

单词 半保留复制

See also:

保留 v

retain v
keep v
save v


continue to have
hold back (approval or acceptance)

复制 v

replicate v
duplicate v


make a copy of

External sources (not reviewed)

然而,其中有不到一半的人(36%)是疾 病显著地制了他们,并且有半的 答 复 者 认 为这些 制 无 关 紧要。
Nevertheless, less than half of them (36%) are persons whose disease restricts them significantly, and half of the respondents considered the restrictions as insignificant.
因此, 我們刪 除了參 考 公務員薪酬調 整制的部分,保 留 了後半部 。
Therefore, we have deleted the
part on drawing reference from the pay
[...] adjustment mechanism of the Civil Service and kept the latter part [...]
of point (b).
他表示希望该组织利用表决结果,将申 保留在 审 议中名单上,以便对所提出的重要问题做出 复。
He expressed hope that the organization would
make use of the result
[...] of the vote to retain its application under consideration to provide answers to the important [...]
questions posed.
(e) 说明用以保被拘留者了解自己享有投诉权的监管 制 , 并 确 保 投诉 人不因投诉而受到实施脱衣搜身或肛腔检查的警察局、移民局或拘留所官员的复。
(e) Please provide information on the oversight mechanisms in place to ensure that detainees are aware of their right to complain, as well as to ensure that those who do complain are not subject to retribution [...] [...]
by police, immigration or detention officials who carried out the strip or body-cavity search.
區議會直選已經有長久的歷 史,市民透過一人一票選出區議員,可以充分發出地區的聲音,實在 是沒有任半點理由保留這個 已經過氣的委 制 度。
Direct elections for District Council seats have got a long history. Through returning DC members by one-person-one-vote, members of the public are able to fully
articulate themselves at the district level, so there
[...] is no reason whatsoever to retain this outdated appointment system.
在实现 千年发展目标方面,该区域的进展参差不齐,总体而言实现了一些指标,如减少 了初等教育中的性别差距,制了艾 滋病毒/艾滋病和结核病的传播,在生物多 样性方面取得进展,减少了臭氧消耗物质的消费,将无法获得安全饮用水的人口 比例减半,并正在如期将生活在贫困线以下的人口比例 半 , 确 保 儿 童 普遍获得 小学教育以及在中等教育中实现性别均等。
In relation to achieving the Millennium Development Goals, progress in the region is mixed, with success as a whole in achieving a number of indicators, such as reducing
gender disparities in
[...] primary education, stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, achieving progress with regard to biodiversity, reducing the consumption of ozone-depleting substances, and halving the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water, as well as being on track to halving the proportion of people living below the poverty line, ensuring universal access [...]
of children to primary
school and gender parity in secondary education.
(a) 制订一项全面的注重权利的政策, 保 处 于流落街头境况的儿童享有 倾诉权,落实流落街头儿童的权利,包括警察 留 替 代 办法 复 原 和 重新融入社 会
(a) Design a
[...] comprehensive rights-based policy, assuring the right of children in street situations to be heard and fulfilling the rights of children in street situations, including alternatives to police detention, rehabilitation, and reintegration [...]
of children
嚴格實施成本制以及無氣飲品 銷量增長,應可保下半年取 得穩定的業績。
Tight cost controls and the
[...] growth of sales of still beverages should ensure stable results for the second-half.
(c) 拘留不是最后的手段,许多儿童被 留 , 几 乎有 半 处 于 审前 留的 状态,然而,青少年复中心 中的女孩有 半 被 指 控犯有所谓的道德罪行,例如 从家中逃跑、有的甚至在怀孕期间和孩子出生以后逃跑
(c) Detention is not the last resort and a large
number of children are
[...] in detention, almost half of them in pre-trial detention, while about half of the girls in Juvenile Rehabilitation Centres have been [...]
charged with so-called
moral offences, such as running away from home, some of them even during pregnancy and the birth of their child
(a) 欢迎多个会员制订国家预防犯罪和儿童司法改革,特别是防止儿童 参与犯罪的综合行动计划,保获得 法律援助,尤其是对极度缺乏资源的儿童 而言,并且减少留未成年人并缩短 留 期 限,特别是在预审阶段,方法包括 通过采取转送教化,复性司法和 留 替 代 办法,使违法儿童重新融入他们的 社区,以及对所有接触司法系统的儿童采用对儿童情况敏感的程序
(a) Welcome the development by
several States of
[...] comprehensive national action plans on crime prevention and child justice reform dealing in particular with preventing child involvement in crime, ensuring access to legal assistance, especially for children with scarce resources, and reducing the use and duration of juvenile detention, especially at the pretrial stages, including through the use of diversion, restorative justice and alternatives to detention, the reintegration [...]
of children in
conflict with the law into their communities and child-sensitive procedures for all children in contact with the justice system
[...] 如果硬盘驱动器具备相同的几何特征, 则已备份的磁盘将“按原样”复, 从 而 保留 未 分配的空间;2) 如果硬盘驱动器的几何特征不 同,分区大小则将按比例放大。
When recovering to a larger capacity hard drive, there are two cases: 1) if the hard drive has
the same geometry, the backed up
[...] disc will be recovered "as is" thus leaving unallocated space; [...]
and 2) if the hard drive has
different geometry, the partition(s) size will be proportionally enlarged.
短语“经修改保留”在第 3 款中复了两次、同时提保留者 和保留对之 成立的其他各方的权利和义务,是为了提请注意这些效果的多样性。
The phrase “as
[...] modified by the reservation”, which is repeated twice in paragraph 3 and refers both to the rights and obligations of the author of the reservation and to those [...]
of the other parties with
regard to which the reservation is established, is intended to draw attention to the diversity of these effects.
行政立法兩局議員㆖次就㆗電的利潤 制計 劃舉行會議時,在 30 位成員㆗,出席的不半數,而留至 會議結束的議員更 只有六名。
In the last OMELCO
[...] meeting on China Light's Scheme of Control, less than half of the 30 Members turned up, and only six stayed till [...]
the end.
陈康平预测管理最好的太阳能电池 制 造 商 最快在今年 半 年 就 可能 复 盈 利 ,大多数能在2013年生存下来的公司应该能够在来年恢复盈利。
Chen Kangping forecast that the
best managed solar panel makers could return to
[...] profitability as soon as the second half of this year, and that most companies [...]
can survive 2013 should be able to become profitable again next year.
维也纳集团着重指出,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的核武器计划仍然是对国际 核不扩散制以及朝鲜半岛及其以外地区的和平与稳定的严重挑战;注意到国际 原子能机构大会第 GC(55)/RES/13 决议,其中强调对朝鲜民主主义人民共和国执 行原子能机构安保障相关措施的情况表示严重关切。
The Vienna Group underlines that the nuclear weapons programmes of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea remain a serious challenge to the
international nuclear
[...] non-proliferation regime, as well as to peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula and beyond, and notes resolution GC(55)/RES/13 of the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency, highlighting serious concerns related to implementation of IAEA safeguards in the Democratic [...]
People’s Republic of Korea.
[...] SRC 和 SRC-K 印版是低硬度的感光树脂印版,是在粗纸板上进 半 色 调 复制 的 理 想选择。
KODAK FLEXCEL SRC and SRC-K Plates are low-durometer photopolymer
[...] plates ideal for halftone reproduction on coarse board.
珠宝艺术家Tom Rucker花费14个月的时间雕塑了一座由陶瓷、铂金和黑宝 制 成 的纳尔逊·曼德拉 半 身 雕 像,在 复 杂 的 生产工艺中使用了瓦克的双组分硅橡胶。
Tom Rucker, a jewelry artist, spent 14 months sculpting a unique bust of Nelson Mandela in porcelain, platinum and black diamonds.
然而在有些情况中,《维也纳公约》第 21 条 第 3 款为反对规定的效果却显得无法 复保留 方 与反对方之间的相互同意,即使 条约的目的和宗旨没有受到保留的质疑。
However, in some situations, the effects attributed to objections by article 21, paragraph 3, of the Vienna Conventions may
prove unsuited for the
[...] reestablishment of mutual consent between the author of the reservation and the author [...]
of the objection, even
where the object and purpose of the treaty are not threatened by the reservation.
[...] 队各费用中心所提出的预算要求进行分析;协助编写和制订费用估计数和执行情 况报告草稿;答复有关预算问题的询问,并跟踪费用中心的行动和尚未作出的复;保持有 关请购单和定购单的记录;逐月 制 财 务 报告,向各科科长分发。
The incumbent would also provide support in the analysis of budgetary requirements submitted by the Force’s cost centres, assist in the preparation and formulation of draft cost estimates and performance reports, respond to inquiries on
budgetary issues and
[...] follow up on actions and pending responses from cost centres, maintain records on requisitions and [...]
purchase orders, and
generate financial reports on a monthly basis for dissemination to the chiefs of sections.
第二项假设是在第 2 款里所设想的,涉及这样
[...] 的情况:在国家继承之日,条约对于两个或更多的被继承国有效:在这种情况 下,由于两个或多保留制度可 能相互冲突或不兼容,应该可以假定,任何保留 [...]
提出了相同的保留((a)分项),或继承国要么明确地表示((b)分项)或隐含的表示((c) 分项)表示的不同的意图。
The second hypothesis, contemplated in paragraph 2, involved a situation in which the treaty was in force for two or more predecessor States on the date of the succession:
in such cases, owing to the risk
[...] that two or more reservation regimes might conflict or [...]
be incompatible, it should be presumed
that no reservation extended to the territory concerned by the territorial extension of the treaty unless an identical reservation had been formulated by the predecessor States for which the treaty had been in force (subpara.
3) 轉 移 了 收 取 金 融 資 產 現 金 流 量 的 權 利,並 且(a)實 質 上 轉 讓 了 金 融 資 產 所 有 權 上 幾 乎 所 有 的 風 險 和 報 酬,或(b)雖 然 實 質 上 既 沒 有 轉 移 也 沒保 留 金 融 資 產 所 有 權 上 幾 乎 所 有 的 風 險 和 報 酬,但 放 棄 了 對 該 金 融 資 產 的制。
3) Therightofreceivingcashflowgeneratedbythefinancia lassetsistransferred,and(a)substantially allrisksandrewardsoftheownershipofsuchfinancialas setshavebeentransferred,or(b)control over such financial assets has been renounced even though substantially none of the risks and rewards of the ownership of such financial assets have been transferred or retained.
多数复者赞成 35 C/5 保留重大计划 III 的双年度部门优先事项和工作重点;但有一个 非政府组织认为这些优先事项理论性太强,应该更注重结果。
Most respondents were in favour of keeping the same biennial [...]
sectoral priorities and MLAs for Major Programme III in document
35 C/5; however, one NGO thought that the priorities were too theoretical and needed to be more outcome-oriented.
她正在勤奋工作,建立一个甄别法庭记录的系统;与档案和记录管 理科及联合法庭档案战略工作小组一 制 订 一 项记 保留 政 策 ,用于整个法庭的 记录;开始全面审查法庭内几项不同的记录保存计划表建议;正在牵头开展审查 [...]
She is working diligently to establish a system to identify records at the institution; is developing, in conjunction with the Archives and Records Management
Section and the Joint Tribunals Archival Strategy
[...] Working Group, a records retention policy for records throughout [...]
the Tribunal;
has begun a comprehensive review of the several different retention schedule recommendations within the Tribunal; and is leading a review to ensure that the records retention schedule represents an internally consistent system.
恢复对控制卡的供电之后,闪存中的数据复 制回片 上控制卡缓存,操作恢复正常,所有未 解决的I/O请求保存起来。
When power
[...] is finally restored to the adapter, the data in the flash memory is copied back to the on-board adapter cache and operation resumes as normal with all outstanding I/O requests preserved.
[...] Evangelica”,这表明了基督教的超越性的优点,他的更大的历史著作中,“纪事”(希腊原来是丢失)道歉工程和“历史”,汇集了对迫害时代的片段 保留 了 一 半 以 上 的给我们,我们了解信仰的英雄时代。
It is ushered in by Eusebius of Caesarea, with his great apologetic works "Praeparatio Evangelica" and "Demonstratio Evangelica", which show the transcendent merit of Christianity, and his still greater historical works, the "Chronicle" (the Greek original is lost) and the "History", which has gathered up the
fragments of the age of
[...] persecutions, and has preserved to us more than half of all we know about [...]
the heroic ages of the Faith.
我国代表团也谨强调早日解决朝鲜民主主义人 民共和国的核问题的重要性,这对于 保 朝 鲜 半 岛和 东北亚的持久和平与繁荣,以及维护全球不扩 制度 的完整性是至关重要的。
My delegation also would like to highlight the importance of the early resolution of the Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea nuclear issue,
[...] which is vital to securing lasting peace and prosperity on the Korean peninsula and in North-East Asia, as well as to sustaining the integrity of the global non-proliferation regime.
私家車則並沒有以上的規定,而且駕駛者 的駕駛執照也不相同。每輛客貨車的貨倉構造,是必須在司機位 保留 一定 的空間,最少留一半,而 與車廂之間也必須有固定的夾板。
For the goods compartment of a
light goods vehicle, it must structurally occupy a
[...] certain amount of space, at least half, right behind the driver's seat.
道康宁可自行决定保留复制(以 任何形式或媒介)、删除、编辑、评论或以其他方式修改任何上传资料或公布信息的权利,但应充分标示,以表明该改动非由原作者作出。
Dow Corning, reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reproduce (in any form [...]
or medium), delete, edit, comment on,
or otherwise modify any submissions or postings, subject to sufficient indication that it has done so to ensure that the original author is not credited with the amendment.
2012-2013 两年期间,该办公室工作方案的重点领域将集中在以下方面:增建的办公设施于 2012 年竣工;完成出入制系统 ,这是标准化出入 制 项 目 第二阶段下的项目;提升各次区域办事 处的现有信通技术基础设施,以 保复 原 力 和可靠性,包括利用意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基 地和西班牙巴伦西亚联合国支助基地预计将可提供的灾后恢复网址;为达到要求的 5%空缺率开 [...]
展征聘活动;实施和支持《公共部门会计准则》以及“团结”项目的推出;有效管理非洲经委 会的财务运作;改进对档案和记录管理系统的管理。
Key areas of focus in the programme of work of the Office during the biennium 2012-2013 will be in the following areas: completion of the construction of the additional office facilities by 2012;
completion of the access control system under the PACT II project; upgrading of the current ICT
[...] infrastructure in the subregional offices to ensure resilience and reliability, including making use of the disaster recovery sites expected to be available at the United Nations [...]
Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy, and the United Nations Support Base at Valencia, Spain; recruitment drive to achieve the required 5 per cent vacancy rate; implementation and support for the International Public Sector Accounting Standards and roll-out of Umoja; effective management of ECA financial operations; and the improved management of the archiving and records management system.
不得以任何方式复印复制、重 新发布、修改、上传、发布、传播、分发、反编译、反向工程或拆分网站材料,包括但不限于文字、图片、音频和/或视频及任何软件(包括但不限于任何软件中包含或生成的图像或文件或软件附带的数据),除非您在任何一台单独电脑上下载一份网站材料的副本且仅用于个人、非商业之目的,但前提是您必须将所有版权、商标及其他专有权声 保 持 原 样,并不得对作者归属进行任何改变或删减。
[...] may not be copied, reproduced, republished, modified, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way or decompiled, reverse engineered or disassembled, including but not limited to the text, images, audio and/or video, as well as any software (including but not limited to any images or files incorporated in or generated by the software or data accompanying such software), except that you may download one copy of the Materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial use only, provided you keep intact all copyright, [...]
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