单词 | 半真半假 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 半真半假—(idiom) half true and half falseSee also:真假—true or false genuine or fake
Craig通过10多年的设计经验完成了这本书,“旨在揭露渗透在设计领域的诸多错误想法、半真半假的说法,以及有一些彻底的谎话”。 ba-repsasia.com | Craig draws on over 10 years of design experience to write this [...] book that “aims to debunk the various [...] misconceptions, half truthsand, insome cases, [...]outright lies which permeate the industry of design. ba-repsasia.com |
约翰福音 8:44 [...] 告诉我们魔鬼是说谎的,也是说谎之人的父,所以鬼魔没有理由不说半真半假的话。 sallee.info | John 8:44 tells us that the devil is a liar and the father of lies, and there is no reason for the demons to [...] say anything less than half-truths. sallee.info |
应否延续㆗国的最惠国待遇,或应否有条件㆞延续及附加甚麽条件这㆒连串复杂的 [...] 事情,已成为美国小部份政客每年都玩弄的政治把戏,主题年年相同,而所依据的则是半真半假、未经证实的资料。 legco.gov.hk | The rigmarole of whether the MFN status is renewed for China or renewed with conditions, and if so, what conditions, has become a political charade played out by a [...] few politicians in the United States yearly on the same old [...] themes basedonhalf truthsand unsubstantiated [...]information. legco.gov.hk |
每个证人在作证之前均应宣誓如下:“本人凭着荣誉和良心郑重宣誓,本人 将讲真话,句句属实,没有半点虚假”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Each witness shall make the following declaration before giving his or her statement: [...] “I solemnly declare upon my honour and conscience that I [...] will speak the truth, the wholetruth and nothing butthe truth. daccess-ods.un.org |
假如他们认为已作了「充分考虑」,这半个月是否真做到「充分考虑」呢? legco.gov.hk | If they think they have already [...] "seriouslytaken account of" all views, could theyreally havedone it inlessthan halfa month? legco.gov.hk |
半薪育儿假可在任何时候分段或整体使用,直至孩子 3 岁,而且可计入工 [...] 作年限,包括专门工作年限和缴纳社会援助保险的年限。 daccess-ods.un.org | The partially paidleave forchildcare [...] may be used partially or integrally at any time, until the child reaches the age [...]of 3 and is included in employment experience, including specialised employment experience and the period of contribution with premiums to the social assistance budget. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了产假和孩子 3 岁之前的半薪育儿假之外,母亲或其中一名特定人员, 可享受停薪留职的补充假,用于照顾 3 至 6 岁的子女。 daccess-ods.un.org | Besides the [...] maternity leaveand the partially paid childcare leave until the [...]child reaches the age of 3, the mother or one [...]of the specified persons may benefit from a supplementary leave without maintenance of the salary for childcare of a child of an age between 3 and 6 years, keeping the current job available. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种批评反映了批评者对自由市场真正基础㆒知半解,以及对专责小组所采取 的方法有所误解。 legco.gov.hk | Such criticism [...] reflects a superficial understandingof the truebasis of the free [...]market and a misunderstanding of the approach of the task force. legco.gov.hk |
主 管 香港事务的 北 京 官 员 此 刻 最重视的, 是 今 年 9 月 的 立法会选 举 , 要 阻 止 民主派 夺 取得过半数的议席,假如真的是这样 , 或 不是这样 的 时 候 , 都 会 影响到 他 们 对香港政 改 的 态度。 legco.gov.hk | The most important agenda now for Beijing officials in chargeof Hong Kong affairs is to prevent the pro-democracy camp from winning more than 50% of the seats in the Legislative Council Election to be held in September this year. legco.gov.hk |
该表 显示,以㆞点、面积、用途种类及㆞价金额来看,售出的土㆞属於多种类别, 而问题前半部的负面假设,似乎并无充分的理据支持。 legco.gov.hk | The list indicates that a good range of sites by location, size, type of use [...] and premium amount has been sold and [...] that the negativeassumptions contained in the [...]preamble to the question are probably not well-founded. legco.gov.hk |
换 言 之,该 员须就 每 个 有关的星 期 六上午放取半天假期。 legco.gov.hk | In other [...] words, hehas to takehalf a day leave to cover his absence in respect of each Saturday morning concerned. legco.gov.hk |
目前,服刑犯人在刑期过半后即可申请假释。 daccess-ods.un.org | Now, they [...] can apply for parole afterthey have servedat least halfof their prison term. daccess-ods.un.org |
但有些反对利他主义的㆟士就会 指出,利他主义往往成为压迫妇女的假真理,要妇女在这个社会发展过程㆗,心甘情愿处 於辅助性的㆞位,为他㆟,尤其是为丈夫、儿子或兄弟牺牲自己的发展潜能。 legco.gov.hk | But people against the notion of altruism may point out that altruism has often been abused to suppress women and to ensure that they are willing to play second fiddle in society and to sacrifice their own development potential for the sake of others, in particular their husbands, their sons or their brothers. legco.gov.hk |
他指出,新《刑法》取消了前《刑法》 规定的一项狱中待遇,即囚犯只须服满刑期的一半就有资格获假释。 daccess-ods.un.org | He points out that the new Criminal Code did away with a prison privilege [...] established in the previous code, under which a prisoner [...] needed to serveonlyhalf his sentenceto be eligible for parole. daccess-ods.un.org |
另外,黏上假眼睫毛後,可以Pourto 极精细眼线笔 填补睫毛间的空隙,使真假睫毛二合为一,自然迷人。 aster.com.hk | Besides,afterfalse eyelash is sticked, [...] Pourto Liquid Eyeliner can fill the gap between eyelashes. aster.com.hk |
把这两年的数字比较, 持真枪犯案的数字是下跌了,但持类似手枪物体犯案的数字则上升了六成, [...] 原因会否并非是警方成功堵截枪械流入本港,而是警方在判断真假枪械的标 准和能力,在这两年间起了变化? legco.gov.hk | Is it due to the reason that there have been changes in [...] the standards and capabilities of the [...] police injudginggenuine andfake pistols [...]rather than the success of the police in [...]intercepting the smuggling of firearms into Hong Kong? legco.gov.hk |
这 一 条 法 律 规 则 有 稳 妥 的 理 由 支 持 , 因 为 在 审 讯 时 除 了 冷 冰 冰 的 [...] 纪 录 外 , 尚 有 其 他 辅 助 方 法 可 以 分辨真 假。hkreform.gov.hk | There is sound reason for this rule of law for at the trial other aids beyond the cold [...] record help to tell truthfromfalsehood. hkreform.gov.hk |
政府曾推出 12 块土地,表示要予以保育,也花了不少金钱,成立一个 [...] 基金,找人提出保育建议,但到最後只有约一块半的土地能真正获得保育, 而且即使是这样,也是不可持续的,仍有需要政府不断注资,好让有关团体 [...]能继续保育。 legco.gov.hk | The Government once designated 12 sites for conservation, and a considerable amount of money was allocated to [...] establish a fund and invite conservation proposals, [...] eventually only oneand a half of thosesites were [...]really conserved. legco.gov.hk |
法 庭 顸 予 裁 定 的 问 题 是 导 致 虚 假 承 [...] 认 的 可 能 性,而 不 是 承 认 本 身的真 假。hkreform.gov.hk | The question for the court is as to the likelihood of causing an untrue admission, not as [...] to itsactualtruth or falsity. hkreform.gov.hk |
我认为当局应该正视有关问题,认真研究为何过半数小巴营办商会出现亏损,原因是甚麽,检讨现时公共小巴 [...] 的营运状况,推出促进公共小巴健康发展的长远方案。 legco.gov.hk | I think the authorities should deal with the [...] relevant problems squarely, study [...] carefully whymore thanhalf ofthePLBoperators suffer [...]from operating losses, review [...]the current operation of the PLB trade and formulate a long-term plan to promote the healthy development of the PLB trade. legco.gov.hk |
政府会在未来半年认真研究可否成立这个委员会,以及所要落实的组织调整和资源调配。 legco.gov.hk | The Government will seriouslystudy whether we [...] should set up such a Commission and, if so, the reorganization and resources [...]reallocation that need to follow. legco.gov.hk |
即使真的想取得过半数,而市民大众也是支持时,你 便可以使用法国的制度。 legco.gov.hk | If you reallywant toget more than halfof the votes, you [...] can adopt the voting method of France. legco.gov.hk |
光看效能,只能了解一半的真相,其实,Seagate 非常清楚,搭配世界级资料可靠性提供领先业界的 [...] I/O 能力的必要性。 seagate.com | Performance is only halfofthe story and [...] Seagate understands the need to deliver industry-leading I/O capability with world-class data reliability. seagate.com |
这就是数万市民甘愿放弃半天大好假期,冒着烈日,流着汗水在七 一出来游行的理由。 legco.gov.hk | This explains why tens of thousands of people were [...] willing to giveup their half-day leaveand joined [...]the march on 1 July, all soaked in sweat under the scorching heat. legco.gov.hk |
所以,当上周三(11月 [...] 10日 )赵连海被北京市大兴区人民法院以“寻 衅滋事”罪判处两年半监禁,这项罪名的最高刑罚其实是监禁3年,判 处两年半监禁,我们真的觉得刑罚是过重了。 legco.gov.hk | Hence, last Wednesday (10 November), when ZHAO Lianhai was sentenced to imprisonment for two and a half years by the Beijing Municipal Daxing District People's Court for the crime of "picking quarrels and provoking troubles", the maximum [...] penalty of which is imprisonment for [...] three years, we reallyconsider thatthe two-and-a-half-years' sentence is too heavy. legco.gov.hk |
由於这项设施新颖,吸引不少观 [...] 光者和其他㆟士使用,因此现今尚未能清楚看到电梯的使用模式;如要确定电梯对半山区交通的真正影响,更属言之过早。 legco.gov.hk | Because of the large number of sightseers and other users attracted by the novelty of the system, no clear pattern has so far [...] emerged in the use of the escalators and it is far too soon to [...] establish the real impact on traffic inthe Midlevelsarea. legco.gov.hk |
议员议案 减轻交通费用负担 张学明议员动议下列议案,并向本会发言: 鉴於本港市民一直承受沉重交通开支负担,而在金融海啸冲击 下企业裁员减薪不断,大批中产及基层市民进一步面对生活困 难,本会促请政府采取有效措施减轻市民的交通费用负担,包 括: ( 一 ) 向港铁、巴士及渡轮公司提供津贴,促使有关公司逢 周六、周日及公众假期提供乘客半价优惠,从而令市 民在这些日子有更多与家人朋友相聚的机会 legco.gov.hk | That, as the people of Hong Kong has long been bearing a heavy burden of travelling expenses and a large number of middle-class and grassroots face further difficulties in life amid continuous layoffs and pay cuts by enterprises under the impact of the financial tsunami, this Council urges the Government to adopt effective measures to alleviate the burden of travelling expenses on the public,including legco.gov.hk |
为在职妇女雇员和学徒以 及由男性雇员赡养的妻子提供了带薪产假和半薪育儿假,包括 70 天产前假和 56 天产后假(如果出现分娩并发症或产下双胞胎或更多孩子,则为 70 天 )。 daccess-ods.un.org | Maternity leave and partially paid leave for childcare to employed women and apprentices, as well as to wives supported by male employees, is offered and it includes a pre birth leave of 70 days and after birth leave of 56 days (in case of births with complications or birth of 2 ore more children – 70 calendar days), for this period allowances being paid in accordance with the law. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国基建港口有限公司(「本公司」)董事会(「董事会」)谨此公布本公司将 於二零一三年五月十一日(星期六)上午十时半假座香港中环夏悫道12号美国银 行中心2909A室召开董事会会议,以处理以下事项或其他 cigyangtzeports.com | The board of directors (the “Board”) of CIG Yangtze Ports PLC (the “Company”) hereby announces that a meeting of the Board will be held at Room 2909A, Bank of America Tower, 12 Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong on 11 May 2013 (Saturday) at 10:30 a.m. for the following purposes, among others cigyangtzeports.com |