

单词 半信半疑

External sources (not reviewed)

众所周知,对“北朝鲜卷入天安号事件的说法”,70%南朝鲜人表示怀疑,其 余人则表示不相信半信半疑
It has already been known that more than 70 per cent of the south Koreans said they were sceptical about the
“story about the north’s involvement in theCheonan case”, while the
[...] rest donotbelieve it or remaindoubtful about it.
I was worried about the cost of the private room.
她不自禁的踏入教堂,虽然还 半信半疑 有 一天,在注目十架上的耶稣时,她感到祂确实的同在。
Shebegan to half-heartedly attend church [...]
and at one such occasion, while looking at the cross, she felt the undisputable presence of Christ.
China’s banking sector may be heading into winter (previous post), but software outsourcing specialist Camelot Information Systems (NYSE: CIS) seems to think a
spending downturn by the sector that hammered its stock last year may be in the past — an
[...] assessment I onlyhalf believe.
随后世纪空间科学与和平利用 外层空间造福人类的时代。
Undoubtedly,the halfcentury thatfollowed [...]
became an era of space science and the peaceful uses of outer space for the well-being of humankind.
We have actually Christian writers, in East and West, such as
Arnobius, and to some extent Lactantius and Julius Africanus, who show
[...] that they areonly halfinstructedin theFaith.
应当指出,这是从来没有想过在这种情况下要跟踪一个学说回到最早的时候;圣文森特要求教会 产生怀 据之前, - 这是他的antiquitas概念,以及在符合有鉴于此,由议会和教皇引用的父亲和父亲的大部分是最近(Petavius​​,德Incarn。
It should be noted that it was never in such cases thought necessary to trace a doctrine back to the earliest times;
St. Vincent demanded the proof of the
[...] Church's belief before adoubt arose --this is his [...]
notion of antiquitas; and in conformity
with this view, the Fathers quoted by councils and popes and Fathers are for the most part recent (Petavius, De Incarn., XIV, 15, 2-5).
国际水文计划第六阶段战略计划(2002 至 2007
[...] 年)已经完成了第五年的工作,在报告期间在 不同领域内取得了重大进展:扩大了干旱 区发球网(G-WADI);2006 年 11 月在古 巴成功举办了水资源易变性、变化过程、分析和影响问题第五次 [...]
系列确定水流状态)世界会议;开放多条合作渠道,进一步加强同全球环境基金的联系;就重点城 市水资源管理问题、包括紧急情况下地下水管理在内的地下水管理、共有水资源管理、生态水文学 以及水资源历史和文化等问题多次举办讲习班和培训活动。
The implementation of the sixth phase of IHP (2002-2007) completed its fifth year, and significant progress was made in different fields during the period
reported: G-WADI, the global
[...] networkon informationfordevelopment inarid and semi-arid zones was expanded; [...]
a successful Fifth
FRIEND (Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data) World Conference on Water Resources Variability, Processes, Analyses and Impacts took place in Cuba in November 2006; links to the Global Environment Facility were further strengthened with a number of cooperation lines opened; numerous workshops and training activities were held on key urban water management issues; groundwater management, including groundwater for emergency situations; shared water management; ecohydrology; and water history and culture.
但是,在对推动 WIPO-2 建议整体的各项方案表示怀同时 示,在保护政府间组织名称和缩略语方面有可能取得进展,因为国际法中已有现成的 [...]
However, while expressing doubtsaboutthe options for [...]
moving forward with the WIPO-2 Recommendations as a whole, the letterindicated that progress might
be possible with regard to the protection of names and acronyms of IGOs for which an established basis exists in international law.
五年前,上一届不扩散条约审议大会的 举行正值世界首脑会议成果文件(第
60/1 号决议)获 得通过,而且各国领导人在其中承诺讨论并确定“人 的安全”的概念;五年后的今天,在我们回到纽约这
[...] 里的时候,正值我们面临一项迫切的需求,必须取得 进展,摆脱怀,回归联合国的理想,寻 求为人类营建一个更美好的世界。
It therefore strikes me as no coincidence that, five years ago, the last NPT Review Conference was held just as the World Summit Outcome (resolution 60/1) came up with a commitment to discussing and defining the notion of human security — or that, five years later, we are back here in New York facing
the urgent need to make progress
[...] beyondasense of suspicionand distrust and toreturn [...]
to the ideals of the United Nations
in seeking a better world for humankind.
你有过膝关节的问题,而您的骨科医生怀撕裂,也被称为'软骨' 撕裂。
You have had problems with your knee and your
[...] orthopaedic surgeon suspectsthat you may have a torn meniscus, [...]
also known as a torn 'cartilage'.
If Christianity did not exist at all in Upper Egypt before AD 150, then we must come down to the date of Demetrius as the earliest possible date of the version; but if, as is more likely, the Christian religion had spread by means of the Nile immediately after it began to be preached in
Alexandria, and had already become
[...] infected byhereticaland semi-pagan superstitionsin the second century, [...]
we may provisionally conclude
from the character of the Sahidic version that it was made at that time" ("The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Southern Dialect", III, Oxford, 1911, p. 398).
根据这些陈述,监察组有三名有关于阿斯马拉及其周围 环境的第一手知识,而且有可能与 Fitsum 上校有过直接接触。
The MonitoringGroup is persuaded, on thebasis of these accounts, that all three suspects had first-hand [...]
knowledge of Asmara
and its environs, and had probably had direct contact with Colonel Fitsum.
分析 2002--2003 双年度传播划实施情况的依据,是《2002--2007 年中 期战略》计划中确定的三项主要战略目标(31 C/4)。
The backdrop for analysing the implementation of the communication andinformation programme during the first six months of the 2002-2003 biennium is provided by the three principal strategic objectives assigned to the programme in the Medium-Term Strategy for 2002-2007 (31 C/4).
倘股票遭损坏或污损或报称已遗失、失窃或销毁,则於提出要求及支付有 关费用(指定证券交易所可能厘定的应付最高款额或董事会可能厘定的较低数额) 後,并须符合有关证据及弥偿保证以及支付本公司於调查该等证据及准备董事会认为
适合的弥偿保证时的费用或合理实际开支及(就损坏或污损而言)向本公司递交原有 股票的条款(若有),本公司可向有关股东发出代表相同数目股份的新股票,惟倘已
[...] 发出股息单,则不会发出新的股息单以取代已遗失者,除非董事并无合理怀有股息单已遭销毁。
If a share certificate shall be damaged or defaced or alleged to have been lost, stolen or destroyed a new certificate representing the same shares may be issued to the relevant Member upon request and on payment of such fee as the Designated Stock Exchange may determine to be the maximum fee payable or such lesser sum as the Board may determine and, subject to compliance with such terms (if any) as to evidence and indemnity and to payment of the costs and reasonable out-of-pocket expenses of the Company in investigating such evidence and preparing such indemnity as the Board may think fit and, in case of damage or defacement, on delivery of the old certificate to the Company provided always that where share warrants have been issued, no new share warrant shall be issued to replace
one that has been lost unless the Directors are
[...] satisfied beyondreasonabledoubt that the original has [...]
been destroyed.
公司的产品包括高性能模拟、电源、先进的混 和射、高速钟管理、以太网交换机及物理层收发器集成电路。
The Company's products include high
performance analog, power,
[...] advanced mixed-signal andradio frequency semiconductors; high speed communication, [...]
clock management,
Ethernet switch and physical layer transceiver integrated circuits.
[...] 域不断监视海上和空中的形势;(根据要求)进行情报活动;就 只交并通过行动的常设协调中心(设在土耳其埃雷利的海军基地)协调行动。
The operation’s primary objectives are: to maintain a naval presence on commercial maritime routes; to engage in ongoing surveillance of the situation at sea and in the air in national naval zones of responsibility; to conduct
intelligence operations (as required); to
[...] exchange information on suspiciousvessels; andto coordinate [...]
action through the operation’s
permanent coordination centre (located at a naval base in the city of Eregli, Turkey).
[...] 的捐助之前,通常将进行一次审慎调查,明确排除它对潜在的这类捐助人可能 有的任捐助人能够达到经修订的《准则》中载列的所有标 准。
Before accepting contributions from private sector sources, the Organization, therefore, would normally conduct a thorough due diligence review so as to refute affirmatively any concerns it
may have in respect of such prospective
[...] donorsand to be convincedthat thesedonors [...]
are able to meet all standards set forth in the revised Guidelines.
中立人认为被申请人是否根据《规则》收到通知 [或任何其他],可以进行其认为必要的调查或采取其认为必要的措施,以 便确信是否收到,中立人这样做时,可以对本《规则》规定的任何期限作 必要的展延。
Where it appears to the neutral
[...] that thereis any doubtasto whether the respondent has received the notice [or any other communication] under [...]
the Rules, the neutral
may make such inquiries or take such steps as he deems necessary to satisfy himself with regard to such receipt, and in doing so he may where necessary extend any time period provided for in the Rules.
[...] 和官员每天都有新的挑衅性项目实施,他们继续幸灾 乐祸,犯下没收他人土地、对其实行殖民统治的罪行, 进一步加剧已经存在的高度紧张局势和人们对以色 列作为和平伙伴怀
Settlement construction and expansion continues, with new and provocative projects being undertaken daily by settlers and officials, who continue to gloat in the perpetration of the crime of confiscating and colonizing
another people’s land, further fuelling
[...] already high tensions anddoubts regarding Israel’scredibility as a peacepartner.
(c) 有必要在检验、调查或起诉刑事罪或违反本条例行为中协助执法或政府当局,条件 是要求披露的个与被怀反行为直接相关,并且当局以其他方式无法合 理获得。
(c) are necessary to assist law enforcement or governmental authorities in the detection, investigation or prosecution of a criminal offence or breach of the
Code, provided that the
[...] Personal Information requested is directly relevant to the offencein question andotherwise [...]
cannot reasonably
be obtained by the authorities.
调查亦显示,当被访者有三项选择时,(50 %)西 龙文娱艺术区的计划和发展最好由「有公众代表参与的独立监管机构」负责,另外40%被访者认为由「政府负责文娱康体的部门」担任较佳。
Results also showed that when
[...] given three options,half of therespondents(50%) believed the WKCDplanning [...]
and development should
be best handled by "an independent cultural authority (quasi-government with good representations from public)" while another 40% opted for the "government agencies such as the sports, cultural and leisure departments".
计划在 2012 年末或 2013 年初发射 KOMPSAT-5 号,该卫星将携
[...] 载大韩民国第一个合成孔径雷达有效载荷,为朝 的地统、海 洋和大地管理以及灾害和环境监测任务(GOLDEN [...]
Planned to be launched in late 2012 or early 2013, KOMPSAT-5 will carry the first synthetic aperture
radar payload of the Republic of
[...] Korea and will servethe GIS, ocean and land management [...]
and disaster and environment monitoring
mission (GOLDEN mission) on the Korean peninsula.
例一:传媒在报导市民对最熟悉政治团体的最新评分结果时,可以说明「调查由港大民意研究计划进行,在上月中以电话随机访问千多名18岁或以上巿民,回应率六成七 … 在九下,政治团体认知度的抽样误差少於三个百分比,支持度评分则少於1.8分。
Example One: In reporting POP's latest ratings of the most well-known political groups, it could be mentioned that "the survey was conducted by POP in the middle of last month, over a thousand people aged 18 or above were interviewed by
telephone at random, with a response
[...] rate of 67%at 95% confidence level, the sampling [...]
errors of political groups' recognition
rates were less than 3 percentage points, while those of support ratings were less than 1.8 marks.




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