

单词 午餐肉

See also:

午餐 n

lunches pl
dinner n

7th earthly branch: 11 a.m.-1 p.m., noon, 5th solar month (6th June-6th July), year of the Horse


meat n
flesh n

External sources (not reviewed)

在香港,豆豉鯪魚午餐 肉的愛 好者是不用擔心,這些食品會繼續輸港的。
In Hong Kong, those who love canned mud
[...] carp and canned luncheon meat do not have to worry, [...]
for these products will continue to be imported to Hong Kong.
最近,有傳媒報道指有一個綜援家庭因不捨得吃一 午餐肉 , 於是 把它放在冰箱內冷藏。
Recently, there was a media report about a CSSA family not wanting to
[...] eat a can of luncheon meat too soon, so they [...]
left it frozen in the freezer.
還有吞拿魚午餐肉 和火腿等罐頭食品,在過去 1 年的累積升幅均超過雙位數字。
Furthermore, the cumulative increase in the prices of canned food, such
[...] as tuna fish, luncheon meat and ham, is more than [...]
double-digit over the past year.
西式的配搭也有,例如肉腸、火腿、 肉、 午餐肉,也 一樣大受市民歡迎,更可互相配搭。
The mix and match of Western food is also on
offer, such as the random matching among sausage,
[...] ham, bacon and luncheon meat, which are equally [...]
popular among the public.
張宇人議員剛才不斷說,如果我們接受政府原來的方案,便會增加成 本,例如我們吃的豆豉鯪魚午餐肉 會 昂 貴得多。
For example, canned
[...] mud carp and luncheon meat that we have been [...]
eating will be much more expensive.
例子包括預烤的碎牛肉餅、鵝肝醬及肉/肝醬(pates)、碎肉凍 (brawn and head
[...] cheese)、醃製熟碎肉、以豉油沸煮的碎肉(tsukudani)、罐頭 鹹肉、午餐肉、肉糊、 煮熟的碎肉餅、煮熟的沙樂美類製品、煮熟的碎 [...]
肉丸、史特拉斯堡小香腸、早餐香腸、加熱即食香腸,以及terrines(一種煮 熟的碎肉混合物)。
Examples include: pre-grilled beef patties; foie gras and pates; brawn and head cheese; cooked, cured chopped meat; chopped
meat boiled in soy sauce (tsukudani);
[...] canned corned beef; luncheon meats; meat pastes; [...]
cooked meat patties; cooked salami-type
products; cooked meatballs; saucises de strasbourg; breakfast sausages; brown-and-serve sausages; and terrines (a cooked chopped meat mixture).
大家都知,豆豉鯪魚午餐肉罐頭 等皆是香港人的主要副食品之一,以 後就要因為反式脂肪含量的少許差別,為香港特別重新包裝加入新標籤,每 罐售價可能因而增加數角,屆時市民也要為這些豆豉鯪魚 午餐肉 多 付金 錢。
In the future, they have to be
repackaged to display a
[...] new label specifically for sale in Hong Kong because of a slight difference in the labelling standard of trans fat content and as a result, the price of each can may increase by tens of cents and the public will then have to pay more for canned mud carp and canned luncheon meat.
李華明議員: 主席,鑒於新加坡當局在罐午餐肉 驗 出獸藥殘餘物質的 報道,食物安全中心最近抽驗了 [...]
19 個罐頭肉類樣本,在其中兩個樣本檢出 微量的硝基 喃類代謝物。
MR FRED LI (in Chinese): President, in view of the media reports
about the detection of veterinary drug
[...] residues in canned pork by the authorities [...]
in Singapore, the Centre for Food Safety
(CFS) has recently taken 19 samples of canned pork products for testing and found a trace amount of nitrofuran metabolite in two of them.
從前大家會說“捱罐頭”,現時買一罐標 準裝午餐肉 ⎯⎯ 這是我們小時候很喜歡吃的 ⎯⎯ 卻發覺原來 也要二十一、二元。
People used to say they "barely
live on canned foods". Now,
[...] a can of luncheon meat ― which was once a favourite dish in our childhood [...]
― is found to cost $21 to $22.
難道想嚇一下市民,令他們以為如果訂立這些條例,便不 能吃豆豉鯪魚,不能午餐肉?
Could it be that they intend to scare the public by making them think
that there will no longer be canned mud
[...] carp and canned luncheon meat for them to consume [...]
if this legislation is enacted?
於是,有綜援家庭為了節省開支,對抗通脹,只好餐餐冷飯菜汁,甚 至有人想出將罐午餐肉冷藏 後再切薄,讓小朋友以為有多些餸菜,甚至蒸 魚汁也留起用作撈飯來吃等,可謂苦不堪言。
In order to save expenses to battle inflation, CSSA households can only eat leftovers at every meal.
2004年 3月 10日 李華明議員就“罐午餐肉的食物安 全 ”提出的書面質 詢
10 March 2004 Written question on "Food
[...] safety on canned luncheon meat" raised by Hon Fred LI
半胱氨酸可在高蛋白質食物中找到,包括軟酪、白乾酪、酸乳酪、豬肉、香腸肉、雞、火雞、,鴨 午餐肉 、 小麥胚、格蘭諾拉麥片和燕麥片。
Cysteine is also found in most high-protein foods including
ricotta, cottage cheese, yogurt, pork, sausage meat, chicken,
[...] turkey, duck, luncheon meat, wheat germ, [...]
granola and oat flakes.
不過,一旦李華明議員的還原修正案獲得通過,大家便要想一想,屆時 不單從美國進口到港的食品有問題,就連於內地按美國標籤“1 加 14”制度 製造的豆豉鯪魚午餐肉罐頭 ,由於營養素表顯示了反式脂肪含量為零,也 不可以如以往般進口香港,因為其反式脂肪含量是每一食用分量不超過 0.5 克,超過香港每 100 克不可含超過 0.3 克反式脂肪的要求。
Even the canned mud carp or canned luncheon meat manufactured in the Mainland in accordance with the "one plus 14" labelling requirement of the United States cannot be imported to Hong Kong as before because the list of nutrients shows that the trans fat content is zero and as their labelling standard is no more than 0.5 g per serving, this will exceed the standard in Hong Kong of containing no more than 0.3 g per 100 g of food.
(三) 食物安全中心就新加坡在若干品牌的罐頭肉類檢出獸藥殘餘的 報道,曾向新加坡當局瞭解,得知有 3 個品牌午餐肉驗出硝基 呋喃代謝物。
(c) In response to media reports about veterinary drug residues detected in some brands of canned pork products in Singapore, the CFS had made enquiries to
the authority in Singapore and noted that
[...] three brands of pork luncheon meat were found to contain [...]
nitrofuran metabolite.
我想說回剛才張宇人議員所指的豆豉鯪魚 午餐肉 的 問 題,我不知道這 跟我們有何關係,豆豉鯪魚會否有營養聲稱呢?
I would like to respond to the points made by Mr Tommy CHEUNG concerning
[...] canned mud carp and canned luncheon meat.
梁美芬議員:代理主席,我昨天逛超級市場,看到一 午餐肉 的 價 錢差 不多是去年的兩倍;還有豆豉鯪魚,昨天我看到其售價是18元,我記得 [...]
DR PRISCILLA LEUNG (in Cantonese): Deputy President, I went to the
supermarket yesterday and found that the
[...] price of a can of luncheon meat was almost double [...]
the price last year; as for fried dace
with salted black beans, I found yesterday that the selling price was $18, but I recall that it was only sold for around $8 last year.
本次情人節推薦中小編們最鍾意的食譜終於推出啦!這道愛心迷 午餐肉 壽 司 有飯有肉,相對於甜食來說,更容易被男生接受,更得意的是,這款壽司外型可愛到 爆,讓人覺得至專業。
Comparing with deserts we usually make for
[...] Valentine’s Day, this dish should be adopted by boys easier as it contents meat and rice.
最新的統計數字顯示,甲類消費物價指數已經升了一成,尤其是食物平均升 了一成,蛋類貴了 32%,豬肉亦貴了三成,牛肉在早兩天又加價,一 午餐 肉竟然 貴了六成!很多街坊都在節衣縮食的情況下過活,尤其是那些獨居長 者、新移民單親家庭和低收入人士。
Many people in local neighbourhoods, particularly elderly people living alone, families with single parents who are new immigrants and people with low-income, can only cut back on food and clothing.
此系列短剧介绍阿标和他的太太(陈太)和囡囡(纤纤)如何透过探究食物 午餐肉 、 燕麦片、即食面、脆片零食、汽水等的营养含量,从而发现更多美味又健康的选择。
In this drama series, Ah Biu, his wife Mrs Chan and daugher Qian Qian
explored the nutrition contents of
[...] popular foods, such luncheon meat, oatmeal, instant [...]
noodle, crispy snacks, soft drink,
etc for more choices of delicious and healthy food.
近日,世界上第二大食品公司,卡夫与美国国家影院媒体公司(NCM—National CineMedia)签署了一份营销协议,意在将部分卡夫旗下品牌,如Oscar Mayer午餐肉,St ride口香糖和Ritz饼干带进电影院。
Recently, the world's second-largest food company, Kraft has signed a marketing alliance with National CineMedia, which will bring Kraft brands such as Oscar Mayer Lunchables, Stride gum and Ritz crackers to movie cinemas.
墨西哥捲午餐 ($130) – 可選肉粹,燒牛肉或墨西哥松露捲餅,另有餐湯及沙律(小份)。
130 Taco Set Lunch – Choice of either Chicken Carnitas, Braised [...]
Beef or Mexican Truffle Tacos plus a Soup or Small Salad.
入学援助和支持事务总局管 理追加的入学援助,如免费提供教课材料 午餐 补 助 等。
The Directorate General for Social Assistance and Solidarity manages extra schooling aids such as free distribution of
[...] education material and lunch aids.
净价人民币88元午餐套餐包括当日例汤或绿色沙拉,客人可选择的主菜包括各种亚洲和西方美食, 肉 酱 意 粉,咖喱 肉 以 及 The COOK•厨餐厅的咖喱叻沙。
Priced at
[...] RMB 88 net, the lunch set comes with the soup of the day or a green salad and the guest’s choice of a main food dish, which includes a large selection of Asian and Western cuisine such as Spaghetti Bolognese, Lamb Curry [...]
and The COOK Curry Laksa.
食典委注意到,这一决定将影响新工作的拟议工作计划,并可能需要较长的时间 完成这些准则,因为这些准则将尽量采用一种新的以定量风险分析为基础的从农场餐 桌的方法肉鸡有 大量科学数据和粮农组织/世卫组织微生物风险评估联合专家会议所作 的风险评估,但非肉鸡却不具备这些数据和评估,它们的风险情况、生产和加工条件不 同;在由粮农组织/世卫组织微生物风险评估联合专家会议进行风险评估以前可能有必要 对后一类鸡肉的科学数据提出新的全球要求。
The Commission noted that this decision would impact on the proposed work plan for the new work and might require a longer time-frame for the completion of the guidelines since the guidelines would follow a novel farm-to-fork approach based on quantitative risk assessment to the widest extent practicable; that there existed considerable scientific data and a risk assessment by JEMRA for broiler chickens but not for non-broiler chickens with different risk profiles, production and processing conditions; that a new worldwide call for scientific data for the latter category of chicken meat might be necessary before a risk assessment be conducted by JEMRA.
[...] 以上建議來界定豁免範圍,應能回應市民對某些形式的 包裝食物(主要午餐飯盒)的關注,因為此類食物即 使已有包裝,仍有可能引起衞生問題。
We consider that by defining the scope of exemption as proposed, we should be able to address the
community’s concerns about certain forms of
[...] packed food, notably lunch boxes, which could [...]
have a practical hygiene concern albeit
already in some form of packaging.
在同一时 期,另一个针对幼儿园的消除绝对贫穷次级方案眷顾了 511
[...] 名贫困家庭的儿童, 为这些不能正常上学的儿童提供免 午餐 、 交通、身体检查、学习用品和确保孩 [...]
子在学的方案(“accompagnement scolaire”)。
During the same period, another subprogramme of the Eradication of Absolute Poverty, which is a pre-primary school project, had been caring for 511 children from poor
families who could not attend classes
[...] regularly, with free lunches, transportation, [...]
medical examinations, school materials
and a programme to ensure that children are in school (“accompagnement scolaire”).
(l) 秘書處會就席上所提事項 及跟進工 作與當 局聯絡,而有關會 議午 餐聚會的召 集人則會親自代表出席的議員向該 區議會 匯 報 結果。
(l) While the Secretariat will liaise with the Administration on the issues raised and the follow-up action to be taken, the convenor of the meeting/luncheon will report back to the DC personally, on behalf of Members present.
各国 代表对每次分会中采取专家学者座次轮换的方法表示感谢,这使得他们在三天期间能够结识这 些专家,并在喝咖啡午餐休息 以及小会时继续进行讨论。
The delegates appreciated the method of seat rotation of resource persons during each session, as it enabled
them to get to know the experts and lead discussions into
[...] coffee and lunch breaks and side-meetings during the three days.




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