

单词 半乳糖

See also:


milk n
breast n


lotions pl


sugar n

External sources (not reviewed)

(f) 糖 是 6 種個別糖類( 包括果糖、葡糖、半乳糖、蔗 糖、麥芽糖和乳 糖 ) 的總和。
(f) Sugar is the sum of 6 individual sugars including
[...] fructose, glucose, galactose, sucrose, maltose and lactose.
一位業界代表詢問,配料包乳糖的 食 品只標示 乳糖 ” , 而不註明 乳糖 (奶類製品)” 是否可以接受。
One trade representative enquired whether “lactose” was acceptable instead of labelling “lactose (milk product)” for product with “lactose” ingredient.
有 超過 60% 的飲品樣本,總能量半以上來自糖。
In more than 60% of the
[...] beverage samples, sugars contributed to more than a half of the total energy.
黃福明先生回 答 說,如乳糖”含致敏物質“奶類”,則有關產品應標示乳 糖 (含奶類)”或乳糖(奶類製品)”。
Mr. F M WONG replied that if “lactose” contained allergic ingredient “milk”, the product should be labelled as “lactose (contain milk)” or “lactose (milk product)”.
This category
[...] does not include lactose and honey.
另外一半乳甘露 聚糖瓜尔豆胶阳离子衍生物已成功地用于配有硅胶的护发洗发水,以获得更好的梳理性和质感。
Cationic derivatives of guar gum, another galactomannan, have been successfully used in conditioning shampoos in combination with silicones to impart improved combing and sensory properties.
[...] 配料,在一種配料中標示致敏來源(例如牛奶朱古力 乳糖 、 乳 清 蛋 白質)已能 達到目的。
They said that, for multiple ingredients of the same allergenic source,
labelling of the allergenic source in one ingredient would serve the purpose
[...] e.g. Milk chocolate, lactose, whey protein.
撒玛利亚12:40在读取,“现在旅居以色列的儿童和他们的埃及父亲,他们已经住在迦南的土地和被四百三十○年”(com p. 的 半乳 糖。
Thus Ex. 12:40 in the Samaritan reads, "Now the sojourning of the children of Israel and of their fathers which they had dwelt in the land of Canaan and in Egypt was four hundred and thirty years" (comp. Gal. 3: 17).
本地常見的非預先包裝飲品大多糖 調 味 ,屬能量密度高的食物。
Most local common non-prepackaged
[...] beverages are sugar-sweetened, and [...]
are examples of energy-dense food.
雜項 此分類包括食物添加劑、調味劑料及調 糖 漿 、 酶、香精油及香精油濃縮 物的分離物、食物面層流質泡沫物、明膠、明膠製藥囊、矽酮抗泡 乳狀 液 、 液 體 果 膠 及部分丙三醇酯。
This food category comprises of food additives,
flavourings and flavouring syrups, enzymes, essential oils and
[...] isolates from the concentrates of essential oils, liquid foam headings, gelatin, gelatin capsules, silicone antifoam emulsion, liquid pectin and partial glycerol esters.
研究結果顯示, 非預先包裝飲品的能量糖的含量不一,膽固醇和膳食纖維含量則普遍 偏低。
The result of the study suggested that energy and sugars contents of non-prepackaged beverages vary, whilst their cholesterol and dietary fibre contents were generally low.
對於包含多種配料的食品,如配料表上 已有“奶類”一詞,需否以括號列明每種配料,例如“牛奶朱古力(糖 );脫脂奶 粉乳 糖 (奶類 製品);乳清蛋白質(奶類製品)”(milk chocolate (sugar), skim milk powder, lactose (milk product), whey protein (milk product))。
The other trade representative raised similar question, for multiple ingredients product, if the word “milk” had already been indicated in the ingredients list, was it necessary to be specified in bracket for each and every ingredient such as “milk chocolate (sugar), skim milk powder, lactose (milk product), whey protein (milk product)”.
制定了一些标准算法,用以在医学遗传学咨询防治所和内分泌学机构研究 母婴死亡率、肾上腺生殖综合症 半乳 糖 血 症患儿的健康状况,以及接受兵役登 记和应征入伍的青少年的健康状况。
Standardized techniques have been developed for studying infant and maternal mortality, the health of children with adrenogenital syndrome and galactosemia in institutions specialized in genetic and endocrinal illnesses, and the state of health of young persons subject to military registration and conscription.
有關修訂已於二零一零年八月一日生效,由該日起,在本港出售的 食物含有紐甜及甜菊糖苷均屬合法。
The existence of neotame and steviol glycosides in food for sale in Hong Kong had become legal with effect from the same date.
乳糖分子是一个双糖,是由两个单糖葡萄糖 半乳 糖 结合在其一起的。
The lactose molecule is a disaccharide consisting of two monosaccharides glucose and galactose joined together.
半乳濁白 玻璃套透明紅寶石紅料,兩種含有零星的小氣泡;平唇、平斂底、突出圈足,圈足底呈方圓形;雕單層套料九螭圖案
Transparent ruby-red and semi-transparent milky white glass, [...]
both with a scattering of small air bubbles; with a flat lip
and recessed flat foot surrounded by a protruding rounded footrim; carved as a single overlay with a continuous design of nine chi dragons
黄芩黄酮是一种从黄芩地上部分分离的黄酮类化合物,以往研究显示因其具有对由自然衰老 、 D - 半乳 糖 、 老年体内模型及氧化/缺氧体外模型的神经保护作用,而被证实能够治疗老年性痴呆。
Flavonoids from the stems and leaves of Scutellaria baicalensis
Georgi are neuroprotective agents in a
[...] naturally senile, D-galactose, aging in vivo [...]
model, as well as an in vitro model of oxidative/hypoxic
injury, which have been affirmed as a promising agent for senile dementia.
肌肉釋出乳酸會 被肝臟吸收,然後會再 次轉化為葡糖(柯氏 循環),或者直接被心臟肌肉,或者被那些離活躍的收縮肌 肉較遠,也比較不活躍的骨骼肌肉當成能量使用。
The lactic acid released from muscle can be taken up by the liver and converted to glucose [...]
again (Cori Cycle), or it can
be used as a fuel by the cardiac muscle directly or by less active skeletal muscles away from the actively contracting muscle.
半乳濁白玻璃套乳濁漆紅料半乳濁 暗 橄欖綠料;平唇、凸斂底 ,突出圈足,圈足底呈方圓形 ; 雕二層套料與地面通體煙波撐篙圖,一正面是仙人乘槎持槳,一人蹲在船頭,樹幹懸掛葫蘆一個,前景有石頭,上邊有太陽,題有“于氏珍藏”篆文,另一正面是一人撐篙,船頭放著野餐籃,上有月亮與五隻鳥,左下書篆書“今雨亭”三字,肩部有通體雲紋
Opaque cinnabar-red, semi-transparent olive-brown, and translucent white glass; [...]
with a flat lip and recessed convex foot
surrounded by a protruding rounded footrim; carved as a double overlay (with some carving of the ground colour) with a continuous river scene with, on one main side, an immortal punting a log boat while another figure crouches in the prow, a double gourd for wine hanging from the branches of the boat, with a foreground rock and the sun above, inscribed in relief seal script, Yushi zhencang (‘Precious collection of Mr Yu’), and on the other with a man punting a boat, a picnic box in the prow, beneath the moon and five birds, inscribed in relief, Jinyu ting (‘Pavilion of Today’s Rain’), the shoulders with a continuous design of formalized clouds
同卡拉胶的情况一样,肉桂胶与黄原胶结合生成凝胶体的效率又比与其 半乳 甘 露聚糖生成凝胶体的效率更高,因此成品制剂中的水胶体含量更低。
As with carrageenan, cassia is more efficient at forming gels with xanthan gum than other galactomannans, enabling lower total hydrocolloid levels in finished formulations.
這些措施包括糖尿病 和高血壓病人提供跨專業針對性風 險評估計劃;與非政府機構合作發展推行「病人自強計 劃」,以加強長期病患者對疾病的認識及提高自理能力,以 及於指定護士及專職醫療診所為慢性疾病病人提供特別護 理支援,如防止跌倒、呼吸系統問題處理、傷口護理、精 神健康支援等。
These initiatives include the provision of multi-disciplinary Risk Factor Assessment and Management programme to hypertension and diabetes mellitus patients, implementation of the “Patient Empowerment Programme” in collaboration with NGOs to raise chronic disease patients’ awareness of the diseases and enhance their self-care ability, and the provision of specific care support services to chronic disease patients, such as fall prevention, handling of respiratory problems, wound care and mental health support, etc. in selected nurse and allied health clinics.
一名業界代表提及有關預先包裝非酒精飲品 糖 含 量 研究的記者招待會中公布的 信息,並認為中心在日後進行同類研究的營養標籤公眾教育及宣傳活動中,應採取不偏 [...]
A trade representative referred to the
announcement in the last press conference of
[...] the study on sugars content in prepackaged [...]
non-alcoholic beverages and opined
that CFS should adopt an impartial stance in future NL public education and publicity activities on releasing similar studies to avoid creating panic among the public and to avoid misleading them.
包括外加朱古力的果仁及水果(例如葡萄乾),但不包括外加 乳 酪 、 穀類及糖的果仁(分類14.2)。
Includes chocolate-covered nuts and fruit (e.g. raisins), but does not include
[...] yoghurt-, cereal-, and honey-covered nuts (food category 14.2).
丙烯酰胺是其中一 種當氨基酸天門冬酰胺與還糖,特 別是葡 糖 及 果 糖 在 褐 化反應中產生的產物。
Acrylamide is one of the products
formed when the amino acid aspargaine and
[...] reducing sugars such as glucose and fructose react during the [...]
Maillard reaction.
幼虫和蛹血淋巴凝集素活性的抑制糖明显不同:乳糖、岩藻糖和N-乙 半乳 糖 胺 对幼虫血淋巴凝集素活性有抑制作用;而甘露糖胺 半乳 糖 胺 和葡萄糖胺则对蛹血淋巴凝集素有一定抑制。
It showed that HA was inhibited by lactose, fucose and N-acetylgalactosamine in the larvae, and inhibited by mannosamine, glactosamine and glucosamine in the pupa.
此規例在《食物攙雜(人造糖)規例》(第 132章,附屬法例)的 准許人造糖附表加入人造糖“環己基氨基磺酸”、“環己基氨基磺酸鈉”、 “環己基氨基磺酸鈣”、“索馬甜”和 “三半乳蔗糖”。
It adds the artificial sweeteners "Cyclamic Acid", "Sodium Cyclamate", "Calcium Cyclamate", "Thaumatin" and "Sucralose" to the Schedule of permitted artificial sweeteners contained in the Food Adulteration (Artificial Sweeteners) Regulations (Cap. 132 sub. leg.).
半乳濁玻璃套紅寶石紅透明玻璃,壺身含大小的氣泡,有的拉長的;平唇、凸斂底、突出平底圈足; [...]
Transparent, ruby-red, and milky glass, suffused with [...]
air bubbles of various sizes, some elongated; with a flat lip and
recessed convex foot surrounded by a protruding flat footrim; carved as a single overlay with a continuous design of formalized waves around the base from which rise lotus plants, a rocky outcrop and, growing behind it, bamboo, inscribed in seal script with what appears to read, zhuye heying (‘Night of bamboo, shadows of lotuses’)
半乳濁玻 璃套多彩料,都含大小的零散氣泡;平唇、平斂底、突出圈足,圈足底呈方圓形 ; 雕單層套圖案,腹下部有象徵地、湖石的一圈紋飾,一正面雕蝙蝠口銜卍字紋,下有松樹一棵,另一正面雕竹、梅,其形式有一點像“福”字的偏旁兩部分;側面雕蝙蝠耳,一隻銜靈芝,一隻銜桃枝
Transparent ruby-red,
[...] sapphire-blue, yellow, semi-transparent turquoise- blue, brown-streaked [...]
green, and milky glass, all
with scattered air bubbles of various sizes; with a flat lip and recessed flat foot surrounded by a protruding rounded footrim; carved as a single overlay with a continuous rocky ground, one main side with a bat holding a beribboned fylfot in its mouth flying above a pine tree, suggesting the form of the character shou (‘longevity’), the other with a blossoming prunus tree and bamboo, suggesting the form of the character fu (‘happiness’), with two further bats positioned to stand for handles, one with a lingzhi in its mouth, the other with a branch with two peaches
屬於本細分類的傳統食品例子有 羅望子果濃縮物(無雜質的羅望子果提取物,總可溶性固體不少於65%)、羅 望子果粉(羅望子果醬混合木薯粉)、羅望子果拖 糖 ( 羅 望 子果肉 糖 、奶 固體、抗氧化劑、調味料(flavours)、穩定劑及防腐劑的混合物),以及乾果 棒(果肉(芒果、菠蘿或番石榴)與糖、 調味料(flavours)及防腐劑混合並脫水 製成的薄片)。
Examples of traditional foods in this sub-category are: tamarind concentrate (clean extract of tamarind fruit with not less than 65% total soluble solids), tamarind powder (tamarind paste mixed with tapioca starch),
tamarind toffee
[...] (mixture of tamarind pulp, sugar, milk solids, antioxidants, flavours, stabilisers and preservatives), and fruit bars (a mixture of fruit (mango, pineapple, or guava) pulp mixed with sugar, flavours and preservatives, [...]
dried into a sheet).
例子包括夾糖、可 可脂甜點(以可可脂、奶固體糖製成 )、白朱古力、朱古力碎(例如供烘焙用)、牛奶朱古力、忌廉朱古力、 甜朱古力、苦朱古力、夾心朱古力(中心及外層的質感有截然不同的朱古 [...]
力,不包括屬分類7.2.1及7.2.2所指的麵粉製甜點及糕餅),以及朱古力合成 品(加入可供食用材料(不包括麵粉、澱粉及脂肪)的朱古力製品)。
Examples include:
[...] bonbons, cocoa butter confectionery (composed of cocoa butter, milk solids and sugar), white chocolate, [...]
chocolate chips
(e.g. for baking), milk chocolate, cream chocolate, sweet chocolate, bitter chocolate, filled chocolate (chocolate with a texturally distinct centre and external coating, excluding flour confectionery and pastry products of food categories 7.2.1 and 7.2.2), and composite chocolate (chocolate with added edible substances excluding flour, starch and fat).




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