以及静电感应等进行检测对各种静电防护用品(手套以及工具等)进行评价特点:该便携式静电检测器可以不接触带电物体便可以测得带电物体的电位,并可数位显示测得资料。
STATIRON DX multi-determination of
[...] static applications: semiconductor IC, the hard disk heads, and [...]
other electronic devices Potential
charged the determination of substrate, liquid crystal panel charged the determination of the potential addition to a variety of electrical appliances (indoor use, the use of the table, ion air guns, etc.) Evaluation of the characteristics of space to monitor the human body charged ion balance showed a peak voltage of friction, as well as static electricity, and other sensors to detect a variety of electrostatic protective equipment (gloves, and tools, etc.) to evaluate the characteristics: the portable electrostatic detector can not touch objects can be charged Measured the potential of charged objects and digital information display measured.
美国 – 美国标准检测评估委员会2006年6月批准FOSS Infratec
[...] 1241谷物分析仪用于官方测定长粒糙米、中粒糙米、大豆、高粱 硬质 小 麦 、 硬 白 麦、软白麦、软红冬麦、硬红春麦、硬红冬麦、燕麦、玉米、大麦的水分、蛋白质和脂肪含量分析。
USA - NTEP In June 2006 the U.S. National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) has approved the FOSS Infratec 1241 Grain Analyser, for official determination of moisture, protein & oil content in Long Grain Rough Rice, Medium Grain
Rough Rice, Soy beans, Grain Sorghum
[...] or Milo, Durum Wheat, Hard White Wheat, Soft White [...]
Wheat, Soft Red Winter Wheat, Hard
Red Spring Wheat, Hard Red Winter Wheat, Oats, Corn, Two-Row Barley, Six-Row Barley.
BOPP领导型企业Derprosa将其涂覆薄质 保 期 从 半 年 延 长至一年,这是其领先地位和产品信心的又一例证。
DERPROSA S.L., the leading manufacturing company in Biorientated
Polypropylene (BOPP), once again shows its
[...] leadership and reliability in their products [...]
by increasing the guarantee of their
couted films from 6 months to 1 year.
此外,虽然政府间/国际科学计划有效地在科学工作者和政 府之间发挥着合作伙伴的作用,但它 半 独 立的 性 质 使 制定新的行动和为更一般的科学计划 确定新的优先事项变得更为复杂。
Furthermore, while the ISPs are effective
partnerships between scientists and
[...] governments, their semi-independent natures complicate the [...]
development of new initiatives
and the setting of new priorities more generally in the science programmes.
2009 年泰国报告称,已经查明安全区域2,000 平方公里, 在其中半地区实行质量控制程序。
In 2009 Thailand reported having identified a safe area of
around 2,000 square kilometres
[...] with quality control procedures having been carried out on around half of this safe area.
[...] 个环礁增强面对气候变化(例如,海平面上升)和自然灾害不利影响的复原力,升 高环礁沿海周边的质和硬质防气 候变化屏障(例如,防波堤)。
The Community-Centred Sustainable Development Programme helped all three atolls in the Pacific become more resilient in the face of the adverse impacts of climate change (for example, rising
sea levels) and natural disasters by
[...] scaling up soft and hard climate change protection [...]
barriers (for example, sea walls) around atoll coastal areas.
Methyl glucose sesquistearate
事实上,已经出现了来自半球的硬件和 软件创新,适应当地的需求、条件,往往还有制约因素,比如经济 承受能力和不识字问题,或最后一英里连接挑战。
Indeed, there has been
[...] an emergence of hardware and software innovations from the South which address local [...]
needs, conditions, and,
often, constraints, such as affordability and illiteracy, or last-mile connectivity challenges.
教育覆 盖面狭窄,教质量低下,仅半数 学 龄儿童接受正规教育。
Poor availability and quality of education has translated into only half of school-aged children [...]
benefiting from regular education.
防垢剂系统采用独特的混合成分,能够抑制水中 硬质 矿 物 质形成的水垢,从而确保制冰设备正常工作。
The Scale Inhibitor system is a unique composition blend that inhibits lime scale caused by the hard water minerals left behind to ensure ice-making equipment works properly.
(三)建筑板材:(1)玻璃纤维增强水泥轻质多孔隔墙条板(简称GRC板);(2)纤维增强低碱度水泥建筑平板;(3)蒸压加气混凝土板;(4)轻集料混凝土条板;(5)钢丝网架水泥夹芯板;(6)石膏墙板,包括纸面石膏板、石膏空心条板;(7)金属面夹芯板,包括金属面聚苯乙烯夹芯板、金属 硬质 聚 氨 酯夹芯板和金属面岩棉、矿渣棉夹芯板;(8)复合轻质夹芯隔墙板、条板(所用板材为以上所列几种墙板和空心条板,复合板符合建设部《建筑轻质板、隔墙板施工及验收规程》的技术要求)。
(3) building plank: (1) glass fiber reinforced cement light porous article partition board (hereinafter referred to as the GRC board); (2) fiber reinforced cement building plate lower alkalinity; (3) the autoclaved aerated concrete board; (4) lightweight aggregate concrete bar; (5) steel wire rack cement sandwich board; (6) plaster wall panels, including paper face plasterboard, gypsum hollow bar; (7) metal surface sandwich board, including a metal surface
polystyrene sandwich board,
[...] metal surface rigid polyurethane sandwich board and metal surface rock wool, [...]
slag cotton sandwich board;
(8) composite light sandwich partition panel, bar (the plate for the above list several wallboard and hollow bar, with composite construction ministry “building light board, partition wall construction and acceptance rules for the technical requirements).
印刷电子技术印刷电路板硬质·软 质 ) 、显示器产品(有机TFT、有机/无机EL、液晶显示器、电子纸、佩戴式显示器、3D显示器、POP显示器等)、下一代照明、AC电子发光、调光控制薄膜、电气迁移、化合物系太阳电池、色素增刊型、有机薄膜系太阳电池、燃料电池、电容器、挠性扬声器、挠性驱动器、天线模块、RFID、印刷存储器、印刷标注、智能标签、有机设备、光电路·光通信设备、电磁波屏蔽薄膜、陶瓷电容器、薄膜晶体管、有机晶体管、传感器模块等。
Printed electronics substrate (rigid and flexible), display products (organic [...]
TFT, organic/inorganic EL, LCD, electronic
papers, wearable displays, 3D displays, POP displays, etc.), next-generation lighting, AC EL lighting, light control film, electrophoresis, chemical compound solar cells, die sensitization solar cells, organic film solar cells, fuel cells, capacitors, flexible speakers, flexible actuators, antenna modules, RFID, printed memory, printed tags, smart labels, organic devices, light circuit/light communication devices, electromagnetic wave shielding film, ceramic capacitors, thin-film transistors, organic transistors, sensor modules, etc.
如果您知道具备上述性能的Bubber橡皮泥竟然有约95%的成分 硬质 玻 璃 珠,您一定会惊讶不已。
These properties come as a surprise when you consider that some 95 percent of Bubber is hard glass beads.
承建的无锡海力士-意法半导体厂房(21.48万平米),仅用一年时间就完成两 半 合 同 工期, 质 量 的 洁净厂房施工使厂房投产后取得了世界最高换进成品率,被誉为“无锡神话”;合肥京东方6代线厂房,为内地已完工正式投产的第一条高世代TFT-LCD生产线项目,产品综合良品率达95%以上,创造了“京东方品质”;昆山龙飞光电7.5代厂房(67.98万平米),为目前国内最大的高世代电子厂房工程;深圳华星光电(TCL)8.5代线厂房(42万平米),为目前国内世代最高的电子厂房工程;合肥鑫晟光电科技有限公司电子器件厂房建设工程项目,为合肥市打造平板产业基地的标志性工程。
Construction of Wuxi Hynix - ST plant
(214,800 square
[...] meters), just two and a half year to complete the contract duration, high-quality clean room construction [...]
after the commissioning
of the plant made ​​into finished products for the world's highest rate, is hailed as "Wuxi myth"; Hefei BOE 6 Line plant, put into the Mainland has completed the first-generation TFT-LCD production line, comprehensive product yield rate of 95% or more, creating a "BOE quality"; Kunshan Long 7.5-generation optical fly plant (679,800 square meters), is currently the largest high-generation electronic plant engineering; Shenzhen Huaxing Electric (TCL) 8.5-generation line of plant (42 million square meters), is currently the highest generation of electronic plant engineering; Hefei Xin Optoelectronics Technology Co.
长期以来,这间Qualmark优质认证四星 半 的 旅 舍独一无二的温馨氛围和舒适的背包客住处让旅客赞不绝口。
This Qualmark 4+ star rated Te Anau hostel continually impresses guests with its unique homely atmosphere and cosy backpacker accommodation just a block from the shores of the gorgeous blue Lake Te Anau.
由于泥沙磨损、气蚀或腐蚀引起的问题,WISE® – 我们的腐蚀防护表面 (Wear Inert Surface Enhancement) – 提供了不同的表面保护技术 - 硬质涂层 DIATURB® HVOF 以及软质涂层 SOFTURB® 聚合物。
Because problems can occur due to abrasive erosion, cavitation, or corrosion, WISE® – our Wear Inert Surface Enhancement – provides different surface protection techniques for hydraulic machines - DIATURB® HVOF for hard coatings and SOFTURB® polymer for soft coatings.
Lambert Kuijpers 先生概括介绍了技术和经济评估小组
[...] 2014 年的评估情 况,并介绍了硬质泡沫 技术选择委员会、甲基溴技术选择委员会及制冷、空 [...]
Mr. Lambert Kuijpers gave an overview of the status of the 2014 assessment of the Technology and Economic Assessment
Panel and presented an update on the work of
[...] the Flexible and Rigid Foams Technical [...]
Options Committee, the Methyl Bromide Technical
Options Committee and the Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning and Heat Pumps Technical Options Committee.




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