

单词 半打

See also:


semi- adj

(after a number) and a half

External sources (not reviewed)

如今,該公司已開發,幾乎所有經COSC認證的一 半打 房 子 口徑的。
Today, the
[...] company has developed a half-dozen house calibres [...]
which almost all are certified by the COSC.
在成立之初,從事佛羅倫薩阿里奧斯托·瓊斯在一次冒險成為的名義瓊斯機芯的製表歷史的一部分, 半打 的 基 本動作。
At its inception, Florentine Ariosto Jones was engaged in an
[...] adventure with a half-dozen basic movements [...]
become part of the history of watchmaking
under the name Jones calibres.
入息中位數的意思是, 有半“打工仔女”的月入低於 1 萬元。
The meaning of median income is that the
[...] monthly salaries of half of our wage earners [...]
are lower than $10,000.
[...] “Enable” ( 启用 ), DBCS 和 ASCII 字符将以其原始尺寸宽度的半打印。
If set to “Enable,” both the DBCS and ASCII
[...] characters will print at half of the width of their [...]
original size.
半“打工仔女”的收入在 1 萬元以下。
The income of half of our wage earners [...]
is less than $10,000.
半打专业 股权及债务投资者同意并已携手作出重大财务承诺这一事实,表明他们对此次调整的信心。
The fact that more than a half dozen expert equity and [...]
debt investors agree, and have come together to make substantial
financial commitments, speaks volumes about their confidence as well.
其传动比率不断变化,当一半带轮关闭而增加直径时,另 半 带 轮 打 开 而 减少其有效直径,反之亦然。
The ratio is continuously
[...] changed as the halves of one pulley close up, increasing its diameter, while the other pulley opens, decreasing [...]
its effective diameter − and vice versa.
7)如果您在餐馆吃饭,请服务生在上餐前先将 半 的 餐 食 打 包。
7) If you are eating at a restaurant,
[...] ask them to wrap half of your meal before [...]
it is served
使用CEX r指令设 置DBCS半宽模式时打印单 字节ASCII字符。
When DBCS Half Width mode is set by the CEX r command, a single byte ASCII character prints.
使用CEX s指令取消DBCS半宽模式时打印双字节 GB字符。
When DBCS Half Width mode is cancelled by the CEX s command, a double byte GB characters prints.
秘书处已将外国直接投资部分纳入其为最不 发达国家和内陆发展中国家制订的私营部门发展技术援助战略,打 算在 2012 年半年开始执行这项战略。
The secretariat has incorporated an FDI component in its private sector development technical assistance strategy for least and
landlocked developing countries with
[...] the intention of initiating the implementation of this strategy in the second half of 2012.
匈牙利政府称打算在 2012 年半年向议会提交关于加入《公约》的法律草案。
The Government
[...] informed that it intended to submit the draft legislation on the accession to the Parliament in the second half of 2012.
高级环保PP打包带是市场发展的必然打包带是一种广泛被使用的消耗型包材,从生产的PP料质可分为包芯带和实芯带;从产品的品质来分可分为透明A级,透明B级,A级,AB级,B级,BC级及C级等;从使用的机器来分可分为手打带,机打带(又分为全自动 打 带 和 半 自 动 机 打 带 );从使用的范围可分为包装用打包带和工艺品带;还有分印字带和不印字带等等.
Senior PP pack is the inevitable development of market pack is a widely used in the production of material consumption, PP material qualitative can be divided into the core belt and solid core belt, From the quality of the products to points can be divided into A transparent, transparent, A grade B, AB, class B and class C and BC, etc.
From the use of the machine to play with hand, can be
[...] divided into play with (machine and half full automata dozen [...]
dozen belt); ca From the use of the
pack and can be divided into the package with handicraft, And points and not printed words printed with etc.
江苏旭田环保机械有限公司通过十几年的发展与创新,主要产品有立式纸箱打包机、服装打包机、可乐瓶打包机,立式交叉油缸打包机,风吸式全自动打包机,小型、中型、大型全自 打 包 机 ,闭 半 自 动卧 式 打 包 机 等。
Ltd can produce a great variety of balers with different specifications, such as vertical carton baler, cloth baler, coca-cola baler, vertical baler with crossed cylinders, air-absorbing automatic baler, small, medium-sized and large automatic balers, semi-automatic horizontal baler with closed
gate, etc. Company has always adhered to quality
[...] principles to secure the position of XTPACK balers at home and abroad.
毛利人的神話故事則說,兩個神為了爭奪這塊石頭, 打 算 劈開 一 半 , 大 家各獲得一份,平息糾紛。
According to the Maori’s
[...] legend, two gods were fighting each other for a rock.
不过,就 像我们每天与其它国家,特别是与 半 球 国 家 打 交道时所做的那样,我们也要求在遣返刚果公民时应尊重 他们的尊严,并且要履行十多年前在这方面作出的相 关承诺。
However, as we do with other
[...] countries on a daily basis, particularly those in the northern hemisphere, we would ask [...]
that the expulsions of
Congolese nationals be carried out with dignity and in accordance with the relevant commitments made more than 10 years ago.
该国政府打算在 2011 年半年举 行一项调查,并邀请所有合作伙伴参 与,藉此参与《巴黎宣言》指标进展情况的全球评价。
The Government also intends to participate in the global [...]
evaluation of progress on the indicators of the Paris Declaration
through a survey that will take place during the first part of 2011 in which all partners are invited to participate.
1、无门式卧半自动液压打包机 ,适用于废纸、纸箱、塑料等固态废料行业; 2、可输送带上料、风管送料和人工加料的操作方式; [...]
1、Horizontal semi-auto hydraulic baler without door applicable [...]
scrap paper,cardboard,plastic and so on solid scrap material
field. 2、It can feed material by conveyor or air-blower or manual. 3、PLC control system,Can automatically inspection feed,automatic push bag,or manual operate.
早期的版本為半亮光漆面,而GT版本則更為耀目,其高度亮光自 打 磨 漆面 與 半 亮 光 處理結他同樣輕量。
The GT is also noteworthy because it delivers its high gloss luster in a Custom Polished finish
[...] that is as light as our semi-gloss treatment.
另一种有用的设备是水龙头节流器,被安装在现有水龙头上,可以根据需要改变流 量,当水龙打开一半时只 有水雾喷出,当进一步打开,全部流量流出。
Another useful device is a tap flow reducers which, when fitted to existing taps, allows the flow to be modified according to use.
包装机械从自动化程度分类通常分为手动包装机械、半自动包装机械和全自动包装机械;手动产品结构较简单,功能单一,生产效率较低;像奶茶封口机,手 打 包 带机 ; 半 自 动包装机械通常通过PLC编程,实现一定程度上的连续工作流程,提高了生产效率,减小了操作人员的工作负度;全自动包装机械,是为实现某一目的,有全套智能型的包装流程,有些可对目标进行分析判别,选择不同的流程
Packaging machinery from the degree of automation is usually divided into manual packing machine, semi-automatic packaging machinery and automatic packaging machine; a manual product structure is relatively simple, single function, low production
efficiency; like sealing machine,
[...] manual packing machine; semi-automatic packaging [...]
machinery usually through PLC programming,
achieve some degree of continuous work process, improves the production efficiency, reduces the working negative degree; automatic packaging machinery is  achieve a goal with a full set of intelligent packaging process, analyse some of the target , choose a different process
在南部省份Abyan,也门安全部 队在空军和海军的支持下,加大打 击 阿拉 伯 半岛 基地组织半岛基 地组织)和AnsarAl-Sharia的力 度,最近取得了一些成功。
In the southern province of Abyan, Yemeni security forces have
stepped up their campaign
[...] against Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and Ansar Al-Sharia with [...]
air and navy support, with some recent success.
第一,从 2013 年起,欧洲联盟将拍卖碳排放配额,估计每年会产生
[...] 200 亿至 350 亿美元的 收入;有些国家已表打算把半数收 入拨给气候变化方案(但由于其中包括国内 [...]
First, from 2013, the European Union is to auction carbon emissions allowances, which will generate an estimated $20 billion-$35 billion in annual
revenues; some countries have indicated
[...] their intention to allocate half for climate change [...]
programmes (although inasmuch as
this includes domestic programmes, much less is likely to be devoted to programmes in developing countries).
秘书长在其报告(A/C.5/59/2 和 Corr.1,第 94 和第 95 段)中,在他提出法院 法官和两法庭法官的薪酬应从 160 000 美元增加到
177 000 美元的建议后说,大 会在其第 53/214
[...] 号决议第八节中决定把国际法院法官的退休养恤金定为年薪的半,根 据这项决定,在 2005 年退休的法院法官的年度退休福利,将由每年 [...]
80 000 美元增加到 88 500 美元,自 2005
年 1 月 1 日起生效,而且,根据国际法院法官 基薪拟议增加额,建议在付养恤金增加 10.6%,自 2005 年 1 月 1 日起生效。
In his report (A/C.5/59/2 and Corr.1, paras. 94-95), the Secretary-General, following his recommendation that emoluments of the members of the Court and the judges of the Tribunals be increased from US$ 160,000 to US$ 177,000, stated that, based on the decision of the General Assembly contained in section VIII of its resolution 53/214 to set
the retirement pension for the members
[...] of the Court at one half of the annual salary, [...]
the annual retirement benefit of a
member of the Court retiring in 2005 would increase from US$ 80,000 per annum to US$ 88,500 with effect from 1 January 2005 and that, based on the proposed increase in the base salary of the members of the Court, it was recommended that pensions in payment be increased by 10.6 per cent, effective 1 January 2005.
半以上 的经常预算都集中在四个优先事项领域——扫盲、教师、就业技能以及全 [...]
部门的政策和计划制订,并且在活动计划中越来越重视地域针对性,该部门重新调整重点的 做法正在使其逐步扩大在国家一级的能见度和影响。
With over half of the regular budget [...]
concentrated on four priority areas – literacy, teachers, skills for the world of work,
and sector-wide policy and planning – and increased geographical targeting in the design of activities, the Sector’s newly focused approach is enabling it to scale up its visibility and impact at country level.
它还呼吁政府考虑加强努力打击暴 力侵害妇女,包 括家庭暴力和人口贩运,特别是贩运妇女和儿童现象,特别是要确保充分执行有 [...]
It also called on the Government to consider
[...] strengthening efforts to combat violence against [...]
women, including domestic violence and
trafficking in persons, especially women and children by, inter alia, ensuring the full implementation of related laws and legislation, and also through the continued provision of adequate funding and the creation of a monitoring mechanism.
秘书长在向咨询委员会提供的补充资料 中说,合规检查团的一条经验教训是,无论合规督察干事的个人专业才干如何, 在同 P-5 或资深 P-4 职等安保主打交道 或向 D-2 或以上职等指定官员汇报情况 时,一个 P-3 合规督察干事的资历或实地经验都不足以取信。
In the supplementary information provided to the Advisory Committee, the Secretary-General states that one of the lessons learned with regard to compliance missions was that, irrespective of the professional competence of the individual compliance officers, when dealing with Chief Security Officers at the P-5 or senior P-4 levels or debriefing designated officials at the level of D-2 or above, a P-3 compliance officer has neither the seniority nor the field experience to be credible.
根据《关于教科文组织与各基金会及其他类似机构之关系的指示》(第 IV.2 条)与教
科文组织保持关系的组织以及与教科文组织没有正式关系的组织参加大会的问题按《大会议 事规则》第 7
[...] 条行事,该条规定,“经执行局推荐及出席并参加表决之会员国三分之二多数 通过,大会可接纳非政府半政府 国际组织代表作为观察员列席大会或大会所属专门委员会 [...]
The participation of organizations maintaining relations with UNESCO under the “Directives concerning UNESCO’s relations with foundations and similar institutions” (Article IV.2), and of organizations not having official relations with UNESCO, is governed by Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference which stipulates that “the General Conference, on the recommendation of the Executive Board and by a two-thirds majority of Members present and voting, may
admit as observers at specified sessions of the
[...] Conference or of its commissions [...]
representatives of international non-governmental
or semi-governmental organizations”.




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