

单词 半无限

See also:


half n



无限 adv

infinitely adv

External sources (not reviewed)

古巴儿童依 然是此项政策无辜受害者半个世 纪以来这一做 法受到国际社会的谴责。
Cuban children continued
[...] to be innocent victims of that policy, which had been rejected by the international community for over half a century.
2010年的半年,风光无限的CC FL发光LCD显示器逐渐被LED取代,而LED的普及已经是板上钉钉的事实,2011年初,随着春节促销的到来,多款LED显示器纷纷上市,消费者对于LED的接受程度也水涨船高。
The second half of 2010, the CCFL light and bright [...]
LCD display LED is gradually replaced by the popularity of LED has been
a virtual certainty the fact that in early 2011, with the arrival of Chinese New Year promotions, have listed a variety of LED displays, LED's consumers acceptance have gone up.
被敌对势力视为指责朝鲜民主主义人民共和国发射卫星之“依据”的安全理 事会第 1718(2006)号和第
[...] 1874(2009)号决议,是它们敌视和压制朝鲜民主主义 人民共和国的高压政策的产物, 无半 点 合 法性可言;它们置举世公认的国际法 于不顾,纯属一派胡言。
Security Council resolutions 1718 (2006) and 1874 (2009) which the hostile forces regard as the “ground” for taking issue with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s satellite launch are a product of their high-handed policy for antagonizing and oppressing the Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea and the height of illegality; they are
[...] faked up at random, disregarding even universally [...]
accepted international law.
該 等 前 瞻 性 陳 述 乃 反 映 中 芯 國 際 高 級 管 理 層 根 據 最
佳 判 斷 作 出 的 估 計,存 在 重
[...] 大 已 知 及 未 知 的 風 險、 不確定性以及其他可能導致中芯國際實際業績、財務狀況或經營結果與前瞻性陳述所載資料有重大差異的因素, 包 括(但限 於)與 半 導 體 行 業 週 期 及 市 況 有 關 風 險、激 烈 競 爭、中 芯 國 際 客 戶 能 否 及 時 接 收 晶 圓 產 品、能 否 及 時 引 進 新 技 術、中 芯 國 際 量 產 新 產 [...]
品 的 能 力、半 導 體 代 工 服 務
供 求 情 況、行 業 產 能 過 剩、設 備、零 件 及 原 材 料 短 缺、製 造 產 能 供 給 和 終 端市 場 的金 融 情況 是 否穩 定。
These forward-looking statements are necessarily estimates reflecting the best judgment of SMIC’s senior management and involve significant risks, both known and unknown, uncertainties and other factors that may cause SMIC’s actual performance, financial condition or results of
operations to be materially
[...] different from those suggested by the forward-looking statements including, among others, risks associated with cyclicality and market conditions in the semiconductor industry, intense [...]
competition, timely wafer
acceptance by SMIC’s customers, timely introduction of new technologies, SMIC’s ability to ramp new products into volume, supply and demand for semiconductor foundry services, industry overcapacity, shortages in equipment, components and raw materials, availability of manufacturing capacity, and financial stability in end markets.
目前距离实现这些目标的 2015 年最后限时间已经半,既 有重要进展,也有重大挫折,特别是金融危机造成 的挫折。
Now, more than halfway to the 2015 deadline for achievement [...]
of these goals, there have been significant advances, and important
setbacks, in particular as a result of the financial crisis.
说所有当事方有权对条约 提出保留,并不意味这个权利无限 的 , 更不要说这样提出的一切保留,因为条 约内列入单纯的一般性条款,就在第 21 条第 [...]
1 款起首部分的意义上“成立”。
To say that all the parties have the right to
formulate reservations to
[...] the treaty cannot imply that this right is unlimited, still less that [...]
all reservations so formulated
are, by virtue of the simple general clause included in the treaty, “established” within the meaning of the chapeau to article 21, paragraph 1.
通过建立一无限期的 共同体,有自己 的机构、自己的人格、自己的法律能力和在国际上的代表能力,更加具体地说,真正的权力 [...]
源自成员国的主权受限制或成员国的权力向共同体转让,成员国在有限的领域内限制了它们 的主权权利,并由此成立了一个对自己的国民和各国彼此之间具有约束力的法律体系。
By creating a Community of unlimited duration, having its own institutions, [...]
its own personality, its own legal capacity
and capacity of representation on the international plane and, more particularly, real powers stemming from a limitation of sovereignty or a transfer of powers from the States to the Community, the member States have limited their sovereign rights, albeit within limited fields, and have thus created a body of law which binds both their nationals and themselves.
主席,我覺得整件事的實際情況,是梁展文先生曾統籌涉及與新 世界中國地產限公司就紅半島議 價和談判的整個過程,但他經由 新世界作介紹人,加入新世界工作,即使在平常人眼中,這顯然會被 [...]
President, I think what actually happened was that Mr LEUNG Chin-man had co-ordinated the entire process of bargaining
and negotiation with
[...] New World China Land Limited in relation to Hunghom Peninsula development, and [...]
his taking up of employment
with New World through someone of the company as the introducer would, even in the eyes of ordinary citizens, be obviously considered as a conflict of interest.
一次消费酒类六个单位或更多,一月至少一次的人的比例,在受过高等教 育的人中则少半,在失业人员无 法 工 作养恤金领取人、没有医疗保险的人及 两人家庭中则高得多。
The proportion of people consuming six or more units of
alcohol at a time at
[...] least once a month is half smaller among people with higher education, and significantly higher among unemployed persons, recipients of incapacity for [...]
work pension, persons
without medical insurance, and households with two persons.
可用作本地或服务器:服务器版本的授权和安装类似于共享打印机,Raster-XChange安装简单,易于使用并且提供很多方便且便宜的授权-从本地单个用户授权 无限 制 用户授权-全球用户合作的话每个用户才需一分钱。
Available as a 'Local' or as a 'Server' License and installed as shared printer in the server version, Raster-XChange is both simple to install and easy to use and offers many convenient and inexpensive
License packs - from a single local
[...] user license to an unlimited user pack - for Global [...]
Corporate users at just a fraction of a penny per user !
攻击步枪,如 AK-47 型或 M-16 型步枪,无限期使 用;只要填充子弹。
An attack rifle, such as the AK-47 or the
[...] M-16, can last indefinitely; it just needs [...]
本摘要概述了文件“透明度和问责制:2002-2009 年提交《不扩散条约》报
告的情况”的内容,该文件汇编了迄今提交的报告,介绍了各国承诺提交报告的 背景,说明就报告的适当范围和格式不断进行的讨论,概述所提交报告的内容,
[...] 并提出有关建议,说明可如何改进报告,从而更好地实施问责制原则,强调该原 则是 1995 年无限期延长《条约》的一部分。
This summary provides an overview of the paper entitled “Transparency and accountability: NPT reporting 2002-2009”, which compiles the reporting to date, provides background to the reporting commitment, reviews the continuing discussion of the appropriate scope and format of reports, broadly surveys the content of reports submitted and recommends ways in which reporting can be strengthened and thus
better meet the principle of accountability that was emphasized as part
[...] of the 1995 indefinite extension of [...]
the Treaty.
大会注意到按照预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会 2008 年 4 月 18 日题为“加强针对暴力侵害妇女和女童行为的预防犯罪和刑事司 法对策”的第 17/1 号决定召开的审查和修订《在预防犯罪和刑事司法领域中消 除对妇女的暴力行为的示范战略和实际措施》政府间专家组会议的报告,期待委 员会第十九届会议审议该报告; 大会欢迎预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会第十八届会议(2009 年 4 月 19 日至 24 日)通过第 18/3 号决议,成立了一个治理和财务问题不限成员名额常设政府间工 作组,其任务限将到 2011 年半年举行委员会届会时为止。
The General Assembly took note of the report of the intergovernmental group of experts to review and update the Model Strategies and Practical Measures on the Elimination of Violence against Women in the Field of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, convened in accordance with Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice decision 17/1 of 18 April 2008, entitled “Strengthening crime prevention and criminal justice responses to violence against women and girls”, and looked forward to the consideration of that report by the Commission at its nineteenth session.
大会通过了决议草案 1.GA
[...] 5B,决议决定在执行局第一七五届会议期间在教科文组织总 部举行大会特别会议,目的是从所有缔约国当中补选政府间委员会的 6 个委员国,但 条件是根据《公约》第 6.3 条之规定,通过抽签决定其中半委 员 国在 限 任 期 内担任 委员国职务。
The General Assembly adopted Resolution 1. GA 5B by which it decided to convene an extraordinary session of the General Assembly at UNESCO Headquarters during the 175th Session of the Executive Board with the purpose of electing six additional States Members of the Intergovernmental Committee among all
States Parties, with the
[...] understanding that half of them will be chosen by lot to serve a limited term of office, in [...]
the spirit of Article 6.3 of the Convention.
在远北的 Gulf Country 和约克半岛,广阔无人区 被数不清的干涸河床划成无数小块,而到了雨季,这些河床会变成溢水的河流。
In the far northern Gulf
[...] Country and Cape York Peninsula there are huge empty [...]
regions cut by countless dry riverbeds, which
can become overflowing rivers in the wet season.
这是半球第一个无核武器 区,它的范围覆盖了以前曾经有核武器存在的一个地 区。
Such a zone is the first nuclear-weapon-free zone
[...] in the northern hemisphere and will encompass [...]
an area where nuclear weapons previously existed.
在 10 月 14 日第 8 次会议上,巴西代表以阿根廷、玻利维亚、巴西、文莱达
鲁萨兰国、智利、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、古巴、多米尼加共和国、厄瓜多尔、 危地马拉、海地、印度尼西亚、墨西哥、蒙古、新西兰、巴拿马、巴布亚新几内
[...] 亚、秘鲁、南非和委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国的名义提出了一项题为 无 核 武 器的半球和 邻近地区”的决议草案(A/C.1/63/L.40)。
At the 8th meeting, on 14 October, the representative of Brazil, on behalf of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Indonesia, Mexico, Mongolia, New Zealand, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Peru, South Africa and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic
of), introduced a draft resolution entitled
[...] “Nuclear-weaponfree southern hemisphere and adjacent areas” [...]
在您给 Specification Lead 提供任何反馈时,您作以下保证:(i)同意以非专利和非机密的基础提供这些反馈,(ii)颁发给 Specification Lead 无限期的、非独占的、世界范围内的、付讫的、不可收回的许可证,Specification Lead 有权向多级别的从属许可证方颁发从属许可证,可以出于与本规范及其未来版本、实现和测试套件有关的任何目的将您的反馈编入、公开 无限 制 地 使用。
To the extent that you provide the Specification Lead with any Feedback, you hereby: (i) agree that such Feedback is provided on a non-proprietary and non-confidential
basis, and
[...] (ii) grant the Specification Lead a perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide, fully paid-up, irrevocable license, with the right to sublicense through multiple levels of sublicensees, to incorporate, disclose, and use without limitation the Feedback for any purpose related to the Specification and future versions, implementations, and [...]
test suites thereof.
一个人可以被宣布长无法工作半年 、 一年、 二年或五年。
A person may be
[...] declared permanently incapacitated for work for a [...]
period of six months, one year, two years or five years.
主席向专家小组解释称,因为对统计网站参与 者部分的访问无限制的 ,他请专家小组提交一份具体的信息请求,并提供保密 [...]
保证,即保证该信息不会被进一步披露或用于除请求中所述目的以外的其他目 的。
The Chair explained to the Panel that, because access to
the participants’ section of the
[...] statistics website was unlimited, he was asking the [...]
Panel to submit a request for specific
information along with assurances of confidentiality that the information would not be further disclosed or used for purposes other than those described in the request.
但实际上这些“房间”中既有全封闭的室内空间,也有有 无 墙 的 半 室 外 空间,更有一大部分是头上只是花架的室 [...]
But the “rooms” include
[...] indoor spaces, semi-outdoor (having a roof [...]
but no walls) spaces, and outdoor spaces under trellises.
[...] Outlook®网格的观感和特性——它以表格的形式显示数据,并支持大量数据构形和分析功能,包括: 无限 数 量 的列进行数据分组和排序、行预览部分、总统计和分组统计、数据过滤、单元格合并等。
This standard Grid View emulates the look feel and behavior of the Microsoft® Outlook® grid - it displays data as a table and supports numerous data shaping and analysis
features including: data grouping and
[...] sorting against an unlimited number of columns, [...]
row preview sections, totals and group
summaries, data filtering, cell merging, etc.
例如可规定两个上限:预算外资金可支配流动性的 10%,最长限为每半年八 周。
For example, two ceilings could be set: 10% of liquidity available under extrabudgetary funds, and a
[...] maximum term of eight weeks per half-year.
(b) 为加强《条约》的公信力,阿拉伯国家吁请《条约》缔约国,特别是作 为 1995 年中东问题决议提案国的核武器缔约国,申明他们完全致力于实现该决 议的各项目标,这是在
[...] 1995 年审议和延期大会上达成的协定的组成部分,无 限期延长《条约》。
(b) In order to consolidate the credibility of the Treaty, the Arab States call on States parties to the Treaty, particularly the nuclear-weapon States that sponsored the 1995 resolution on the Middle East, to affirm their complete commitment to the aims of that resolution, which is
an integral part of the agreement reached at the 1995 Review and Extension Conference
[...] to extend the Treaty indefinitely.
所有可能损失的寿命限,几乎有 半 都 是在生产年龄,即 16-64 岁,因 为疾病、受伤和死亡而损失的。
Almost half of all the potentially lost years of [...]
life are lost in productive age, i.e. years 16–64, due to illness, injury and mortality.
内部司法理事会保留在其上一次报告(A/66/158)第 12 段中所述看法,即如
[...] 修订争议法庭规约,以提供预算定为全职法官费用的 75%的两名半职法官的经费, 而不是预算定为全职法官的 50%的两半职法官的经费,就可无 需 增 设一半 职法官。
The Internal Justice Council maintains the view expressed in paragraph 12 of its previous report (A/66/158) that the need for an additional half-time judge might be avoided if the statute of the Dispute Tribunal were to be amended to provide for two part-time judges budgeted at 75
per cent of the
[...] cost of a full-time judge, instead of two half-time judges budgeted at 50 per cent of [...]
the cost of a full-time judge.
年才再次提出关于小费和奖金的案文。行业税法规定,雇 员在工作中为他人收取的款项,若不是由雇主提供的,款项 半 数 必 须缴税无 论其性质如何。
The new provision of CIP stipulated that half of any sums received by employees in the course of the performance of their work, irrespective of their nature, would be taxable when the sums were not distributed by the employer.
支持丰富的功能/表现定制:拥有表现和数据分离,单页面可以应用多 无限 级 菜 单树,多达4种展开模式,风格样式定义结构清晰、灵活又精细等等特性。
Support the rich functionality/performance of the custom : with performance and data
separation can be applied to
[...] multiple single- page menu unlimited level tree , up to [...]
4 flat pattern , style, style definitions
clear structure , and so flexible and fine features .
如果三次此无限制 投 票均无结果,后三次投票应只限于对在第三 无限 制 投 票中得票最多的候选 人,其人数不得超过余下的待填补职位数的两倍;此后三次投票又应 无限 制投票,依此交替进行,直至所有职位均得到填补为止。
If three such unrestricted ballots are inconclusive, the next three ballots shall be restricted to the candidates who obtained the greatest number of votes in the third of the unrestricted ballots, whose number shall not be more than twice the number of places remaining to be filled; the following three ballots shall be unrestricted, and so on until [...]
all the places have been filled.




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