

单词 半影

See also:


semi- adj

(after a number) and a half

External sources (not reviewed)

由於某部分半影可於 整個日食時間都不著地,因此並不是每次日食都有 P2 時間的。
Not all eclipses have this phase because it is perfectly possible that some of the penumbra is cast into space during the whole eclipse process.
英文报道)日本将为太阳能电池制造商提供一些迄今为止最强有力的刺激,这一消息显然对太阳能行业股票有好坏 半 的 影 响 , 尚德电力(NYSE: STP)在周一交易中大涨,也许意味着大公司最可能从这一新进展中获益。
(English article) The news that Japan will provide some of the strongest incentives to date for makers of solar cells is having a decidedly mixed effect on solar shares, with only Suntech (NYSE: STP) receiving a big boost in Monday trade, perhaps indicating that the biggest names are most likely to benefit from this new development.
例如,国际劳工移徙就没有条理分明的 国际框架,而这种移徙是造成社会变革的强大力量,对发展进程有巨大而且半 是正面的影响。
For instance, international labour migration, a powerful force of social change with significant — mostly positive — effects on the development process, lacks a coherent international framework.
最为重要的是,必须讨论教科文组织支持世界贫困 半 行 动 的 影 响 , 这是联合国 全球工作的组成部分。
Above all, the impact of UNESCO’s
[...] action in support of halving the world’s poverty and as part of the global United Nations effort will need to be addressed.
半色调去除:增强点阵文本和使半 色 调 网屏 影 像 ( 例如报纸照 片)。
Halftone Removal: enhances dot matrix text and images with halftone screens (e.g., newspaper photographs).
在中国的局部地区将氮肥施用量半 将 不 会明 影 响 作物产量和这些地区的自然碳汇, 但可以极大地减少温室气体排放。
Halving the amount of nitrogen fertiliser used in certain areas of China would substantially decrease greenhouse gas emissions without affecting crop productivity [...]
and the area’s natural carbon sink.
结论部分说明了本报告半部分产生 影 响。
The conclusion shows the implications of the earlier [...]
part of the document.
Choose from three translucent form shadow effects.
内部司法理事会曾注意到争议法庭的案件量和案件审理速度要求 半 职法影响(见 A/66/158,第 11 段),并意识到,行政和预算问题咨询委员会在其 [...]
关于 2012-2013 两年期拟议方案预算的第七次报告(见 A/66/7/Add.6)第
20 段中 表示,应进一步考虑下述理事会关于半职法官的使用的建议,这将提供一个高效 和灵活的替代安排。
The Internal Justice Council has previously noted the impact of the
caseload and workflow demands of the
[...] Dispute Tribunal on the half-time judges (see A/66/158, [...]
para. 11) and is aware that in
paragraph 20 of its seventh report on the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013 (see A/66/7/Add.6), the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions expressed the view that further consideration should be given to the recommendation of the Council noted below, with regard to the use of part-time judges, given that that would provide an efficient and flexible alternative arrangement.
市民雖然是最關心經濟問題,但對社會問題的相對關心程度,就達到近年新高,應該是受到西九龍發展計劃和紅 半 島 事件 的 影 響。
Although people are still more concerned with economic problems than anything else, their concern with social issues
has gone up to a new high in recent years, probably due to the recent West
[...] Kowloon and Hunghom Peninsula controversies.
[...] 了非洲国家实现粮食保障和到 2015 年将营养不良人口半的努力,影 响 了包 括千年发展目标在内的其他国际商定发展目标的实现。
We express our concern at the global food crisis which poses a serious challenge to the fight against poverty and hunger, to the efforts by African
countries to attain food security and
[...] the goal of reducing by half the number of undernourished [...]
people by 2015, as well as,
the achievement of other internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.
在索马里,全国近半人口遭受影响 , 整个 地区有 1 200 多万人迫切需要援助,因此极其需要提 供迅速有效的人道主义援助。
With almost half of the entire Somali population affected and more than [...]
12 million in urgent need of help in the whole region,
fast and effective humanitarian assistance is crucial.
这些奖项是澳大利亚昆士兰政府同联合国教科文组织以及FIAPF-国际电影制片人联合会合作发起的,以庆祝和表彰来自70个国家和地区、覆盖了地球三分之一的区域和占世 影 片 出 品 半 数 的 电 影。
These awards, an initiative of the Queensland Government, Australia in unique collaboration with UNESCO and FIAPF-International Federation of Film
Producers Associations – acclaim films from 70 countries and areas; one
[...] third of the earth; and half the world’s film output.
這種方法的缺點是設計計算不能設計最佳的引腳折 半 徑 ,這 將 影 響 可 能的應力集中總量(在定義的輸入參數下,計算設計引腳的折彎半徑近似是線徑的兩倍)。
The disadvantage of this approach can be seen in the fact that the
design calculation can't
[...] design the optimal radius of the leg bends, which affect the amount of the [...]
possible stress peaks
(within the defined input parameters, the calculation designs the bending radii of the legs as approximately double the wire diameter).
我們與居民聯絡時,明白居民仍然對樓宇安全表示關 注,除了於半年舉行樓影響評 估簡介會外,大使隊亦於家 訪期間向未有參與該簡介會的業戶派發樓宇影響評估報告概 要、樓宇影響評估報告簡介會的會議記錄及資訊小冊子(包括 高鐵項目大角咀段的問與答)、香港工程師學會及三間測量顧問 公司的免費諮詢服務的細則等,並作簡單解釋。
The Team delivered and explained to residents the simplified BIA reports, the minutes of the BIA briefings and leaflets (including one covering Questions and Answers on the TKT section), and the details of the free surveying and engineering professional services.
然 而,南佛羅里達州的住宅市場正面對供過於求及信貸緊 縮影響,下半年未必可以維持完成交易程序的進度。
However, the division’s results were over-shadowed by the impact of high fuel prices on the Cathay Pacific group.
2008 年爆发于美国的金融危机对中国产生了一定的冲击,但并没有对中国的互联网发 展产生过影响,2009 年半年网民规模稳步增长。
The outbreak of the US financial
[...] crisis in 2008 had little impact on Internet development in China, where the first half of 2009 saw the steady [...]
increase in the number of Internet users.
In the first half when Carl lives in [...]
the city, the visual is detailed and carefully controlled; When Carl’s adventure takes
him to South America, the 3D technique highlights the vastness and vividness of the nature.
為了抵​​消電磁場影響,鎂軋 半 成 品 製造的零部件供應和住房 鋁的生產加工(LMPV) 在。
To counteract the effects of electromagnetic fields, offer from magnesium-rolling semi-finished manufactured [...]
parts and housing
of Aluminum production & processing (LMPV) at.
这一高目标的依据是,用来消影响 着半数人 类的不平等现象的自愿捐款很有可能大大增加。
It is an ambition tempered by the real
possibility of a dramatic increase in voluntary contributions to address the
[...] inequalities that affect half of humanity.
半以上 的经常预算都集中在四个优先事项领域——扫盲、教师、就业技能以及全 部门的政策和计划制订,并且在活动计划中越来越重视地域针对性,该部门重新调整重点的 做法正在使其逐步扩大在国家一级的能见度 影 响。
With over half of the regular budget concentrated on four priority areas – literacy, teachers, skills for the world of work, and sector-wide policy and planning – and increased geographical targeting in the design of activities, the Sector’s newly focused approach is enabling it to scale up its visibility and impact at country level.
充分意识到,乌兹别克斯坦作为全球经济一体化的一部分正在并将继续经受 全球危机所带来的负面且更加严重 影 响 , 2008 年半年制 订了《2009 至 2012 年反危机措施纲要》,将国家经济的具体条件和状况均考虑在内。
The realization that Uzbekistan, as part of an integrated global economic space, was experiencing and would continue to experience the adverse and increasingly harsh effects of the world crisis led to the adoption in late 2008 of a programme of anti-crisis measures for 2009 to 2012 based on the actual state of the country’s economy.
最流行的是落日效 果渐变镜,它一般可以让画面上部天空的部分颜色变暖,从而提升天空落日部分的 暖色调,而不影响画面下半部分
One of the most popular, the sunset grad, applies a warm tone to the top-most part
of the image and enhances the warm sky of an actual or contrived
[...] sunset without affecting the bottom half of the image.
B. 地基工程/底層結構工程費用較高,是因為工地面積所限制,以
[...] 及鄰近的地鐵地下構築物易受地層傳導振 影 響 而須 為 半 底 層提 供大面積的臨時土地側向承托系統和進行監察工作。
B. The foundation/substructure cost is higher due to the restricted site area,
extensive temporary earth lateral
[...] support system for the semi-basement and monitoring [...]
required due to the adjacent MTR
underground structures which are prone to ground borne vibrations.
奧運總在主辦城市留下深刻的印記,甚至連申辦城市也不例外,奧運對多數主辦城市的構造及未 影 響 好壞 參 半 , 對某些城市則為弊多於利,但從申辦、籌備、主辦到落幕後的生活,奧運城市經驗始終各自有別。
The Olympic Games leave behind an indelible mark on any host city, and even those cities that have just bid for the Games.
即 便 全 球 油 價 受 歐 美 經 濟 景影 響 而 在 2011 年半年處 於低檔狀態 俄羅斯 2011 年全年經濟預期仍將呈現穩定而樂觀的成長態 [...]
勢 根據俄羅斯經濟發展部的看法指出 在農 業生產成長超過 10% 工業生產成長達
4.7% 糧食全年出口 1,800 萬噸之下 俄羅斯擺脫了 去年與上半年曾有的糧食供應問題 CPI 年增 率將可望控制在 8% 以下 且許多指標重回金 融海嘯前水準 大致上 2011 年結算的 GDP 成 長率預估將有 4.1% 以上 在新興經濟體中仍 屬穩健成長的經濟體 在 2012 年展望上 假設 若無政治風險因素的干擾 俄羅斯應仍能保持 穩健成長
Even though the global oil price has
[...] been low during the second half of 2011 because of the economy [...]
of the US and Europe, Russia
is still expected to see a stable and optimistic annual economic growth in 2011. According to Russia’s Ministry of Economic Development, with the agricultural production growing by more than 10%, the manufacturing production growing by 4.7%, and the annual export of food reaching 18 million tons, Russia has got rid of the food supply problems it once faced last year and in the first half of this year.
該部門在香港經營共一百二十一間 多品牌及單一品牌店舖,香港的零售銷量較去年同期上 升百分之十八,預料消費開支增長放緩, 影 響 下 半年 的業績。
Results in the second-half are expected to be affected by a slowdown [...]
in the growth of consumer spending.
此外在敘利亞問題上 目前阿拉伯聯盟正 準備對敘利亞採取一連串的制裁措施 可能進 一步導致該經濟體內部產生更嚴重的政治不穩 定 甚至引發內戰 加上利比亞與埃及目前處 於權利過渡的真空階段 內部經濟也尚處於相 當困難的狀況 因此近期阿拉伯半島以北周邊 與北非地區的政治穩定仍是一大問題 這也將
使得明年的全球原油市場價格仍存在一定程度 的風險 若進一步納入明年歐盟景氣不振對中 東北非地區原油
[...] 原材料產品 設備產業與觀 光產業等等影響 2012 年半年中 小企業在 中東與北非地區的經營風險預計仍是相對較高 [...]
的 作者為台灣經濟研究院副院長
Also, the Arab League is ready now to take a series of sanctions against Syria, which may probably make the economy’s domestic politics more seriously unstable, even to the extent of civil war. Moreover, as Libya and Egypt are currently at a transition period with a “power vacuum” and rather difficult domestic
economy, the political stability remains a serious problem for the northern
[...] part of the Arabian Peninsula and for North Africa.




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